Koenraad Schalm
Professor of Theoretical physics
- Name
- Prof.dr. K.E. Schalm
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5516
- kschalm@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7524-0824

Koenraad Schalm studies string theory and its connections to models of particle physics and cosmology in particular.
More information about Koenraad Schalm
Former PhD candidates
Koenraad Schalm studies string theory and its connections to models of particle physics and cosmology in particular. His current research is focused on the remarkable possibilities that near-future cosmological observations as well as upcoming particle-collider or condensed matter experiments can contain signatures of string theory.
Professor of Theoretical physics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Chagnet N.J.A. & Schalm K.E. (2024), Hydrodynamics of a relativistic charged fluid in the presence of a periodically modulated chemical potential, SciPost Physics 16: 028.
- Smit S., Mauri E., Bawden L., Heringa F., Gerritsen F., van Heumen E., Huang Y.K., Kondo T., Takeuchi T., Hussey N.E., Allan M.P., Kim T.K., Cacho C., Krikun A., Schalm K.E., Stoof H.T.C. & Golden M.S. (2024), Momentum-dependent scaling exponents of nodal self-energies measured in strange metal cuprates and modelled using semi-holography, Nature Communications 15: 4581.
- Ohanesjan V., Cheipesh Y., Gnezdilov N.V., Pavlov A.I. & Schalm K.E. (2023), Energy dynamics, information and heat flow in quenched cooling and the crossover from quantum to classical thermodynamics, Journal of High Energy Physics 2023(5): 237.
- Chagnet N., Balm F. & Schalm K. (2023), Quantization and variational problem of the Gubser-Rocha Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model, conformal and non-conformal deformations, and its proper thermodynamics, Journal of High Energy Physics 2023(3): 81.
- Gnezdilov N.V., Pavlov A.I., Ohanesjan V., Cheipesh Y. & Schalm K. (2023), Ultrafast dynamics of cold Fermi gas after a local quench, Physical Review A 107(3): L031301.
- Balm F.A., Chagnet N.J.A., Arend S., Aretz J., Grosvenor K.J.T., Janse M.A., Moors O., Post J., Ohanesjan V., Rodriguez-Fernandez D., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2023), T-linear resistivity, optical conductivity, and Planckian transport for a holographic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential, Physical Review B 108(12): 125145.
- Chagnet N.J.A., Dukic V., Cubrovic M. & Schalm K.E. (2022), Emerging Fermi liquids from regulated quantum electron stars, Journal of High Energy Physics 2022: 222.
- Inkof G.A., Schalm K.E. & Schmalian J. (2022), Quantum critical Eliashberg theory, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev superconductor and their holographic duals, npj Quantum Materials 7(1): 56.
- Cheipesh Y., Pavlov A.I., Ohanesjan V., Schalm K.E. & Gnezdilov N. (2021), Quantum tunneling dynamics in a complex-valued Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model quench-coupled to a cool bath, Physical Review B 104(11): 115134 .
- Balm F.A., Krikun A., Romero-Bermudez A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2020), Isolated zeros destroy Fermi surface in holographic models with a lattice, Journal of High Energy Physics 2020(1): 151.
- Grozdanov S., Schalm K.E. & Scopelliti V. (2019), Kinetic theory for classical and quantum many-body chaos, Physical Review E 99(1): 012206.
- Romero-Bermúdez A., Schalm K.E. & Scopelliti V. (2019), Regularization dependence of the OTOC : Which Lyapunov spectrum is the physical one?, Journal of High Energy Physics 2019(7): 107.
- Romero-Bermudez A., Krikun A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2019), Anomalous attenuation of plasmons in strange metals and holography, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 99(23): 235149.
- Gnezdilov N., Krikun A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2019), Isolated zeros in the spectral function as signature of a quantum continuum, Physical Review B 99(16): 165149.
- Andrade T., Krikun A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2018), Doping the holographic Mott insulator, Nature Physics 14(10): 1049-1055.
- Romero-Bermudez A., Garnier P.A. & Schalm K.E. (2018), A Cardy formula for off-diagonal three-point coefficients; or, how the geometry behind the horizon gets disentangled, Journal of High Energy Physics 2018: 5.
- Grozdanov S., Schalm K.E. & Scopelliti V. (2018), Black Hole Scrambling from Hydrodynamics, Physical Review Letters 120(23): 231601.
- Säterskog K.P.W., Meszena B. & Schalm K.E. (2017), Two-point function of a d=2 quantum critical metal in the limit kF → ∞, Nf → 0 with NfkF fixed, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 96: 155125.
- Scopelliti V., Schalm K.E. & Lucas A. (2017), Hydrodynamic charge and heat transport on inhomogeneous curved spaces, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 96: 075150.
- Arefeva I., Bagrov A., Saterskog K.P.W. & Schalm K.E. (2016), Holographic dual of a time machine, Physical Review D 94: 044059.
- Lucas A., Schalm K.E., Doyon B. & Bhaseen M.J. (2016), Shock waves, rarefaction waves, and nonequilibrium steady states in quantum critical systems, Physical Review D 94: 025004.
- Grozdanov S., Lucas A. & Schalm K.E. (2016), Incoherent thermal transport from dirty black holes, Physical Review D 93: 061901.
- Meszena B., Säterskog K.P.W., Bagrov A. & Schalm K.E. (2016), Nonperturbative emergence of non Fermi-liquid behavior in d=2 quantum critical metals, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 94: 115134.
- Bagrov A., Kaplis N., Krikun A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2016), Holographic fermions at strong translational symmetry breaking: a Bianchi-VII case study, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2016: 57.
- Bhaseen M.J., Doyon B., Lucas A. & Schalm K. (2015), Energy flow in quantum critical systems far from equilibrium, Nature Physics 11: 509-514.
- Erdmenger J., Herwerth B., Klug S., Meyer R. & Schalm K.E. (2015), S-wave superconductivity in anisotropic holographic insulators, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2015: 94.
- Doyon B., Lucas A., Schalm K. & Bhaseen M.J. (2015), Non-equilibrium steady states in the Klein-Gordon theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48(095002): .
- Grozdanov S., Lucas A., Sachdev S. & Schalm K.E. (2015), Absence of disorder-driven metal-insulator transitions in simple holographic models, Physical Review Letters 115(22): 221601.
- Bagrov A., Meszéna B. & Schalm K.E. (2014), Pairing induced superconductivity in holography, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2014: 106.
- Gong J.O., Schalm K.E. & Shiu G. (2014), Correlating correlation functions of primordial perturbations, Physical Review D 89: 063540.
- Davison R.A., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2014), Holographic duality and the resistivity of strange metals, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 89(24): 245116.
- Lucas A., Sachdev S. & Schalm K.E. (2014), Scale-invariant hyperscaling-violating holographic theories and the resistivity of strange metals with random-field disorder, Physical Review D 89: 066018.
- Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Sun Y.W. & Zaanen J. (2014), BCS instabilities of electron stars to holographic superconductors, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2014: 122.
- Schalm K.E., Shiu G. & Aalst T. van der (2013), Consistency condition for inflation from (broken) conformal symmetry, 005: .
- Achúcarro A., Hardeman S., Oberreuter J.M., Schalm K.E. & Aalst T. van der (2013), Decoupling limits in multi-sector supergravities, 038: .
- Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Sun Y.W. & Zaanen J. (2013), Bose-Fermi competition in holographic metals, Journal of High Energy Physics 2013: 64.
- Medvedyeva M.V., Gubankova E., Cubrovic M., Schalm K.E. & Zaanen J. (2013), Quantum corrected phase diagram of holographic fermions, Journal of High Energy Physics 2013: 25.
- Jackson M.G. & Schalm K.E. (2012), Model independent signatures of new physics in the inflationary power spectrum, Physical Review Letters 108(11): 111301.
- Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Sun Y.W. & Zaanen J. (2012), Lattice potentials and fermions in holographic non Fermi-liquids: Hybridizing local quantum criticality, Journal of High Energy Physics 2012: 36.
- Kulixizi M., Parnachev A. & Schalm K.E. (2012), On holographic entanglement entropy of charged matter, Journal of High Energy Physics 2012: 98.
- Gubankova E., Brill J., Cubrovic M., Schalm K.E., Schijven P. & Zaanen J. (2011), Holographic fermions in external magnetic fields, Physical Review D 84: 106003.
- She J.H., Overbosch B.J., Sun Y.W., Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Mydosh J.A. & Zaanen J. (2011), Observing the origin of superconductivity in quantum critical metals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84(14): 144527.
- Cubrovic M., Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Sun Y.W. & Zaanen J. (2011), Spectral probes of the holographic Fermi ground state: Dialing between the electron star and AdS Dirac hair, Physical Review D 84: 086002.
- Cubrovic M., Zaanen J. & Schalm K.E. (2011), Constructing the AdS dual of a Fermi liquid: AdS black holes with Dirac hair, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2011: 17.
- Hardeman S.R., Oberreuter J.M., Palma G.A., Schalm K.E. & Aalst T.A.F. van der (2011), The everpresent eta-problem: knowledge of all hidden sectors required, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2011: 9.
- Atmaja A.N. & Schalm K.E. (2011), Anisotropic drag force from 4D Kerr-AdS black hole, Journal of High Energy Physics 2011: 70.
- Atmaja A.N. & Schalm K.E. (2010), Photon and dilepton production in soft wall Ads/QCD, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2010: 124.
- Cubrovic M., Zaanen J. & Schalm K.E. (2009), String theory, quantum phase transitions, and the emergent Fermi liquid, Science 325(5939): 439-444.