Lavinia Reitz
PhD Candidate - External affiliation
- Name
- L. Reitz
- Telephone
- 071 5272727

After completing her Master’s degree in Physics in 2022, Lavinia joined Forschungszentrum Jülich, shifting her research to Life Cycle Assessment of ship-based carbon capture. In 2024 she started her PhD with Bernhard Steubing at Leiden University, assessing prospective environmental and sustainability impacts of Direct Air Capture and Storage systems.
Professional experience
During her Bachelor studies in Physics at the University of Bonn, Lavinia focused on particle physics, researching the potential existence of Leptoqarks and how to find them in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Similarly, her Master’s studies were focused on experimental particle physics, but then turned to researching renewable energy generation potentials using Airborne Wind Energy technologies, in collaboration with the TU Delft. The thesis work was continued and applied in a short project work for TU Delft researching potentials for specific operation sites.
Afterwards, Lavinia joined Forschungszentrum Jülich, shifting her research to Life Cycle Assessment, applied to ship-based carbon capture within the EverLoNG project. In 2024 she started her PhD with Bernhard Steubing at Leiden University, assessing prospective environmental and sustainability impacts of Direct Air Capture and Storage systems.
Research topic
During her PhD studies, Lavinia investigates Direct Air Capture (DAC) technologies within the DACStorE project ( at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Climate and Energy Systems - Juelich Systems Analysis (ICE-2). She evaluates current and future impacts of DAC and storage using prospective life cycle assessment and life cycle sustainability assessment methodologies. Bernhard Steubing and Paul Behrens supervise her PhD at University Leiden, and Christina Wulf at ICE-2.
PhD Candidate - External affiliation
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie