Universiteit Leiden

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Jos Raadschelders

Professor emeritus Public Administration/ Comparative analysis of normative aspects of public administration

Prof.dr. J.C.N. Raadschelders
+31 70 800 9400


Jos C.N. Raadschelders is appointed on an honorary basis at Leiden University from December 2011. His primary appointment is that of professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, the Ohio State University (since 2011). Since 2013 he serves as the Associate Dean for Faculty Development. Before that he worked at the Universities of Leiden (1983-1998) and Oklahoma (1998-2011). Jos C.N. Raadschelders, received his Ph.D. in the social sciences from Leiden University in 1990 for a study on local government development in the Netherlands between 1600-1980. His master's degree is also from Leiden University (1982) and is in history, with minors in public administration and international relations.


His interest in history is visible in his many publications on administrative history as an approach and of specific administrative histories (water management, church and state, administration of national heritage, elementary and secondary education, police, etc.). Another of his interests is epistemology of public administration, a topic in which he published several articles that culminated in a book with Oxford University Press (2011).

Being born and raised in the Netherlands and coming to the United States in 1998, it is not a surprise that he is interested in comparative government and he wrote a book about this with a colleague in Israel (Eran Vigoda-Gadot). In fact, being responsible for an international exchange program at the University of Leiden (between 1989-1998) he has met students from all over the world and is very much aware of national differences in education styles and in the structure and functioning of government. That has translated in an interest in organizational culture and ethics, an area he has published and taught.

Dr. Raadschelders has lectured for and taught public servants from various countries, including diplomats from Mozambique; civil servants from Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, the United States, Latvia, the Kyrghyz Republic, China, Kenya, and Yemen; legislators from Finland; military personnel and police officers from the United States.


He has published a variety of books and articles. In the 2006-2011 period he served as managing editor of Public Administration Review, the journal of record of the American Society for Public Administration and the leading public administration journal in the world. Prior to his appointment at the Glenn College he worked at Leiden University in the Netherlands (1983-1998) and the University of Oklahoma (1998-2011).

› Curriculum vitae Professor Raadschelders

Professor emeritus Public Administration/ Comparative analysis of normative aspects of public administration

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde


  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (3 May 2013), The Governance of Food Safety in the Netherlands: (De)regulation, (De)centralization and (De)collectivization. IIAs working group Administrative History. Reims. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (18 June 2012). Een adisciplinaire bestuurskunde voor een multi-etnische samenleving : historische, ontologische, epistemologische en axiologische overwegingen.*. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (30 April 2012), The Governance of Food Safety in the Netherlands: Two Centuries of Intensifying Regulation and Organization. Paper presented at the meeting of the Working Group History of Administration, International Institute of Administrative Sciences April 30, 2012, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. IIAS working group on Administrative history. Washington DC. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (18 June 2012). An a-disciplinary public administration for a diverse society: historical, ontological, epistemological and axiological reflections*. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (18 June 2010), Motives and Initiators of Administrative Reform in The Netherlands, 19th-20th C. IIAS Working Group History of Government. Conference IIAS administrative history. University of Linz, Austria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Toonen T.A.J. & Raadschelders J.C.N. (25 November 2010), Public sector reform and administrative Models, traditions, and reforms Paper. NIG. Maastricht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (28 March 1998), Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. Paper presented at the working group History of Adminstration' meeting. Corfu, Ionean University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (28 March 1998), Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. Paper presented at the working group 'History of Administration' meeting. Corfu, Ionean University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (20 January 1998), Central-Local Relations. Group of international civil servants and diplomats from Mozambique. Clingendael Institute for International Relations. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (20 January 1998), State and Administrative Traditions. Group of International civil servants and diplomats from Mozambique. Clingendeal Institute for International Relations. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Toonen T.A.J. & Raadschelders J.C.N. (5 April 1998), Public Sector Reform in Western Europe: A Comparative View. Congres Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective. Bloomington. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (20 January 1998), Comparative Political Systems. Group of internationals civil servants and diplomats from Mozambique. Clingendael Institute for International Relations. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (1998), Public Administration in The Netherlands. Prepared for the Steering Committee of the Sub-Project on Public Administration under the SOCRATES Thematic Network on Political Science and Public Administration. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Bekke A.J.G.M. & Raadschelders J.C.N. (1 April 1998), Comparative civil service systems: an institutional analysis. Paper presented at the NOB conference Noordwijkerhout. Noordwijkerhout. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (14 March 1997), Administering the Summit: Comparative Observations. International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. Brussel. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (5 April 1997), A Comparative View of Civil Service Systems in Historical Perspective. Conference. Bloomington. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (23 April 1997), The State of Administrative History. Seminar Swedish Center for Organizational Research. Stockholm. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (21 March 1997), The Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands: A Fragmented Unity. Whitehall Project. Oxford. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (29 May 1997), Water centraal. Bestuurskundige overwegingen bij het gelijknamige rapport van de Unie van Waterschappen. Studiemiddag van de Studiekring voor Waterstaatsrecht en Waterschapsbeheer. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (14 March 1997), Administering the Summit in The Netherlands 1795-1995. International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. Brussel. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Raadschelders J.C.N. (24 April 1997), Reforming the Public Sector: the Importance of Historical Understanding. Seminar Swedish Center for Organizational Research. Stockholm. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (6 June 1997), The Transformation of the Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands after the Second World War. Politicologenetmaal. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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