Jörn Soerink
University lecturer
- Name
- Dr. J. Soerink
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- j.soerink@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0342-4688

Jörn Soerink is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Jörn Soerink
Fields of interest
- The epic tradition
- Statius Thebaid
- Senecan tragedy
- Intertextuality
- Metapoetics
- Textual criticism
- Commentaries
Curriculum vitae
Jörn Soerink (1982) studied Classics (BA 2004; cum laude) and Literary Studies (Research MA 2007; cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. He obtained a second master's degree in Classics at the University of Oxford (MSt 2008; with distinction), thanks to a Huygens Scholarship Programme Talentenbeurs. In 2014 he defended his PhD-thesis (Beginning of Doom. Statius Thebaid 5.499-753. Introduction, Text, Commentary) at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (cum laude). Since 2011 he teaches Latin language and literature at Leiden University.
Teaching activities
I teach a variety of courses in both the BA and the MA programme, including Latin morphology and syntax (BA1), Latin epic (BA2), history of Latin literature (BA2) and a seminar on Petronius' Satyrica (MA).
Key publications
(2017), 'Homerus noemt mij niet': Achaemenides in Vergilius' Aeneis 3, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor classici 50(1): 76-95.
- (2014) Beginning of Doom. Statius Thebaid 5.499-753. Introduction, Text, Commentary (diss. Groningen)
- (2014) 'Tragic / Epic: Statius' Thebaid and Euripides' Hypsipyle' in: A. Augoustakis (ed.) Flavian Literature and Its Greek Past (Brill, Leiden) 171-91.
- (2013) ‘Statius, Silius Italicus and the Snake Pit of Intertextuality’ in: G. Manuwald & A. Voigt (eds.) Flavian Epic Interactions (De Gruyter, Berlin) pp. 361-77.
- (2011) 'De kunst van kannibalisme: Tydeus en Melanippus in Statius' Thebais', Lampas 44: 248-65.
Selected presented papers
- ‘Statius’ Hypsipyle’, international conference Flavian Literature and its Greek Past, Delphi (Greece), July 2012.
- 'Poets Playing Preludes: Vergil's (?) Culex and (prae)ludere in Latin literature', Poikilia: a colloquium in memory of James Worthen, University of Oxford (UK), October 2010.
- ' Vbera iam materna: Statius' Thebaid and Wet Nursing in Imperial Rome', Celtic Conference in Classics, panel Epic Poetry and Flavian Culture, University of Edinburgh (UK), July 2010.
- 'Bloody brothers: fratricide and civil war in Latin literature', Netherlands Institute of Athens (Greece), June 2010.
- 'Statius' Altar of Clemency ( Thebaid 12.481-518): Greek facts and Latin fictions', Workshop on 'Hybridisierung', Giessen (Germany), March 2010.
- 'The significance of the Opheltes episode in Statius' Thebaid', Statius Workshop, University of Nottingham (UK), January 2010.
- 'Between Upper and Nether World: Furies and Liminality in Latin Literature', CASA Conference Boundaries and Crossings, University of Pretoria (South Africa), June-July 2009.
University lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Latijnse T&C
- bestuurslid en voorzitter VCN-platform VO-WO
- bestuurslide en docent Scholae (zij-instroom-traject docenten Klassieke Talen)