Judith Bosnak
- Name
- Dr. J.E. Bosnak
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- j.e.bosnak@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9737-8557

Judith Bosnak is a lecturer and researcher in the field of Indonesian Languages and Cultures at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Judith Bosnak
Judith E. Bosnak has a background in Southeast Asian Studies with a focus on Indonesian Languages and Cultures. Her research interests include the cultural history of the Dutch East Indies and nineteenth-century travel writing in Javanese and Malay.
She participates in Prof. dr Honing’s research project ‘Voicing the colony. Travelers in the Dutch East Indies, 1800-1945’ (2020-2025) in which Indonesian and Dutch travel writing is studied in comparative perspective.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Oude Nederlandse L&C
- Veer C.B. van 't, Honings R.A.M., Bosnak J.E. & Molen W. van der 25 March 2024, Het belang van Indonesische stemmen. De postkoloniale podcast 14. UB Leiden [podcast].
- Honings R.A.M., Bosnak J.E. & Veer C.B. van 't (2024), Introduction: Western and Asian travel perspectives on Indonesia (1850-1950), Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 25(1): 2.
- Honings R.A.M., Bosnak J.E. & Veer C.B. van 't (2024), Introduction Western and Asian travel perspectives on Indonesia (1850-1950), Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 25(1): 5-9.
- Bosnak J.E. & Honings R.A.M. (2023), Roaring Tigers, Grunting Buffalo, and Slithering Snakes Along the Javanese Road: A Comparative Examination of Dutch and Indonesian Travel Writing. In: Honings R.A.M. & Op de Beek E. (Eds.), Animals in Dutch travel writing, 1800-present. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 29-77.
- Honings R.A.M. & Bosnak J.E. (2022), 1865: Poerwolelono beschrijft zijn geboorte-eiland Java. In: Heerma van Voss L., Bouras N. & Hart M. 't (Eds.), Nog meer Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland. Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos. 391-396.
- Bosnak J.E. & Honings R.A.M. (2020), Behoed ons arme volk voor de vulkaan-poëten: De literaire verwerking van de Krakatau-ramp van 1883 in Nederland en Indonesië, De Moderne Tijd 4(3-4): 382-422.
- Raden Mas Arya Purwalelana (2020), The Javanese Travels of Purwalelana. A Nobleman's Account of his Journeys Across the Island of Java 1860-1875 [Lampah-lampahipun Purwalelana] (translation: Bosnak J.E. & Koot F.X.) no. 36. London: Hakluyt Society.
- Bosnak J.E. (2020), Shaping Barong Dance Drama in Paradise Bali: Oriental Discourse by Miguel Covarrubias and his Networks: Moldear la danza-drama barong en el Bali paradisiaco: discursos orientalistas de Miguel Covarrubias y sus redes. In: Eder R. (Ed.), Los territorios artīsticos de Miguel Covarrubias: contactos culturales en las Américas y el Pacífico. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 77-105.
- Bosnak J.E. (2015), Soap Opera and Muddy Affairs in Indonesia; The Cultural Politics of the Lapindo Mudflow Case (2006–2014), Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 171: 455-488.
- Raden Mas Arjo Poerwolelono (2013), Op reis met een Javaanse edelman; Een levendig portret van koloniaal Java in de negentiende eeuw (1850-1875) [Lampah-lampahipoen Poerwolelono] (translation: Bosnak J.E. & Koot F.X.). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.