Juan Claramunt Gonzalez
Scientific information expert
- Name
- J. Claramunt Gonzalez MSc
- Telephone
- 071 5276026
- j.claramunt.gonzalez@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0009-0009-5387-6341
Juan Claramunt is a computer scientist at the department of Methodology and Statistics of the Institute Psychology. He obtained his Master's degree in Methodology and Statistics (cum laude) at Utrecht University along with the European Master of Official Statistics (EMOS) at Statistics Netherlands. Previously, he worked as a programmer for different companies.
Juan supports the research activities of the department of Methodology and Statistics regarding programming issues.
Juan helps the professors and teachers of the Methodology and Statistics department generating exams, files, and other e-learning material.
Relevant links
Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jclaramunt/
Github profile: https://github.com/jclaramunt
Scientific information expert
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Methodologie & Statistiek
- Luijken K., Lohmann A., Alter U., Claramunt Gonzalez J., Clouth F.J., Fossum J.L., Hesen L., Huizing A.H.J., Ketelaar J., Montoya A.K., Nab L., Nijman R.C.C., Penning de Vries B.B.L., Tibbe T.D., Wang Y.A. & Groenwold R.H.H. (2024), Replicability of simulation studies for the investigation of statistical methods : the RepliSims project, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11(1): .
- Dusseldorp E.M.L., Claramunt Gonzalez J., Doove L., Put J. van de, Ninaber C. & Mechelen I. van (2022), Quint: Qualitative Interaction Trees (version 2.2.2): R package suitable for subgroup-analysis of data from a two-arm randomized controlled trial. [other].
- Claramunt Gonzalez J. (2022), QR Factorization without Pivoting (version 0.1.3): R package suitable for QR factorization without pivoting to a real or complex matrix (CRAN). [other].
- Claramunt González J., Delden A. van & Waal T. de (2022), Assessment of the effect of constraints in a new multivariate mixed method for statistical matching, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 177: 107569.