Judith Pollmann
Professor Early Modern Dutch History
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.S. Pollmann
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2740
- j.pollmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-8489-1776

In the most general sense Judith Pollmann’s work concerns the question how people and societies in the past negotiated change. This has resulted in work on early modern identity formation, the history of the early modern Netherlands and the Dutch Revolt; the Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe and the social history of religion; the history of early modern memory, news and public opinion. Much of her work is based on the study of chronicles, diaries, and other personal records. Her most recent book is Memory in early modern Europe, 1500-1800, that was published by Oxford University Press in 2017
More information about Judith Pollmann
PhD candidates
Spreekuur / Hours
By appointment
In the most general sense Judith Pollmann’s work concerns the question how people and societies in the past negotiated change. This has resulted in work on early modern identity formation, the history of the early modern Netherlands and the Dutch Revolt; the Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe and the social history of religion; the history of early modern memory, news and public opinion. Much of her work is based on the study of chronicles, diaries, and other personal records.
Curriculum vitae
Judith Pollmann studied history at the University of Amsterdam and Renaissance Studies at the Warburg Institute in London. In 1998 she was awarded her doctorate at the University of Amsterdam for a study of the religious development of the diarist and humanist Arnoldus Buchelius (1565-1641). From 1995-2005 she taught early modern European history at Somerville College and the University of Oxford. She came to Leiden in 2005, and currently holds a personal chair in Early Modern Dutch History. From 2008-2013 Judith Pollmann was director of the NWO VICI research project Tales of the Revolt. Memory, oblivion and identity in the Low Countries, 1566-1700. With Henk te Velde, she is currently directing the NWO Vrije Competitie project, The persistence of civic identities in the Netherlands, 1747-1848. She is a member of the editorial board of Past and Present.
Selected recent publications
Memory in early modern Europe (Oxford University Press 2017)
with Erika Kuijpers, ‘Turning sacrilege into victory. Catholic memories of iconoclasm, 1566-1700’ in Éva Guillorel, David Hopkins, Will Pooley (eds), European Traditions of Revolt: Memories of Social Conflict in Oral Culture (Routledge 2018)
‘Archiving the present, chronicling for the future in early modern Europe’, in; The Social History of the Archive: Record Keeping in Early Modern Europe, ed. Liesbeth Corens, Kate Peters and Alexandra Walsham, Past & Present Supplement 11, 2016, 232-252
‘Iconoclasts Anonymous, or why did it take historians so long to identify the image-breakers of 1566?’, BMGN 131/1 (2016), 155-176
PhD supervision in progress
- Carolien Boender, Civic identity in Haarlem, 1747-1848, AiO UL, with Prof. Henk te Velde.
- David de Boer, Beyond the Borders of Tolerance. Religious Persecution in Europe and the Dutch Republic, 1648-1748. Co-tutelle Universität Konstanz, Germany. 1st promotor dr. Malte Griesse.
- Erica Boersma, Veranderend geefgedrag bij bijzondere collectes, ca 1621-1800, copromotor Dr. Ariadne Schmidt.
- Silvia Gaiga, De Educatiereis in de XVIe eeuw tussen Peregrinatio en Grand Tour
- Carolina Lenarduzzi, Katholieke subcultuur in de Republiek
- Thérèse Peeters, Trust in the Counter-Reformation co-promotor Dr. Felicia Roşu
- Cees Reijner, Italiaanse Geschiedschrijving over de Nederlandse Opstand co-promotor Dr. Raymond Fagel
Ancillary positions
Past & Present, Member of the Editorial Board
Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz, Member of the Wissenschaftliche Beirat
Rijksmuseum, Honorary Curator for Dutch History
Huizinga Instituut. Onderzoeksschool voor Cultuurgeschiedenis, Chair of the Board
Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw, Chair
Koninklijke Bibliotheek, member of the academic advisory board of Metamorfoze
Professor Early Modern Dutch History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Nederlandse geschiedenis
- Pollmann J.S., Kuijpers E., Dekker T.M.A.M., Lassche A.W. & Lenarduzzi C.M. (2024), Lokale kronieken uit de Nederlanden 1500-1850: READ-COOP. [dataset].
- Dekker T.M.A.M., Kuijpers H.M.E.P., Lassche A.W., Lenarduzzi C., Morante R. & Pollmann J. (2024), The Kronieken Corpus: an annotated collection of Dutch/Flemish chronicles from 1500-1850. Bizzoni Y., Degaetano-Ortlieb S., Kazantseva A. & Szpakowicz S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature. 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2024) 22 March 2024 - 22 March 2024. St. Julians, Malta: Association for Computational Linguistics. 243–252.
- Kuijpers E., Lenarduzzi C., Pollmann J.S., Dekker T. & Lassche A. (2024), Profiling local chroniclers in the early modern Low Countries, Urban history 2024: 1-26.
- Pollmann J.S. (2024), <論説・動向>内戦を忘れ去る --近世ヨーロッパにおける調停戦略としての忘却--: Forgetting civil war: oblivion as a strategy for peacemaking in early modern europe [Forgetting Civil War: Oblivion as a Strategy for Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe] (translation: Fujita F. & Pollmann J.S.), Fenestra 8: 12-26.
- Dekker T.M.A.M, Kuipers E, Lassche A.W., Lenarduzzi C, Morante R. & Pollmann J.S. (2024), The Kronieken Corpus:: an Annotated Collection of Dutch/Flemish Chronicles from 1500–1850. Bizzoni Y, Degaetano-Ortlieb S., Kazantseva A & Szpakowicz S. (Eds.). 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2024) 22 March 2024 - 22 March 2024: Association for Computational Linguistics. 243–252.
- Dekker T.M.A.M., Kuijpers E. , Lassche. A.W., Lenarduzzi C., Morante Vallejo R. & Pollmann J.S. (2024), chroniclingnovelty/chronicles-datasets: Kronieken Dataset. [dataset].
- Pollmann J.S. (2023), Religious identity in the Low Countries 1520–1650. In: Emich B., Badea A. & Boute B. (Eds.), Pathways through early modern Christianities no. 1. Koln: Bohlau. 281-304.
- Pollmann J.S. & Velde H. te (2023), Introduction. In: Pollmann J.S. & Velde H. te (Eds.), Civic continuities in an age of revolutionary change: Europe and the Americas, c.1750-1850. Palgrave Studies in Political History: Palgrave MacMillan. 1-19.
- Pollmann J.S. (2023), The spirit of the belltower: chronicling urban time in an age of revolution. In: Pollmann J.S. & Velde H. te (Eds.), Civic continuities in an age of revolutionary change: Europe and the Americas, c.1750-1850. Palgrave Studies in Political History: Palgrave MacMillan. 271-293.
- Pollmann J.S. & Velde H. te (2022), Wat is herdenken?: De inname van Den Briel in de negentiende eeuw en nu. Brielle: Brielle.
- Fagel R.P. & Pollmann J.S. (2022), 1572: Burgeroorlog in de Nederlanden. Amsterdam: Prometheus.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Hunger tales: remembering famine in sixteenth-century Leiden. In: Weeda C.V., Stein R. & Sicking L.H.J. (Eds.), Communities, environment and regulation in the premodern world: essays in honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers no. 20. Leuven: Brepols. 121-134.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Voorwaarden voor vrijheid: van 1572 tot vandaag. In: , Brielle lezingen 2021. Brielle: Gemeente Brielle. 13-37.
- Fagel R.P. & Pollmann J.S. (2022), Alva's bril en het bloedige jaar 1572, Geschiedenis Magazine 57(3): 67-71.
- Eekhout M.F.D., Huysman E.C.M., Nierop H.F.K., Pollmann J.S. & Visser J. (2022), Willem van Oranje in brieven: de Opstand in 1572. Zwolle: Uitgeverij Waanders.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Nederlandse Opstand. In: Frijhoff W., Secretan C. & Nijenhuis A. (Eds.), De gouden eeuw in 500 portretten, taferelen en analyses. Amersfoort: Van Wijnen. 923-929.
- Frijhoff W. & Pollmann J.S. (2022), Katholieken en katholieke identiteit. In: Frijhoff W., Secretan C. & Nijenhuis A. (Eds.), De gouden eeuw in 500 portretten, taferelen en analyses. Amersfoort: Van Wijnen. 702-710.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), 1572, van kaart tot monument: Hans Liefrinck overleeft het beleg van Leiden. In: Storms M., Groesen M. van, Richard A., Schrikker A., Ommen K. van & Verhoeven G. (Eds.), Kaarten die geschiedenis schreven: 1000 jaar wereldgeschiedenis in 100 oude kaarten. Tielt: Lannoo. 34-37.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Tussen Lumey en Oranje: Leiden en de Opstand van 1572. Leiden: Primavera.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Charles Boisot weigert een opdracht. In: Eekhout M., Huysman I., Nierop H.F.K. van, Pollmann J.S. & Visser J. (Eds.), Willem van Oranje in brieven: de opstand in 1572. Zwolle: Waanders. 94-101.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Filips van Marnix krijgt een opdracht. In: Eekhout M., Huysman I., Nierop H.F.K. van, Pollmann J.S. & Visser J. (Eds.), Willem van Oranje in brieven: de opstand van 1572. Zwolle: Waanders. 128-135.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Geldzorgen bij Roermond. In: Eekhout M., Huyman I., Nierop H.F.K. van, Pollmann J.S. & Visser J. (Eds.), Willem van Oranje in brieven: De opstand in 1572. Zwolle: Waanders. 136-143.
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Past and present: a journal of historical studies Member of editorial staff .
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), De geboorte van Nederland? Over het herdenken van 1572, Transparant (Mei): .
- Pollmann J.S. (2022), Oorlogsgeweld en het zelfbeeld van de Republiek. In: Helmers H., Janssen G.H. & Noorman J. (Eds.), De zeventiende eeuw. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 141-165.
- Beyen M., Te Velde H. & Pollmann J.S. (2021), De Lage Landen. Een geschiedenis voor vandaag. Rekkem; Den Haag: Ons Erfdeel.
- Pollmann J.S. (8 June 2021), Identity in France and the Low Countries, 1520-1700 (Lecture) Pathways through Early Modern Christianities. Frankfurt.
- Pollmann J.S. (10 June 2021), Voorwaarden voor Vrijheid. Van 1572 tot vandaag: Brielle Lezing 2021 (Lecture). Brielle.
- Pollmann J.S. (2021), Chroniclers and the Selection of Useful Knowledge. Dublin.
- Pollmann J.S., Velde H. te & Beyen M. (2021), Naar een nieuw standaardwerk over de geschiedenis van de Lage Landen, De Lage Landen (1): 52-57.
- Pollmann J.S. (2021), Een meerstemmig verleden. Online.
- Pollmann J.S. (2021), Lokale geschiedenis. De terugkeer van de lokale geschiedenis 3 June 2021 - 3 June 2021. Online.
- Pollmann J.S. (2021), Member of the editorial board Past and Present: a journal of scientific history . [other].
- Pollmann J.S. (2020), Hogenberg’s ghost: new books on the Eighty Years’ War, Early Modern Low Countries 4(1): 124-138.
- Lenarduzzi C.M. & Pollmann J.S. (2020), Bread and Stone. Catholic memory in Post-Reformation Leiden. In: Cummings B., Law C., Riley K. & Walsham A. (Eds.), Remembering the Reformation. New York: Routledge. 61-77.
- Kuijpers H.M.E.P. & Pollmann J.S. (2020), Transformer le sacrilège en victoire. La mémoire catholique de l’iconoclasme calviniste aux Pays-Bas, 1566-1700. In: Guillorel É. & Hopkin D. (Eds.), Traditions orales et mémoires sociales des révoltes en Europe, XVIe-XIXe siècle. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 147-164.
- Pollmann J.S. (2020), Beyond Nostalgia. Negotiating novelty in sixteenth-century Europe. Nostalgia in the early modern world 10 January 2020 - 11 January 2020. Cambridge.
- Pollmann J.S. (2020), Member of the editorial board Member of editorial staff Past and Present: a journal of scientific history. [other].
- Pollmann J.S. (2019), Oranje en de Eerste Statenvergadering. Een goed verborgen revolutie. In: Tamse C. (Ed.), Willem van Oranje en de eerste vrije statenvergadering 1572 Dordrecht. Den Haag: Prins Willem de Eerste herinneringsstichting. 7-33.
- Pollmann J.S. (2019), Domesticating Novelty. Chronicling Urban Continuities in an Age of Revolution. Tradition and Transition - Political practice and the benefits of continuity in the Age of Revolutions, 1750-1850 27 June 2019 - 28 June 2019. Leiden.
- Pollmann J.S. (2019), The Test of Time: Memory and Authority in Early Modern Europe. SKILLNET Conference. Memory and Identity in the Learned World 7 November 2019 - 9 November 2019. Utrecht.
- Pollmann J.S. (2019), Ratten vangen in Hamelen. Over het gezag van taaie verhalen. . Urban Legends van de Middeleeuwen tot nu 29 November 2019 - 29 November 2019. Leiden.
- Pollmann J.S. (2019), Member of the editorial board Past and Present: a journal of scientific history. [other].
- Pollmann J.S. (5 September 2018), 450 years since the Dutch Revolt. Historical Transactions. London: Royal Historical Society. [blog entry].
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), De tachtigjarige oorlog in de Nederlandse herinnering. In: Ham G. van der (Ed.) 80 jaar oorlog. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum/NTR/Atlas Contact. 262-267.
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), Imagining Catholicism in the Dutch Republic. Art & Catholicism in the Dutch Republic. Frankfurt am Main: Stadel Museum Frankfurt am Main.
- Pollmann J.S. (27 May 2018), De slag bij Heiligerlee for Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd(Radio 1) [interview].
- Pollmann J.S. (24 January 2018), In ons beeldenstormpje gaat het niet meer over helden, maar over heiligen . Interviewed by Ger Groot for Trouw [interview].
- Pollmann J.S. (6 June 2018), The Invention of the Netherlands. Part 3. Interviewed by Misha Glenny for The Invention of the Netherlands(BBC Radio 4) [interview].
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), Member of editorial board Past and Present: a journal of scientific history. [other].
- Pollmann J.S. & Kuijpers H.M.E.P. (2018), Turning sacrilege into victory. Catholic memories of Calvinist iconoclasm in the Low Countries, 1566-1700. In: Pollmann J.S. & Kuijpers H.M.E.P. (Eds.), Rhythms of Revolt. European traditions and memories of social conflict in oral culture. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 151-170.
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), The cult and memory of war and violence. In: Helmers H.J. & Janssen G.H. (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion of the Dutch Golden Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 87-104.
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), De tachtigjarige oorlog in de Nederlandse herinnering. In: Ham H. van der & Soethout M. (Eds.), 80 jaar oorlog. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 262-267.
- Pollmann J.S. & Velde H. te (2018), New state, new citizens? Political change and civic continuities in the Low Countries, 1780-1830, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 133(3): 4-23.
- Pollmann J.S. & Kuijpers H.M.E.P. (2018), Vroegmoderne kronieken ontsluiten: een oproep, Archievenblad 122(7): 31-31.
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), L'identité catholique. In: Secretan C. & Frijhoff W. (Eds.), Dictionnaire des Pays-Bas au Siècle d'or. Paris: CNRS editions. 124-125.
- Pollmann J.S. (2018), Révolte des Pays-Bas. In: Secretan C. & Frijhoff W. (Eds.), Dictonnaire des Pays-Bas au Siècle d'or. Paris: CNRS Éditions. 629-632.
- Pollmann J.S. (22 September 2017), Bread, fish and stone, or how a Leiden miracle survived the Reformation: Memory and the making of knowledge in the early modern world. International summer school Georg August Universität Göttingen (Lecture).
- Pollmann J.S. (2017), Memory in early modern Europe, 1500-1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Pollmann J.S. (2016), Archiving the Present and Chronicling for the Future in Early Modern Europe, Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies 230((suppl 11)): 231-252.
- Pollmann J.S. (2016), Iconoclasts Anonymous: why did it take historians so long to identify the image-breakers of 1566, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 131(1): 155-176.
- Pollmann J.S. 1 January 2016, Simon Schama, embarrassment of riches. Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd (OVT). VPRO [podcast].
- Pollmann J.S. & Kuijpers E. (2016), Van schaamte naar wonderverhalen. Katholieke herinneringen aan ‘1566’, Geschiedenis Magazine (July/August): 23-25.
- Pollmann J.S. (2015), Over paarden, postduiven en het 'verrassend onmoderne' van oorlogsmemorabilia. In: Winssen T. van (Ed.), Jo Tollebeek, De paarden van Waterloo. Over de schoonheid en bruutheid van de geschiedenis. no. Huizinga-lezing 2015: Elsevier. 61-67.
- Pollmann J.S. (2015), Arnoldus Buchelius. In: Hof W.J. op 't & et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedie Nadere Reformatie no. I. Utrecht: De Groot Goudriaan. 143-145.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2015), Member of the editorial board. Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies.
- Lundin M., Medick H., Merback M., Pollmann J.S. & Rau S. (2015), Memory before Modernity: Cultures and Practices in Early Modern Germany, German History 33(1): 100–122.
- Pollmann J.S. (2015), De Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Een hoorcollege over de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Opstand. MP3. Gouderak: Home Academy. [audio].
- Pollmann J.S. (2015), Review of: Dunthorne H. (2013), Britain and the Dutch Revolt, 1560-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 130(3).
- Pollmann J.S. (2015), Iedereen slachtoffer. Het verleden herschrijven na het Beleg van Leiden (1573-1574), Geschiedenis Magazine (5): 18-21.
- Pollmann J.S. (2014), Schuilen onder de vleugels van Oranje. Over de wortels van het orangisme, 1600-1618. In: Velde H. te & Haks D. (Eds.), Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus/Bert Bakker. 27-45.
- Pollmann J.S. (2014), Het Utrechtse tuchthuis of de grenzen van het gezag in de Gouden Eeuw. In: Groesen M. van, Pollmann J.S. & Cools H. (Eds.), Het Gelijk van de Gouden Eeuw. Recht, onrecht en reputatie in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden. Hilversum: Verloren. 91-106.
- Pollmann J.S. (2014), Memory before and after nationalism. A revision. In: Böss M. (Ed.), Conflicted pasts and national identities. Narratives of war and conflict no. 6. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. 31-42.
- Kuijpers H.M.E.P., Pollmann J.S., Müller J.M. & Steen J.A. van der (2013), Memory before Modernity: Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Pollmann J.S. & Stensland M. (2013), Alba’s reputation in the early modern Low Countries . In: Ebben M.E, Lacy-Bruijn M. & Hövell tot Westerflier R. van (Eds.), Alba. General and Servant to the Crown. Rotterdam: Karwanseray. 309-325.
- Kuijpers H.M.E.P. & Pollmann J.S. (2013), Why remember terror? Memories of violence in the Dutch Revolt. In: Ohlmeyer J. & Ó Siochrú M. (Eds.), Ireland 1641: Contexts and Reactions. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 176-196.
- Pollmann J.S. (2013), Being a Catholic in Early Modern Europe. In: Bamji Alexandra, Janssen Geert H. & Laven Mary (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to the Counter-Reformation. Farnham: Ashgate. 165-182.
- Pollmann J. & Kuijpers E. (2013), Introduction: On the early modernity of modern memory. In: Kuijpers E., Pollmann J., Müller J. & Steen J. van de (Eds.), Memory Before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe no. 176. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 1-23.
- Duke A.C. & Pollmann J.S. (2013), Reformations and Revolt in the Netherlands, 1500-1621 . In: King M. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Anonymous (2013), The experience of rupture and the history of memory [The experience of rupture and the history of memory] (translation: Deseure B.D.O. & Pollmann J.S.). In: Kuijpers H.M.E.P., Pollmann J.S., Muller J.M. & Steen J.A van der (Eds.), Memory before modernity. Practices of memory in early modern Europe (Leiden and Boston 2013), 315-330. Leiden: Brill. 315-329.
- Kuijpers E., Pollmann J., Müller J. & Steen J. van der (Eds.) (2013), Memory Before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe no. 176. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2013), . Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies.
- Lenarduzzi C. & Pollmann J.S. (2013), Het Vaderlands Verleden In De Zeventiende Eeuw. Inleiding, Archai: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental 29(2): 146-151.
- Pollmann J.S. (2013), Of living legends and authentic tales. How to get remembered in early modern Europe, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society sixth series, 23: 103-125.
- Pollmann J.S. (2013), Met grootvaders bloed bezegeld. Het religieuze verleden in de zeventiende eeuw, Archai: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental 29(2): 162-173.
- Pollmann J.S. (2012), Wat te doen tegen de satellieten van satan?, Transparant 23(2): 17-21.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2012), . Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies. Oxford: Oxford Academic.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2012), Hoofdredacteur. Zeven Provinciën Reeks. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
- Pollmann J.S. (2012), Advice NTR editors on television series ‘De geschiedenis van Nederland in zeven overstromingen’ and ‘De Gouden eeuw’ series (NTR). [other].
- Pollmann J.S. (2011), Catholic Identity and the Revolt of the Netherlands, 1520-1635. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Pollmann J.S. (2011), Een ‘blij-eindend’ treurspel. Herinneringen aan het beleg van Leiden, 1574-2011. In: Amersfoort H. van, Blom J.C.H., Es G. van & Bos D. (Eds.), Belaagd en belegerd. Amsterdam: Balans. 117-141.
- Pollmann J.S. (2011), Vondel's religion. In: Bloemendal J. & Korsten F.-W. (Eds.), Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679). Dutch playwright in the Golden Age. Leiden: Brill. 85-100.
- Pollmann J.S. (2011), Review of: (2009), Luc Panhuysen, Rampjaar 1672. Hoe de Republiek aan de ondergang ontsnapte.. Amsterdam: Atlas. BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review : 126-127.
- Pollmann J.S. (2011), How to Flatter the Laity? Rethinking Catholic Responses to the Reformation, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 126(3): 95-104.
- Pollmann J.S. (2010), Anna van Saksen (1544-1577). In: , Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland.
- Pollmann J.S. (2010), 'Hij had geen oog op zijn tijd'. Robert Fruins gebruik van egodocumenten als bron voor de cultuurgeschiedenis. In: Paul Herman & Velde Henk ten (Eds.), Het vaderlandse verleden. Robert Fruin en de Nederlandse geschiedschrijving. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 60-81.
- Pollmann J.S. (2010), No Man's Land. Reinventing Netherlandish Identities, 1585-1621. In: Stein Robert & Pollmann Judith (Eds.), Networks, Regions and Nations. Shaping Identities in the Low Countries, 1300-1650. Leiden: Brill. 241-261.
- Pollmann J.S. (2010), Honor, gender and discipline in Dutch Reformed churches. In: Mentzer R.A., Moreil F. & Chareyre P. (Eds.), Dire l’interdit. The Vocabulary of Censure and Exclusion in the Early Modern Reformed Tradition. Leiden: Brill. 29-42.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2010), . Church History and Religious Culture.
- Stein R. & Pollmann J.S. (Eds.) (2010), Networks, regions and nations. Shaping identities in the Low Countries, 1300-1650. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2010), . Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies.
- Pollmann J.S. (2009), 'De gemeente stond malkander bij'. Katholieken en de Nederlandse Opstand, Leidschrift 24: 33-49.
- Pollmann J.S. (2009), Internationalisering en de Nederlandse Opstand, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 124(4): 515-535.
- Pollmann J.S. (2009), Freiwillige Religion in einer ‘öffentlichen Kirche’ . Die Anziehungskraft des Calvinismus in der Niederländischen Republik. In: Reiss A. & Witt S. (Eds.), Calvinismus. Die Reformierten in Deutschland und Europa. Dresden 176-181.
- Pollmann J.S. (2009), Catholics and community in the Revolt of the Netherlands. In: Dixon C. Scott, Freist Dagmar & Greengrass Mark (Eds.), Living with religious diversity in early-modern Europe. Farnham: Ashgate. 183-202.
- Pollmann J.S. (2009), Burying the dead; reliving the past. Ritual, resentment and sacred space in the Dutch Republic. In: Kaplan Benjamin, Moore Bob, Nierop Henk van & Pollmann Judith (Eds.), Catholic communities in Protestant states. Britain and the Netherlands c. 1570-1720. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 84-102.
- Kaplan B. & Pollmann J.S. (2009), Conclusion: Catholic communities in Protestant States. Britain and the Netherlands c. 1570-1720. In: Kaplan Benjamin, Moore Bob, Nierop Henk van & Pollmann Judith (Eds.), Catholic communities in Protestant States. Britain and the Netherlands c. 1570-1720. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 249-264.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2009), . Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies.
- Kaplan B., Moore B., Nierop H.F.K. van & Pollmann J.S. (Eds.) (2009), Catholic communities in Protestant States. Britain and the Netherlands c. 1570-1720. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Pollmann J.S. & Spicer A. (Eds.) (2009), Alastair Duke: Dissident Identities in the Early Modern Low Countries. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2009), . Church History and Religious Culture.
- Pollmann J.S. (2008), Herdenken, herinneren, vergeten. Het beleg en ontzet van Leiden in de Gouden Eeuw. Leiden: Primavera.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2008), . Trajecta.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2008), . Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies.
- Pollmann J.S. (Ed.) (2008), . Church History and Religious Culture.
- Pollmann J.S. (11 January 2008), Respecteer de vleugelmuts. Verbittering en verdraagzaamheid in vroegmodern Europa. NRC Handelsblad: 1-2.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007), "Each should tend his own garden": Anna Bijns and the Catholic Polemic against the Reformation, Church History and Religious Culture 87: 29-46.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007), Eendracht maakt macht. Stedelijke cultuuridealen en politieke werkelijkheid in de Republiek. In: Bos D., Ebben M.A. & Velde H. te (Eds.), Harmonie in Holland. Het poldermodel van 1500 tot nu. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 134-151.
- Pollmann J.S. & Greengrass Mark (2007), Introduction. In: Schilling Heinz & Tóth István G. (Eds.), Religion and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 221-235.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007), 'Brabanters Do Fairly Resemble Spaniards After All'. Memory, Propaganda and Identity in the Twelve Years' Truce. In: Pollmann J.S. & Spicer A. (Eds.), Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands. Essays in Honour of Alastair Duke. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 211-227.
- Pollmann J.S. & Spicer A. (2007), Introduction. In: Pollmann J.S. & Spicer A. (Eds.), Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands. Essays in Honour of Alastair Duke. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 1-9.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007), Hey ho, let the cup go round! Singing for reformation in the sixteenth century. In: Schilling Heinz & Tóth István G. (Eds.), Religion and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 294-316.
- Pollmann J.S. & Spicer A. (Eds.) (2007), Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands. Essays in Honour of Alastair Duke. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007) Getting along. Review of: (2006), Charitable hatred. Tolerance and intolerance in England, 1500-1700. Manchester: Manchester University Press. History Workshop Journal 64: 419-424.
- Pollmann J.S. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Hageman M.J.M. (2005), Het kwade exempel van Gelre. De stad Nijmegen, de Beeldenstorm en de Raad van Beroerten, 1566-1568. Nijmegen: VanTilt. BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 122: 268-271.
- Pollmann J.S. (2006), The Low Countries. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Pollmann J.S. (2006), Amsterdam: Ons’ Lieve Heer op Zolder. Paapse stoutigheden op de Wallen. In: Prak M. (Ed.), Plaatsen van herinnering. Nederland in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 296-307.
- Pollmann J.S. (2006), Dienst en wederdienst. Patronage en de kunst van het netwerken in het ancien régime. In: Wessels L. & Frijhoff W. (Eds.), Veelvormige dynamiek. Europa in het Ancien Régime, 1450-1800. Heerlen/Amsterdam: SUN/OUNL. 213-236.
- Pollmann J.S. (2006), From Freedom of Conscience to Confessional Segregation? Religious Choice and Toleration in the Dutch Republic. In: Bonney R. & Trim D.J.B. (Eds.), Persecution and pluralism. Calvinists and religious minorities in early modern Europe, 1550-1700. Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang. 123-148.
- Pollmann J.S. (2006), Countering the Reformation in France and the Netherlands. Clerical Leadership and Catholic Violence, 1560-1585, Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies 190: 83-120.
- Pollmann J.S. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Kamen Henry (2004), The Duke of Alba. New Haven: Yale University Press. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 56: 784-785.
- Pollmann J.S. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Simons Walter (2001), Cities of Ladies. Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Renaissance Studies 19: 572-574.
- Pollmann J.S. (21 October 2005), Houd vooral een oogje op het grauw. Nieuwe biografieen over Oldenbarnevelt en de broers de Witt. NRC Handelsblad: 29-29.
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