Universiteit Leiden

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Judith Jurjens


Dr. J. Jurjens MA
071 5272727

PhD research

Being and becoming a scribe: the Teaching of Khety and its use as an educational tool in Ancient Egypt.

Supervisors: Olaf Kaper and Rob Demarée 

The Teaching of Khety, also known as the Satire of the Trades, is a Middle Egyptian literary text, proclaiming the benefits of being a scribe, while downplaying other professions. The Teaching of Khety was one of the most important literary texts used in the education of scribes in Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom. The aim of my PhD research is to study still unpublished fragments of this text, while also using the text as a case study to research educational practices in Ancient Egypt.



  • PhD-researcher in Egyptology, Leiden University (2016)
  • Pre-university Teaching Certificate in Greek, Latin and Civilizations, University of Groningen (2008)
  • Master Classical Studies, University of Groningen, including extracurricular Egyptological courses (2005)


  • Pre-university teacher of Greek and Latin (2007-present)
  • Registrar at the Fayum Project in Egypt (RUG/UCLA) (2005)


Doctoral Grant for Teachers from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (2016)


  • Jurjens. J. (in druk). An Unpublished Manuscript of The Teaching of Khety (P. Turin CGT 54019). Rivista del Museo Egizio.
  • Jurjens. J. (forthcoming). The Educational Context of a Literary Text: Some Notes on Writing Exercises and Drawings as Found on Material Containing The Teaching of KhetyJournal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 57.   
  • Jurjens. J. (forthcoming). Corrections on Ostraca: a Look into an Ancient Egyptian Scribal Practice. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur.
  • Jurjens. J. (2021). Dates on Literary Ostraca: a Case Study. Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 148/1, 83-91
  • Jurjens. J. (2020). The Scribes Who Wrote Khety: Some Remarks on Colophons and Scribal Education. Chronique d'Égypte 95, (Fasc. 190), 220-235.
  • Jurjens. J. (2019). The Teaching of Khety Twice – A New Reading of oBM EA 65597 as a School ExerciseThe Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 105. https://doi.org/10.1177/0307513319885095.
  • Jurjens J. (2017). Middle Egyptian Literature: Eight Literary Works of the Middle Kingdom. [Review of Allen, J.P. (2014), Middle Egyptian Literature: Eight Literary Works of the Middle Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge]. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie, 56.
  • Jurjens, J. & Van Dijk, J. (2015). Sinoehe & Het Testament van Amenemhat: literatuur rondom een koningsmoord. [Review of Maud Cleton & Ping Cleton (2013), Sinuhe & Het Testament van Amenemhat. Primavera Pers, Leiden], Phoenix, 61/2-3, 121-130.
  • Jurjens, J. (2014). The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Beyond Pharaohs. [Review of Douglas J. Brewer (2012), The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Beyond Pharaohs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012]. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie, 52.
  • Jurjens, J. & Van Dijk, J. (2011). Een nieuwe Nederlandse grammatica van het Egyptisch.[Review of Zonhoven, L.M.J. (2010), Middel-Egyptische Grammatica. Peeters, Leuven]. Phoenix, 57/1-2, 68-73.
  • Jurjens, J. (2011). Ancient Egyptian Tombs. [Review of Snape, S. (2011), Ancient Egyptian TombsThe culture of life and death. Blackwell Ancient Religions, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA (etc.)]. Tijdschrift voor Meditterane Archeologie, 46, 59-61.
  • Jurjens, J. (2010). Egyptische magie. Recensie tentoonstelling en begeleidend boek. [Review of Raven, M.J. (2010), Egyptische magie. Op zoek naar het toverboek van Thot. Walburg pers, Zutphen]. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie, 44, 39-41.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies
  • SMES Egyptologie


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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