Jonathan London
Associate professor Global Political Economy
- Name
- Dr. J.D. London
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2732
- 0000-0002-7427-5838

Jonathan D. London is Associate Professor of Global Political Economy - Asia at the Leiden Institute of Area Studies. He has previously held positions at the City University of Hong Kong and Nanyang Technological University. London is a leading scholar of contemporary Vietnam. He holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
More information about Jonathan London
PhD candidates
Jonathan London's research interests span the fields of comparative political economy, development studies, and the political economy of welfare and inequality. Fluent in Vietnamese, London is author of the first and only Vietnamese language blog on Vietnamese politics written by a foreigner. He has served as an analyst for such international organizations as UNDP, UNICEF, and OXFAM. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin.
Curriculum vitae
Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
M.S. (Sociology), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996
Graduate certificate (Peace Research), University of Oslo, 1991
Grants and awards
2016 - Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), funded by DFID – Research for Improving Vietnam’s Education System. 2016-2022, with Paul Glewwe, Joan Dejaeghere, Le Thuc Duc, and others
2016 - Hong Kong Grants Council – General Research Fund. Hospital Autonomy in Vietnam
United Nations (UNDP), Viet Nam Human Development Report, 2015. – Output: Background paper: “Essential Services and Inclusive Growth: Efficiency, Equity,
Governance” 75pp.
United Nations Development Program, UNDP Policy Discussion Paper, 2013. Output: Paper on essential Services, “The Benefits and Limitations of “Socialization: The
Political Economy of Services in Viet Nam’.” 100 pp.
United Nations (UNDP), Viet Nam Human Development Report, 2010-11. – Outputs: (Background papers): (1) “Balancing Means with Ends: Institutional Responsibilities
for the Provision and Payment for Education and Health Services.” November 2010, 82 pp. (2)
“Aligning Organizational Interests with Public Needs: Service Delivery Challenges in Viet Nam’s Education and Health Sectors.” November 2010, 27 pp.
United Nations/Like-Minded Group, Viet Nam’s Development Challenges, 2010. – Leader, Governance and Social Affairs Section 2009-2010 with Brian Van Arkadie and others. Output: Development Challenges in a Middle-income Viet Nam. July 2010. 236 pp.
UNICEF Viet Nam, Mid-term Poverty Assessment for Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2008. Output: “Child Poverty in Viet Nam – Mid-Term Review. Sole author.
UNICEF Viet Nam, Food Prices and Vulnerability, Viet Nam, 2008. – Output: “Food Prices and Vulnerability in Viet Nam.” UNICEF 2008. Sole author, later revised
a published with Paul van Ufford.
New York Time Article: Outrage Over Fish Kill in Vietnam Simmers 6 Months Later
Associate professor Global Political Economy
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie
- London J.D. (2023), Vietnam’s education system: how coherent is it for learning?. Oxford: Research on improving systems of education (RISE).
- London J.D. & Duong B. (2023), The politics of education and learning in Vietnam: contributions to a theory of embedded accountabilities. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2023), Adoption, adaption, and the iterative challenges of scaling up in Vietnam: policy entrepreneurship and system coherence in a major pedagogical reform. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2023), Education, skilling, and opportunity in a market Leninist order. In: Ljunggren B. & Perkins D.H. (Eds.), Vietnam: navigating a rapidly changing economy, society, and political order. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. 274-299.
- London J.D. (2022), Social reproduction meets the world market: a reply to ‘The “hardship” of ordinary crises: gendered precariousness and horizons of coping in Vietnam’s industrial zones’ by Helle Rydstrom, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 12(3-4): 559-562.
- London J.D. (Ed.) (2022), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2022), How to study contemporary Vietnam?. In: London J.D. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2022), The Communist Party of Vietnam: consolidating Market Leninism. In: London J.D. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledege.
- London J.D. & Pincus J.R. (2022), Welfare, inequality, and opportunity in contemporary Vietnam. In: London J.D. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2021), Outlier Vietnam and the problem of embeddedness: contributions to the political economy of learning no. 21/062. RISE Working Paper Series (Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE)). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2020), Vietnam in 2019, Asian Survey 60(1): 93-99.
- London J.D. (2020), China and Vietnam as instances of consolidated market-Leninism. In: Hansen A., Bekkevold J.I. & Nordhaug K. (Eds.), The socialist market economy in Asia : development in China, Vietnam and Laos. Singapore: Springer.
- London J.D. (2019), Vietnam in 2018: consolidating market Leninism, Asian Survey 59(1): 140-146.
- London J.D. (2019), Vietnam: exploring the deep determinants of learning. RISE Insight (Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE)). [briefing paper].
- London J.D. (2018), Afterword: Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [other].
- London J.D. (2018), Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- London J.D. (2017), Varieties of states, varieties of political economy: China, Vietnam and the making of market-leninism. In: Carroll Toby & Jarvis Darryl S.L. (Eds.), Asia after the Developmental State: Cambridge University Press. 388-428.
- London J.D. (2015), Is Vietnam on the verge of change?, Current History 114(773): 229-235.
- London J.D. (2014), Coping with Untenable Demands: Vietnam and its Relations with China, Atlantisch PerspectiefAtlantic Perspectives (5): 17-20.
- Malesky E. & London J.D. (2014), The political economy of development in China and Vietnam, Annual Review of Political Science 17: 395-419.
- London J.D. (2014), Welfare Regimes in China and Vietnam, Journal of Contemporary Asia 44(1): 84-107.
- London J.D. (2013), The promises and perils of hospital autonomy. Reform by decree in Viet Nam, Social Science & Medicine 96: 232-240.
- London J.D. (2013), Welfare Regimes in the Wake of State Socialism: China and Vietnam, Chinese social policy in a time of transition : 18-47.
- London J.D. (2013) Vietnam: Rethinking the state. Review of: Gainsborough M. (2010), Vietnam: Rethinking the state. London: Zed Books. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 44(3): 546-547.
- London J.D. (2011), Historical Welfare Regimes, Social Science Research Network : .
- London J.D. (2010), Globalization and the governance of education in Viet Nam, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 30(4): 361-379.
- London J.D. (2009), Viet Nam and the making of market-Leninism, The Pacific Review 22(3): 375--399.
- London J.D. (2009), Viet Nam and the making of market-Leninism, The Pacific Review 22(3): 375-399.
- London J.D. (2008), Food Prices, Vulnerability, and Food Security in Viet Nam: A UN Perspective, United Nations in Viet Nam : .
- London J.D. (2008), Reasserting the state in Viet Nam Health Care and the logics of market-Leninism, Policy and Society 27(2): 115-128.
- London J.D. (2008), UNICEF in a Middle-Income Viet Nam: -.
- London J.D. (2007), Schooling in Vietnam, Going to school in East Asia : 413-443.
- London J.D. (2006), Vietnam: The political economy of education in a “Socialist” periphery, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 26(1): 1--20.
- London J.D. (2003), Vietnam's mass education and health systems: A regimes perspective, American Asian Review 21(2): 125.