Joris van de Riet
- Name
- Mr. J.T.J. van de Riet
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7651
- 0000-0003-3382-9993

Joris van de Riet is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence, where he is preparing a doctoral thesis on the relevance of Immanuel Kant's political philosophy to international law and international relations.
Joris van de Riet (b. 1998) holds a bachelor's degrees in Law and master's degrees in Public International Law and Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (cum laude) from Leiden University. He wrote his joint master's thesis, supervised by Prof. Bastiaan Rijpkema and Dr. Letizia Lo Giacco, on the legal philosophy of Immanuel Kant and its relation to the right to self-determination in international law.
During his studies he worked as a student assistant at the Europa Institute, editing the book reviews for the Common Market Law Review. He also served as an editor of the faculty magazine NOVUM, of which he was editor in chief in 2020-2021, and taught working groups for first-year students.
He has been a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence since January 2023. His PhD research, supervised by Prof. Afshin Ellian, explores the possibilities of the application of Immanuel Kant's political philosophy to international law and international relations. In his works, Kant sets out a vision of international order that has often been derided as either hopelessly idealistic, or as a façade for the exercise of raw power. In his thesis, Joris argues that neither of these views is an accurate representation of Kant's thought and that Kant has a much more nuanced yet realistic conception of international relations that can serve as a basis for foreign policy.
Joris's main research interests are the legal and political philosophy of Immanuel Kant and neo-Kantian legal philosophy and the history and theory of international law. He also has an interest in EU constitutional and external relations law and the law of international organizations.
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Encyclopedie
PhD candidate / self funded
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Encyclopedie
- Riet J.T.J. van de (10 August 2024), Studentenverenigingen zijn een verrijking, knijp ze niet af. Trouw: 21.
- Riet J.T.J. van de & Klaver F. (2023), The EU and Russian aggression: perspectives from Kant, Hobbes, and Machiavelli, European Papers 8(3): 1523-1537.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (31 October 2023), Revenge of the Schmitt : Star Wars and parliamentary democracy. Opinio Juris (Third Annual Symposium on Pop Culture and International Law). [blog entry].
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2023), De Veiligheidsraad hervormen?: Dat gaat zo maar niet, Nederlands Juristenblad 98(4): 312 (NJB 2023/269).
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2023), Review of: Ganesh A.R. (2021), Rightful relations with distant strangers: Kant, the EU, and the wider world. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Common Market Law Review 60(3): 913-916.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (3 January 2023), Waarom een hogere kiesdrempel niets uithaalt. Trouw: 18.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (11 February 2023), No, Russia can (Still) not be removed from the UN Security Council: a response to Thomas Grant and others: part one. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Riet J.T.J. van de (11 February 2023), No, Russia can (Still) not be removed from the UN Security Council: a response to Thomas Grant and others: part two. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Riet J.T.J. van de (22 March 2022), No, Russia cannot be removed from the UN Security Council. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Riet J.T.J. van de (14 April 2022), Een apart strafhof voor misdrijven in Oekraïne biedt geen oplossing. Trouw: 21.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (19 April 2022), Apart strafhof misdrijven Oekraïne geen oplossing. Dagblad van het Noorden: 19.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2020), De Britten eruit, de advocaten erin?: De gevolgen van de Brexit voor het vrij verkeer van Britse advocaten in de Europese Unie, Ars Aequi 69(9): 766-774 (AA20200766).
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2020), Review of: Kainer F. & Repasi R. (eds) | Frau R. (2019 | 2020), Trade Relations after Brexit | Das Brexit-Abkommen und Europarecht. Baden-Baden/Oxford | Baden-Baden: Nomos/Hart | Nomos. Common Market Law Review 57(5): 1662-1665.
- Berg L.R. van den, Geldermans S., Heeres A.A., Noort N.W., Riet J.T.J. van de, Vonk S.E.C. & Weijers H.J. (Eds.) (2019), Recht en technologie: Vraagstukken van de digitale revolutie. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2019), A distant mirror: recht en technologie in de lange negentiende eeuw: Over de rol van wetgever en rechter bij het omgaan met nieuwe technologieën. In: Berg L.R. van den, Geldermans S., Heeres A.A, Noort N.W., Riet J.T.J. van de, Vonk S.E.C. & Weijers H.J. (Eds.), Recht en technologie. Vraagstukken van de digitale revolutie. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. 25-44.
- Riet J.T.J. van de (2018), Het einde van ‘Law’s Empire’?: De gevolgen van Brexit voor Britse en Europese advocaten. In: Verheijen B.A., Demper C.W., Bois N. du & Ruiter R.J. de (Eds.), Juridische Dienstverlening in de 21e eeuw. Den Haag: Sdu. 41-55.