Joost Augusteijn
Senior University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. J. Augusteijn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2763
- 0000-0002-8168-5165

Joost Augusteijn is Senior University Lecturer at the Institute for History.
More information about Joost Augusteijn
PhD candidates
Joost Augusteijn is Senior University Lecturer at the Institute for History.
Work Addresses
Johan Huizinga Building
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
Room Number 2.65a
Spreekuur / Hours
Na afspraak / by appointment.
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Joost Augusteijn (1960) studied history at the University of Amsterdam where he also obtained his PhD (1994) on the history of the Irish Republican Army. He subsequently worked as Lecturer in Modern Irish History at Trinity College, Dublin (1994-5) and Queen's University, Belfast (1995-2000). In 2000 he was appointed Assistant Professor in European History at Leiden University, since 2014 he has been Associate Professor. During his time at Leiden he spent a semester as visiting Associate Professor at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia (2004), and a year as a fellow-in-residence at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (2010-2011).
Major publications
Books and Journals
Mayo: The Irish Revolution, 1912-23 (Four Courts Press, 2023)
Edited (with Constant Hijzen en Mark Leon de Vries), Historical Perspectives on Democracies and their Adversaries (Basingstoke 2019)
Edited (with Patrick Dassen and Maartje Janse), Political Religion Beyond Totalitarianism. The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy (Basingstoke, 2013)
Edited (with Eric Storm), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, Regional Identities and Seperatism (Basingstoke, 2012)
Patrick Pearse. The Making of a Revolutionary (Palgrave, Houdsmills 2010)
From Public Defiance To Guerrilla Warfare (Irish Academic Press, Dublin 1996, 1998), 381p
Edited, The Memoirs of John M. Regan. A Catholic officer in the RIC and RUC, 1909-1948 (Four Courts Press, 2007)
Edited, The Irish Revolution, 1913-1923 (Palgrave, 2002)
Co-edited, Historisch terrorisme. De ervaring met politiek geweld in de moderne tijd. Leidschrift Historisch Tijdschrift 23/1 (2008)
Co-edited, Irish History. A Research Yearbook 1 (Four Courts Press , 2002, 2003 )
Co-edited, Irish History. A Research Yearbook 2 (Four Courts Press , 2002, 2003 )
Edited, Ireland in the 1930s. New Perspectives (Four Courts Press, 1999), 170p.
Articles and chapters:
‘Performative Power and IRA trials’, in Beatrice de Graaf and Alex Schmid (eds), Terrorists on Trial. Performative Perspectives (Leiden, 2016)
‘Nationalism as a political religion: The sacralization of the Irish Nation’ in Joost Augusteijn, Patrick Dassen, Maartje Janse (eds), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy (Basingstoke 2013), pp 136-159
‘Getting the IRA to the Table. Ending the Irish War of Independence, 1920-21’ in Klaus Weinhauer and Joerg Requate (eds), Gewalt ohne Ausweg? Terrorismus als Kommunikationsproczess in Europa seit dem 19. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt/New York 2012), pp 137-56
‘Irish nationalism and unionism between state, region and nation’, in: Joost Augusteijn and Eric Storm (eds), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building, Regional Identities and Separatism (Basingstoke 2012), 192-208
‘De historische ervaring met terrorisme’ in Hermes. Tijdschrift van de Vlaamse Vereniging Leraren Geschiedenis Mavo Pav Cultuurwetenschappen Vol. 16, No. 52, September 2012, pp 16-19
‘The Origins of Irish Nationalism in a European Context’ in Brian Heffernan (ed.), Life on the Fringe? Ireland and Europe, 1800-1922 (Dublin 2012), pp 15-38
‘1916: Patrick Pearse: proto-fascist eccentric or mainstream European thinker?’ in History Ireland Nov/Dec 2010 Vol.18 No.6, pp 34-7
‘Patrick Pearse and Ireland’s position in the Empire’, in Robert J. Blyth, Keith Jeffery (eds), The British Empire and its Contested Pasts (Historical Studies XXVI, Dublin 2009), pp. 235-52
‘The Road to Rebellion. The development of Patrick Pearse’s political thought, 1879-1914’, in Roisín Higgins, Regina Uí Chollatáin (Eds.), The Life and After-Life of P.H. Pearse (Dublin 2009), pp. 3-18
‘Politiek geweld en de moderne staat’ in Leidschrift Historisch Tijdschrift 23/1 (2008), pp 7-16
‘Accounting for the Emergence of Violent Activism among Irish Revolutionaries, 1916-1921 Irish Historical Studies Vol.XXXI, No.119 (May 2007)
Ireland and Europe: A Dutch Perspective’ in Radharc: A Journal of Irish and Irish-American Studies Vol.5-7 (2004-2006)
‘Why was Tipperary so Active in the War of Independence?’, in TipperaryHistorical Journal 2006
‘Van “Redders der Beschaving” tot “Keltische Tijger”. Ierland en Europa’ , in I. Goddeeris (ed.), De Europese Periferie (Leuven, 2004)
‘Political Violence and Democracy. An analysis of the tensions within Irish republican strategy, 1914-2002’, Irish Political Studies (2003)
‘Industrialisatie, Urbanisatie en de Ieren. Het publieke debat over de sociale kwestie in Engeland, 1830-50, Leidschrift 18/2 (2003)
‘Why did they Fight for Ireland? The motivation of ordinary Volunteers’, in J. Augusteijn (ed.), The Irish Revolution, 1913-1923 (Palgrave, 2002)
‘Teaching and Researching Irish History in Northern Ireland: A Personal View’, in European Review of History 9/1 (2002), pp. 101-11
Senior University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Augusteijn J. (2023), Mayo: the Irish Revolution, 1912-1923. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
- Augusteijn J. (2023), De erfenis van de Ierse Burgeroorlog, Geschiedenis Magazine 58(3): 58-63.
- Augusteijn J. (22 December 2023), Er is maar één manier: praat met mensen die je haat., opinie.
- Augusteijn J. (2022) The Kilmichael ambush. Review of: Morrison E. (2022), Kilmichael: the life and afterlife of an ambush. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. Dublin Review of Books October 2022(148).
- Augusteijn J. (2022), Guerrillas in the west: guerrilla warfare in west of Ireland during the Civil War, Atlas of the Irish Revolution : .
- Augusteijn J. (1 June 2021), Radicalisation in Mayo, 1913-1921. Mayo News.
- Augusteijn J. (2020) Ierse Sporen van Geweld, een Brexit perspectief. Review of: Patrick Radden Keefe (2019), Zeg Niets. Moord en verraad in Noord-Ierland. Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. De Academische Boekengids 2021(2).
- Augusteijn J. (2019), Roger Casement (1864-1916). Brits diplomaat wordt Iers Nationalist, Geschiedenis Magazine 54(5): 32-36.
- Hijzen C., Vries M.L. de & Augusteijn J. (2019), Historical Perspectives on Democracies and their Adversaries. Palgrave Studies in Political History. Houndmills: Palgrave.
- Pekelder J. & Augusteijn J. (2019), Terrorist Constituencies in Terrorist–State Conflicts: The Debate on the Use of Violence Among Irish Nationalists and West Germany’s Radical Left in the Mid-1970s. In: Augusteijn J., Hijzen C. & Vries M.L. de (Eds.), Historical Perspectives on Democracies and their Adversaries. Palgrave Studies in Political History. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 101-136.
- Augusteijn J., Hijzen C. & Vries M.L. de (2019), Introduction: democracy, the nation state, and their adversaries. In: Augusteijn J., Hijzen C. & Vries M.L. de (Eds.), Historical perspectives on democracies and their adversaries. Palgrave Studies in Political History. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 3-15.
- Augusteijn J., Hijzen C. & Vries M.L. de (2019), Concluding remarks. In: Augusteijn J., Hijzen C. & Vries M.L. de (Eds.), Historical perspectives on democracies and their adversaries. Palgrave Studies in Political History. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 281-289.
- Augusteijn J. (2017), Military Conflict in the War of Independence. In: Augusteijn J. (Ed.), Atlas of the Irish Revolution. Cork: Cork University Press. 348-357.
- Augusteijn J. (2017) The Lives of Daniel Binchy. Review of: Garvin Tom (2016), The Lives of Daniel Binchy. Irish Scholar, Diplomat, Public Intellectual. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. Kelten, mededelingen van de stichting A.G. van Hamel 73(Zomer 2017): 10-11.
- Graaf B. de, Schmid A.P., Pekelder J., Weinhauer K., Knoops G.-J., Borch F.L., Terwindt C., Bjogo Heide L. van der, Hemmingby C., Weggemans D. & Augusteijn J. (2016), 'Is There any Justice Left in this Country?' The IRA on Trial in the 1970s. In: Graaf B. de & Schmid A.P. (Eds.), Terrorists on Trial. A Performative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 173-230.
- Augusteijn J. (2016) Prisons as Places of Revolution. Review of: Murphy William (2014), Political Imprisonment and the Irish, 1912-1921. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Irish Review (52): 95-97.
- Augusteijn J. (2016), Pearse, Patrick Henry. In: Crowley J., Ó Drisceoil D. & Murphy M. (Eds.), Atlas of the Irish Revolution. Cork: Cork University Press.
- Augusteijn J. (2016), Review of: Foster G.M. (2015), The Irish Civil War and Society: Politics, Class, and Conflict. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. The American Historical Review 121(3): 1028-1029.
- Augusteijn J. (2016), Thoroughly Modern Man of Europe, History Ireland 1916 Dream & Death: 20-24.
- Mooijweer M.L. & Augusteijn J. (2016), Voor de Ierse Onafhankelijkheid, Geschiedenis Magazine (51-3): 32-35.
- Augusteijn J. (2015) Statements of the Revolution. Review of: Foster R.F. (2014), Vivid Faces. The Revolutionary Generation in Ireland, 1890-1923. London: Allen Lane. Irish Literary Supplement 35(1): 5.
- Velde H. te, Haks D., Ebben M.A., Boom B. van den, Dissel A.M.C. van, Heijer H.J. den, Honings R.A.M. & Petterson A.F. (2014), Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen. In: Velde Henk te & Haks Donald (Eds.), Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220.
- Augusteijn J. (2014), Zonder bommen is het nog niet meteen vrede, De Republikein. Tijdschrift voor de ware democraat (10.1): 12-16.
- Augusteijn J., Dassen P.G.C. & Janse M.J. (2013), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralizalisation of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Augusteijn J. (2013), Nationalism as a Poltical Religion: The Sacralization of the Irish Nation. In: Dassen Patrick, Janse Maartje & Augusteijn Joost (Eds.), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism. The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 137-160.
- Augusteijn J., Dassen P.G.C. & Janse M.J. (2013), Concluding Remarks. In: Augusteijn Joost, Dassen Patrick & Janse Maartje (Eds.), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralizalisation of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 255-260.
- Augusteijn J., Dassen P.G.C. & Janse M.J. (2013), Introduction: Religion and Politics. In: Augusteijn Joost, Dassen Patrick & Janse Maartje (Eds.), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralizalisation of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-11.
- Augusteijn J. (2013), Review of: Leeson D.M. (2011), The Black & Tans. British Police and Auxiliaries in the Irish War of Independence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of Modern History .
- Augusteijn J. (2013), Review of: MacAtasney Gerard (2013), Tom Clarke: Life, Liberty, Revolution. Sallins, Portland: Merrion. Irish Historical Studies XXXVIII(152): 732-734.
- Augusteijn J. (2013), Review of: McCormack W.J. (2012), Dublin 1916: The French Connection. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. Irish Historical Studies XXXVIII(152): 732-735.
- Augusteijn J. (2013), Review of: Leeson D.M. (2011), The Black and Tans: British Police and Auxiliaries in the Irish War of Independence, 1920-1921. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of Modern History 85(4): 938-940.
- Augusteijn J. (2012), The Origins of Irish Nationalism in a European Context. In: Heffernan B. (Ed.), Life on the Fringe? Ireland and Europe, 1800-1922. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. 15-39.
- Augusteijn J. (2012), Irish Nationalism and Unionism. Between State, Region and Nation. In: Augusteijn Joost & Storm Eric (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, regional identities and separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 192-209.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (2012), Introduction: Region and State. In: Augusteijn Joost & Storm Eric (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, regional identities and separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-9.
- Augusteijn J. (2012), Getting the IRA to the Table: Ending the Irish War of Independence 1920-1921. In: Weinhauer K. & Requate J. (Eds.), Gewalt ohne Ausweg? Terrorismus als Kommunikationsprozess in Europe seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. 137-156.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (2012), Conclusion: Transnational Patterns. In: Augusteijn Joost & Storm Eric (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, regional identities and separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 269-280.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2012), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building, Regional Identities and Separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Augusteijn J., Hoe word je een Terrorist?. [web article].
- Augusteijn J. (16 September 2012), De historische ervaring met terrorisme. Hermes. Tijdschrift voor de Vlaamse Leraren Geschiedenis: 16-20.
- Dassen P.G.C., Janse M.J. & Augusteijn J. (Eds.) (2012), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Augusteijn J. (2011), Review of: (2009|2010), A Beleaguered Station: the memoir of Head Constable John McKenna, 1891-1921|Ambushes and Armour: The irish Rebellion, 1919-1921 no. 146. Irish Historical Studies XXXVII: 347-349.
- Augusteijn J. (2011), Review of: Malthaner S. (2010), Mobilizing the Faithful. Militant Islamist Groups and their Constituencies no. 5-6. Frankfurt/New York: Campus 5: 182-183.
- Augusteijn J. (2010), Patrick Pearse. The Making of a Revolutionary. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Augusteijn J. (2010), Patrick Pearse: proto-fascist eccentric or mainstream European thinker?, History Ireland 18(6): 34-37.
- Augusteijn J. (2009), The Road to Rebellion: The Development of Patrick Pearse's Political Thought, 1879-1914. Higgins R. & Uí Chollatáin R. (Eds.), The Life end After-Life of P.H. Pearse Pádraic Mac Piarais: Saol agus Oidhreacht. . Dublin, Portland Or.: Irish Academic Press. 3-18.
- Augusteijn J. (2009), Patrick Pearse and Ireland's position in the empire. Blyth R.J. & Jeffery K. (Eds.), The British Empire and its Contested pasts. . Dublin, Portland Or.: Irish Academic Press. 235-252.
- Augusteijn J. (2009) Joost Augusteijn on Coolacrease, revisionism and Dublin 4. Review of: O'Connor P. (2008), Coolacrease. The true story of the Pearson executions - an incident in the Irish War of Independence no. 2. Millstreet: Aubane Historical Society. History Ireland 17: 56-57.
- Augusteijn J., Bode I. de, Faas N., Hoogeveen M. & Vallinga M. (Eds.) (2008), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. (2008), Review of: Ferriter D. & Foster R.F. (2007|2007), Judging DeV: a reassessment of the life and legacy of Eamon de Valera|Luck & the Irish: a brief history of change, c. 1970-2000 no. 142. Dublin|London: Royal Irish Academy|Allen Lane. Irish Historical Studies 36: 303-305.
- Augusteijn J. (2008), Review of: Zuelow E.G.E. (2009), Making Ireland Irish: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War no. 1. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. The American Historical Review 115: 293-294.
- Augusteijn J. (2008), Politiek geweld en de moderne staat, Leidschrift 23(1): 7-16.
- Augusteijn J. (2007), Introduction. In: Augusteijn J. (Ed.), The Memoirs of John M. Regan. A Catholic Officer in the RIC and RUC, 1909-48. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 7-21.
- Augusteijn J. (Ed.) (2007), The Memoirs of John M. Regan. A Catholic Officer in the RIC and RUC, 1909-48. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
- Augusteijn J., Beerden K., Bode I. de, Vernooij H. & Zwinkels E. (Eds.) (2007), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Kissane B. (2005), The Politics of the Irish Civil War. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Irish Historical Studies 139: 412-413.
- Augusteijn J. (2007), Accounting for the emergence of violent activism among Irish revolutionairies, 1916-1921, Irish Historical Studies XXXV(139): 327-344.
- Augusteijn J. (2006), I.R.A. In: Koch J.T. (Ed.), Celtic culture: a historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Oxford: ABC-Clio. 1022-1023.
- Augusteijn J. (2006), Patrick Pearse. In: Koch J.T. (Ed.), Celtic culture: a historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Oxford: ABC-Clio. 1229-1230.
- Augusteijn J., Beerden K., Bode I. de, Versloot F. & Weterins T. (Eds.) (2006), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. (2006) Boekbespreking. Review of: Hart P. (2003), The I.R.A. at War 1916-1923 no. 137. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Irish Historical Studies XXXV: 132-133.
- Augusteijn J. (2006), Why was Tipperary so active in the War of Independence?, Tipperary Historical Journal 2006: 189-206.
- Augusteijn J. (2006), Ireland and Europe: A Dutch Perspective, Radharc. A Journal of Irish and Irish-American Studies 5-7: 265-286.
- Augusteijn J., Egmond M. van, Limburg L., Visser W. & Zwinkels E. (Eds.) (2005), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Horst D. van der (2004), Geschiedenis van Engeland. Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis = The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 2: 159-160.
- Augusteijn J. (2004), Van 'Redders der beschaving' tot Keltische tijger'. Ierland en Europa. Goddeeris I. (Ed.), De Europese Periferie. . Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven. 97-114.
- Augusteijn J., Leeuw S. van der, Steensel A. van & Weterings T. (Eds.) (2004), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J., Berk J.H.H. van den, Koopman A., Kuiper J. & Weterings T. (Eds.) (2004), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. (2003), Industrialisatie, urbanisatie en de Ieren. De sociale problematiek in Engeland, 1830-1850, Leidschrift 18(2): 51-70.
- Augusteijn J., Berk J.H.H. van den, Steensel A. van & Bakker J. (Eds.) (2003), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J., Lyons M.A. & MacMahon D. (Eds.) (2003), Irish History. A research yearbook II. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
- Augusteijn J. (2003) Boekbespreking. Review of: Hopkinson M. (2002), The Irish War of Independence. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. The American Historical Review oct. 2003: 1218-1219.
- Augusteijn J. (2003), Political Violence and Democracy: An Analysis of the Tensions within Irish Republican Strategy, 1914-2002, Irish Political Studies 18(1): 1-26.
- Augusteijn J. (2002), 36 lemma. In: Connolly S.J. (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Augusteijn J. (2002), Why did they fight for Ireland? The motivation of Volunteers in the Revolution. Augusteijn J. (Ed.), The Irish Revolution, 1913-1923. . London: Palgrave.
- Augusteijn J. (Ed.) (2002), The Irish Revolution, 1913-1923. London: Palgrave.
- Augusteijn J., Kuiper J., Muntinga E. & Usher B. (Eds.) (2002), . Leidschrift.
- Augusteijn J. & Lyons M.A. (Eds.) (2002), Irish History: A Research Yearbook I. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
- Augusteijn J. (2002) Radicals in a conservative society. Review of: Ó Drisceoil D. (2002), Peadar O'Donnell. Cork: Cork University Press. Saothar. Journal of the Irish Labour History Society 27: 77-80.
- Augusteijn J. (2002) Radicals in a conservative society. Review of: Owens R.C. (2002), Louie Bennett. Cork: Cork University Press. Saothar. Journal of the Irish Labour History Society 27: 77-80.
- Augusteijn J. (2002), Teaching and researching Irish History in Northern Ireland: A Personal View, European Review of History 9(1): 107-111.
- Augusteijn J. (2001), Ireland's Independence. In: Cunliffe B., Bartlett R., Morill J. & Briggs A. (Eds.), The Penguin Atlas of British and Irish History. London: Penguin Books. 232-235.
- Augusteijn J. (2001) The 1930s and Populat Politics. Review of: McGarry F. (2001), Irish Politics and the Spanish Civil War. Cork: Cork University Press. Saothar. Journal of the Irish Labour History Society 25: 83-86.
- Augusteijn J. (2000) The Irish and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. Review of: Stradling R. (2000), The Irish and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 no. 44. Manchester: Mandolin. The American Historical Review 115: 1399-1399.