Larissa van den Herik
Professor Public International Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. L.J. van den Herik
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2301-1322

Larissa van den Herik is Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.
Larissa van den Herik is Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.
Her areas of research and expertise include international peace and security law with a focus on UN sanctions (see e.g. contribution to legal parts of the Watson reports on sanctions and due process of 2006, 2009, and 2012) and terrorism, international criminal law and particularly the law on genocide and crimes against humanity, fact-finding in international law, specifically in conflict situations, and the role of commissions of inquiry. Her current research focuses on diasporas and international law.
She is General Editor of the Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law. She also serves as general editor of the Leiden Journal of International Law (former Editor-in-Chief 2005-2013).
Professor Van den Herik is chair of the Advisory Committee on Public International Law Issues to the Netherlands Government and has advised the government in that capacity, inter alia, on drones, cyber warfare, humanitarian assistance, and autonomous weapons systems, as well as the work of the ILC (e.g. on crimes against humanity.)
Professor Van den Herik is also member of the independent commission that will evaluate the Law on Intelligence and Security Agencies (WIV 2017).
Supervised PhD theses
- Mrs. Hannah Bosdriesz ('The contributions of the Inter-American Human Rights system to the international fight against impunity for grave human rights violations') - 3 December 2019
- Mr. Huw Llewellyn ('Oversight of international criminal tribunals in light of requirements of independence and impartiality') - September 18th 2019
- Mrs. Marieke Wierda ('Assessing the Impact of the International Criminal Court in Situation Countries') - 9 January 2019
- Mrs. Catherine Harwood ('International Fact-Finding as a Means to Strengthen Accountability') - 7 November 2018
- Mr. Matthew Gillet ('Protecting the environment through ICL') - 19 June 2018
- Mr Jens Iverson ('The function of Jus Post Bellum') - 21 September 2017
- Mrs. Miriam Cohen ('Universal civil jurisdiction and reparations for international crimes') - 28 June 2017
- Mrs Jasmina Mackic ('How to prove the discriminatory nature of violence in cases before the ECtHR; assessing the ECtHR's evidentiary system') - 23 May 2017
- Mr. Farouk El-Hosseny ('The role of civil society in investment treaty arbitration: status and prospects') - 26 May 2016.
- Mr. Christian de Vos ('A catalyst for Justice: the ICC in Uganda, Kenya and the DRC') – 16 March 2016.
- Ms. Helen Beckmann-Hamzei (“The child in ICC proceedings”) – 3 September 2015.
- Ms. Daniella Dam ('International law and governance of natural resources in conflict and post-conflict situations') - 12 December 2013.
- Mr. Kevin Heller ('The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the origins of international criminal law') – 16 June 2011.
- Mr. Michael Vagias ('The territorial jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court') – 25 May 2011.
Ongoing PhD supervision
- Mrs. Diane Amann ('Women at Nuremberg and International Criminal Law')
- Mrs. Paula Baldini Miranda Da Cruz ('Investment Arbitration and State-Owned Entities')
- Mrs. Paula Cortés Gonzalez ('Human Rights counterclaims in international investment law')
- Mrs. Saeko Kawashima ('The Inherent powers of international criminal tribunals')
- Mrs. Daniela Kravetz ('Implementing the international criminal law framework to address gender-based violations in the Latin America region')
- Mr. Loukas Mistelis ('The Status of Arbitrator: An Evolutionary Approach')
- Mr. Ghanem Nuseibeh ('Islamist theoterrorism in international law: Some implications of the Rushdie Affair for public international law')
- Mr. Andres Sarmiento ('The Role of Dissenting Opinions in International Law')
- Mr. Alpha Sesay ('Regionalization of International Criminal Law in Africa')
- Mr. Jacco Snoeijer ('Stern Justice? The Netherlands Indies' Trials of Japanese War Criminal (1946-1949))'
Professor Public International Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Herik L.J. van den & Anstis S.S.M. (2025), Transnational repression and international law: the targeted killing of dissidents abroad. Hans Kelsen Memorial Lectures on International Peace and Security Law no. 2. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Cai C., Herik L.J. van den & Maluwa T. (2024), The UN Security Council and the maintenance of peace in a changing world. Max Planck Trialogues no. 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Herik L.J. van den (2024), Sanctions By and Against International Organizations in an Unsettling and Unstable World. In: Adinolfi G., Lang A. & Ragni C. (Eds.), Sanctions By and Against International Organizations: Common Issues and Current Developments. Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago: Larcier Intersentia. 267-275.
- Alebeek R. van, Herik L. van den & Ryngaert C. (2023), Prosecuting Russian Officials for the crime of aggression: what about immunities?, European Convention on Human Rights Law Review 4(2): 115-132.
- Herik L.J. van den (2023), Review of: Dijk B. van (2022), Preparing for war: the making of the Geneva Conventions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. American Journal of International Law 117(3): 552-556.
- Herik L.J. van den, Hondius E.H. & Voermans W.J.M. (Eds.) (2022), Introduction to Dutch Law: [Sixth Edition]. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer-Kluwer Law International.
- Ambos K., Braga da Silva R., Hayes N., Powderly J.C., Stahn C. & Herik L.J. van den (2022), Article 7: crimes against humanity. In: Ambos K. (Ed.), Rome statute of the international criminal court: article-by-article commentary. Munich: C.H. Beck. 135-316.
- Herik L.J. van den (2022), De toekomst van VN-sancties, Ars Aequi 71(2): 111-117 (AA20220111).
- Herik L.J. van den & Braga da Silva R. (2022), Parliamentary condemnations of mass atrocities and the obligation to prevent genocide and crimes against humanity, Washington University Global Studies Law Review 21: 113-136.
- Herik L.J. van den (2022), UN sanctions, the Ombudsperson, and continuing legal challenges. In: Charron A. & Portela C. (Eds.) Multilateral sanctions revisited: lessons learned from Margaret Doxey. Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Studies in Leadership, Public Policy, and Governance no. 9 Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. 224-238.
- Alebeek R. van, Ryngaert C. & Herik L.J. van den (2022), Uitdagingen bij de berechting van het misdrijf agressie: rechtsmacht en immuniteiten Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 40. The Hague: Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV).
- Hoogh A.J.J. de, Dam-de Jong D.A. & Herik L.J. van den (2022), Rechtsgevolgen van een ernstige schending van een regel van dwingend recht: de internationale rechten en plichten van staten bij schending van het agressieverbod. Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 41. The Hague: Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV).
- Duffy H. & Herik L.J. van den (2021), Terrorism and the Security Council. In: Geiß R. & Melzer R. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the International Law of Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 193-212.
- Herik L. van den (2021), Article 51's Reporting Requirement as a Space for Legal Argument and Factfulness. In: Kreß C. & Lawless R. (Eds.), Necessity and Proportionality in International Peace and Security Law. The Lieber Studies Series no. 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 221-244.
- De Brabandere E.C.P.D.C. & Herik L.J. van den (2021), Non-State Actors and Human Rights Obligations: Perspectives from International Investment Law and Arbitration. In: Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D.A. & Prislan V. (Eds.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development: Liber Amicorum Nico Schrijver. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 37-61.
- Herik L.J. van den, Waas L. van, Brölmann C.M., Hoogh A.J.J. de, Rosenboom A.E. & Ryngaert C.M.J. (2021), Advies over de internationaalrechtelijke implicaties van het geen afstand kunnen doen van een tweede nationaliteit. Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 39. The Hague: Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken (CAVV).
- Broeks G.J., Herik L.J. van den, Aerdts W.J.M., Casteleijn L.F.F., Ginkel B. van, Groot J. de, Lammers J.G. & Ryngaert C. (2021), Autonome wapensystemen: het belang van reguleren en investeren. Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 38. The Hague: Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken (AIV) & Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV): Commissie Actualisering Autonome Wapensystemen (CAAW).
- Herik L.J. van den (2020), Relating to "the Other" - The ILC Draft Convention on Crimes against Humanity and the Mutual Legal Assistance Initiative, African Journal of International Criminal Justice 6(2): 274-283.
- Herik L.J. van den & Alebeek R. van (2020), Het leveren en financieren van “niet-letale steun” aan niet-statelijke, gewapende groepen in het buitenland. Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 35. Den Haag: Commissie van Advies Inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken / Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken.
- Herik L.J. van den & Irving E.I. (2020), Due Diligence and the Obligation to Prevent Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. In: Krieger H., Peters A. & Kreuzer L. (Eds.), Due Diligence in the International Legal Order. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 200-216.
- Herik L.J. van den & Huneeus A. (2019), Introduction to the Symposium on Non-State Actors and New Technologies in Atrocity Prevention, AJIL Unbound 113: 247-249.
- Herik L.J. van den & Huneeus A. (Eds.) (2019), Symposium on Non-State Actors and New Technologies in Atrocity Prevention. AJIL Unbound no. 113. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Herik L.J. van den & Reisen M. van (2019), International Commissions of Inquiry in a Networked World: Unveiling the Roles of Diasporas through an Eritrean Case Study, International Journal of Transitional Justice 13(3): 417-434.
- Herik L.J. van den (2019), Replicating Article 51: A Reporting Requirement for Consent-Based Use of Force?, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 79(3): 707-711.
- Herik L.J. van den (2018), Diasporas and International Law, ESIL Reflections 7(6): .
- Herik L.J. van den & Reisen M.E.H. van (2018), Human Rights Inquiry and the Empowerment of Diasporas.
- Herik L.J. van den (2018), Sidestepping the Security Council: The Use of Non-UN Sanctions for UN Purposes, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht / Revue Belge de Droit International 50(2017/2): 474-491.
- Harwood C.E.M. & Herik L.J. van den (2018), Commissions of Inquiry and the Jus ad Bellum. In: Sadat L.N. (Ed.), Seeking Accountability for the Unlawful Use of Force. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 171-193.
- Herik L.J. van den (2018), Epilogue II: Testing the Protective Reach of UN Sanctions for North Korean Migrant Workers. In: Breuker R.E. & Gardingen I.B.L.H. van (Eds.), People for Profit: North Korean Forced Labour on a Global Scale. Leiden: Leiden Asia Centre. 208-215.
- Herik L.J. van den (2018), Historical Inquiry as a Form of Colonial Reparation?, Harvard International Law Journal 2018(online): 1-5.
- Wessel R.A., Herik L.J. van den, Brölmann C.M., Dekker G.R. den, Hoogh A.J.J. de, Jägers N.M.C.P., Lammers J.G., Oude Elferink A.G. & Rosenboom A.E. (2018), De ontwerpartikelen van de ILC over misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid. Advies / Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV) no. 32. Den Haag: Commissie van Advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken (CAVV).
- Herik L.J. van den (2018) Crime of Aggression Library ∗∗∗ The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary. Review of: Kreß C. & Barriga S. (2017), The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary (vols 1-2). The Crime of Aggression Library. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leiden Journal of International Law 31(3): 723-728.
- Herik L.J. van den (2018), Reparation for Decolonisation Violence: A Short Overview of Recent Dutch Litigation, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 78(3): 629-633.
- Herik L.J. van den (2017), The Individualisation of Enforcement in International Law: Exploring the Interplay between United Nations Targeted Sanctions and International Criminal Proceedings. In: Maluwa T., Plessis M. du & Tladi D. (Eds.), The Pursuit of a Brave New World in International Law: Essays in Honour of John Dugard. Leiden / Boston: Brill / Nijhoff. 234-263.
- Herik L.J. van den (2017), “Proceduralising” article 51, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 77(1): 65-67.
- Herik L.J. van den (2017), The Individualization and Formalization of UN Sanctions. In: Herik L.J. van den (Ed.), Research Handbook on UN Sanctions and International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-16.
- Herik L.J. van den (Ed.) (2017), Research Handbook on UN Sanctions and International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Herik L.J. van den (2017), Важность установления фактов: возвращаясь к концепции Ф.Ф. Мартенса = The Importance of Finding Facts: Revisiting Fyodor Martens’ Concept of Inquiry, Meždunarodnoe pravosudie (International Justice) 2017(3): 24-33.
- Herik L.J. van den (9 February 2017), International Commissions of Inquiry as a Template for a MH17 Tribunal? A Reply to Jan Lemnitzer. EJIL: Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Herik L.J. van den (2017), Zwischen parlamentarischer Diplomatie und Aktivismus: Über das Gutachten des niederländischen Beirats für Völkerrecht zur Verwendung des Begriffes "Völkermord" im politischen Raum, Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik 2017(12): 724-732.
- Herik L.J. van den (2016), Article 7: "Apartheid" and "Enforced Disappearances" as Crimes against Humanity. In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (Eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary. Munich - Oxford - Baden-Baden: Beck - Hart - Nomos. 226-235; 282-292.
- Herik L.J. van den & Duffy H. (2016), Human Rights Bodies and International Humanitarian Law: Common but Differentiated Approaches. In: Buckley C.M., Donald A. & Leach P. (Eds.), Towards Convergence in International Human Rights Law: Approaches of Regional and International Systems. Nottingham Studies on Human Rights no. 5. Leiden / Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. 366-406.
- Herik L.J. van den (2016), International Criminal Law as a Spotlight and Black Holes as Constituents of Legacy: [part of Symposium on the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda: Broadening the Debate], AJIL Unbound 110: 209-213.
- Herik L.J. van den (2016), Article 7(1)(i): "Enforced disappearance of persons". In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (Eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary. Munich: CH Beck. 226-232.
- Herik L.J. van den (2016), Article 7(1)(j): "The crime of apartheid". In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (Eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary. Munich: CH Beck. 232-235.
- Herik L.J. van den (15 March 2016), Book Discussion: Testing ICL’s Expressive Capacity. EJIL: Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Herik L.J. van den (2016), The Decline of Customary International Law as a Source of International Criminal Law. In: Bradley C.A. (Ed.), Custom's future: international law in a changing world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 230-252.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia) (ICJ) 3 February 2015. ILM 54(5): 787-789.
- Herik L.J. van den & Harwood C.E.M. (2015), Commissions of Inquiry and the Charm of International Criminal Law. Between Transactional and Authoritative Approaches. In: Alston P. & Knuckey S. (Eds.), The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 233-254.
- Herik L.J. van den (2015), Accountability Through Fact-Finding: Appraising Inquiry in the Context of Srebrenica, Netherlands International Law Review 62(2): 295-311.
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Al-Dulimi en Montana Managment Inc. t. Zwitserland – dissenting opinion. In: Blokker N.M., Bogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht.. Meijers-reeks no. 233. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 131-135.
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – International Criminal Law’s Blind Spot?. In: Riedel E., Giacca G. & Golay C. (Eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 343-366.
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Peripheral hegemony in the quest to ensure Security Council accountability for its individualized UN sanctions regimes, Journal of Conflict and Security Law 19(1): 427-449.
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Applying International Criminal Law to UN Peace-Enforcement Missions: Disentangling the Turf War between the Security Council and the International Criminal Court. In: Bannelier-Christakis K. & Christakis T. (Eds.), Aux confins du jus ad bellum et du jus in bello: Retour sur les interventions autorisees par le Conseil de Securite du Kosovo et de l'Afghanistan a la Libye. Paris: Pedone. 253-271.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section) 14 January 2014, no. 34356/06 & 40528/06. AA 63(4): 299-303 (AA20140299).
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), An Inquiry into the Role of Commissions of Inquiry in International Law; Navigating the Tensions between Fact-Finding and Application of International Law, Chinese Journal of International Law 13(3): 507-537.
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Hegemonía periférica en la búsqueda para asegurar la responsabilidad del Consejo de Seguridad en el régimen de sanciones individuales de Naciones Unidas, Revista Del Posgrado En Derecho (1): 291-329.
- Herik L.J. van den (9 April 2014), ASIL Roundtable on International Law and Security, The Leiden Policy Recommendations on Counter-Terrorism and International Law: Imminence, Necessity and Proportionality in Counter-Terrorism Operations. ILA/ASIL Annual Meeting, Washington. [lecture].
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), UN Security Council Sanctions and Individual Rights, 25th Legal Advisers Meeting during the International Law Week, 27-28 October 2014. [other].
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), Custom as a Source of International Criminal Law, Custom in Crisis Roundtable, 1-2 November 2014. [other].
- Herik L.J. van den (2014), ASIL Midyear Opening Panel on the MH17, 6-9 November 2014. [other].
- Herik L.J. van den (27 November 2014), Humanitarian Assistance, Between Needs, Obligations, Rights and State Consent. Mexico-Stad. [lecture].
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (Eds.) (2013), Counter-terrorism strategies in a fragmented international legal order: meeting the challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Herik L.J. van den & Aspremont J. d' (2013), The Public Good of Academic Publishing in International Law, Leiden Journal of International Law 26(1): 1-6.
- Schrijver N.J. & Herik L.J. van den (2013), The fragmented international legal response to terrorism. In: Schrijver N.J. & Herik L.J. van den (Eds.), Counterterrorism strategies in a fragmented international legal order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-25.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: Dutch Supreme Court 14 December 2012. AA 62(6): 496-500.
- Herik L.J. van den (2013), De digitale oorlog: waan of werkelijkheid?, Nederlands Juristenblad 88(6): 348-355.
- Herik L.J. van den (2013), Het Post-Kadi Tijdperk: Over hoe een progressieve benadering vooruitgang kan smoren, Ars Aequi 62(11): 811-820.
- De Brabandere E.C.P.D.C. & Herik L.J. van den (2013), Les obligations des États tiers et des acteurs non étatiques relatives au commerce des produits en provenance du Territoire palestinien occupé, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht / Revue Belge de Droit International 45(2012/1): 147-176.
- Brouwer A.-M. de, Ku C., Herik L.J. van den & Romkens R. (Eds.) (2012), Sexual Violence as an International Crime: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Benelux: Intersentia.
- Herik L.J. van den & Stahn C. (Eds.) (2012), The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Herik L.J. van den (2012), The meaning of the word 'destroy' and its implications for the wider understanding of the concept of genocide. In: Wilt H. van der, Vervliet J., Sluiter G. & Cate J.H. ten (Eds.), The genocide convention: the legacy of 60 years. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. 51-58.
- Herik L.J. van den (2012), Addressing ‘Colonial Crimes’ through Reparations? Adjudicating Dutch Atrocities Committed in Indonesia, Journal of International Criminal Justice 10(3): 693-705.
- Stahn C. & Herik L.J. van den (2012), Fragmentation, Diversification and 3D Legal Pluralism: ICL as the Jack-in-the-Box?. In: Herik L.J. van den & Stahn C. (Eds.), Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law. Leiden Studies on the Frontiers of International Law no. 1. Leiden / Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. 21-87.
- Herik L.J. van den (2012), LJIL in the Age of Cyberspace, Leiden Journal of International Law 25(1): 1-9.
- Eckert S., Biersteker T., Herik L.J. van den & Cuyvers A. (2012), Due Process and Targeted Sanctions :Update of the "Watson Report". Brown University: Watson Institute.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: International Court of Justice, Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Judgment 20 July 2012. AA(Oktober): 760-763.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2011), The Post-9/11 UN Initiatives to Combat Terrorism: Adapting and Expanding the Legal Framework to Deal with New Challenges. In: , Terrorism: Ideology, Law and Policy. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing. 253-276.
- Herik L.J. van den & Dam-de Jong D.A. (2011), Revitalizing the Antique War Crime of Pillage: The Potential and Pitfalls of Using International Criminal Law to Address Illegal Resource Exploitation During Armed Conflict, Criminal Law Forum 22(3): 237-273.
- Sliedregt E. van & Herik L.J. van den (2011), The STL Interlocutory Decision on the Definition of Terrorism: Judicial Ingenuity or Radicalism?, Leiden Journal of International Law 24(3): 651-654.
- Herik L.J. van den (2011), Over anti-genocide paparazzi en de mythische aantrekkingskracht van het G-woord: Enkele beschouwingen over de verhouding tussen de emotionele en juridische status van het begrip genocide, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 3: 89-96.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), The Dutch Engagement with the Project of International Criminal Justice, Netherlands International Law Review 57(2): 303-322.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), Corporations as future subject of the International Criminal Court: an exploration of the counterarguments and consequences. In: Herik L.J. van den Stahn C. (Ed.), Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice. The Hague: TMC Asser Press. 350-368.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), Subjecting corporations to the ICC regime: analyzing the legal counterarguments. In: Burchard C. Triffterer O. Vogel J. (Ed.), The Review Conference and the Future of the International Criminal Court. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 155-174.
- Stahn C. & Herik L.J. van den (Eds.) (2010), Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice. Den Haag: TMC Asser Press.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), Using custom to reconceptualise crimes against humanity. In: Darcy S. Powderly J. (Ed.), Judicial creativity at the International Criminal Tribunals. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 80-105.
- Herik L.J. van den & Černič J.L. (2010), Regulating Corporations under International Law: From Human Rights to International Criminal Law and Back Again, Journal of International Criminal Justice 8(3): 725-743.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2010), Leiden Policy Recommendations on Counter-terrorism and International Law, Netherlands International Law Review 57(3): 531-550.
- Herik L.J. van den & Sliedregt E. van (2010), Removing or Reincarnating the Policy Requirement of Crimes against Humanity – Introductory Note, Leiden Journal of International Law 23(4): 825-826.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), 'Scheppers van het international strafrecht: Ferencz en Cassese' [Bespreking van: Verrijn Stuart, H. & Simons, M. (2009) The Prosecutor and the Judge: Benjamin Ferencz and Antonio Cassese. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press], Internationale Spectator 64: 423-424.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), Immuniteit als hoeder van een democratische uitkomst: Bouterse als president, Internationale Spectator 64(9): 435-436.
- Herik L.J. van den (2010), Het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens als gesprekspartner in de dialoog over de internationale strafrechtspleging, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 35(7): 719-737.
- Herik L.J. van den (2009), Commentary on the Dutch International Crimes Act. In: , Militair Straf- en Tuchtrechtbundel no. WIM art. 6-WIM art. 7. Deventer: Kluwer.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2009), Addressing challenges to targeted sanctions; an update of the Watson report, section 3. Providence: Watson Institute, Brown University.
- Herik L.J. van den (2009), The difficulties of exercising extraterritorial jurisdiction: the acquittal of a Dutch businessman for crimes committed in Liberia, International Criminal Law Review 9(1): 211-226.
- Herik L.J. van den (2009), A Quest for Jurisdiction and an Appropriate Definition of Crime : Mpambara before the Dutch Courts, Journal of International Criminal Justice 7(5): 1117-1132.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2009), Eroding the primacy of the UN system of collective security: The Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the cases of Kadi and Al Barakaat, International Organizations Law Review 5(2): 329-338.
- Herik L.J. van den & Dolmann M.M. (2008), Commentary on the Dutch International Crimes Act. In: , Militair Straf- en Tuchtrechtbundel no. WIM vw-1-WIM 5-68. Deventer: Kluwer.
- Schrijver N.J. & Herik L.J. van den (2008), Counter-terrorism strategies, human rights and international law: meeting the challenges. In: Muller E.R., Rosenthal U. & Wijk R. (Eds.), Terrorisme. Studies over terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding. Deventer: Kluwer. 881-902.
- Herik L.J. van den (2008) Een genadige interpretatie van het Zuid-Afrikaanse amnestieproces [Bespreking van: W.J. Verwoerd (2007) Equity, Mercy, Forgiveness: Interpreting Amnesty within the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Leuven: Peeters]. Review of: Verwoerd W.J. (2007), Equity, Mercy, Forgiveness: Interpreting Amnesty within the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Leuven: Peeters. Internationale Spectator 2008: 696-698.
- Herik L.J. van den (2008), Zestig jaar Genocideverdrag (1948-2008), Internationale Spectator 62(12): 663-667.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: District Court The Hague 25 June 2007. ILDC (797).
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: European Court of Human Rights 19 September 2008, no. 9174/02. EHRC 9: 1413-1416 (2008/137).
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: Court of Appeal The Hague 8 March 2008. NTM/NJCM-bulletin(33): 976-989.
- Herik L.J. van den (2008) [Bespreking van: J.M. Farrell (2007) United Nations Sanction and the Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Review of: Farrell J.M. (2007), United Nations Sanction and the Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Netherlands International Law Review 2008: 301-304.
- Herik L.J. van den (2007), The illegal exploitation of natural resources and the role of the UN Security Council. In: Genugten W.J.M. van, Scharf M. & Radin S. (Eds.), Criminal Jurisdiction 100 years after the 1907 Hague Peace Conference: T.M.C. Asser Press. 268-271.
- Herik L.J. van den (2007), The Schism between the Legal and the Social Concept of Genocide in Light of the Responsibility to Protect. In: Henham R. & Behrens P. (Eds.), The Criminal Law of Genocide; International, Comparative and Contextual Aspects. Burlington: Ashgate. 75-95.
- Schrijver N.J. & Herik L.J. van den (2007), Counter-Terrorism Strategies, Human Rights and International Law: Meeting the Challenges. Final Report International Expert Seminar, Netherlands International Law Review 54(3): 571-587.
- Herik L.J. van den (2007) Book review of: 'Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence: The ICC and the Practice of the ICTY and the ICTR. Review of: Brouwer A.-M.L.M. de (2005), Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence: The ICC and the Practice of the ICTY and the ICTR. Antwerpen: Intersentia. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 25(4): 737-742.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: European Court of First Instance 11 July 2007. Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht: 468-490.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: EHRM 12 July 2007. NTM/NJCM-bulletin 7: 1021-1037 (NJCM-Bulletin).
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: ICTR 27 September 2006, Annotated Leading Cases 10: 307-312.
- Herik L.J. van den, annotation: ICTR 26 May 2003, Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals 12: 1020-1029.
- Herik L.J. van den (2007), De bestrijding van internationaal terrorisme: de rol van het internationale recht op weg naar een integrale aanpak, Surinaams JuristenBlad (3): 11-17.
- Herik L.J. van den (2007), The Security Council’s Targeted Sanctions Regimes: In Need of Better Protection of the Individual, Leiden Journal of International Law 20(4): 797-807.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2006), Strenghtening UN targeted sanctions through clear and fair procedures, chapter 2 no. UN Doc. A/60/887: Watson Institute, Brown University.
- Herik L.J. van den (2006), Het uur der waarheid voor het Rwandatribunaal: Waardevolle exercitie of weggegooid geld?, Justitiële Verkenningen 32(4): 27-36.
- Herik L.J. van den (31 May 2005), The contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill. Supervisor(s): Fokkens J.W. & Schrijver N.J.
- Herik L.J. van den, Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift 98(9): 354-361.
- Herik L.J. van den (2004), The ICTR at sunset: an evaluation of the Prosecution's strategy (1994-2004), International Studies Journal 2(2): 37-68.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2004), Nawoord: Bagdad of toch Den Haag voor Saddam Hussein?, Ars Aequi 53(mei 2004): 350-352.
- Herik L.J. van den & Sliedregt E. van (2004), Ten years later: the Rwanda Tribunal still faces legal complexities. Some comments on the vagueness of the indictment, complicity in genocide and the nexus requirement for war crimes, Leiden Journal of International Law 17(3): 537-557.
- Herik L.J. van den (2003), War Crimes in Rwanda? The answer of the ICTR so far (1998-2001). In: Koufa K. (Ed.), Thesaurus Acroasium, The new International Criminal Law: 2001 International Law Session no. XXXII. Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas Publications.
- Herik L.J. van den (2003) Book review of 'De Genocidewet in Internationaal Perspectief'. Review of: Wouters J. & Panken H., De Genocidewet in Internationaal Perspectief. Internationale Spectator 57(4): 208-209.
- Herik L.J. van der & Schrijver N.J., Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals V: 98-106 (Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, A.Klip and G. Sluiter (eds)).
- Herik L.J. van den (2003), Justice Delayed, Justice Denied? Provisional Release in the ICTR Practice, Griffin's View on International and Comparative Law 4(1): 129-142.
- Herik L.J. van den & Schrijver N.J. (2003), De berechting van Saddam Hussein, Ars Aequi 52(oktober 2003): 759-761.
- Herik L.J. van den (2003) Book review of Le Tribunal Penal International pour le Rwanda. Review of: Megret F. (2002), Le Tribunal Penal International pour le Rwanda. Parijs: Pedone. Leiden Journal of International Law 16(3): 653-655.
- Herik L.J. van den (2002) Het nieuwe Strafhof past terughoudendheid. Review of: Boot M., Nullum crimen sine lege and the subject matter jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Internationale Spectator 56(5): 577-578.
- Herik L.J. van den (2002), Het Rwanda Tribunaal: uitdagingen en verworvenheden, Internationale Spectator 56(5): 246-251.
- Herik L.J. van den (2002), Rwandese efforts towards good governance: the care of national criminal justice, Griffin's View on International and Comparative Law 3(1): 84-92.
- Herik L.J. van den (2001) Book Review of Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Review of: Klip A. & Sluiter G., Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 1994-1999. Netherlands International Law Review 48(3): 363-367.
- Herik L.J. van den (2001), Europe's Identity, 2(1): 54-60.
- Herik L.J Van den (2001), Het Rwanda Tribunaal nader beschouwd, VN Forum 4: 23-28.
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