Karin Scheper
- Name
- Dr. C.H. Scheper
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2859
- c.h.scheper@library.leidenuniv.nl

- Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
- Collecties & Onderzoek
- Bijzondere Collecties
- Scheper C.H. (2023), Bindings, Bags and Boxes: Sewn and Unsewn Manuscript Formats in the Islamic World. In: Bausi A & Friedrich M (Eds.), Tied and Bound: A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding no. 33: De Gruyter. 121-154.
- Scheper C.H. (2023), Indonesian Bindings. In: Bainbridge A. (Ed.), Conservation of Books: Routledge. 162-169.
- Scheper C.H. (2019), Endband varieties in the Islamic world. In: Miller J. (Ed.), Suave Mechanicals : Essays on the History of Bookbinding. Suave Mechanicals no. 5. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Legacy Press. 352-430.
- Regourd A. & Scheper C.H. (2019), Shifting sands of writing inks in Yemen. The occurrence of sparkling particles in Yemeni manuscripts, Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen 7(26): 141-183.
- Scheper C.H. (2018), The Technique of Islamic Bookbinding. Methods, Materials and Regional Varieties. Second, revised edition no. 8. Leiden: Brill.
- Scheper C.H. (2017), Hands-on research : Its place in conservation training, in practice and the need for us to write about it, Journal of PaperConservation : IADA Reports - Mitteilungen der IADA 18(3): 109-115.
- Scheper C.H. (2017), De studie van het boek als object, de restaurator als onderzoeker. In: Bergen S. van, Deinsen L. van, Geleijns E. & Duijn M. van (Eds.), Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis. Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis no. 24. Nijmegen: Vantilt. 126-141.
- Scheper C.H. (2017) Bound to be Modern. Publishers’ Cloth Bindings and the Material Culture of the Book, 1840-1914. Review of: Lundblad K. (2015), Bound to be Modern. Publishers’ Cloth Bindings and the Material Culture of the Book, 1840-1914. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press. Quaerendo 47(1): 74-78.
- Scheper C.H. (2015), The Technique of Islamic Bookbinding. Methods, Materials and Regional Varieties no. 8. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Scheper C.H. (2015) English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800. Review of: Pearson D. (2014), English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press. Quaerendo 45(3-4): 323-328.
- Scheper C.H. (2014), Preserving the Islamic manuscript as an artefact. Some object characteristics and treatment considerations. In: , Uluslararasi cilt sanati buluşmasi sempozyumu: Tebliğler. Istanbul: Istanbul Büyüksehir Belediyesi. 98-104.
- Scheper C.H. (10 December 2014), The Islamic Bookbinding Tradition. A Book Archaeological Study (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Hoftijzer P.G., Vrolijk A.J.M.
- Scheper C.H. (2014), Neither weak nor simple. Adjusting our perception of Islamic manuscript structures, Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 14: 253-269.
- Scheper C.H. (2013), Three very specific binding features, shedding new light on Islamic manuscript structures, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 4(1): 82-109.
- Vrolijk A.J.M., Schmidt J. & Scheper C.H. (2012), Turcksche boucken. De oosterse verzameling van Levinus Warner, Nederlands diplomaat in zeventiende-eeuws Istanbul. The Oriental collection of Levinus Warner, Ducth diplomat in seventeenth-century Istanbul. Eindhoven: Lecturis.
- Scheper C.H. & Vrolijk A.J.M. (2011), Made in China. Physical aspects of Islamic manuscripts from Xinjiang in Leiden University Library, 2: 50-69.
- Scheper C.H. (2011), Islamic manuscripts in a western research library: the conservation approach in Leiden University Library. Driscoll M.J. & Mósesdóttir R. (Eds.), Care & Conservation of Manuscripts. Care & Conservation of Manuscripts. Copenhagen: Museum Tuscalanum Press - University of Copenhagen. 151-169.
- Scheper C.H. (2011), Refining the Classification of Islamic Manuscript Structures. Engel P., Schirò J. & Larsen R. (Eds.), New approaches in Book and Paper Conservation. New approaches in Book and Paper Conservation. Horn/Wenen: Verlag Berger. 357-388.
- Scheper C.H. (2011), Tyvek in Book Conservation. Its use for nineteenth century material and parchment bindings, Journal of PaperConservation : IADA Reports - Mitteilungen der IADA 12(3): 6-15.
- Scheper C.H. (2010), Considering Book Conservation. Developments in Materials, Techniques, and Approaches, Journal of PaperConservation : IADA Reports - Mitteilungen der IADA 11(2): 31-36.
- Scheper C.H., Meeuws W. & Lem C. (2009), Boekrestauratie in beweging. Ontwikkelingen in matrialen, technieken en ethiek. Kleine Publicaties van de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek. Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden.
- Scheper C.H. (2008), The conservation of the Middle Eastern manuscript collection in the Leiden University Library: Results of a conservation assessment survey, Contributions to the Symposium on the Care and Conservation of Middle Eastern Manuscripts. Symposium on the Care and Conservation of Middle Eastern Manuscripts. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne. 66-73.
- Scheper C.H. (2008), Islamitische manuscripten in een westerse wereld, Cr : interdisciplinair tijdschrift voor conservering en restauratie 3: 38-41.
- Scheper C.H. (2008), The conservation of the Middle Eastern manuscript collection in the Leiden University Library: Results of a conservation assessment survey. Sloggett R. (Ed.), Contributions to the symposium on the care and conservation or Middle Eastern manuscripts. . Melbourne: Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation. 66-73.
- Scheper C.H. (2007), Simple and Adequate Conservation Covers. Some Thoughts on Classical Bindings and Four Flap Folders, PapierRestaurierung : Mitteilungen der IADA 8(1): 30-35.
- Scheper C.H. (2005), Een onderzoek naar Evacon-R. Gedrag en toepassingen van een witte lijm, Cr : interdisciplinair tijdschrift voor conservering en restauratie (1): 32-34.
- Scheper C.H. (1998), De ontwikkeling van boek en binding, KM : vakinformatie voor beeldende kunstenaars en restauratoren 28: 30-34.
- Beentjes G., Herweijer M., Lusenet Y. de, Scheper C.H. & Witkamp P. (1997), Weten geweten gewist. Amsterdam: European Commission on Preservation and Access.