Jop Groeneweg
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. J. Groeneweg
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3647
For further information, see the internet link below:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Schrickel A., Groeneweg J. & Dekeyster E. (2025), Exploring the potential of the ketogenic diet in autism spectrum disorder: : metabolic, genetic, and therapeutic insights, Metabolic Brain Disease 40(1): .
- Bos K., Laan M.J. van der, Groeneweg J., Kamps G.J., Legemate D.A., Leistikow I. & Dongelmans D.A. (2024), Grading recommendations for enhanced patient safety in sentinel event analysis: the recommendation improvement matrix, BMJ open quality 13(2): e002592.
- Demoet B., Groeneweg J. & Bijman W. (2024), Het is veiliger geworden om over veiligheid te spreken, Magazinesrijkswaterstaat : .
- Hoitink H. (2024), Ontstoffen: Veiligheidsexperts Groeneweg en Van Norden spreken elkaar aan op onveilige situaties, Bulk. Solid processing and handling : .
- Geen auteurs vermeld (2024), Jop Groeneweg: Veiligheid is ee kwestie van samenwerking, Vomi : .
- niet bekend (2024), Prof. dr. Jop Groeneweg over kantelpunten in arbeidsveiligheid, Arbo online : .
- Beek D. van der, Steijn W.M.P. & Groeneweg J. (2023), Intervention mapping as a framework for developing and testing an intervention to promote safety at a Rail Infrastructure Maintenance Company, Safety 9(55): .
- Kampen J. van, Lammers M., Steijn W., Guldenmund F. & Groeneweg J. (2023), What works in safety: the use and perceived effectiveness of 48 safety interventions, Safety Science 162: 106072.
- Hoogervorst N., Groeneweg J. & Veer T. van der (2023), De ontwikkeling van de Meting Veiligheidsperceptie, Tijdschrift voor Toezicht (1): .
- Burggraaf J., Groeneweg J., Sillem S. & Gelder P. van (2022), What employees do today because of their experience yesterday: previous exposure to yellow: number aspects as a cause for SPAD incidents, Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management 23: 100332.
- Reijmerink I.M., Bos K., Leistikow I.P., Groeneweg J., Cnossen F., Dongelmans D.A. & Laan M.J. van der (2022), Performance variability in perioperative sentinel events: report on a nationwide data set, British Journal of Surgery 109(7): 573-575.
- Dongen D., Guldenmund F., Groeneweg J., Grossmann I., Roelofsma P. & Luijcks N. (2022), Learning from speaking up by learning to speak up, Safety Management and Human Factors 64: 95-102.
- Guldenmund F., Groeneweg J., GrossmannI., Roelofsma P., Dongen D. & Luijcks N. (2022), Exploring the meaning of safety in the context of health care, Safety Management and Human Factors 64: 109-116.
- Swuste P., Groeneweg J., Guldenmund F.W., Gulijk C. van, Lemkowitz S., Oostendorp Y. & Zwaard W. (2022), From safety to science: the evolution of thinking and practice. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.
- Balm M., Beek D. van der, Groeneweg J. & Steijn W. (2022), Meerwaarde model Balm voor doelgerichte gedragsbeïnvloeding: een evidence-based interventie gericht op het verbeteren van veiligheidsleiderschapsgedrag binnen een spoorbedrijf (Lecture) Proceedings of the 2022 bi-annual conference of the Dutch association of safety practitioners NVVK. Eindhoven.
- Groeneweg J. (2022), Diepgang over veiligheid in de haven. Diepgang [podcast].
- Bos K., Dongelmans D.A., Groeneweg J., Legemate D.A., Leistikow I.P. & Laan M.J. van der (2021), Criteria for recommendations after perioperative sentinel events, BMJ open quality 10(3): e001493.
- Burggraaf J., Groeneweg J., Sillem S. & Gelder P. van (2021), What employees do today because of their experience yesterday: how incidental learning influences train driver behavior and safety margins (a big data analysis), Safety 7(1): 1-22.
- Groeneweg J. (2021), Leren van interventies, Q Magazine 37: .
- Meinardi M. & Groeneweg J. (2021), Probleem van verkeerde bed schreeuwt om een oplossing, Medisch Contact (34-35): 24-26.
- Swuste P., Groeneweg J., Guldenmund F.W., Gulijk C. van, Lemkowitz S., Oostendorp Y. & Zwaard W. (2021), From safety to safety science: the evolution of thinking and practice. London: Routledge.
- Steijn W., Van Kampen J., Van der Beek D., Groeneweg J. & Van Gelder P. (2020), An integration of human factors into quantitative risk analysis using Bayesian Belief Networks towards developing a ‘QRA+’, Safety Science 122: 104514.
- SwusteP., Groeneweg J., Gulijk J. van, Zwaard W., Lemkowitz S. & Oostendorp Y. (2020), The future of safety science, Safety Science 125: 104593.
- Steijn W.M.P., Beek D. van der, Groeneweg J., Jansen A., Oldenhof W.A. & Raben I. (2020), Towards the next generation of LMRA instruments: the influence of generic and specific questions during risk assessment, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 27(1): .
- Swuste P., Gulijk C. van, Groeneweg J., Zwaard W., Lemkowitz S. & Guldemond F. (2020), From Clapham junction to Macondo, Deepwater Horizon: Risk and safety management in high-tech-high-hazard sectors: A review of English and Dutch literature: 1988 - 2010. , Safety Science 121: 249-282.
- Swuste P., Gulijk C. van, Groeneweg J., Guldenmund F., Zwaard W. & Lemkowitz S. (2020), Occupational safety and safety management between 1988 and 2010. review of safety literature in English and Dutch language scientific literature, Safety Science 121: 303-318.
- Gulijk C. van, Groeneweg J. & Beek D. van der (2020), Veiligheidsmanagement in de COVID-19 crisis , Arbo : .
- Steijn W., Beek D. van der & Groeneweg J. (2020), Specifieke risico-informatie ter ondersteuning van gevaarherkenning: een Eye-Tracking experiment, Tijdschrift voor toegepaste arbowetenschappen 33(1): 21-25.
- Beek D. van der, Gulijk C. van & Groeneweg J. (2020), Veiligheidsmanagement in de COVID-19 crisis, Arbo : .
- Beek D. van der, Gulijk C. van & Groeneweg J. (2020), Help, een witte zwaan: veiligheidsmanagement in de COVID-crisis, Arbo 5: 8-11.
- Groeneweg J. (2020), Veiligheidsdenken op organisatieniveau, Tijdschrift voor Human Factors 45(4): 4-6.
- Groeneweg J. (2020), Preventing the loss of kingdoms. In: Sharman A. (Ed.), One percent safer: the secrets to achieving safety excellence from the world's finest thinkers: Maverick Eagle Press. 96-97.
- Swuste P., Zwaard W.A., Groeneweg J. & Guldenmund F. (2019), Safety professionals in the Netherlands, Safety Science 114: 79-88.
- Burggraaf J., Groeneweg J., Sillem S. & Van Gelder P. (2019), How cognitive biases influence the data verification of safety indicators: A case study in rail, Safety 5(4): e69.
- Groeneweg J. (2019), Just culture voor melden zonder angst, Arbo : .
- Van Kampen J., Lammers M., Steijn W., Guldenmund F. & Groeneweg J. (2019), The effectiveness of 48 safety interventions according to safety professionals, Chemical Engineering Transactions 77: 307-312.
- Swuste P., Zwaard W., Van Gulijk C., Oostendorp Y., Groeneweg J. & Lemkowitz S. (2019), Van Veiligheid naar Veiligheidskunde: Vakmedianet.
- Swuste P., Groeneweg J., Van C., Zwaard A.W. & Lemkovitz S. (2018), Safety management systems from Three Mile Island to Piper Alpha, a review in English and Dutch literature for the period 1979 to 1988, Safety Science 107: 224-244.
- Groeneweg J., Mors E. ter, Leeuwen E. van & Komen S. (2018), The long and winding road to a Just Culture. Paper 190594-MS. Proceedings of the SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility 16 April 2018 - 18 April 2018. Abu Dhabi: Proceedings of the SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility.
- Parker A., Ummels F., Wellman J., Whitley D., Groeneweg J. & Drupsteen-Sint L. (2018), How to take learning from incidents to the next level. Proceedings of the SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility 16 April 2018 - 18 April 2018. Abu Dhabi: Proceedings of the SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility.
- Gower-Jones A.D., Peuscher W.T., Groeneweg J., King S. & Taylor M. (2018), Building Better Performance Measures for Better Conversations to Provoke Change. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility 16 April 2018 - 18 April 2018. Abu Dhabi: SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility.
- Gower-Jones A.D., Peuscher W.T., Groeneweg J., King S. & Taylor M. (2018), Better Performance Measures can lead to change by improving Conversations, Journal of Petroleum Technology 70(8): 76-78.
- Burggraaf J. & Groeneweg J. (2017), Cognitieve valkuilen in de verificatie van big data, NVVK Info : 38-40.
- Cassee M. & Groeneweg J. (2017), Organisatie-deficiënties, negatieve werkcondities en de kans op menselijke fouten, NVVK Info 12: .
- Steijn W.M.P., Groeneweg J., Beek J. van der, Kampen J. van & Gelder H.A.J.M. van (2017), Optimaliseren van het inschatten van de faalkans van de menselijke component, NVVK Info 12: 73-75.
- Steijn W.M.P., Groeneweg J., Van der Beek D., Van Kampen J. & Van Gelder H.A.J.M. (2017), An integration of human factors into quantitative risk assessment: A proof of principle. ESREL Conference, Portoz. Cepin M. & Bris R. (Eds.), Safety and Reliability. Theory and applications. ESREL Conference 18 June 2017 - 22 June 2017.
- Van Kampen J., Van der Beek D., Steijn W., Groeneweg J. & Guldenmund F. (2017), Assessing the statistical properties and underlying model structure of 15 safety constructs, Safety Science 94(4): 208-218.
- Groeneweg J. (2017), Niet strijden maar verleiden, KLM GS-Krant 1(2): .
- Swuste P., Van Gulijk C., Zwaard A.W., Groeneweg J. & Lemkowitz S.M. (2016), Veiligheidsmanagement en veiligheidssystemen voor arbeidsveiligheid. Een overzicht van Engels- en Nederlandstalige literatuur. Deel 3, 1988 - 2010 Arbeidsveiligheid, Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 29(4): 131-151.
- Groeneweg J. & Ter Mors E. (2016), The influence of communication on sfety measures on risk-taking behavior. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility, 11-13 April, Stavanger, Norway. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility. Stavanger.
- Swuste P., Van Gulijk C., Zwaard A.W., Lemkovitz S., Oostendorp Y. & Groeneweg J. (2016), Developments in the safety science sector and in the field of safety management between the 1970s and 1979, the year of the near disaster on Three Mile Island, Safety Science 86(6): 10-26.
- Groeneweg J. (2016), Een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje. Gastcolumn, Verf & Inkt 38: 43.
- Lambers M.F. & Groeneweg J. (2016), Resultaat BowTie 'Aanvaringen infrastructuur Prinses Margrietkanaal'.
- Burggraaf J. & Groeneweg J. (2016), Managing the human factor in the incident investigation process. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility. 11-13 April Stavanger, Norway. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility. London: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Ter Mors E. & Groeneweg J. (2016), The potential of local community compensation of hosting facilities. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility (Stavanger). SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility. Stavanger.
- Groeneweg J. (2015), External opinion. Sustainability Report, 45.
- Groeneweg J. (2015), Gasunie - Roadmap to safer behavior. TNO report prepared for Gasunie.
- Groeneweg J. (2015), Waarom nemen mensen risico's?, Ground Safety 27: .
- Groeneweg J. (2015), Short fuses - how to deal with aggression, Go Safe 29(24): .
- Zwaard A.W. & Groeneweg J. (2015), Leren over risicoprofessionals van Epke, Arbo 90(3): 22-25.
- Schuste P., Van Gulijk C., Zwaard A.W., lemkovitz S., Oostendorp Y. & Groeneweg J. (2015), Developments in the safety science sector and in the field of safety management between the 1970s and 1979, the year of the near disaster on Three Mile Island. Proceedings of the WOS 8th International Conference, WOS2015 Scientific Committee. WOS 8th international conference 319-343.
- Kampen J.N., Groeneweg J., Bellamy L. & Bezemer R.A. (2015), Gebruik van en behoefte aan oplossingen voor het bevorderen van veiligheid. TNO report prepared for RIVM.
- Swuste P., Groeneweg J., Van Gulijk C., Zwaard A.W. & Lemkowitz S. (2015), From Three Mile Island to Piper Alpha. Safety management and safety systems, an overview of the English and Dutch literature, Tijdschrift voor toegepaste arbowetenschappen 28(4): 130-157.
- Burggraaf J.M. & Groeneweg J. (2015), Het voorkomen van cognitieve biassen in ongevalsanalyse, NVVK Info 24: 16-19.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Risicomanagement. In: Alphen W. van, Houba R., Leutscher A.A.M., Pennekamp H.P. & Schreibers K.B.J. (Eds.), Handboek Arbeid en Gezondheid no. 4.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Schatting van de kans op een STS op basis van MATRICS simulator gegevens. ProRail/Universiteit Leiden/NLR.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Eindrapport risico-analyse RouteLint.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Routelint: Schatting van de blootstelling aan rode seinen op basis van MATRICS simulator gegevens. ProRail/Universiteit Leiden/NLR.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Eindrapport Risico-analyse RouteLint, ProRail/Universiteit Leiden.
- Swuste P., Van Gulijk C., Zwaard A.W., Lemkowitz S., Oostendorp Y. & Groeneweg J. (2014), Safety management and systems from the 19th century until 1979, Tijdschrift voor toegepaste arbowetenschappen 27(3): 85-105.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Haastige spoed, Ground Safety April-juni: 23.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Gezonde spieren en fitte hersenen, Ground Safety Januari - maart: 23.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Als de zon schijnt..., Ground Safety okt. - dec.: .
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Fast or accurate?, Go Safe 27: 4.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Haaien of kokosnoten? Veiligheid en cognitieve psychologie, Arbo 03: 22-25.
- Swuste P., Van Gulijk P., Zwaard A.W., Lemkowitz A.W., Oostendorp S. & Groeneweg J. (2014), Veiligheidsmanagement en -systemen vanaf de 19de eeuw tot heden. Deel 1: 19de eeuw tot 1979, Tijdschrift voor toegepaste arbowetenschappen 27(3): 85-105.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), The carrot or the stick?, Go Safe 25: 4.
- Groeneweg J. (2014), Kan ik daar wat aan doen?, Ground Safety juli-september: 27.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Alberti G., Perilli V., Laporta D., Campodonico F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2014), People with multiple disabilities learn to engage in occupation and work activities with the support of technology-aided programs, Research in Developmental Disabilities 35(6): 1264-1271.
- Van Schoten S., Baines R.J., Spreeuwenberg P., De Bruijne M.C., Groenewegen P.P., Groeneweg J. & Wagner C. (2014), The ecometric properties of a measurement instrument for prospective risk analysis in hospital departments, BMC Health Services Research 14: e103.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Routelint: Schatting van de kans op een STS op basis van MATRICS stimulator gegevens, Rapport ProRail/Universiteit Leiden/NLR.
- Van Luipen J., Groeneweg J. & Zon R. (2014), Routelint: Schatting van de blootstelling aan rode seinen op basis van MATRICS stimulator gegevens, Rapport ProRail/Universiteit Leiden/NLR.
- Van Kampen J., Van der Beek A. & Groeneweg J. (2014), The value of safety indicators, SPE Economics & Management 6(3): 131-140.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Grumo G., Pinto K., Stasolla F., Signorino M. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Assessing the impact and social perception of self-regulated music stimulation with patients with Alzheimer's disease, Research in Developmental Disabilities 34(1): 139-146.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Perilli V., Picucci L., Sigafoos J., Singh N.N., Bosco A., Caffò A.O., Casano G. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Technology-based orientation programs to support indoor travel by persons with moderate Alzheimer's disease: impact assessment and social validation, Research in Developmental Disabilities 34(1): 286-293.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Doretta O., Smaldone S., La Martire M., Stasolla F., Castagnaro F. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Promuovere riposte di deambulazione in bambini con disabilità multiple tramite deambulatori e microswitch con stimoli contingenti, Disabilità Gravi 9(3): .
- Groeneweg J., Gallis R., Roggeveen V., Lenderink B., De Graaf Y. & So R. (2013), Zorgveiligheid, een sprookje?, Ground Safety October 2013(4): 30.
- Groeneweg J. (2013), Korte lontjes?, Ground Safety sep./okt.: 19.
- Groeneweg J. (2013), De ezel stoot zich.., Ground Safety July-September: 19.
- Drupsteen L., Bos E., Groeneweg J. & Zwetsloot H.I.J.M. (2013), Increasing the learning potential from events: Case studies, Chemical Engineering Transactions 31: 1-6.
- Drupsteen L., Groeneweg J. & Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. (2013), Beter leren van incidenten: Case studies naar factoren die het leerproces beïnvloeden. Proceedings of the 2013 NVVK conference. De kracht van macht, is veiligheid het recht van de sterkste?. NVVK Veiligheidscongres 2013 20 March 2013 - 21 March 2013.
- Groeneweg J. (2013), De wortel of de stok?, Ground Safety April-June: 19.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Grumo G., Pinto K., Stasolla F., Signorino M. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Valutazione dell'ímpatto e della percezione sociale delle tecniche di stimolazione musicale autoregolata applicate a pazienti affetti dalla Malattia di Alzheimer, Disabilità Gravi 05(2): .
- Gallis R., De Graaf Y., Groeneweg J., Lenderink B., Mesman J., Roggeveen V. & So R. (2013), Innovatie Roadmap Zorgveiligheid 2020: Pleidooi voor een integrale benadering. Report prepared for the Stichting Klinische Veiligheidskunde.
- Van Kampen J., Groeneweg J. & Van der Beek F.A. (2013), The value of safety indicators. Proceedings of the SPE European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, REF. SPE 164954. SPE European HSE Conference and Exhibition 16 April 2013 - 18 April 2013: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
- Van Kampen J., Van der Beek F.A. & Groeneweg J. (2013), De waarde van veiligheidsindicatoren. Een vragenlijstonderzoek onder leden van de NVVK. Proceedings of the 2013 NVVK Conference De kracht van de macht, is veiligheid het recht van de sterkste?. NVVK Veiligheidscongres 2013 20 March 2013 - 21 March 2013. Arnhem: Congrescentrum Papendal.
- Drupsteen L., Groeneweg J. & Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. (2013), Critical steps in learning from incidents: Using learning potential in the process from reporting an incident to accident prevention, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 19(1): 63-77.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Renna C., Ventrella M., Pinto K., Minervini M.G., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Supporting daily activities and indoor travel of persons with moderate Alzheimer's disease through standard technology resources, Research in Developmental Disabilities 34(8): 2351-2359.
- Lancioni G.E., Perilli V., Bosco A., Caffò A., Picucci L., O'Reilly M. & Groeneweg J. (2013), Programmi di orientamento con supporti tecnologici per facilitare gli spostamenti nel contesto domestico delle persone affette dalla Malattia di Alzheimer allo stadio moderato: valutazione dell 'impatto e validazione sociale, Disabilità Gravi 2013(3): .
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., La Martire M.L., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Programmi basati sulla technologia per promuovere la deambulazione o migliorare il contatto con il suolo durante la deambulazione: Studio su due casi di adulti con disabilita multiple, Disabilità Gravi 2: 139-154.
- Groeneweg J. (2012), Risicomanagement. In: Alphen W. van, Houba R., Leutscher A.A.M., Pennekamp H.P. & Schreibers K.B.J. (Eds.), Handboek Arbeid en Gezondheid. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
- Peuscher W. & Groeneweg J. (2012), A big oil company's approach to significantly reduce fatal indidents, Proceedings of the SPE/APPEA conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production.. Perth.
- Drupsteen L., Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Learning from incidents: Using more learning potential when learning from incidents, Proceedings of the 6th Working on Safety International conference "Towards safety through advanced solutions".. Working on Safety International conference 'Towards safety through advanced solutions'. Sopot, Poland.
- Drupsteen L., Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Learning from events, a process approach, Proceedings of the SPE/APPEA conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production.. The SPE/APPEA conference on Health, Safety and Environment. Perth.
- Drupsteen L., Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Using more learning potential in learning from incidents processes, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Academy of Health Psychology. ETH Zurich. Zurich.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., La Martire M.L., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Programmi basati sulla tecnologia per promuovere la deambulazione o migliorare il contatto con il suolo durante la deambulazione: Studio su due casi di adulti con disabilità multiple, Disabilità Gravi 2012(2): .
- Zwaard W. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Leren is meer dan kopieren, Arbo 5: 12-15.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., La Martire M.L., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Promuovere la risposta di asciugarsi la bocca per ridurre gli effetti della scialorrea in persone con disabilita intellettiva emultipla: studio su due casi, Disabilità Gravi 1: 7-17.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., La Martire M.L., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2012), Technology-based programs to promote walking fluency or improve foot-ground contact during walking: Two case studies of adults with multiple disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities 33: 111-118.
- Groeneweg J. & Lancioni G.E. (2012), Straffen en belonen van gedrag, NVVK Info Februari(1): 18-21.
- Zwaard W. & Groeneweg J. (2011), Risio verenigt, Arbo 10: 8-11.
- Drupsteen L., Steijger D.J.M., Groeneweg J. & Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. (2011), What are the bottlenecks in the learning from incidents process?, Proceedings of Hazards XXII. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Liverpool.
- Molenkamp L., Muizelaar J., Lambers M.F. & Groeneweg J. (2011), Verkeersveiligheid: een kwestie van cultuur, Verkeerskunde 03: 42-46.
- Steijger N., Drupsteen L., Groeneweg J. & Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. (2011), Knelpunten in het leren van incidenten bij drie bedrijven. Proceedings of the NVVK conference, (N)iemand verantwoordelijk voor Veiligheid?!. NVVK Veiligheidscongres 16 March 2011 - 17 March 2011. Arnhem: Congrescentrum Papendal.
- Groeneweg J. (2011), Snap je het niet, stop er dan mee, Outlook on Agriculture december: .
- Groeneweg J. (2011), Het effect van de fundamentele attributiefout bij ongevalsanalyse, Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 03/2011: .
- Zwaard W. & Groeneweg J. (2011), Professionals vinden elkaar in risico, Security Management okt.: 38-41.
- Groeneweg J. & Van Dijk A. (2011), Is de slingerbeweging te ver doorgeslagen? Het voorkomen van ongevallen met de 'Life-Saving' Rules, Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 03: 13 pp.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Oliva D., Smaldone A., La Martire M.L., Pichierri S. & Groeneweg J. (2011), Promoting mouth-drying responses to reduce drooling effects by persons with intellectual and multiple disabilities: A study of two cases, Research in Developmental Disabilities 32(2): 477-482.
- Groeneweg J. (2010), Het beoordelen van risico's: Een subjectieve zaak, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 9(1): 44-57.
- Groeneweg J. & Weerheym R. (2010), Veilig werk of veilige processen, Arbo 11: 20-23.
- Groeneweg J., Hudson P.T.W., Vandevis T. & Lancioni G.E. (2010), Why improving the safety climate doesn't always improve the safety performance, SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and GAs Exploration and Prodution 2010. Society of Petroleum Engineers 2562-2570.
- Groeneweg J., Schaardenburgh-Verhoeve K.N.R. van, Corver S.C. & Lancioni G.E. (2010), Widening the scope of accident investigations, SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Expolration and Production 2010. : Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2587-2602.
- Van der Graaf Y.P., Groeneweg J. & Roggeveen V. (2010), Zorgproces veiliger door systeembenadering. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid en Veiligheidszorg: Nederlands Vereniging voor Veiligheidskunde.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Olivia D., Smaldone A., La Martire M.L., Stasolla F., Castagnaro F. & Groeneweg J. (2010), Promoting ambulation responses among children with multiple disabilities through walkers and microswitches with contingent stimuli, Research in Developmental Disabilities 31(3): 811-816.
- Diekstra S. & Groeneweg J. (2008), Dood door Excel, over de grenzen van risicokwantificering, Noodzaak 1(1): 43-46.
- Groeneweg J., Van Schaardenburgh-Verhoeve K.N.R., Gort J. & Lancioni G.E. (2008), Investigating accidents beyond the boundaries of organizational control, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference Beyond Regulatory Compliance Making Safety Second Nature. Mary Kay O Connor Process Safety Center 332-344.
- Groeneweg J. (2008), Het managen van veliligheid: een duidelijke toekomstvisie, NPT Procestechnologie 15(3): 34-36.
- Groeneweg J. (2008), Safety and culture: An integral approach towards safety, Synergetic 01: 22-23.
- Lancioni G.E., Groeneweg J., Bosco A. & Basili G. (2008), Significatività statistica e significatività clinica in ricerca applicata con persone con disabilità gravi e multiple, Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo Augusto(2): 261-272.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Oliva D., Campodonoco F. & Groeneweg J. (2008), Assisting persons with multiple disabilities to move through simple occupational activities with automatice prompting, Research in Developmental Disabilities 29(5): 439-446.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Oliva D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2008), A man with multiple disabilities using a head-turning response to reduce the effects of his drooling, Behavioral Interventions 23(4): 285-290.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Oliva D., Gatti M., Manfredi F., Megna G., La Martire M.L., Tota A., Smaldone A. & Groeneweg J. (2008), A microswitch-cluster program to foster adaptive responses and head control in students with multiple disabilities: Replication and validation assessment, Research in Developmental Disabilities 29(5): 373-384.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Oliva D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2007), Helping Three Persons with Multiple Disabilities Acquire Independent Dressing Through Assistive Technology, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 101: 768-773.
- Groeneweg J. & Hudson P.T.W. (2007), Ontwaak veiligheidskundige! Baker-rapport ondergraaft fundamenten veiligheidskunde, Arbo 3: 12-14.
- Groeneweg J. (2007), Alleen opschaling kan vak redden. Veiligheidskundige moet manager worden, Arbo 4: 20-23.
- Van Schaardenburgh-Verhoeve K.N.R., Corver S. & Groeneweg J. (2007), Ongevalsonderzoek buiten de grenzen van de organisatie, Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 4: 45-51.
- Groeneweg J., Van Schaardenburgh-Verhoeve K.N.R., Corver S., Lancioni G.E. & Knudsen T. (2007), Accident investigation beyond the boundaries of organizational control. Aven T. & Vinnem J.E. (Eds.), Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety. Proceedings of the ESREL 2007 Conference. The ESREL Conference 2007. Onbekend: Taylor and Francis. 929-936.
- Groeneweg J. (2007), De toekomst van de veiligheidskunidge: manager procesintegriteit, Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 2: 84-85.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Groeneweg J., Bosco A., Tota A., Smaldone A., Stasolla F. & Manfredi F. (2007), Valutazione per la validazione sociale di programmi con microswitch per persone con disabilita multiple con il convolgimento de insegnantie e genitori come giudici, Handicap Grave 8(3): 307-315.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Olivia D., Baccani S. & Groeneweg J. (2007), Combinazioni di microswitch sviluppano risposte adattive e riducono il comportamento di portare il dito alla bocca in un bambino con disabilità multiple, Handicap Grave 8(1): 61-68.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Sigafoos J., Olivia D., Severini L. & Groeneweg J. (2007), Eye- and mouth-opening movements replacing head and hand responses in a microswitch program for an adolescent with deteriorating motor condition, Perceptual and Motor Skills 105(1): 107-114.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Olivia D., Smaldone A., Tota A., Martielli G., Stasolla F., Pontiggia G. & Groeneweg J. (2007), Valutazione degli effetti di programmi di stimolazione vs programmi con microswitch sugli indici di felicità in studenti con disabilità multiple, Handicap Grave 8(1): 89-102.
- Corver S., Groeneweg J., Verhoeve K.N.R. & Lancioni G.E. (2006), A model-based approach to facilitate the identification of (non) governmental factors in acdidents. Den Haag: Dutch Safety Board.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2006), Capacitar a una nina con plurideficiencia para que controle sus estimulos favorites mediante vocalizacion y micro dual con microinterruptor, Entre dos Mundos 30: 5-11.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2006), Controllo degli stimoli preferiti in una bambina con disabilità multipla attraverso la voccalizzazione e un mirco-switch con doppio microfono, Handicap Grave 7(1): 113-118.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Groeneweg J., Bosco A., Tota S., Smaldone A., Stasolla F., Manfredi F., Baccani S. & Pidala S. (2006), A Social Validation Assessment of Microswitch-Based Programs for Persons with Multiple Disabilities employing Teacher Trainees and Parents as Raters, Espace Politique 18(4): 383-391.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Piazzolla G., Pidala S., Singh N.N. & Groeneweg J. (2006), JVIB Research Report:A Social Validation Assessment of Cooperative versus Individual Task Engagement of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 100: 169-173.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Baccani S., Severini L. & Groeneweg J. (2006), Mirco-switch programmes for students with multiple disabilities and minimal motor behaviour:assessing response acguistion and choice, Pediatric Rehabilitation 9(2): 137-143.
- Cambon J., Guarnieri F., Groeneweg J., Hinrichs J.P., Scholten E. & Lancioni G.E. (2006), Bringing Tripod Delta to France for the analyis of organizational factors, Proceedings of the Esrel 2006. . Estoril.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Sigafoos J., Olivia D., Baccani S. & Groeneweg J. (2006), Microswitch cluters promote adaptive responses and reduce finger mouthing in a boy with multiple disabilities, Behavioral Modification 6: 892-900.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Smaldone A., Tota A., Martielli G., Stasolla F., Pontiggia G. & Groeneweg J. (2006), Assessing the effects of stimulation versus mircoswitch-based programmes on indices of happiness of students with multiple disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 50: 739-747.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Baccani S., Pidala S., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Parents Provide Social Validation of Microswitch Programs for Children and Adults with Multiple Disabilities, Journal of Child and Family Studies 14(2): 159-165.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Scalini L., Vigo C.M. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Batterie di microswitch per favorire risposte con le mani e un'adeguata posizione del capo in due bambini con disabilità multiple, Handicap Grave 6(2): 245-254.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Baccani S., Pidala S., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Valutazione di un sistema informatico utilizzato come microswitch per espressioni verbali di persone con disabilità multiple, Handicap Grave 6(2): 231-238.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Enabling a Girl with Multiple Disbilities to Control Her Favorite Stimuli Through Vocalization and a Dual-Microphone Microswitch, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 99(3): 179-182.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Scalini L., Vigo C.M. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Further evaluation of microswitch clusters to enhance hand response and head control in persons with multiple disabilities, Perceptual and Motor Skills 100: 689-694.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Scalini L. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Microswitch clusters to enhance adaptive responses and head control: A programme extension for three children with multiple disabilities, Disability and Rehabilitation 27(11): 637-641.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Scalini L., Vigo C.M. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Micro-switch clusters to enhance hand responses and appropriate head position in two children with multiple disabilities, Pediatric Rehabilitation 8(1): 59-62.
- Verhoeve K.N.R., Smits R. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Veiligheidsinitiatieven; een kwestie van maatwerk. [other].
- Wolsak T.D., Verhoeve K.N.R. & Groeneweg J. (2005), Op zoek naar latente fouten tijdens de feitenverzameling. [other].
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E., Metaal N. & Verhoeve K.N.R. (2004), Tripod: Profesionalism versus amateurism in the management of safety, Proceedings of the 7th SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas exploration, Calgary, Canada. Calgary, Canada. London: Society of Petroleum Engineers. 937-943.
- Groeneweg J. (2004), Hazard analysis: The accident causation model. In: Saari J. (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Part VIII: Accidents and Safety Management, Vol. 57: Audits, Inspections and Investigations. Geneve: ILO.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., Winton A.S.W., Molina E.J., Sage M., Brown S. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Le attività sensoriali "Snoezelen": Una rassegna delle ricerche con persone con disturbi dello sviluppo e demenza, Handicap Grave 5(3): 313-332.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Use of simple exercise tools by students with multiple disabilities: Impact of automatically delivered stimulation on activity level and mood, Espace Politique 16: 171-178.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh A., O'Reilly M.F., Campodonico F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Effects of automatically delivered stimulation on persons with multiple disabilities during their use of stationary bicycle, Perceptual and Motor Skills 98: 1363-1367.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Scalini L. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Improving assisted ambulation in a man with multiple disabilities through the use of a microswitch cluster, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 32: 245-249.
- Singh N.N., Lancioni G.E., Winton A.S.W., Molina E.J., Sage M., Brown S. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Effects of snoezelen room, activities of daily living skills training, and vocational skills training on aggression and selfinjury by adults with mental retardation and mental illness, Research in Developmental Disabilities 25: 285-293.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Piazzolla G. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Assessing influence of stimulation on mood and aberrant behavior of persons with multiple disabilities during brief treadmill sessions, Perceptual and Motor Skills 99: 931-936.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Impact of favorite stimuli on the behavior of persons with multiple disabilities while using a treadmill, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 98: 304-309.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Scalini L., Vigo C.M. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Microswitch clusters to support responding and appropriate posture of students with multiple disabilities: Three case evaluations, Disability and Rehabilitation 26: 501-505.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E., Metaal N. & Verhoeve K.N.R. (2004), TRIPOD: Professionalism versus Amateurism in the Management of Safety. [other].
- Sharp J., Verhoeve K.N.R. & Groeneweg J. (2004), Addressing the Hidden Failures in Systems and Behaviours. [other].
- Verhoeve K.N.R., Wolsak T.D., Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2004), Optimizing Fact - Finding in Incident Investigation and Analysis Using Tripod TRACK. [other].
- Groeneweg J. (2003), Menselijk falen en organisaties. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en binnenmilieu 2003. Alphen ad Rijn: Kluwer. 89-108.
- Lancioni G.E., Abels J., Wilms E.H., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F. & Groeneweg J. (2003), Microswitch responding and awareness of contingency in persons with profound multiple disabilities, Perceptual and Motor Skills 96: 835-838.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Olivia D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2003), Stimulation and microswitch-based programs for enhancing indices of happiness: A maintenance assessment, Behavioral Interventions 18: 53-61.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., O'Reilly M.F., Oliva D., Campodonico F. & Groeneweg J. (2003), Assessing the effects of automatically delivered stimulation on the use of simple exercise tools with students with multiple disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities 24: 475-483.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2003), Tripod: Managing organisational components of business upsets. In: Bedford T. & Gelder P.H.A.J.M. van (Eds.), Safety and Reliability. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 707-712.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2003), Using microswitches with persons who have profound multiple disabilities: Evaluation of three cases, Perceptual and Motor Skills 97: 909-916.
- Lancioni G.E., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Scalini L. & Groeneweg J. (2003), Microswitch clusters to enhance non-spastic response schemes with students with multiple disabilities, Disability and Rehabilitation 25: 301-304.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Campodonico F., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2002), Promoting functional activity engagement at appropriate times with people with multiple disabilities, Perceptual and Motor Skills 94: 1214-1218.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Marziani M. & Groeneweg J. (2002), A social validation assessment of the use of microswitches with persons with multiple disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities 23: 309-318.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D. & Groeneweg J. (2002), Impact of stimulation versus microswitch-based programs on indices of happiness of people with profound multiple disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities 23: 149-160.
- Groeneweg J. (2002), Risico's inventariseren/evalueren/beheersen. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en binnenmilieu. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer. 89-108.
- Groeneweg J. (2002), Menselijk falen en organisaties. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en binnenmilieu 2002. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer. 89-108.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Singh N.N., Oliva D., Piazzolla G., Pirani P. & Groeneweg J. (2002), Evaluating the use of multiple microswitches and responses for children with multiple disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 46: 346-351.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Tripod Delta: Managing human error by changing the organisation. In: Rathwell T. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2001 Seminar for the Texas Chemical Council (TCC) and the Association of Chemical Industry of Texas (ACIT). Austin, USA: TCC. 149-153.
- Groeneweg J. (2001), Menselijk falen en organisaties. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en binnenmilieu. Alphen a/d Rijn: Samsom. 91-111.
- Groeneweg J. (2001), The Tripod Philosophy, Preventing Human error in accidents, The Safety Mosaïc 4: 3-3.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Tripod and safety: Strategic solutions to a complex problem. In: West H. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2001 OSSA Conference 'United we stand'. Toronto, Canada: Ontario Service Safety Alliance. 3-36.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Tripod-Delta: Pro-active management of HSE. In: Silveira D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Petrobras Workshop 'Safety Management'. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Petrobras Publishing. 115-146.
- Groeneweg J. (2001), Bespiegelingen, Arbeidsomstandigheden 77(12): 3-3.
- Groeneweg J. (2001), Implementation of 2x2. In: Groen T., Kruidering B. & Dhillon J. (Eds.), 2x2 your choice for projects, twice as cost effective, twice as fast. Leidschendam: NAP/DACE. 140-148.
- Groeneweg J., Zwaard A.W. & Guo J. (2001), Arbo advisering verdient professionals, Arbeidsomstandigheden 77(11): 48-51.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Moving from compliance to competence: How to ensure your safety management system is robust enough to account for human factors. In: Brown K. (Ed.), Proceedings of the IIR Conference 'Identifying, measuring and reporting Human Error'. Guildford, UK: IIR Ltd. 161-190.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Tripod: Het beheersen van de menselijke factor in ongevallen. In: Meersman M. de & Neven F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Koninklijke Prebes Conferentie Secura 2001. Hasselt, België: Ministerie van Tewerkstelling en Arbeid. 17-34.
- Groeneweg J., Lancioni G.E. & Metaal N. (2001), Tripod-Delta: A tool for pro-active management of HSE. In: Kile H. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Proffshore workshop 'Tripod and Safety Management'. Stavanger, Norway: Rogaland Research Institute. 5-36.
- Lancioni G.E., O'Reilly M.F., Brouwer-Visser G., Groeneweg J., Bikker B., Flameling T. & Van den Hof E. (2001), Frequent versus nonfrequent prompts and task performance in persons with severe intellectual disability, Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy 30: 134-139.
- Sixma J.J., Battermann J.J., Bosels D.A. & Groeneweg J. (2001), Rijgeschiktheid van mensen met tumoren of doorbloedingsstoornissen van de hersenen. Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad.
- Lancioni G.E., Mantini M. & Groeneweg J. (2001), Assisted ambulation and activities for persons with profound multiple disabilities: assessing different ambulation levels, Perceptual and Motor Skills 92: 930-932.
- Groeneweg J., Metaal N. & Lancioni G.E. (2000), Tripod: Organizational control of human error. University of Eindhoven diverse (Ed.), Anders Veilig. Conference 'Anders Veilig'. Proceedings of the University of Eindhoven. Eindhoven: University of Eindhoven. 5-32.
- Groeneweg J. (2000), Positieve praktijkervaring met TRIPOD, SNKBZ 1: 6-10.
- Lancioni G.E., Dijkstra A.W., O'Reilly M.F., Groeneweg J. & Van den Hof E. (2000), Frequent versus nonfrequent verbal prompts delivered unobtrusively: their impact on task performance of adults with intellectual disability, Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 35: 428-433.
- Groeneweg J. (2000), Menselijk falen en organisaties. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en Binnenmilieu. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson Bedrijfsinformatie. 97-118.
- Lancioni G.E., Dijkstra A.W., O'Reilly M.F., Groeneweg J. & Hof van den E. (2000), Frequent versus nonfrequent verbal prompts delivered unobtrusively: Their impact on the task performance of adults with intellectual disability, Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 35: 428-433.
- Groeneweg J. (2000), TRIPOD Delta: managing human error by changing the organisation. [other].
- Groeneweg J. (2000), TRIPOD: Preventing human error in accidents, Proceedings of the Canadian society of safety engineers conference Opportunities and solutions for a new c : 11-41.
- Groeneweg J. (2000), Rijgeschiktheid van personen met een geïmplanteerde cardioverterdefibrillator, Achtergrond studies bij Advies 2: .
- Roggeveen V., Brink H. van den, Lambers M. & Groeneweg J. (1999), Tripod Delta: Detecting Organisational Vulnerability by Mapping Operational Performance. Goossens L.H.J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference Risk Analysis. . Delft: Delft Univ. Press.
- Verhoeve K. & Groeneweg J. (1999), Getting a handle on health and safety, Employee Health and Productivity 7: 16-17.
- Zwaard A.W. & Groeneweg J. (1999), Tripod versus Nederlandse kwaliteit. Risico- en kwaliteitsmanagement, Arbeidsomstandigheden 10: 14-16.
- Groeneweg J. (1998), Menselijk falen en organisatie. In: Iping P.J.M. & Zwaard A.W. (Eds.), Jaarboek Arbo en binnenmilieu 1998. Alphen aan de Rijn: Samsom bedrijfsinformatie. 91-110.
- Groeneweg J. (1998), Hazard Analysis. In: , ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety 57.6-57.12.
- Groeneweg J. (1998), Controlling the Controllable, the management of safety. Leiden: DSWO Press.