Universiteit Leiden

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L. Jan Slikkerveer

Professor emeritus

Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer
+31 71 527 3590

Director & Founding Member of the LEAD Programme

More information about L. Jan Slikkerveer

About the LEAD Programme

In addition to its academic endeavour to document, study and analyse indigenous systems of knowledge, belief and practice as the ‘cultural dimension of development’ in the subfields of ethnomedicine, ethnobotany; ethno-pharmacology, ethno-agriculture, ethno-ecology, indigenous bio-cultural diversity management and conservation, integrated microfinance management and culturally appropriate higher education management, the LEAD Programme also seeks to further develop a specific IKS-oriented complementary qualitative and quantitative research methodology, based on the special design and implementation of the ‘Leiden Ethnosystems Approach’.

The related advanced analytical model encompasses a stepwise bivariate, multivariate and multiple regression analysis of independent, intervening and dependent variables, focused on the understanding, explanation and prediction of participants’ behaviour in the dynamic transcultural setting of local-global systems interaction in the research areas. In addition to the provision of a contribution to the theoretical and methodological development of applied ethnoscience, LEAD also seeks to contribute to the new paradigm of ‘development from the bottom’ by formulating evidence-based recommendations for alternative strategies ’from the bottom’ for policy planning and implementation of integrated local-global systems with a view to attain truly sustainable community development in the various sectors in the research areas and beyond.

In 1990, LEAD received the official recognition and logo of UNESCO as an important research programme of the Decade for Culture and Development.

Professor emeritus

  • Science
  • Faculteit Algemeen

Work address

Gorlaeus Faculty Office
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


  • Slikkerveer L.J. (1997), Ethnoscience and the Study of Bio-Cultural Diversity. In: Posey D.A. (Ed.), Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme Publication. 681-695. Boekdeel
  • Slikkerveer L.J. (1997), The Objectives of the Leiden Ethnosystems And Development Programme (LEAD) and the Significance of Indigenous Knowledge in the Mediterranean Region'. In: Heywood V.H. & Skoula M. (Eds.), Identification of Wild Food and Non-Food Plants of the Mediterranean Region. Chania: CIHEAM Cahiers Options Mediterranéennes. 17-22. Boekdeel
  • Slikkerveer L.J. (1997), Progress Report INDAKS. onbekend: Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Rapport
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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