Jordy Bouwman
Assistant Professor / Guest
- Name
- Dr. J. Bouwman
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5737
- 0000-0002-3615-1703

Assistant Professor / Guest
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Schleier D., Kamer J., Jiao A., Schneider G.F., Linnartz H.V.J. & Bouwman J. (2024), Photoprocessing of cationic triazacoronene: dissociation characteristics of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles in interstellar environments, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26: 15547-15558.
- Kamer J., Schleier D., Jiao A., Schneider G.F., Martens J., Berden G., Oomens J. & Bouwman J. (2024), IR spectra of cationic 1,5,9-triazacoronene and two of its cationic derivatives, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26: 27912-27921.
- Panchagnula S., Kamer J., Candian A., Hrodmarsson H.R., Linnartz H.V.J., Bouwman J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2024), Laser-induced fragmentation of coronene cations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26: 18557-18570.
- Schleier D., Kamer J., Martens J., Berden G., Oomens J. & Bouwman J. (2024), Exploring the scaling factors for infrared modes of PANHs: a case study on cationic 3‐Azafluoranthene⋅+ and protonated 3‐Azafluoranthene**, ChemPhysChem 25: .
- Kipfer K.A., Ligterink N.F.W., Bouwman J., Schwander L., Grimaudo V., Koning C.P. de, Boeren N.J., Keresztes Schmidt P., Lukmanov R., Tulej M., Wurz P. & Riedo A. (2022), Toward detecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on planetary objects with ORIGIN, The Planetary Science Journal 3(2): 43.
- Suas-David N.J.F., Linnartz H.V.J. & Bouwman J. (2022), Acetylene v1 + v5 (Pi_u) <- v4 (Pi_g) hot band revisited, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 384: 111570.
- Ligterink N.F.W., Ahmadi A., Luitel B., Coutens A., Calcutt H., Tychoniec Ł., Linnartz H.V.J., Jørgensen J.K. Garrod R.T. & Bouwman J. (2022), The prebiotic molecular inventory of Serpens SMM1: II. The building blocks of peptide chains, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6(3): 455-467.
- Hrodmarsson H.R., Bouwman J., Tielens A.G.G.M. & Linnartz H.V.J. (2022), Similarities and dissimilarities in the fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon cations: a case study involving three dibenzopyrene isomers, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 476: 116834.
- Ligterink N.F.W., Ahmadi A., Coutens A., Tychoniec Ł., Calcutt H., Dishoeck E.F. van, Linnartz H., Jørgensen J.K., Garrod R.T. & Bouwman J. (2021), The prebiotic molecular inventory of Serpens SMM1: I. An investigation of the isomers CH3NCO and HOCH2CN, Astronomy and Astrophysics 647: 1-32 (A87).
- Kipfer K., Ligterink N., Schwander L., Koning C. de, Keresztes Schmidt P., Grimaudo V., Lukmanov R., Tulej M., Bouwman J., Riedo A. & Wurz P. (2021), Towards detecting carbon chemistry on planetary objects with the ORIGIN space instrument, EPSC Abstracts. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society.
- Bouwman J., Linnartz H.V.J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2021), Mid-infrared spectroscopic signatures of dibenzopyrene cations: the effect of symmetry on PAH IR spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 378: 111458.
- Bulak M., Paardekooper D.M., Bouwman J., Fedoseev G. & Linnartz H.V.J. (2020), Towards disentangling photodesorption and photodissociation in astronomical ice analogues. Salama F. & Linnartz H. (Eds.), Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation. IAU Symposium 350 14 April 2019 - 19 April 2019 no. 350. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 422-424.
- Panchagnula S., Bouwman J., Kamer J., Linnartz H. & Tielens A. (2020), Photofragmentation of coronene cations. Salama F. & Linnartz H. (Eds.), Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation. IAU Symposium 350 14 April 2019 - 19 April 2019 no. 15. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 402-403.
- Bouwman J., Boersma C., Bulak M., Kamer J., Castellanos P., Tielens A.G.G.M. & Linnartz H.V.J. (2020), Gas-phase infrared spectroscopy of the rubicene cation (C_26H_14^+). A case study for interstellar pentagons, Astronomy and Astrophysics 636: A57.
- Bouwman J., Kamer J., Castellanos Nash P., Bulak M., Panchagnula S., Zhen J., Haas A. de Oomens J., Linnartz H.V.J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2020), Interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: spectroscopy, photofragmentation and photoproducts. Salama F. & Linnartz H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation. IAU Symposium 350 14 April 2019 - 19 April 2019 no. 350: International Astronomical Union. 353-355.
- Panchagnula S., Bouwman J., Rap D.B., Castellanos P., Candian A., Mackie C., Banhatti S., Brünken S., Linnartz H.V.J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2020), Structural investigation of doubly-dehydrogenated pyrene cations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22(38): 21651-21663.
- McCabe M.N., Hemberger P., Reusch E., Bodi A. & Bouwman J. (2020), Off the beaten path: almost clean formation of Indene from the ortho-Benzyne + Allyl reaction, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(8): 2859-2863.
- Bacalla X., Linnartz H.V.J., Cox N.L.J., Cami J., Roueff E., Smoker J.V., Farhang A., Bouwman J. & Zhao D. (2019), The EDIBLES survey. IV. Cosmic ray ionization rates in diffuse clouds from near-ultraviolet observations of interstellar OH+, 622: A31.
- Bouwman J., Castellanos P., Bulak M., Terwisscha van Scheltinga J., Cami J., Linnartz H. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2019), Effect of molecular structure on the infrared signatures of astronomically relevant PAHs, 621: A80.
- Fortney J., Robinson T.D., Domagal-Goldman S., Genio A.D. del, Gordon I.E., Gharib-Nezhad E., Lewis N., Sousa-Silva C., Airapetian V., Drouin B., Hargreaves R.J., Huang X., Karman T., Ramirez R.M., Rieker G.B., Tennyson J., Wordsworth R., Yurchenko S.N., Johnson A.V., Lee T.J., Marley M.S., Dong C, Kane S., López-Morales M., Fauchez T., Lee T., Sung K., Haghighipour N., Horst S., Gao P., Kao D.-Y., Dressing C., Lupu R., Savin D.W, Fleury B., Venot O., Ascenzi D., Milam S., Linnartz H.V.J., Gudipati M., Gronoff G., Salama F., Gavilan L., Bouwman J., Turbet M., Benilan Y., Henderson B., Batalha N., Jensen-Clem R., Lyons T., Freedman R., Schwieterman E., Goyal J., Mancini L., Irwin P., Desert J.-M., Molaverdikhani K., Gizis J., Taylor J., Lothringer J., Pierrehumbert R., Zellem R., Batalha N., Rugheimer S., Lustig-Yaeger J., Hu R., Kempton E., Arney G., Line M., Alam M., Moses J., Iro N., Kreidberg L., Blecic J., Louden T., Mollière P., Stevenson K., Swain M., Bott K., Madhusudhan N., Krissansen-Totton J., Deming D., Kitiashvili I., Shkolnik E., Rustamkulov Z., Rogers L. & Close L. (2019), The Need for Laboratory Measurements and Ab Initio Studies to Aid Understanding of Exoplanetary Atmospheres, Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020: 146.
- Diedhiou M., West B.J., Bouwman J. & Mayer P.M. (2019), Ion Dissociation Dynamics of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene:Tetralin as a Test Case For Hydrogenated Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123(51): 10885-10892.
- Candian A., Bouwman J., Hemberger P., Bodi A. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2018), Dissociative ionisation of adamantane: a combined theoretical and experimental study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(8): 5399-5406.
- Zhen J., Candian A., Castellanos Nash P., Bouwman J., Linnartz H.V.J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2018), Laboratory Gas-phase Infrared Spectra of Two Astronomically Relevant PAH Cations: Diindenoperylene, C32H16+ and Dicoronylene, C48H20+, 854(1): 27.
- Kofman V., Witlox M.J.A., Bouwman J., Kate L. ten & Linnartz H. (2018), A multifunctional setup to record FTIR and UV-vis spectra of organic molecules and their photoproducts in astronomical ices, Review of Scientific Instruments 89(5): 053111.
- Bouwman J., Bodi A. & Hemberger P. (2018), Nitrogen matters: the difference between PANH and PAH formation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(47): 29910-29917.
- Bouwman J., Horst S. & Oomens J. (2018), Spectroscopic Characterization of the Product Ions Formed by Electron Ionization of Adamantane, ChemPhysChem 19(23): 3211-3218.
- Zhen J., Castellanos Nash P., Bouwman J., Linnartz H.V.J. & Tielens A.G.G.M. (2017), Infrared Spectra of Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Cations: HBC^+ and HBC^2+, 836: 28.
- Spieler S., Kuhn M., Postler J., Simpson M., Wester R., Scheier P., Ubachs W., Bacalla X., Bouwman J. & Linnartz H.V.J. (2017), C60+ and the Diffuse Interstellar Bands: An Independent Laboratory Check, 846: 168.
- Doney K.D., Zhao D., Bouwman J. & Linnartz H.V.J. (2017), The high-resolution infrared spectrum of the ν3 + ν5 combination band of jet-cooled propyne, Chemical Physics Letters 684: 351-355.
- Haas A.J. de, Oomens J. & Bouwman J. (2017), Facile pentagon formation in the dissociation of polyaromatics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(4): 2974-2980.
- Pastoors J.I.M., Bodi A., Hemberger P. & Bouwman J. (2017), Dissociative Ionization and Thermal Decomposition of Cyclopentanone, Chemistry: a European Journal 23(53): 13131-13140.
- Bouwman J. (12 October 2010), Spectroscopy and chemistry of interstellar ice analogues (Dissertatie, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Linnartz H.V.J., Allamandola L.J.