Katharina Doblhoff-Dier
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. K. Doblhoff-Dier
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2366
- k.doblhoff-dier@lic.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5981-9438
Katharina Doblhoff-Dier uses computational and theoretical methods to study processes occurring at (metal) interfaces on the atomic and micro scale. Her research interests includes the description of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions as well as electrochemical processes/interfaces.
More information about Katharina Doblhoff-Dier
PhD candidates
Research interests
Katharina Doblhoff-Dier uses computational and theoretical methods to study the atomic scale processes occurring at metal interfaces. Her research interests includes the description of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions as well as electrochemical processes/interfaces.
Striving for a better understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms, Katharina Doblhoff-Dier enjoys to combine a broad range of models and methods. The methods she uses range from various levels of electronic structure methods, over molecular dynamics simulations, all the way to mean-field modeling. To data, no single method can capture the full complexity of a (metal) interface under operando conditions. However, by making the right approximations and by combining various methods, Katharina Doblhoff-Dier gains insight into the complex systems at hand and aims to unravel the underlying, microscopic processes.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Nationality: Austrian
Date of birth: 13 May 1987
2014 PhD in theoretical physics, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 10 October 2014. Thesis title: “Strong-Field Dynamics in Small Molecules”
Advisors: Prof. J. Burgdörfer and Prof. S. Gräfe (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany)
2011 MSc in Geophysics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
2010 MSc in Technical Physics, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
Current and previous research positions
2018 – now Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
2014 – 2018 Postdoctoral researcher, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University (Prof. G.-J. Kroes)
Grants, awards, recognitions since 2021
2023 NWO-EW Supercomputing grant (14 Mcpuh; co-applicant)
2021 NWO-EW Supercomputing grant (32 Mcpuh; co-applicant)
Contribution to teaching and supervision
- Courses for MSc Chemistry (and Physics) at Leiden University:
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations
- Density functional theory in practice
- Course for BSc Molecular Science and Technology:
- Quantum Chemistry and Physics
(Co-) supervision of 3 PhD students, 2 visiting PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows since 2017.
Other responsibilities since 2018
- Organizer of the Lorentz workshop on Multiscale Modeling of Electrochemical Processes (to take place 2024)
- Co-organizer of the the focus session on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Discovery at NWO-CHAINS 2021
- Member of the organizing committee of the KNCV-CTC symposium (symposium of the section for computational and theoretical chemistry of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society) 2020 (cancelled due to corona)
- Co-chair of the Gordon Research Seminar Dynamics at Surfaces 2017
- Reviewer for Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, ACS Catalysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Chemical Reviews
- Member of the Open Competition Domain Science ENW-M review committee of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) (2022)
Publication record including five recent representative publications
Full publication record: Leiden University
- Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M., Electric double layer of Pt(111): known unknowns and unknown knowns, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (2023) 39: 101258. DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2023.101258
- Ojha K., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M., Double-layer structure of the Pt(111)–aqueous electrolyte interface, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022) 119(3): e2116016119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2116016119
- Zhu J.-X., Le J.-B., Koper M.T.M., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Cheng J., Effects of adsorbed OH on Pt(100)/water interfacial structures and potential, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021) 125(39): 21571-21579. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c04895
- Powell A.D., Kroes G.J. & Doblhoff-Dier K., Quantum Monte Carlo calculations on dissociative chemisorption of H-2 + Al(110): minimum barrier heights and their comparison to DFT values, The Journal of Chemical Physics (2020) 153(22): 224701. DOI: 10.1063/5.0022919
- Seal S., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Meyer J., Dielectric Decrement for Aqueous NaCl Solutions: Effect of Ionic Charge Scaling in Nonpolarizable Water Force Fields, Journal of Physical Chemistry (2019) B 123(46): 9912-9921. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b07916
Presentations including five presentations at international conferences since 2019
~6 invited presentations at universities, companies and institutes, and invited and keynote lectures at national and international conferences between 2020 and 2023 + several contributed talks at international conferences
- Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (keynote 2022)
- Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry on Theory and Computation in Electrochemistry (2022)
- Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2023)
- Telluride Science Research Center workshop Stochastic Electronic Structure Methods (invited 219)
- Presentation at Microsoft Research (invited 2023)
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- LIC/ES/Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
- Sokolov M., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Exner K.S. (2024), Best practices of modeling complex materials in electrocatalysis, exemplified by oxygen evolution reaction on pentlandites, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26(34): 22359-22370.
- Powell A.D., Gerrits N., Tchakoua T., Somers M.F., Busnengo H.F., Meyer J., Kroes G.J. & Doblhoff-Dier K. (2024), Best-of-both-worlds predictive approach to dissociative chemisorption on metals, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15(1): 307-315.
- Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2024), Correction to “Modeling the Gouy–Chapman Diffuse Capacitance with Attractive Ion–Surface Interaction”, ACS Catalysis 128(39): 16829-16829.
- Oudot B. & Doblhoff-Dier K. (2024), Reaction barriers at metal surfaces computed using the random phase approximation: can we beat DFT in the generalized gradient approximation?, The Journal of Chemical Physics 161(5): 054708.
- Liu J., Hagopian A., Mccrum I.T., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2024), Unraveling the origin of the repulsive interaction between hydrogen adsorbates on platinum single-crystal electrodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 128(36): 15019-15028.
- Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2023), Electric double layer of Pt(111): known unknowns and unknown knowns, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 39: 101258.
- Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2023), Electric double layer of Pt(111): known unknowns and unknown knowns, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 39: 101258.
- Tchakoua T., Powell A.D., Gerrits N., Somers M.F., Doblhoff-Dier K., Busnengo H.F. & Kroes G.J. (2023), Simulating highly activated sticking of H2 on Al(110): quantum versus quasi-classical dynamics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 127(11): 5395-5407.
- Ojha K., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2022), Double-layer structure of the Pt(111)–aqueous electrolyte interface, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(3): e2116016119.
- Doblhoff-Dier K. & Koper M.T.M. (2021), Modeling the Gouy-Chapman diffuse capacitance with attractive ion-surface interaction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 125(30): 16664-16673.
- Cecilio de Oliveira Monteiro M., Mirabal A., Jacobse L., Doblhoff-Dier K., Barton S.C. & Koper M.T.M. (2021), Time-resolved local pH measurements during CO2 reduction using scanning electrochemical microscopy: buffering and tip effects, JACS Au 1(11): 1915-1924.
- Zhu J.-X., Le J.-B., Koper M.T.M., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Cheng J. (2021), Effects of adsorbed OH on Pt(100)/water interfacial structures and potential, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 125(39): 21571-21579.
- Powell A.D., Kroes G.J. & Doblhoff-Dier K. (2020), Quantum Monte Carlo calculations on dissociative chemisorption of H-2 + Al(110): minimum barrier heights and their comparison to DFT values, The Journal of Chemical Physics 153(22): 224701.
- Gerrits N., Smeets E.W.F., Vuckovic S., Powell A.D., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Kroes G.J. (2020), Density functional theory for molecule–metal surface reactions: when does the generalized gradient approximation get it right, and what to do if it does not, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(24): 10552–10560.
- Seal S., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Meyer J. (2019), Dielectric Decrement for Aqueous NaCl Solutions: Effect of Ionic Charge Scaling in Nonpolarizable Water Force Fields, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123(46): 9912-9921.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Kroes G.J. & Libisch F. (2018), Density functional embedding for periodic and non-periodic diffusion Monte Carlo calculations, Physical Review B 98(8): 085138.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Meyer J., Hoggan P.E. & Kroes G.J. (2017), Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations on a Benchmark Molecule - Metal Surface Reaction: H2 + Cu(111), Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13(7): 3208-3219.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Meyer J., Hoggan P.E., Kroes G.J. & Wagner L.K. (2016), Diffusion Monte Carlo for accurate dissociation energies of 3d transition metal containing molecules, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12(6): 2583-2597.
- Wolter B., Pullen M.G., Le A.-T., Baudisch M., Doblhoff-Dier K., Senftleben A., Hemmer M., Schroeter C.D., Ullrich J., Pfeifer T., Moshammer R., Graefe S., Vendrell O., Lin C.D. & Biegert J. (2016), Ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of bond breaking in di-ionized acetylene, Science 354(6310): 308-312.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Kitzler M. & Graefe S. (2016), Theoretical investigation of alignment-dependent intense-field fragmentation of acetylene, Physical Review A 94(1): .
- Xie X., Doblhoff-Dier K., Xu H., Roither S., Schöffler M.S., Kartashov D., Erattupuzha S., Rathje T., Paulus G.G., Yamanouchi K., Baltuška A., Gräfe S. & Kitzler M. (2014), Selective control over fragmentation reactions in polyatomic molecules using impulsive laser alignment, Physical Review Letters 112(16): 163003.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Dimitriou K.I., Staudte A. & Graefe S. (2013), Classical analysis of Coulomb effects in strong-field ionization of H-2(+) by intense circularly polarized laser fields, Physical Review A 88(3): .
- Xie X., Doblhoff-Dier K., Roither S., Schoeffler M.S., Kartashov D., Xu H., Rathje T., Paulus G.G., Baltuska A., Graefe S. & Kitzler M. (2012), Attosecond-Recollision-Controlled Selective Fragmentation of Polyatomic Molecules, Physical Review Letters 109(24): 243001.
- Doblhoff-Dier K., Kudlaty K., Wiesinger M. & Groeschl M. (2011), Time resolved measurement of pulsating flow using orifices, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 22(2): 97-103.
- Nagele S., Pazourek R., Feist J., Doblhoff-Dier K., Lemell C., Tokesi K. & Burgdoerfer J. (2011), Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking: extraction of time information, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44(8): .
- Peixoto T.P., Doblhoff-Dier K. & Davidsen J. (2010), Spatiotemporal correlations of aftershock sequences, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115: .