Laura Hetzel
PhD candidate / Marie Curie fellow
- Name
- L.A. Hetzel
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

PhD candidate / Marie Curie fellow
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Analytical Biosciences
- Pandian K., Matos L.D. de, Hetzel L A., Zwier R.C.T., Veldhuizen P.J. van, Schubert C., Karuppusamy J., Harms A.C., Ali A. & Hankemeier T. (2024), Enabling high-sensitivity live single-cell mass spectrometry using an integrated electrical lysis and nano electrospray ionization interface, Analytica Chimica Acta 1324: 343068.
- Hetzel L.A., Ali A.M.A.M., Corbo V. & Hankemeier T. (2023), Microfluidics and organoids, the power couple of developmental biology and oncology studies, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(13): 10882.