Laura Migliori
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. L. Migliori
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2058

Laura Migliori is a University Lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics.
Fields of interest
- Comparative and diachronic syntax
- Historical linguistics
- Greek linguistics
- Latin linguistics
- Romance linguistics
- Dialectology
Teaching activities
- Italian linguistics
- Romance linguistics
- Latin linguistics
- Italian language acquisition
2017: BKO Teaching diploma for higher education
2016: PhD in Linguistics (Leiden University)
2012: Visiting PhD student at University of Cambridge (Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages)
2010: ResMa Degree in Classics and Historical Linguistics. (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
Key publications
PhD dissertation
(2016) Argument structure, alignment and auxiliaries between Latin and Romance. A diachronic syntactic account. Utrecht: LOT Dissertation series 427.
Scientific articles
- (forthcoming) ‘Romance Prepositional Infinitives: syntactic variation and diachronic change.’ Ms. Leiden University.
- (forthcoming) ‘Morphosyntactic phenomena in Walser dialects (Northern Italy). (with M.C. Di Paolo. Ms. Leiden University.
- (2019) ‘Active vs Middle perfect in Homeric Greek. Synchrony and Diachrony.’ (with L. van Beek). in Passa, E. & O. Tribulato (eds) The Paths of Greek Literature, Linguistics and Epigraphy. 71-106. Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter.
- (2018) ‘Progressive and predicative constructions with gerund in Romance.’ (with J. Casalicchio). Revue Roumaine de Linguistique. 253–270. Bucureşti, 2018.
- (2017) ‘Sui possessivi (enclitici) nelle varietà italo-romanze meridionali non estreme.’ (with R. D’Alessandro). Di tutti i colori - Studi linguistici per Maria Grossmann.
- (2015a). ‘Between Latin and Romance. Some notes on the perfect’. In Aboh E. O., J. C. Schaeffer & Petra Sleeman (eds) Romance Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 2013. 159-174. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- (2015b). ‘Dal latino alle lingue romanze. Uno studio sull’ausiliazione perfettiva nei dialetti italiani centro-meridionali.’ In Ledgeway, A., Cennamo, M. and Mensching, G. (eds) Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013), Séction 4: Syntaxe. 313-324. Strasbourg: Société de linguistique romane/ÉLiPh.
- (2014) ‘Little v as a field. Evidence from the Latin verbal system’. In Iyer, J. and L. Kusmer (eds) Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society, 2-27-38. Amherst, MA.
- (2010) L’agricoltura antica. I “Geoponica” di Cassiano Basso. Rubbettino Editore. (ISBN 978-88-498-2389-9) (Translation of Books X and XI).
Conference presentations and lectures (selected)
Invited lectures
‘Romance Prepositional Infinitives: a comparative and diachronic investigation’. Synax Interface Lectures, Universiteit Utrecht, 6th June 2019.
‘The syntax of progressive Gerunds in Romance’ (with J. Casalicchio). Romance Linguistics seminars. University of Cambridge, 16th February 2017.
‘Latin deponent verbs and the active/inactive alignment’. Graduate seminars in linguistics. Università Ca’ Foscari – Venezia. February 2014.
‘The perfect and other periphrases between Latin and Romance’. Graduate seminars in linguistics. Università degli Studi di Padova. February 2014.
‘The syntax of Latin –r forms’. Syntax Lab, University of Cambridge, 10th December 2012.
‘The Latin perfect split: a syntax-morphology mismatch?’. Syntax-Interface Meetings, Universiteit Utrecht, 11th February 2013.
Conference presentations
‘Romance Prepositional Infinitives (PPIs): a comparative and diachronic investigation’ 18th International Conference on Romance Linguistics. University of Bucharest, 23-24 November 2018.
‘Gerundial progressive constructions in Romance’ (with J. Casalicchio). 16th International Conference on Romance Linguistics. University of Bucharest, 25-26 November 2016.
‘Argument structure, alignment and auxiliation between Latin and Romance’. IDM 2015 and CIDSM X. Leiden University, 22-24 June 2015.
‘Voice* in Old Italian (with Irene Franco)’. IGG40. Università di Trento, 13-15 February 2014.
‘Between Latin and Romance. Some notes on the perfect’. Going Romance: XXVII Symposium on Romance Linguistics. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 28-30 November 2013.
‘Little v as a field. Evidence from the Latin verbal system’. The 44th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. University of Connecticut, 18-20 October 2013.
‘On (enclitic) possessives’ (with Roberta D’Alessandro). CIDSM VIII. University of Cambridge, June 2013.
‘Dal latino alle lingue romanze. Uno studio diacronico sull’ausiliazione nei dialetti italiani centro-meridionali’. XXVIIe Congrès International de LPR, Université de Nancy, 14-20 July 2013.
‘Split auxiliary selection in Southern Italian Dialects: synchrony and diachrony’ (with G. Torcolacci). LOT Winter School 2012, Universiteit Tilburg.
‘Agreement at narrow syntax, PF or both. Evidence from Latin’. Brussels Conference of Generative Linguistics 6, Configurations of Agreement, CRISSP,19-20 December 2011.
Organization of seminars/conferences
- Seminari di Italianistica (Leiden University)
- Com(parative) Syn(tax) Meetings (Leiden University, 2012-2015)
- Italian Dialect Meeting and CIDSM X (Leiden University, June 2015)
- Little v workshop, Leiden University, October 2013.
- Romance Lab (Leiden University, 2010-2012)
- Italian Dialects Meeting (Leiden University, May 2012)
- Italian Dialects in Diachrony (Leiden University, May 2011)
- Going Romance (Leiden University, December 2010)
Additional acitivities
May 2012-2014: Member of the LUCL PhD-Council
Assistant Professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Italiaans
- Studiebegeleider
- Docent Italiaanse Taal en Taalkunde