Joosje Wessels PhD candidate / self funded Name J. Wessels MA Telephone 071 5272125 E-mail ORCID iD null OverviewContactPublicationsAncillary activities Joosje Wessels is a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. PhD candidate / self funded Faculty of Humanities Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics LUCL promovendus Contact 071 5272125 JavaScript is required to view this content. Sort to yearSort to category20242024 Engelenhoven A.T.P.G. van (Ed.) (2024), Oral Traditions in Insular Southeast Asia: Lokaswara Nusantara. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Boekredactie Back to top No relevant ancillary activities Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Share by WhatsApp> Share by Mastodon