John Mydosh
Professor emeritus of Metal physics
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.A. Mydosh
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5512
Professor emeritus of Metal physics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Staff
- Montfrooij W. & Mydosh J.A. (2024), Comparison of the hidden order transition in URu2Si2 to the λ-transition in 4 He, Physical Review B 109(15): 155104.
- Petkov V., Baumbach R., Milinda Abeykoon A.M. & Mydosh J.A. (2023), Three-dimensional charge density wave in the dual heavy fermion system U Pt2Si2, Physical Review B 107(24): 245101 .
- Ghosh S., Matty M., Baumbach R., Bauer E.D., Modic K.A., Shekhter A., Mydosh J.A., Kim E.A. & Ramshaw B.J. (2020), One-component order parameter in URu2Si2 uncovered by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy and machine learning, Science Advances 6(10): eaaz4074.
- Lee J., Prokeš K., Park S., Zaliznyak I., Dissanayake S., Matsuda M., Frontzek M., Stoupin S., Chappell G.L., Baumbach R.E., Park C., Mydosh J.A., Granroth G.E. & Ruff J.P.C. (2020), Charge density wave with anomalous temperature dependence in UPt2Si2, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 102(4): 041112.
- Mydosh J.A.: Oppeneer P.M. & Riseborough P.S. (2020), Hidden order and beyond: an experimental—theoretical overview of the multifaceted behavior of URu2Si2, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32(14): 143002.
- Prokes K., Fabelo O., Sullow S., Lee J. & Mydosh J.A. (2020), High temperature tetragonal crystal structure of UPt2Si2, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 235(6-7): 175-181.
- Lee J., Matsuda M., Mydosh J.A., Zaliznyak I., Kolesnikov A.I., Sullow S., Ruff J.P.C. & Granroth G.E. (2018), Dual nature of magnetism in a uranium heavy-fermion system, Physical Review Letters 121(5): 057201.
- Grachtrup D.S., Steinki N., Sullow S., Cakir I.Z., Zwicknagl G., Krupko Y., Sheikin I., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2017), Magnetic phase diagram and electronic structure of UPt2Si2 at high magnetic fields: a possible field-induced Lifshitz transition, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 95: 134422.
- Prokes K., Bartkowiak M., Rivin O., Prohnenko O., Förster T., Gerischer S., Wahle R., Huang Y.K. & Mydosh J.A. (2017), Magnetic structure in a U (Ru.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal studied by neutron diffraction in static magnetic fields up to 24 T, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 96: 121117.
- Prokes K., Huang Y.K., Reehuis M., Klemke B., Hoffmann J.U., Sokolowski A., Visser A. de & Mydosh J.A. (2017), Electronic properties of a heavy-fermion U (Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 95: 035138.
- Mydosh J.A. (2015), Spin glasses: Redux: An updated experimental/materials survey, Reports on Progress in Physics 78(052501): .
- She J.H., Overbosch B.J., Sun Y.W., Liu Y., Schalm K.E., Mydosh J.A. & Zaanen J. (2011), Observing the origin of superconductivity in quantum critical metals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84(14): 144527.
- Pfeiderer C., Boni P., Franz C., Keller T., Neubauer A., Niklowitz P.G., Schmakat P., Schulz M., Huang Y.K., Mydosh J.A., Vojta M., Duncan W., Grosche F.M., Brando M., Deppe M., Geibel C., Steglich F., Krimmel A. & Loidl A. (2010), Search for electronic phase separation at quantum phase transitions, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 161(1-2): 167-181.
- Niklowitz P.G., Pfeiderer C., Keller T., Vojta M., Huang Y.K. & Mydosh J.A. (2010), Parasitic small-moment antiferromagnetism and nonlinear coupling of hidden order and antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2 observed by Larmor diffraction, Physical Review Letters 104(10): 106406.
- Banks H., Hillier N.J., Schilling J.S., Rohrkamp J., Lorenz T., Mydosh J.A., Fickenscher T. & Pottgen R. (2010), Dependence of the magnetic ordering temperature on hydorstatic pressure for the ternary intermetallic compounds GdAgMg, GdAuMg, EuAgMg, and EuAuMg, Physical Review B 81(21): 212403.
- Sologubenko A.V., Lorenz T., Mydosh J.A., Thielemann B., Ronnow H.M., Ruëgg C. & Krämer K.W. (2010), Evidence for spinon localization in the heat transport of the spin-1/2 ladder compound (C5H12N)(2)CuBr4, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80(22): 220411.
- Aynajian P., Neto E.H.D., Parker C.V., Huang Y.K., Pasupathy A., Mydosh J.A. & Yazdani A. (2010), Vasualizing the formation of the Kondo lattice and the hidden order in URu2Si2, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 10383-10388.
- Grachtrup D.S., Bleckmann M., Süllow S., Willenberg B., Rakoto H., Skourski Y. & Mydosh J.A. (2010), High field magnetization of UPt2Si2, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 159(1-2): 147-150.
- Rossler S., Cherian D., Harikrishnan S., Bhat H.L., Elizabeth S., Mydosh J.A., Tjeng H.L., Steglich F. & Wirth S. (2010), Disorder-driven electronic localization and phase separation in superconducting Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 single crystals, Physical Review B 82(14): 144523.
- Oppeneer P.M., Rusz J., Elgazzar S., Suzuki M.T., Durakiewicz T. & Mydosh J.A. (2010), Electronic structure theory of the hidden-order material URu2Si2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82(20): 205103.
- Bleckmann M., Otop A., Süllow S., Feyerherm R., Klenke J., Loose A., Hendrikx R.W.A., Mydosh J.A. & Amitsuka H. (2010), Structure properties, magnetic order and electronic transport in single crystalline UPt2Si2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322(17): 2447-2453.
- Aynajian P., Da Silvo Neto E.H., Parker C.V., Huang Y., Pasupathy A., Mydosh J.A. & Yazdani A. (2010), Visualizing the Formation of the Kondo Lattice and the Hidden Order in URu2Si2, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(10383): .
- Wandner D., Link P., Heyer O., Mydosh J.A., Ahmida M.A., Abd-Elmeguid M.M., Speldrich M., Lüken H. & Ruschewitz U. (2010), Structural phase transitions in EuC2, Inorganic Chemistry 49(1): 312-318.
- Rajarajan A.K., Rabis A., Baenitz M., Gippius A.A., Morozova E.N., Mydosh J.A. & Steglich F. (2005), NMR investigations on single crystals of U2Ru2Sn: A Kondo insulator, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 997-999.
- Rabis A., Baenitz M., Leithe-Jasper A., Gippius A.A., Morozova E.N., Schnelle W., Rosner H., Mydosh J.A., Grin Y. & Steglich F. (2005), 23Na NMR investigations of the itinerant ferromagnets NaFe4Sb12 and Na0.5Ca0.5Fe4Sb12, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 1195-1197.
- Sanchez A., Paschen S., Wosnitza J., Mydosh J.A., Strydom A.M., De V. du Plessis P. & Steglich F. (2005), Thermal transport properties of U2Ru2Sn at low temperatures, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 1015-1017.
- Weickert F., Gegenwart P., Mydosh J.A., Steglich F., Kanadani C., Tabata Y., Taniguchi T. & Kawarazaki A. (2005), Search for a quantum critical end-point in CeRu2(Si1-xGex)2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 68-70.
- Prokes K., Munoz Sandoval E., Chinchure A.D. & Mydosh J.A. (2005), Uncompensated antiferromagnetic structure of Ho2Ni2Pb, The European Physical Journal B 43: 163-174.
- Silhanek A.V., Harrison N., Batista C.D., Jaime M., Lacerda A., Amitsuka H. & Mydosh J.A. (2005), Quantum critical 5f-electrons avoid singularities in U(Ru,Rh)2Si2, Physical Review Letters 95(2): 026403.
- Hossain Z., Schmidt M., Schnelle W., Jeevan H.S., Geibel C., Ramakrishnan S., Mydosh J.A. & Grin Y. (2005), Coexistence of magnetic order and charge density wave in a Kondo lattice: Yb5Ir4Si10, Physical Review B 71(6): 060406.
- Kim H.K., Harrison N., Amitsuka H., Jorge G.A., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2005), Link between magnetic field-induced quantum criticality and phase formation in U(Ru1-xRhx)xSi2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 32-34.
- Bernal O.O., Moroz M.E., MacLaughlin D.E., Lukefahr H.G., Mydosh J.A. & Gortenmulder T.J. (2005), Hidden and magnetic order in powdered URu2Si2 found by NMR at ambient pressure, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 994-996.
- Otop A., Litterst F.J., Gortenmulder T.J., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2005), Magnetoresistance of UCu4Pd, Physica B: Condensed Matter 359(361): 1033-1035.
- Sheet G., Rosner H., Wirth S., Leithe-Jasper A., Schnelle W., Burkhardt U., Mydosh J.A., Raychaudhuri P. & Grin Y. (2005), High spin polarization in the ferromagnetic filled skutterudites KFe4Sb12 and NaFe4Sb12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72: 1-4.
- Yokoyama M., Amitsuka H., Tenya K., Watanabe K., Kawarazaki S., Yoshizawa H. & Mydosh J.A. (2005), Competition between hidden order and antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2 under uniaxial stress studied by neutron scattering, Physical Review B 72(21): 214419.
- Montfrooij W., Aronson M., Rainford B.D., Mydosh J.A., Hendrikx R.W.A., Gortenmulder T.J., Murani A.P., Haen P. & Swainson I. (2005), The extent of quantum critical fluctuations into the heavy-fermion phase: A neutron scattering study of Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Ge2, Journal of Applied Physics 97: 1-3.
- Leisure R.G., Kern S., Drymiotis F.R., Ledbetter H., Migliori A. & Mydosh J.A. (2005), Complete elastic tensor through the first-order transformation in U2Rh3Si5, Physical Review Letters 95(7): 075506.
- Schnelle W., Leithe-Jasper A., Schmidt M., Rosner H., Borrmann H., Burkhardt U., Mydosh J.A. & Grin Y. (2005), Itinerant iron magnetism in filled skutterudites CaFe4Sb12 and YbFe4Sb12: Stable divalent state of ytterbium, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72: 1-4.
- Kim K.H., Harrison N., Amitsuka H., Jorge G.A., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Nexus between quantum criticality and phase formation in U(Ru1-xRhx)2Si2, Physical Review Letters 93(20): 206402.
- Harrison N., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Metamagnetism and quantum criticality in URu2Si2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: e135-e136.
- Süllow S., Mentink S.A.M., Mason T.E. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Magnetotransport of the moderately disordered heavy fermion URh2Ge2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: 954-955.
- Kim K.H., Harrison N., Jaime M., Boebinger G.S. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Novel competing orders near the field-induced quantum critical point in URu2Si2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: 50-51.
- Smaalen S. van, Shaz M., Palatinus L., Daniels P., Galli F., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Multiple charge-density waves in R5Ir4Si10 (R = Ho, Er, Tm, and Lu), PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69(014103): 1-11.
- Harrison N., Kim K.H., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Metamagnetism, quantum criticality, hidden order and crystal electric fields in URu2Si2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 346-347: 92-98.
- Ahilan K., Bennett M.C., Aronson M., Anderson N.E., Canfield P.C., Muñoz-Sandoval E., Gortenmulder T.J., Hendrikx R.W.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Magnetotransport in single crystal half-Heusler compounds, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69(245116): 1-8.
- Otop A., Maksimov I., Litterst F.J., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2004), Hall effect in URh2Ge2-xSnx, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: e1019-e1020.
- Muñoz-Sandoval E., Díaz-Ortiz A., Chinchure A.D. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Unusual magnetic transport properties in naturally layered intermetallic compounds R2Ni2Pb (R = Gd, Tb and Y), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 369: 260-264.
- Mena F.P., Damascelli A., Marel D., Fäth M.S., Menovsky A.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Heavy carriers, non-drude optical conductivity and transfer of spectral weight in MnSi, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: e53-e55.
- Süllow S., Maksimov I., Otop A., Litterst F.J., Perucchi A., Degiorgi L. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Metallic ground state and glassy transport in single crystalline URh2Ge2: Enhancement of disorder effects in a strongly correlated electron system, Physical Review Letters 93(26): 1-4.
- Tabata Y., Taniguchi T., Miyako Y., Tegus O., Menovsky A.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), H/T scaling in diordered non-Fermi liquid materials Ce(Ru1-xRhx)2Si2 for x = 0.5 and 0.6: Quantum Griffiths nature, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70(144415): 1-6.
- Jaime M., Kim K.H., Harrison N., Jorge G., Boebinger G.S. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Magnetic-field-induced critical behavior in the hidden-order compound URu2Si2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 369: 33-35.
- Lonkai T., Tomuta D.G., Amann U., Ihringer J., Hendrikx R.W.A., Többens D.M. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Development of the high-temperature phase of hexagonal manganites, Physical Review B 69(13): 134108.
- Senthilkumaran N., Baenitz M., Leithe-Jasper A., Schnelle W., Rabis A., Gippius A.A., Mydosh J.A., Steglich F. & Grin Y. (2004), Specific heat and AC magnetic susceptibility of the alkali-metal iron antimonides (Na,K)Fe4Sb12 and BaFe4Sb12, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: 835-836.
- Otop A., Litterst F.J., Hendrikx R.W.A., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2004), Magnetic irreversibility in single crystalline UPt2Si2, Journal of Applied Physics 95: 6702-6704.
- Leithe-Jasper A., Schnelle W., Rosner H., Baenitz M., Rabis A., Gippius A.A., Morozova E.N., Borrmann H., Burkhardt U., Ramlau R., Schwarz U., Mydosh J.A., Grin Y., Ksenofontov V. & Reiman S. (2004), Weak itinerant ferromagnetism and electronic and crystal structures of alkali-metal iron antomonides: NaFe4Sb12 and KFe4Sb12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70(214418): 1-12.
- Booth C.H., Han S.-W., Süllow S. & Mydosh J.A. (2004), Local lattice symmetry of spin-glass and antiferromagnetic URh2Ge2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: 941-942.
- Bernal O.O., Moroz M.E., Lukefahr H.G., MacLaughlin D.E., Mydosh J.A., Menovsky A.A. & Ortiz C. (2004), Ambient-pressure 99Ru NMR in URu2Si2: Internal-field anisotropy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: e59-e60.
- Rabis A., Leithe-Jasper A., Gippius A.A., Morozova E.N., Baenitz M., Schnelle W., Senthilkumaran N., Mydosh J.A., Steglich F. & Grin Y. (2004), Magnetic resonance investigations on NaFe4Sb12, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276: 830-832.
- Kim K.H., Harrison N., Jaime M., Boebinger G.S. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Magnetic-field-induced quantum critical point and competing order parameters in URu2Si2, Physical Review Letters 91(25): 256401.
- Prokes K., Muñoz-Sandoval E., Chinchure A.D. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Magnetic structure and transitions of Dy2Ni2Pb, Physical Review B : Condensed Matter 68(134427): 1-10.
- Jaime M., Kim K.H., Jorge G., McCall S., Suslov A., Sarma B., Ketterson J.B. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), High Magnetic field specific heat and MCE of URu2Si2, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 1165-1168.
- Amitsuka H., Tenya K., Yokoyama M., Schenck A., Andreica D., Gygax F.N., Amato A., Miyako Y., Huang Y.K. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Inhomogeneous magnetism in URu2Si2 studied by muon spin relaxation under high pressure, Physica B: Condensed Matter 326: 418-421.
- Leithe-Jasper A., Schnelle W., Rosner H., Senthilkumaran N., Rabis A., Baenitz M., Gippius A.A., Morozova E.N., Mydosh J.A. & Grin Y. (2003), Ferromagnetic ordering in Alkali-metal iron antimonides: NaFe4Sb12 and KFe4Sb12, Physical Review Letters 91(3): 037208.
- Ramakrishnan S., Patil N.G., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Multiple magnetic transitions in single crystal Gd5Rh4Ge10, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 68(094420): 1-5.
- Süllow S., Maksimov I., Litterst F.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Decoupling of magnetic ground state and electronic transport properties in URh2Ge2, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 1153-1154.
- Mena F.P., Marel D., Damascelli A., Fäth M.S., Menovsky A.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Heavy carriers and non-Drude optical conductivity in MnSi, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 67(241101): 1-4.
- Chandra P., Coleman P., Mydosh J.A. & Tripathi V. (2003), The case for phase separation in URu2Si2, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15: S1965-S1971.
- Smaalen S. van, Daniels P., Galli F., Feyerherm R., Dudziki E., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Charge density waves in Er5Ir4Si10 compounds, Journal de Physique IV 12(9): 347-352.
- Maksimov I., Litterst F.J., Rechenberg H., Melo M.A.C. de, Feyerherm R., Hendrikx R.W.A., Gortenmulder T.J., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2003), The effect of disorder on the magnetic and transport properties of Pd2-xSn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67(104405): 1-10.
- Harrison N., Jaime M. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Reentrant hidden order at a metamagnetic quantum critical end point, Physical Review Letters 90(9): 096402.
- Mydosh J.A., Chandra P., Coleman P. & Tripathi V. (2003), Hidden order in URu2Si2: The need for a dual description, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 659-665.
- Maksimov I., Litterst F.J., Süllow S., Feyerherm R. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Structural and magnetic ordering in UPd1.85Sn, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 967-970.
- Yokoyama M., Nozaki J., Amitsuka H., Watanabe K., Kawarazaki S., Yoshizawa H. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Nonequilibrium antiferromagnetic state in the heavy electron compound URu2Si2, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 1067-1070.
- Neemann H., Eichler A., Süllow S. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Search for a quantum critical point in CePd2A12Ga by specific heat measurements under pressure, Acta Physica Polonica B 34: 1085-1088.
- Küchler R., Oeschler N., Gegenwart P., Cichorek T., Neumaier K., Tegus O., Geibel C., Mydosh J.A., Steglich F., Zhu L. & Si Q. (2003), Divergence of the Grüneisen ratio at quantum critical points in heavy fermion metals, Physical Review Letters 91(6): 066405.
- Chinchure A.D., Gortenmulder T.J., Hendrikx R.W.A., Muñoz-Sandoval E. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Metallurgy and characterization of R2Ni2Pb intermetallic compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 359: 5-9.
- Jung M.H., Kim H.C., Galli F. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Magnetic field and pressure effects on charge density wave, superconducting, and magnetic states in Lu5Ir4Si10, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 68(132102): 1-4.
- Montfrooij W., Aronson M., Rainford B.D., Mydosh J.A., Murani A.P., Haen P. & Fukuhara T. (2003), Non-local quantum criticality in Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Ge2 (x=xc=0.76), Physical Review Letters 91(8): 087202.
- Bull M.J., Fåck B., McEwen K.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2003), Search for novel order in URu2Si2 by neutron scattering, Acta Polonica B 34: 1265-1268.
- Galli F., Feyerherm R., Hendrikx R.W.A., Dudzik E., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Ramakrishnan S., Brown S.D., Smaalen S. van & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Coexistence of charge density wave and antiferromagnetism in Er5Ir4Si10, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14: 5067-5075.
- Chandra P., Coleman P., Mydosh J.A. & Tripathi V. (2002), Hidden orbital order in the heavy fermion metal Uru2Si2, 417: 831-834.
- Jaime M., Kim K.H., Jorge G., McCall S. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), High magnetic field studies of the hidden order transition in Uru2Si2, Physical Review Letters 89(28): 287201.
- Bernal O.O., Mydosh J.A., MacLaughlin D.E., Lukefahr H.G. & Menovsky A.A. (2002), URu2Si2: NMR linewidth below Tn, Physica B: Condensed Matter 312(313): 501-503.
- Maksimov I., Litterst F.J., Süllow S. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Composition dependence of the magnetic and electronic properties of Upd2-xSn, Physica B: Condensed Matter 312-313: 283-285.
- Chandra P., Coleman P. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Pressure induced magnetism: Implications for hidden order in Uru2Si2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 312-313: 397-400.
- Galli F., Nieuwenhuys G.J., MacLaughlin D.E., Heffner R.H., Amato A., Bernal O.O. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), μSR studies on the charge density waves in Re5Ir4Si10, Physica B: Condensed Matter 319: 282-285.
- Maksimov I., Litterst F.J., Menzel D., Schoenes J., Menovsky A.A., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2002), Irreversibility lines of the heavy fermion spin glass URh2Ge2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 312-313: 289-291.
- Jaiswal D., Tulapurkar A.A., Ramakrishnan S., Grover A.K., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Superconducting parameters of a CDW compound Lu5Ir4Si10, Physica B: Condensed Matter 312-313: 142-144.
- Chinchure A.D., Muñoz-Sandoval E. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Metamagnetism and gian magnetoresistance of rare-earth 221 intermetallic compound R2Ni2Pb(R=Er, Ho, Dy), Physical Review B : Condensed Matter 66(R)(020449): 1-4.
- Wolter A.U.B., Bosse A., Baabe D., Maksimov I., Mienert D., Klauß H.H., Litterst F.J., NieMayer D., Michalak R., Geibel C., Feyerherm R., Hendrikx R.W.A., Mydosh J.A. & Süllow S. (2002), Structure and magnetic order of the Heusler compound Co2NbSn, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 66(147428): 1-9.
- Smaalen S. van, Daniels P., Galli F., Feyerherm R., Dudzik E., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Charge-density waves in Er5Ir4Si10 type compounds, Journal Physique de France IV 12: 347-350.
- Betts J.B., Migliori A., Boebinger G.S., Ledbetter H., Galli F. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Complete elastic tensor across the charge-density wave transition in monocrystal Lu5Ir4Si10, Physical Review B 66(6): 060106.
- Yokoyama M., Amitsuka H., Watanabe K., Kawarazaki S., Yoshizawa H. & Mydosh J.A. (2002), Effects of uniaxial stress on antiferromagnetic moment in the heavy electron compound URu2Si2, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 264-266.
- Groten D., Baarle G.J.C. van, Aarts J., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2001), Thickness dependence of the ground-state properties of thin films of the heavy-fermion compound CeCu_6, Physical Review B 64: 144425.
- Ramakrishnan S., Patil N.G., Kang W., Yaung-Soo K., Ick-Ha H., Menovsky A.A. & Mydosh J.A. (2001), Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance inNd_5Rh_4Sn_{10} single crystal, PHYSICAL REVIEW B : .
- Fisun V.V., Yanson I.K., Mydosh J.A. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2000), Point-contact spectroscopy investigation of the Kondo size effect in CuCr and AuFr alloys, Low Temperature Physics 26: 497-501.
- Galli F., Ramakrishnan S., Taniguchi T., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Mydosh J.A., Geupel S., Ludecke J. & Smaalen S. van (2000), Charge density wave transitions in a local moment magnet: Er_5Ir_4Si_10, Physical Review Letters 85(1): 158-161.
- Mydosh J.A. (2000), Disorder and frustration in heavy-fermion systems - revisited, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69: 1-4.
- Groten D., Aarts J., Baarle G.J.C. van, Hendrikx R.W.A., Nieuwenhuys G.J. & Mydosh J.A. (2000), Ground-state properties of thin films of the heavy-fermion system CeCu_6 with varying thicknes, Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282: 53-55.
- Schenck A., Gygax F.N., Andreica D., Pinkpank M., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Aarts J., Freisem S.M., Hesselberth M.B.S., Mydosh J.A., Morenzoni E., Glückler H., Prokscha T. & Amato A. (2000), Low-energy muon study of CMR and spin-glass films, Physica B: Condensed Matter 289-290: 331-333.
- Jorritsma J. & Mydosh J.A. (2000), Anomalous negative resistance in superconducting vanadium nanowires, Physical Review B 62(14): 9703-9708.
- Shah N., Chandra P., Coleman P. & Mydosh J.A. (2000), Hidden order in URu2Si2, Physical Review B 61(1): 564-569.
- Galli F., Menovsky A.A., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Mydosh J.A., Ramakrishnan S. & Taniguchi T. (2000), Resistivity anomalies and local moment magnetism in Er_5Ir_4Su_{10} single crystal, Physica B: Condensed Matter 281&282: 171-172.
- Bernal O.O., Becker B., Mydosh J.A., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Menovsky A.A., Paulus P.M., Brom H.B., MacLaughlin D.E. & Lukefahr H.G. (2000), NMR detection of temperature-dependent magnetic inhomogeneities in URu_2Si_2, Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282: 236-237.
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