Johannes Müller
University Lecturer
- Name
- J.M. Müller Ph.D.
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2193

Johannes Müller is a university lecturer and researcher at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Johannes Müller
I am an interdisciplinary scholar with a background in history and literary studies and a special interest in the relationships and interconnections between the humanities and the natural sciences. My research focuses on the history of knowledge, science, and the natural environment. As an assistant professor at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, I teach on the history and culture of German- and Dutch-speaking Europe, environmental history, as well as on memory studies, and I coordinate the minor programme “Cultural Memory of War and Conflict”.
In cooperation with my colleague Laura Bertens, I coordinate the Environmental Humanities LU group and we are organizing workshops and lectures on the relationships between humans and their natural environments, cultural representations of nature, environmental history, and related topics. Among our guest speakers were Daniel Pauly, Kate Brown, Miek Zwamborn, Cornelia Nauen, Becca Voelker and others. If you are interested in learning more about our activities or if you want receive our newsletter, feel free to send me an email.
Fields of interest
- Environmental history
- History of science
- Memory studies
- Literature and the environment
- Culture and history of early modern Europe
- German history
2016- present: assistant professor at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
2018-19: guest researcher at the Leiden University Institute of History
2016: post-doc at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
2014: PhD in History (supervision: Prof.dr. Judith Pollmann)
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Interdisciplinair
- Müller J.M. & Groesen M. van (2024), Introduction: distance, credibility, and European geographies of information, 1450–1750. In: Müller J.M. & Groesen M. van (Eds.), Far from the truth : distance, information, and credibility in the Early Modern World. London: Routledge.
- Müller J.M. (2024), Distance, geography, and anecdote in M.E. Bloch’s Natural history of fishes. In: Smith P.J. & Egmond F. (Eds.), Ichthyology in context (1500–1880). Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture no. 87. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 612-631.
- Müller J.M. (2024), Knowledge and its opposite: antiquity, parody, and geographical distance in Gabriel Rollenhagen's Four Indian Voyages (1603). In: Müller J.M. & Groesen M. van (Eds.), Far from the truth : distance, information, and credibility in the Early Modern World. London: Routledge. 128-145.
- Groesen M. van & Müller J.M. (Eds.) (2024), Far from the truth: distance, information, and credibility in the Early Modern World. Londen: Routledge.
- Pauly D., Chu E. & Müller J.M. (2024), Brobdingnagians and Goliaths: two forms of gigantism in fish, Journal of Fish Biology : .
- Zworykin D., Müller J.M., Grundmeijer H. & Pavlov E. (2024), Paternal mouthbrooding in the chocolate gourami Sphaerichthys osphromenoides (Osphronemidae), Environmental Biology of Fishes 107: 381-389.
- Müller J.M. (2024), 'Honderdvoudige verscheidenheid'. Pieter Bleekers vissen en het labyrint van de Aziatische biodiversiteit, Indische Letteren 39: 71-88.
- Müller J.M. & Pauly D. (2024), Fishes in warming waters, the Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory and the debate around mechanistic growth models, Fishes 9(11): 430.
- Pauly D. & Müller J.M. (2024), Testing mechanistic theories must be based on correct interpretations, The Journal of Experimental Biology 227(16): jeb247841.
- Müller J.M. & Koster P.H.J. (2024), August Pütter (1879–1929) and the mechanistic origins of the temperature–size rule, Biological Theory 20: .
- Müller J.M. (2024), The GOLT as a theory of optimization. 22nd annual Fishbase Symposium: Fishes in Changing Ecosystems, 2 September 2024 - 3 September 2024.
- Müller J.M. (3 December 2024), . Struggling for Entropy: Reading Boltzmann in times of planetary crisis. Leiden: Environmental Humanities LU (LUCAS). [blog entry].
- Müller J.M. (2023), Naming the world: Pieter Bleeker's travels and the challenges of archipelagic biodiversity. In: Honings R.A.M. & Beek E. op de (Eds.), Animals in Dutch travel writing: 1800-present. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 79-98.
- Müller J.M. (2023), Reizen door de boekenkast: Johan Lodewyk Gottfried, De aanmerkenswaardigste en alomberoemde zee- en landreizen. In: Anrooij W. van & Hoftijzer P.G. (Eds.), Tot publijcque dienst der studie. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Verloren. 58-59.
- Müller J.M. (2023), Review of: Gorter P., Gereformeerde migranten: de religieuze identiteit van Nederlandse gereformeerde migrantengemeenten in de rijkssteden Frankfurt am Main, Aken en Keulen (1555-1600). Early Modern Low Countries 7(1): 109-111.
- Müller J.M., Houben N. & Pauly D. (2023), On being the wrong size, or the role of body mass in fish kills and hypoxia exposure, Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1651-1667.
- Müller J.M. (2023), Fische und ihr Wachstum im Klimawandel: Eine Debatte um Geschlecht und Gender?, Tierstudien 24(2): 110-122.
- Pauly D., Froese, R., Liang C., Müller J.M. & Sorensen P. (2023), Post‑spawning growth acceleration in fish as a result of reduced live weight and thus, increased food conversion efficiency, Environmental Biology of Fishes 106(10): .
- Groesen M. van & Müller J.M. (2023), Far from the truth: distance, information, and credibility in the Early Modern World. London: Routledge.
- Müller J.M., Science and how to use it in a changing world. Mundus maris - sciences and arts for sustainability. [blog entry].
- Burg H.P. van & Müller J.M. (2022), Black Metal, Hölderlin en de liefde van Diotima, Frons 43(1): 64-68.
- Pauly D. & Müller J.M. (2022), Does the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) grow as fast as a tuna?. Vancouver: Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
- Pauly D. & Müller J.M. (2022), George Cuvier on the respiration of fishes. Vancouver: Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, 30(4): 13-15.
- Müller J.M. (2021), Tierleben und globale Geographie: Vögelzüge in der deutschsprachigen Publizistik des 17. Jahrhundert, Tierstudien 19(Tiere und Migration): 31-40.
- Müller J.M. (2021), Laudes Martis: Martin Opitz und die Globalgeschichte der Landnahme. In: Holdenried M. & Post A. (Eds.), "Land in Sicht!": Literarische Inszenierungen von Landnahmen und ihren Folgen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. 201-216.
- Müller J.M. (2021), The fish that could climb palm trees: observation, rumour and colonial hearsay in nineteenth-century ichthyology. In: Schulte Nordholt A. & Haar A. van de (Eds.), Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l’image en Europe: Du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Essais en hommage à Paul J. Smith. Faux Titre no. 453. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 89-100.
- Müller J.M. (25 July 2020), Frankenthal en de Nederlandse Opstand. Dutch Revolt Online. Leiden (Leiden University). [web article].
- Müller J.M. (2020), Silesian poetry and the Atlantic geography of war: Europe and the Americas in the works of Martin Opitz and Friedrich von Logau, Modern Language Review 115(2): 361-379.
- Müller J.M. (2020), Globalizing the Thirty Years War: early German newspapers and their geopolitical perspective on the Atlantic World, German History 38(4): 550-567.
- Müller J.M. (2020), Later Generation Migrants as Agents of Cultural Transfer. In: Leeuwen G.H. & Roding R. (Eds.), Masters of Mobility: Cultural Exchange between the Netherlands and the German Lands in the Long 17th Century. Amsterdam/The Hague: RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History.
- Müller J.M. (2019), Exile Theology Beyond Confessional Boundaries. The Case of Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert. In: Soen H., Soetaert A., Verberckmoes J. & Francois W. (Eds.), Transregional Reformations. Crossing Borders in Early Modern Europe. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht. 315-331.
- Müller J.M. (2019), A two- and a threefold cord: Martin Statius on mixed marriages and interconfessional relationships, Church History and Religious Culture 99(3-4): 465-484.
- Müller J.M. (5 January 2018), Dracula en de drukpers: hoe Vlad III. een monster werd. Leiden Medievalists Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Müller J.M. (25 May 2018), A good guy with a sword: weapons and communal culture in sixteenth-century Germany. Leiden Medievalists Blog. [blog entry].
- Müller J.M. (2018), From diaspora to “imagined minority”: memories of persecution and the cross-generational transformation of Protestant migrant networks in early modern Europe, Diasporas 31(1): 21-34.
- Müller J.M. (2018), Eine Reformation der Flüchtlinge? Konfessionsmigranten und der Einfluss des rheinischen Exils auf die religiöse Landschaft der nördlichen Niederlande. In: Pohle F., Samp J. & Roebers C. (Eds.), Das Ringen um den rechten Glauben – Reformation und Konfessionalisierung zwischen Maas und Rhein. Aachen: Centre Charlemagne. 62-73.
- Müller J.M. (2018), Review of: Kaplan Yosef (2017), Early Modern Ethnic and Religious Communities in Exile. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Publishers. Church History and Religious Culture 98(2): 297-299.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Een koopmansfamilie in ballingschap. De familie Thijs en haar transnationale netwerk. In: Anrooij W. van & Hoftijzer P.G. (Eds.), Vijftien strekkende meter: Nieuwe onderzoeksmogelijkheden in het archief van de Bibliotheca Thysiana. Hilversum: Verloren. 35-46.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Deutsch-niederländischer Kulturtransfer im kolonialen Nordamerika. In: Colin N., Farges P. & Taubert F. (Eds.), Annäherung durch Konflikt: Mittler und Vermittlung. Heidelberg: Synchron Wissenschaftsverlag. 325-338.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Transmigrant Literature. Translating, Publishing, and Printing in Seventeenth-Century Frankfurt’s Migrant Circles, German Studies Review 40(1): 1-21.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Exile and Displacement in the Spiritual Poetry of Sigmund von Birken, German Quarterly 90(2): 125-140.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Review of: Deimann Wiebke & Juste David, Astrologers and their clients in medieval and early modern Europe. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 130(2): 295-296.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Review of: Green Jonathan, The Strange and Terrible Visions of Wilhelm Friess. The Paths of Prophecy in Reformation Europe. Quaerendo 47(1): 61-61.
- Müller J.M. (2017), Later-generation Migrants and their Impact on Cultural Transfer between Germany and the Low Countries, Symposium ‘Masters of Mobility. Cultural Exchange between the Netherlands and Germany in the Long 17th Century, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 8 October 2017. .
- Müller J.M. (2017), Exile and the Redefinition of Civic Identities in Seventeenth Century-Nuremberg, International Conference ‘Religious refugees and the creation of confessional identities in early modern Europe, Johannes A Lasco-Bibliothek Emden, 28 June 2017. .
- Müller J.M. (2017), From Diaspora to “Imagined Minority”. Appropriating Migrant Identities in Early Modern Germany, Conference ‘Migration Memory under Construction’, Leiden University, 14 June 2017. .
- Müller J.M. (2017), Eine Reformation der Flüchtlinge? Niederländische Konfessionsmigranten im rheinischen Exil, Conference ‘Das Ringen um den rechten Glauben: Reformation und Konfessionalisierung zwischen Maas und Rhein’, Centre Charlemagne/Bischöfliche Akademie Aachen, 21 April 2017. .
- Müller J.M. (2016), Review of: Hollander A. den, Noord A., Veen M. van & Voolstra A., Religious minorities and cultural diversity in the Dutch republic. Studies presented to Piet Visser on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67 (3): 661-662.
- Müller J.M. (2016), Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt. The Narrated Diaspora, 1550-1750 no. 199. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Müller J.M. (2016), Review of: Kuhn Christian (2010), Generation als Grundbegriff einer historischen Geschichtskultur. Die Nürnberger Tucher im langen 16. Jahrhundert‘. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte 33: 155-156.
- Müller J.M. (2016), Children as readers of martyrologies, International Conference "Childhood, youth and religious minorities in early modern Europe", Warwick University, 14 October 2016. .
- Müller J.M. (2016), ‘Four migrant generations as agents of cultural transfer’, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Bruges, 19 August 2016. .
- Müller J.M. (2015), ‘Deutsch-niederländischer Kulturtransfer im frühneuzeitlichen Nordamerika und die Rolle europäischer Diasporanetzwerke’, AGES/VGNU Kongress 2015: ‘Mittler und Vermittlung’, Amsterdam, 5 June 2015. .
- Müller J.M. (2015), ‘Exile theology’ beyond confessional boundaries: Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert (1522-1590)’, Fifth RefoRC Conference 2015 Leuven, 8 May 2015. .
- Müller J.M. (14 May 2014), Exile memories and the Dutch Revolt : the narrated diaspora, 1550 – 1750 (Dissertatie. Institute for History, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Pollmann J.S.
- Kuijpers H.M.E.P., Pollmann J.S., Müller J.M. & Steen J.A. van der (2013), Memory before Modernity: Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Müller J.M. (2013), Orthodoxie jenseits der Konfessionen? Die Diskussion religiöser Streitfragen in niederländischen Rhetorikergesellschaften im frühen 17. Jahrhundert. In: , Konfessionelle Ambiguität – Uneindeutigkeit und Verstellung als religiöse Praxis in der Frühen Neuzeit. Gütersloh 268-285.
- Müller J.M. (2013), Permeable memories. Family history and the diaspora of Southern Netherlandish exiles in the seventeenth century. In: Kuijpers Erika, Pollmann Judith, Müller Johannes & Steen Jasper van der (Eds.), Memory before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe. Leiden: Brill. 283-296.
- Müller J.M. (2013), Review of: Jansen Jeroen (2011), G.A. Bredero, Proza. Uitgegeven, vertaald en toegelicht door Jeroen Jansen. Hilversum: Verloren. Holland: historisch tijdschrift .
- Müller J.M. (2013) Brethren in Christ. A Calvinist network in Reformation Europe. Review of: Ole Grell Peter (2011), Brethren in Christ. A Calvinist network in Reformation Europe: Cambridge University Press. Church History and Religious Culture 92(2): 313-315.
- Müller J.M. (2012), Thuis in den vreemde. Vroegmoderne geloofsvluchtelingen en de religieuze interpretatie van vlucht en ballingschap, Transparant 23 (3): 23-25.
- Müller J.M. (2012), Review of: , Brethren in Christ. A Calvinist Network in Reformation Europe. Church History and Religious Culture .
- Müller J.M. (2012), “Exile memories and the reinvention of family history”, International conference “Early Modern Memory. Memory Cultures in Early Modern Europe”, Leiden University, 22 June 2012. .
- Müller J.M. (2012), “Diasporic imagination and the Dutch Revolt”, Staff Seminar, Leiden University, 11 May 2012. .
- Müller J.M. (2011) God op het slagveld. Review of: Onnekink D. (2009), War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713 no. 1. Farnham: Ashgate Publishers. Transparant 22: 30.
- Müller J.M. (2011) Calvijn: de hervormer 'out of Geneva'. Review of: Oberman H.A. (2009), John Calvin and the Reformation of the Refugees. Geneva: Libraire Droz. Transparant 22 (2): 33.
- Müller J.M. & Dietz F. (2011), De Spieghel in beeld. Hendrik Herps Spieghel der volcomenheit in ‘Jezus en de ziel’ van Jan Luyken, Ons Geestelijk Erf 82(1): 59-84.
- Müller J.M. & Dietz F. (2011), De Spieghel in beeld. Hendrik Herps Spieghel der volcomenheit in ‘Jezus en de ziel’ van Jan Luyken, Ons Geestelijk Erf 82(1): 59-84.
- Müller J.M. (2011), “Exile and the reinvention of Netherlandish identities”, 2nd Symposium “Tales of the Revolt. Memory, oblivion and identity in the Low Countries, 1566- 1700”, Leiden University, 22 October 2011. .
- Müller J.M. & Jansen K.J. (2010), Konfessionelle Ambiguität – Uneindeutigkeit und Verstellung als religiöse Praxis in der Frühen Neuzeit, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster, 20-22 september 2010. Münster: Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster.
- Müller J.M. (2010), Review of: Groenveld S. (2009|2009), Simon Groenveld, Het Twaalfjarig Bestand 1609-1621. De jongelingsjaren van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden|Simon Groenveld, Unie-Bestand-Vrede. Drie fundamentele wetten van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden no. 2. Hilversum/Den Haag|Hilversum/DenHaag: Uitgeverij Verloren/Haags Historisch Museum|Uitgeverij Verloren/Nationaal Archief. Holland: historisch tijdschrift 42: 155-156.
- Müller J.M. (2010), “Zuidelijke identiteiten in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, 1585-1648”, Conference “Migratie van de Zuidelijke naar de Noordelijke Nederlanden in context (1581-1648)” University of Antwerp, 29 October 2010. .
- Müller J.M. (2010), “Confessional memory management in early seventeenth-century Netherlandish exile communities”, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference 2010, Montreal (Canada), 15 October 2010. .
- Müller J.M. (2010), “Understanding understanding or Cybernetics of cybernetics. Gadamer in systems-theory and constructivism”, International conference “‘Truth and Method’ Fifty Years After: Gadamer's Influence on the Humanities”, Leiden University, 27 August 2010. .
- Müller J.M. (2010), “Vluchtelingenidentiteit als metafoor: de Nederlands-Lutherse kerk in Frankfurt”, Dag van het Onderzoek van de Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis, University of Antwerp, 19 March 2010. .
- Müller J.M. (2009), Herinneringen aan confessioneel ballingschap tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand”, Werkgroep Politieke Geschiedenis, University of Utrecht, 13 November 2009. .
- Müller J.M. (2009), “Exile memories and their confessional institutionalization”, Symposium “Tales of the Revolt. Memory, oblivion and identity in the Low Countries, 1566- 1700”, Leiden University, 9 October 2009. .