Jojanneke van der Toorn
Professor by Special Appointment LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.M. van der Toorn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-0476-772X

Jojanneke van der Toorn is professor by special appointment of LGBT+ Workplace Inclusion at Leiden University and associate professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at Utrecht University.
More information about Jojanneke van der Toorn
Leiden Psychology Blog
Jojanneke van der Toorn is professor by special appointment of LGBT+ Workplace Inclusion at Leiden University and associate professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at Utrecht University.
Research on workplace inclusion
Van der Toorn studies diversity and inclusion at work, in particular with regard to LGBTQ+ employees. On the one hand, she focusses on organizational programs and practices: what are blind spots in diversity and inclusion policy, what is their influence on job seekers, employees and organizations as a whole, and in which way can these patterns be broken? On the other hand, she examines the psychological processes through which majority and minority group members contribute to the maintenance of group-based inequalities at work and in society.
In her work, Van der Toorn makes a concerted effort to bridge science and society with the aim of contributing to effective and evidence-based diversity policies. To this end, she and her colleagues have developed the Netherlands Inclusivity Monitor, which aims to (1) diagnose the effectiveness of an organization’s diversity and inclusion policies, (2) compare the organization’s score with a benchmark score derived from other participating organizations, and (3) provide concrete and evidence-based suggestions for improvement. In addition, Van der Toorn consults organizations and the government on the topic of diversity and inclusion, and leads an executive masterclass on effective D&I policy.
She also closely collaborates with Workplace Pride, the International Platform for LGBTIQ+ inclusion at work, InclusieNL, and Diversity at Work.
Current projects
It has to work. Inclusiveness in the labor market through synergy between science and practice
To what extent are Dutch work organisations diverse and inclusive? And what can they do to develop this further? These questions are explored in this research project, by comparing and analysing data from the NIM and the Diversity Charter Monitor based on the latest scientific insights. The results are translated into practically useful tools and advice for NIM participants, Diversity Charter signatories, and other stakeholders.
» Learn more about this project
The Power of One: Towards the Representation of Unheard and Unseen Individuals in the Hospital, Workplace and Neighbourhood
This research project examines the barriers that prevent professionals from assessing the needs of marginalized groups, and that prevent marginalized groups from making their needs and views known to professionals. Through interviews, participatory research, and co-creation methods, and by collaboration with societal partners (e.g., The Netherlands Patient Federation, LGBTQI+ interest groups, the Eindhoven Library), this study investigates how those individuals in society who are often not reached can improve their self-reliance and can be better heard and seen.
» Learn more about this project
Academic citizenship
Van der Toorn is a founder of the Interuniversity Network on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Dutch Political Psychology Meetings, a former (board)member of the Utrecht Young Academy, and active participant in and organizer of several symposia, conferences, and scientific networks around social, organizational and political psychology.
She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP) and Frontiers in Social Psychology.
Her work has received several distinctions, including the Gratama Science Prize for young and excellent researchers.
Short CV
Jojanneke van der Toorn obtained M.A. degrees in Psychology (2003) and Cultural Anthropology (2005; cum laude) from the Free University Amsterdam. She then completed a Ph.D. in Social Psychology at New York University in 2010.
After working as a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University (2010-2012) and as an Assistant Professor at Leiden University (2012-2016), she’s currently Professor by Special Appointment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Workplace Inclusion at Leiden University, and Associate Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University.
Grants, fellowships and subsidies
- Goldschmeding Foundation grant (PI), 2023
- Center for Unusual Collaborations grant (co-applicant), 2023
- Goldschmeding Foundation grant (PI), 2022
- Center for Unusual Collaborations grant (co-applicant), 2022
- Goldschmeding Foundation grant (PI), 2021
- Center for Unusual Collaborations grant (PI), 2021
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Grant in Aid (co-applicant), 2021
- Goldschmeding Foundation grant (PI), 2020
- Utrecht Young Academy grant (PI), 2020
- Aspasia writing grant (PI), 2019
- Europe Network Fund (co-applicant), 2019
- Instituut Gak grant (co-applicant), 2019
- SEED Money grant (co-applicant), 2018
- Aspasia travel grant, 2016
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Conference Subsidy, 2015
- International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) Small Grant, 2015
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Grant in Aid, 2012
- The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Rubicon Grant (PI), 2011
- International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) Junior Scholars Committee Travel Grant, 2011
- International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) Small Grant, 2011
- International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) Junior Scholars Committee Travel grant, 2009
- Friends of Katzell Summer Fellowship for Applied Research in Psychology (PI), 2009
- Richard J. Campbell Travel Grant, 2008
- New York University Graduate Student Travel Grant, 2006, 2007, 2008
- New York University Humanities Grant, 2007
- Foundation Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds, 2005
- Henry Mitchell MacCracken Fellowship, 2005 – 2010
- Fulbright Scholarship, 2004
- Kshitij Mor, Utrecht University 2021-present
- Chenhao Zhou, Utrecht University 2021-present
- Paula Hoffmann, Utrecht University 2021-present
- Birgit van Winden, Leiden University 2021-present
- Marjon Bohré, Leiden University 2020-present
- Anat Ruhrman, Leiden University 2019-present
- Onur Sahin, Leiden University 2017-present
- Maarten van Bezouw, VU University of Amsterdam 2015-2020
Professor by Special Appointment LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
Professor by Special Appointment LGBT+ Workplace Inclusion
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
- Nunspeet F. van, Veenstra E.M., Monteiro Graça Casquinho B., Ellemers N., Scheepers D., Wickham M.I., Bacchini E.A.M., Toorn J. van der & on behalf of The Organizational Behaviour Group (2025), Overcoming the threat of anti-bias interventions: Combining self-report and psychophysiological measures to capture the process of change, PLoS ONE 20: e0314813.
- Morgenroth T., Toorn J. van der, Pliskin R. & McMahon C.E. (2024), Gender nonconformity leads to identity denial for cisgender and transgender individuals, Social Psychological and Personality Science 15(1): 46-59.
- Bohré-den Harder M.J., Harinck F., Doef M. van der, Toorn J. van der & Gebhardt W.A. (2024), Defining organizational humanness and contributing behavioral attributes of leadership: qualitative research using a grounded theory approach, Business Ethics and Leadership 8: 1-19.
- Jansen W.S., Toorn J. van der, Bokern Y. & Ellemers N. (2024), Shades of support: an empirical assessment of D&I policy support in organizations, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 54(4): 221-229.
- Leskinen E.A., Horne S.G., Ryan W.S. & Toorn J. van der (2024), The opportunities and limits of open science for LGBTIQ+ research, Journal of Social Issues 80(3): 1000-1021.
- Mor K., Gündemir S. & Toorn J. van der (2024), Celebrating the “Invisible”: the role of organizational diversity approaches on attracting and retaining LGBTQ + Talent, Journal of Business and Psychology : .
- Moss‐Racusin C.A., Toorn J. van der, Beneke G. & Olson K.R. (2024), Mothers of transgender youth experience stigma‐by‐association, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 54(4): 209-220.
- Toorn J. van der, Bracco S.E., Gaitho W., Ryan W.S., Horne S.G., Anderson J.R. & Leskinen E.A. (2024), Inclusion and protection in tension: Reflections on gathering sexual orientation and gender identity data in the workplace, Journal of Social Issues 80: 947-972.
- MorgenrothT., Kirby T.A. & Toorn J. van der (2024), Heteroprofessionalism: the power of the gender/sex binary in the workplace, Current Opinion in Psychology 60: 101908.
- Toorn J. van der & Kolman M. (3 August 2024), De b in lhbti komt er maar bekaaid vanaf op de werkvloer. . De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Buizer I., Hermsen D., Lisdonk J. van & Toorn J. van der (2024), An exploration of bi+ people and work. . Leiden: Universiteit Leiden/Bi+ Nederland.
- Chrigui Y., Koene M., Toorn J. van der & Ellemer N. (2024), De Nederlandse InclusiviteitsMonitor: Iinzichten uit 2019-2023. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht i.s.m. Stichting InclusieNL. [other].
- Chrigui Y., Toorn J. van der, Ellemers N., Bokern Y.N.A., Koene M., Euser L., Nechar C. & Bhagwat N. (2024), Making impact on diversity and inclusion: A springboard to sustainable change. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht i.s.m. Stichting InclusieNL en SER. [other].
- Hermsen D., Lisdonk J. van, Buizer I. & Toorn J. van der (2024), Guide Inclusion of bi+ at work: Insights and recommendations on what is needed and what works. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden/Bi+ Nederland. [other].
- Ruhrman A.R., Pliskin R., Shuman E., Toorn J.M. van der & Halperin E. (2024), Is exposure to conflict‐related violence associated with less intergroup empathy?: The moderating role of ideology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 54: 787-801.
- Toorn J. van der, Lisdonk J. van, Hermsen D. & Buizer I. (2024), Bi+ inclusie op het werk: uitdagingen en kansrijke aanpakken in een heteronormatieve, monoseksuele setting, Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie jaargang 48(2): .
- Napier J.L. & Toorn J. van der Vial A.C. (2023), The personal is political: internalized sexual stigma and the desire for gender complementarity in (some) same-gender relationships, Sex Roles 89: 97-118.
- Bohré-den Harder M., Harinck F., Doef M. van der, Toorn J. van der & Gebhardt W. E. (2023), Current knowledge on organizational humanness and its relation to leadership: A scoping review, TPM -Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology 30: 185-201.
- Van Bezouw M.J., Toorn J. van der & Becker J.C. (2021), Social creativity: reviving a social identity approach to social stability, European Journal of Social Psychology 51(2): 409-422.
- Suppes A., Toorn J. van der & Begeny C.T. (2021), Unhealthy closets, discriminatory dwellings. The mental health benefits and costs of being open about one's sexual minority status, Social Science & Medicine 285: 114286.
- Jansen W.S., Kröger C., Toorn J van der. & Ellemers N. (2021), The right thing to do or the smart thing to do? How communicating moral or business motives for diversity affects the employment image of Dutch public and private sector organizations, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51(7): 746-759.
- Toorn J. van der, Veldhuizen M. & Kulk S. (2021), Researching the tension between privacy and inclusion in organisations: promises and pitfalls of a transdisciplinary approach, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 24(1): 53-63.
- Moss-Racusin C.A., Pietri E.S., Toorn J. van der & Ashburn-Nardo L. (2021), Boosting the sustainable representation of women in STEM with evidence-based policy initiatives, Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8(1): 50-58.
- Toorn J. van der & Kolman M. (16 May 2021), LHBTI’ers worden op het werk niet gelijk behandeld, al denken we van wel. Het Financieele Dagblad, Opinie.
- Kolman M. & Toorn J. van der (10 January 2021), Genderkloof in de wetenschap verdwijnt niet vanzelf. Het Parool, Columns & Opinie.
- Meral E.O. & Toorn J. van der (2021), LGBTIQ+ employee resource groups: what does the science say?, Workplace Pride : .
- Van Bezouw M.J., Toorn J. van der, Honari A. & Rijken A.J. (2021), Antecedents and consequences of system justification among Iranian migrants in Western Europe, Journal of Social and Political Psychology 9(2): 637-653.
- Toorn J. van der & Gaitho W. (2021), LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion: a global issue requiring a transdisciplinary and intersectional approach, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 24(3/4): 376-387.
- Kolman M. & Toorn J. van der (16 October 2021), Het is tijd voor een realistischer beeld van uit de kast komen, vooral op de werkvloer. Het Parool.
- Toorn J. van der, Pliskin R. & Morgenroth T. (2020), Not quite over the rainbow: the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 34: 160-165.
- Brandt M. J., Kuppens T., Spears R., Andrighetto L., Autin F., Babincak P., Badea C., Bae J., Batruch A., Becker J. C., Bocian K., Bodroža B., Bourguignon D., Bukowski M., Butera F., Butler S. E., Chryssochoou X., Conway P., Crawford J. T., Croizet J-C., de Lemus S., Degner J., Dragon P., Durante F., Easterbrook M. J., Essien I., Forgas J. P., González R., Graf S., Halama P., Han G., Hong R. Y., Houdek P., Igou E. R., Inbar Y., Jetten J., Jimenez Leal W., Jiménez-Moya G., Kumar Karunagharan J., Kende A., Korzh M., Laham S. M., Lammers J., Lim L., Manstead A. S. R., Međedović J., Melton Z. J., Motyl M., Ntani S., Owuamalam C. K., Peker M., Platow M. J., Prims J., Reyna C., Rubin M., Saab R., Sankaran S., Shepherd L., Sibley C. G., Sobkow A., Spruyt B., Stroebaek P., Sümer N., Sweetman J., Teixeira C. P., Toma C., Ujhelyi A., Toorn J. van der, van Hiel A., Vásquez-Echeverría A., Vazquez A., Vianello M., Vranka M., Yzerbyt V. & Zimmerman J. L. (2020), Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries, European Journal of Social Psychology 50(5): 921-942.
- Toorn J. van der (2020), Not quite over the rainbow: : the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology, New Horizons Summer 2020: .
- Sahin O., Toorn J. van der, Jansen W.S., Boezeman E.J. & Ellemers N. (2019), Looking beyond our similarities: How perceived (in)visible dissimilarity relates to feelings of inclusion at work, Frontiers in Psychology 10: e575.
- Van der Toorn J. (2019), Naar een inclusieve werkvloer: Seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit op het werk, Gedrag & Organisatie 32: 162-180.
- Suppes A., Napier J.L. & Van der Toorn J. (2019), The palliative effects of system justification on the health and happiness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45(3): 372-388.
- García-Sánchez E., Toorn J. van der, Rodríguez-Bailón R. & Willis G.B. (2019), The Vicious Cycle of Economic Inequality: The Role of Ideology in Shaping the Relationship Between “What Is” and “What Ought to Be” in 41 Countries, Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(8): 991-1001.
- Ellemers N., Toorn J. van der, Paunov Y. & Leeuwen T. van (2019), The psychology of morality: A review and analysis of empirical studies published from 1940 through 2017, Personality and Social Psychology Review 23(4): 332-366.
- Moss-Racusin C.A., Pietri E.S., Ashburn-Nardo L. & Toorn J. van der (2019), Policies, practices, programs, and other interventions for improving the recruitment, retention, and sustained advancement into leadership roles of women in specific science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) disciplines and at different stages in career trajectories: Literature review commissioned by the US National Academies of Sciences. Washington: National Academies of Sciences.
- Ellemers N., Şahin O., Jansen W. & Van der Toorn J. (2018), Naar effectief diversiteitsbeleid: Het bouwen van bruggen tussen wetenschap en praktijk, Gedrag & Organisatie 31(4): 409-428.
- Liekefett L. & Toorn J. van der (2018), LHBTs hebben meer rolmodellen nodig op het werk, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken : .
- Liekefett L. & Toorn J. van der (29 November 2018), Someone like me can be successful, too!. Leiden Psychology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Toorn J. van der (2018), Heteronormativiteit belemmert inclusie lhbt’s op het werk, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken : .
- Cramwinckel F.M., Scheepers D.T. & Toorn J. van der (2018), Interventions to reduce blatant and subtle sexual orientation- and gender identity prejudice (SOGIP): Current knowledge and future directions, Social Issues and Policy Review 12(1): 183-217.
- Van der Toorn J. (2017), Education and work. In: Ellemers N., Derks B., Nunspeet F. van, Scheepers D.T. & Toorn J. van der (Eds.), World of difference: A moral perspective on social inequality. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 39-62.
- Ellemers N., Derks B., Van Nunspeet F., Scheepers D.T. & Van der Toorn J. (Eds.) (2017), World of difference: A moral perspective on social inequality. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Toorn J. van der, Jost J.T., Packer D., Noorbaloochi S. & Bavel J.J. van (2017), In defense of tradition: Religiosity, conservatism, and opposition to same-sex marriage in North America, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(10): 1455-1468.
- Toorn J. van der, Jost J.T. & Loffredo B. (2017), Conservative ideological shift among adolescents in response to system threat, Zeitschrift für Psychologie 225(4): 357-362.
- Moss-Racusin C.A., Van der Toorn J., Dovidio J.F., Brescoll V.L., Graham M.J. & Handelsman J. (2016), A "Scientific Diversity" intervention to reduce gender bias in a sample of life scientists, CBE—Life Sciences Education 15(3): e28.
- Ellemers N. & Van der Toorn J. (2015), Groups as moral anchors, Current Opinion in Psychology 6: 189-194.
- Ellemers N. & Van der Toorn J. (2015), Groups as moral anchors, Current Opinion in Psychology 6: 189-194.
- Van der Toorn J., Feinberg M., Jost J.T., Kay A.C., Tyler T.R., Willer R. & Wilmuth C. (2015), A sense of powerlessness fosters system justification: implications for the legitimation of authority, hierarchy, and government, Political Psychology 36(1): 93-110.
- Van der Toorn J., Ellemers N. & Doosje B. (2015), The threat of moral transgression: The impact of group membership and moral opportunity, European Journal of Social Psychology 45(5): 609-622.
- Van der Toorn J., Nail P.R., Liviatan I. & Jost J.T. (2014), My country, right or wrong: Does activating system justification motivation eliminate the liberal-conservative gap in patriotism?, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 54: 50-60.
- Moss-Racusin C.A., Van der Toorn J., Dovidio J.F., Brescoll V.F., Graham M.J. & Handelsman J. (2014), Scientific diversity interventions, Science 343(6171): 615-616.
- Van der Toorn J., Jost J.T. & Berkics M. (2014), Job satisfaction and perceived fairness in Hungary and the USA. In: Michalos A.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 3454-3458.
- Van der Toorn J. & Jost J.T. (2014), Twenty years of system justification theory: Introduction to the special issue on “ideology and system justification processes”, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17: 413-419.
- Van der Toorn J., Napier J.L. & Dovidio J.F. (2014), We the people: Intergroup interdependence breeds liberalism, Social Psychological and Personality Science 5: 616-622.
- Sutton R., Cichocka A. & Van der Toorn J. (2013), The corrupting power of social inequality: Social psychological consequences, causes, and solutions. In: Golec de Zavala A. & Cichocka A. (Eds.), Social psychology of social problems. The intergroup context. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. 115-140.
- Tyler T.R. & Van der Toorn J. (2013), Social justice. In: Huddy L. & Levy J.S. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. 627-661.
- Dotsch R., Papies E.K., Pronk T.M., Rutjens B., Van der Toorn J. & Ufkes E.G. (Eds.) (2013), Jaarboek sociale psychologie 2013. Groningen: ASPO Pers.
- Jost J.T., Chaikalis-Petritsis V., Abrams D., Sidanius J., Van der Toorn J. & Bratt C. (2012), Why men (and women) do and don't rebel: Effects of system justification on willingness to protest, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38(2): 197-208.
- Jost J.T. & Van der Toorn J. (2012), System justification theory. In: Lange P.A.M. van, Kruglanski A.W. & Higgins E.T. (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology. London: Sage. 313-343.
- Jost J.T., Liviatan I., Van der Toorn J., Ledgerwood A., Mandisodza A. & Nosek B. (2012), System justification: A motivational process with implications for social conflict. In: Kals E. & Maes J. (Eds.), Justice and conflicts. New York: Springer. 315-327.
- Van der Toorn J., Bos H. & Napier J.L. (2012), Mannetje/vrouwtje: De invloed van homonegativiteit op evaluaties van homoseksuele koppels en partners. In: Ven N. van, Baas M., Dillen L. van, Lakens D., Lokhorst A.M. & Strick M. (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2011. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 219-222.
- Van der Toorn J., Napier J.L. & Dovidio J.F. (2012), Interdependentie tussen groepen leidt tot links denken. In: Strick M., Baas M., Dillen L.F. van, Dotsch R., Lakens D. & Vries M. de (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 215-218.
- Jost J.T. & Van der Toorn J. (2011), System justification theory. In: Dowding K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of power. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 649-653.
- Van der Toorn J., Tyler T.R. & Jost J.T. (2011), More than fair: Outcome dependence, system justification, and the perceived legitimacy of authority figures, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(1): 127-138.
- Pacilli M.G., Taurino A., Jost J.T. & Van der Toorn J. (2011), System justification, right-wing conservatism, and internalized homophobia: Gay and lesbian attitudes toward same-sex parenting in Italy, Sex Roles 65(7-8): 580-595.
- Van der Toorn J., Berkics M. & Jost J.T. (2010), System justification, satisfaction, and perceptions of fairness and typicality at work: A cross-system comparison involving the U.S. and Hungary, Social Justice Research 23(2-3): 189-210.
- Jost J.T., Liviatan I., Van der Toorn J., Ledgerwood A., Mandisodza A. & Nosek B. (2009), System justification: How do we know it’s motivated?. In: Bobocel D.R., Kay A.C., Zanna M.P. & Olson J.M. (Eds.), The psychology of justice and legitimacy: The Ontario symposium, Vol. 11. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 173-203.
- Van der Toorn J. & Jost J.T. (2009), System justification theory. In: Matsumoto D. (Ed.), Cambridge dictionary of psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. 534.
- Klandermans B., Van der Toorn J. & Van Stekelenburg J. (2008), Embeddedness and identity: How immigrants turn grievances into action, American Sociological Review 73(6): 992-1012.
- Van der Toorn J. (2005) Goddess on the rise, Pilgrimage and popular religion in Vietnam. Review of: . Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 161(1): 174-175.
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