Johanneke Caspers
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. J. Caspers
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2157
- 0000-0002-1664-5677

Johanneke Caspers is University Lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics since 2003. She teaches courses at the department of Dutch Studies and in the Minor Second Language Acquisition. In addition, she supervises graduating students with interest in second language acquistion and/or phonetics and she has been involved as co-supervisor in a number of PhD projects in the same fields. Her research interests concentrate on spoken language, in particular sentence melody. In 2024 the NWO-project ‘Who’s next?’ has started, where she and a postdoc will investigate the role of boundary tones in the turn-taking system of Dutch.
Fields of interest
- Prosody (involving speech aspects such as pitch accents, boundary tones, sentence intonation, word stress and tone).
- The acquisition of prosody by second language learners.
My current research focuses on the role of prosody (in particular final boundary tones) in the turn-taking system of Dutch. I am the supervisor of the project, working with a postdoctoral researcher and a research assistant.
Grants and awards
- NWO-project #300-75-001, 'The meaning of melodic elements in Dutch', April 1995 - March 1999.
- NWO-project #355-75-002, 'The melody of conversation, The function of melodic elements in Dutch Dialogues', August 1999 - December 2004.
- NWO-project SSH Open Competition M 2022 #406.22.CTW.004, 'Who’s next? The role of speech melody in the turn-taking system of Dutch', Januari 2024 - December 2026.
Curriculum vitae
I studied Linguistics and Phonetics at Leiden University and wrote a MA thesis on co-articulation. After a year of teaching Dutch as a second language I was employed as a PhD student by NWO. I defended my thesis entitled ‘Pitch movements under time pressure’ in 1994. A postdoctoral research project on the meaning of melodic elements in Dutch started in 1995, and was followed by a second postdoctoral research project on the function of melodic elements in Dutch dialogue. In 2003 I was appointed lecturer at the department of Dutch Studies, where I teach linguistics and second language acquisition. In 2024 the NWO-project ‘Who’s next?’ has started, where a postdoc and I will investigate the role of boundary tones in the turn-taking system of Dutch.
Key publications
- Zou, T., J. Caspers & Y. Chen (2022) Perception of different tone contrasts at sub-lexical and lexical levels by Dutch Learners of Mandarin Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:891756.
- Caspers, J. & K. Horłoza (2012) 'Intelligibility of non-natively produced Dutch words: Interaction between segmental and suprasegmental errors.' Phonetica 69, 94-107.
- Caspers, J. & A. van Santen (2006) 'Nederlands uit Franse en Chinese mond, Invloed van T1 op de plaatsing van klemtoon in Nederlands als tweede taal?' Nederlandse Taalkunde 11, 289-318.
- Caspers, J. (2003) 'Local speech melody as a limiting factor in the turn-taking system in Dutch.' Journal of Phonetics 31, 251-276.
- Caspers, J. (1998) 'Who’s next? The melodic marking of question versus continuation in Dutch.' Language and Speech 41, 375-398.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Dutch Studies
- Ramoser C., Fischer A., Caspers J., Schiller N.O., Golestani N. & Kepinska O. (2024), Language aptitude is related to the anatomy of the transverse temporal gyri, Brain Structure and Function 230: 1-18 (14).
- Zou T., Caspers J. & Chen Y. (2022), Perception of different tone contrasts at sub-lexical and lexical levels by Dutch learners of Mandarin Chinese, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1-15 (891756).
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2019), Do Persian native speakers prosodically mark wh-in-situ questions?, Language and Speech 62(2): 229-249.
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2019), Do Persian native speakers prosodically mark wh-in-situ questions?, Language and Speech 62: 229-249.
- Kepinska O., Rover M. de, Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2018), Connectivity of the hippocampus and Broca’s area during acquisition of a novel grammar, NeuroImage 165: 1-10.
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2018), When is a wh-in-situ question identified in Persian?, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33(9): 1168-1183.
- Kepinska O., Rover M. de, Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), On neural correlates of individual differences in novel grammar learning: An fMRI study, Neuropsychologia 98: 156-168.
- Kepinska O., Rover M. de, Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), Whole-brain functional connectivity during acquisition of novel grammar: Distinct functional networks depend on language learning abilities, Behavioural Brain Research 320: 333-346.
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), The role of F0 and duration in the identification of wh-in-situ questions in Persian, Speech Communication 93: 11-19.
- Kepinska O., Lakke E.A.J.F., Dutton E.M., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), The perisylvian language network and language analytical abilities, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 144: 96-101.
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), The role of prosody in the identification of Persian sentence types: declarative or wh-question?, Linguistics Vanguard 3(1): .
- Kepinska O., Pereda E., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), Neural oscillatory mechanisms during novel grammar learning underlying language analytical abilities, Brain and Language 175: 99-110.
- Zou T., Chen Y. & Caspers J. (2016), The developmental trajectories of attention distribution and segment-tone integration in Dutch learners of Mandarin tones, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition : 1-13.
- Michaux M., Caspers J., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Hiligsmann P. (2015), Effects of hearing an incorrect stress on word naming in Dutch by Francophones. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. . Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Paper number 0416.1-5.
- Zou T., Chen Y. & Caspers J. (2015), Attention redistribution and segment-tone integration in Mandarin tone acquisition by L2 learners. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. . Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
- Shiamizadeh Z., Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2015), Acoustics correlates of Persian in-situ-wh-questions, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 10 August 2015 - 14 August 2015. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. paper number 0288, 1-5.
- Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W., Pacilly J., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E. van (2014), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Caspers J. (2014), Pitch accent placement in Dutch as a second language: An exploratory investigation. In: Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W.F.L., Pacilly J.J.A., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E.A. van (Eds.), Above and beyond the segments, Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 28-41.
- Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W.F.L., Pacilly J.J.A., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E.A. van (Eds.) (2014), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Post da Silveira A., Heuven V.J. van, Caspers J. & Schiller N.O. (2014), Dual activation of word stress from orthography: The effect of the cognate status of words on the production of L2 stress, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 3(2): 171-198.
- Michaux M. & Caspers J. (2013), The production of Dutch word stress by francophone learners. Mertens P. & Simon A.C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP-2013). Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 11 September 2013 - 13 September 2013. Leuven, Belgium: University of Leuven. 89-94.
- Caspers J. (2012), Hoe erg is een buitenlands accent?. In: Boogaard M. & Jansen M. (Eds.), De Taalcanon, Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over taal. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. 149-151.
- Kepinska O. & Caspers J. (2012), Invloed van T1-klemtoonsystematiek op de klemtoonproductie in NT2. Bossers B. (Ed.), Vakwerk 8, Achtergronden van de NT2-lespraktijk. Conferentie BVNT2 Hoeven 2012. Amsterdam: Beroepsvereniging van docenten Nederlands als Tweede Taal. 57-72.
- Caspers J. (2012) Nieuwe inzichten in het leren van uitspraak in een tweede taal. Review of: Kijak A. (2009), How stressful is L2 stress? A cross-linguistic study of L2 perception and production of metrical systems no. 1. Utrecht: Landelijke Onderzoeksschool Taalwetenschap. Internationale Neerlandistiek 50: 88-91.
- Caspers J., Bosma E., Kramm F. & Reya P. (2012), Deaccentuation in Dutch as a second language, Where does the accent go to?, Linguistics in the Netherlands 2012: 27-40.
- Caspers J. & Horloza K. (2012), Intelligibility of non-natively produced Dutch words: Interaction between segmental and suprasegmental errors, Phonetica 69(1-2): 94-107.
- Rasier L., Hiligsmann P., Caspers J. & Heuven V.J. van (2011), Accentual marking of information status in Dutch and French as foreign languages: Production and perception. In: Wrembel M., Kul M. & Dziubalska-Kolaczyk K. (Eds.), Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010, Volume 2. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 227-238.
- Caspers J. (2011), De waarneming van klemtoon door sprekers van het Nederlands als tweede taal: is er invloed van de moedertaal?. In: Rasier L., Heuven V. van, Defrancq B. & Hiligsmann P. (Eds.), Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde. Gent: Academia Press. 45-63.
- Caspers J. (2011), Perception of word stress location by native and non-native speakers of Dutch. In: Zonneveld W., Quené H. & Heeren W. (Eds.), Sound and sounds, Studies presented to M.E.H. (Bert) Schouten on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Utrecht: UiL OTS. 45-57.
- Caspers J. & Kepinska O. (2011), The influence of word-level prosodic structure of the mother tongue on production of word stress in Dutch as a second language. Lee W.S. & Zee E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Hong Kong 420-423.
- Caspers J. (2010), The influence of erroneous stress position and segmental errors on intelligibility, comprehensibility and foreign accent in Dutch as a second language, Linguistics in the Netherlands 2010: 17-29.
- Balen E. van, Caspers J. & Wouden A. van der (2010), Modale partikels in het Nederlands als tweede taal: aanwijzingen voor een vaste verwervingsvolgorde, Internationale Neerlandistiek 48(2): 31-40.
- Wouden A. van der & Caspers J. (2010), Nederlandse partikelbeschrijving in internationaal perspectief: waar zijn we eigenlijk en waar moet het toch naar toe?, Internationale Neerlandistiek 48(2): 52-62.
- Rasier L., Caspers J. & Heuven V.J. van (2010), Accentual marking of information status in Dutch and French as foreign languages. Production and perception. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk K., Wrembel M. & Kul M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, New Sounds 2010. New Sounds. Poznań, Poland 379-385.
- Wouden A. van der & Caspers J. (Eds.) (2010), Internationale Neerlandistiek 48 (2). Redactie thema: Nederlandse partikelbeschrijving in internationaal perspectief. Internationale Neerlandistiek.
- Caspers J. & Wouden A. van der (2010), Modal particles in Dutch as a second language, Evidence from a perception experiment, Linguistik online 44(4): .
- Caspers J. (2009), The perception of word stress in existing and non-existing Dutch words by native speakers and second language learners, Linguistics in the Netherlands 26: 25-38.
- Lalleman J.A. & Caspers J. (2009), Ik 'grijk' en 'gral' nu even vaak, maar vroeger 'greek' ik liever dan dat ik 'griel', Over regelmatigheden bij sterke werkwoorden. In: Boogaart R., Lalleman J., Mooijaart M. & Wal M. van der (Eds.), Woorden wisselen, Voor Ariane van Santen bij haar afscheid van de Leidse universiteit. Leiden: Stichting Neerlandistiek Leiden. 77-92.
- Moonen M., Caspers J., Corda A., Graaff R. de, Kraay T. de & Mantel A. (2009), Four-leaf language clover, A tool for teachers of English in Dutch primary Schools. Leiden: Expertisecentrum Moderne Vreemde Talen. [other].
- Caspers J. (2009), Online documentatiecentrum. Leiden: Expertiscentrum Moderne Vreemde Talen. [other].
- Caspers J. & Corda A. (2009), Expertisecentrum Moderne Vreemde Talen: Wat heeft het te bieden?, Levende Talen Magazine 96(1): 11-12.
- Caspers J. & Wouden A. van der (2008), The perception of modal particles in Dutch as a second language, Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen 80(2): 9-18.
- Nieuwenhoven E. van, Corda A. & Caspers J. (2008), Een taaldorp spreekt niet vanzelf. Leiden: Expertisecentrum Moderne Vreemde Talen.
- Wouden A. van der & Caspers J. (2008), Partikels als leerprobleem in het Nederlands als tweede taal, Internationale Neerlandistiek 46(3): 33-45.
- Caspers J. (2007), Investigating the relationship between high, low and level contour endings and punctuation symbols in Dutch. Trouvain J. & Barry W.J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 6-10 August, Saarbruecken, Germany. Saarbrücken 1221-1224.
- Caspers J. (2007), Punt, komma of vraagteken? De waarneming van zinsfinale intonatie door eerste- en tweedetaalsprekers van het Nederlands, Neerlandica extra Muros 45(3): 2-9.
- Caspers J. & Santen A.J. van (2006), Nederlands uit Franse en Chinese mond, Invloed van T1 op de plaatsing van klemtoon in Nederlands als tweede taal?, Nederlandse Taalkunde 11(4): 289-318.
- Caspers J. (2006) Lilie Roosman: Phonetic experiments on the word and sentence prosody of Betawi Malay and Toba Batak. Review of: Roosman L. (2006), Phonetic experiments on the word and sentence prosody of Betawi Malay and Toba Batak no. 3. Utrecht: Landelijke Onderzoeksschool Taalwetenschap. Neerlandica extra Muros 44: 66-67.
- Niioka Y., Caspers J. & Heuven V.J.J.P. van (2005), The perception of interrogativity by Japanese speakers of Dutch as a second language, Linguistics in the Netherlands : 139-150.
- Caspers J. (2004), On the role of the late rise and the early fall in the turn-taking system of Dutch. In: Quené H. & Heuven V.J. van (Eds.), On speech and language: Studies for Sieb G. Nooteboom. Utrecht: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. 27-36.
- Caspers J. (2003), Phonetic variation or phonological difference? The case of the early versus the late accent-lending fall in Dutch. In: Weijer J. van de, Heuven V.J. van & Hulst H. van der (Eds.), The Phonological Spectrum Volume II: Suprasegmental structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 201-223.
- Caspers J. (2003), On the Function of Low and High Boundary Tones in Dutch Dialogue. Sole M.J., Recasens D. & Romero J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona. Barcelona: Causal Productions. 1771-1774.
- Caspers J. (2003), Local speech melody as a limiting factor in the turn-taking system in Dutch, Journal of Phonetics 31: 251-276.
- Caspers J. (2002), On the function of the late rise and the early fall in Dutch dialogue: a perception experiment, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. ICSLP2002. Denver: Causal Productions. 537-540.
- Buhmann J., Caspers J., Heuven V.J. van & Hoekstra H. (2002), Annotation of prominent words, prosodic boundaries and segmental lengthening by non-expert transcribers in the Spoken Dutch Corpus, Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2002. The Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2002. Las Palmas 779-785.
- Caspers J. (2002) R. Herman (1998) Intonation and discourse structure in English: Phonological and phonetic markers of local and global discourse structure. Review of: Herman R. (1998), Intonation and discourse structure in English: Phonological and phonetic markers of local and global discourse structure no. 6: Ohio State University. Glot International 6: 171-176.
- Wichmann A. & Caspers J. (2001), Melodic cues to turn-taking in English: evidence from perception. Kuppeveldt J. van & Smith R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. Aalborg, Denemarken 180-185.
- Caspers J. (2001), Testing the perceptual relevance of syntactic completion and melodic configuration for turn-taking in Dutch. Dalsgaard P., Lindberg B. & Benner H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Cummunication and Technology. 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. Aalborg, Denemarken: Center for Personkommunikation. 1395-1398.
- Caspers J. (2000), Looking for melodic turn-holding configurations in Dutch, Linguistics in the Netherlands (17): 45-55.
- Caspers J. (2000), Pitch accents, boundary tones and turn-taking in Dutch Map Task dialogues. Yuan B., Huang T. & Tang X. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. . Beijing: China Military Friendship Publish. 565-568.
- Caspers J. (2000), Melodic characteristics of backchannels in Dutch Map Task dialogues. Yuan B., Huang T. & Tang X. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. . Beijing: China Military Friendship Publish. 611-614.
- Caspers J. (2000), Experiments on the meaning of four types of single-accent intonation patterns in Dutch, Language and Speech 43(2): 127-161.
- Caspers J. (1999), The meaning of melodic elements in Dutch. Swerts M. & Terken J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Dialogue and Prosody. . NN: NN. 77-82.
- Caspers J. (1999), The early versus the late accent-lending fall in Dutch: Phonetic variation or phonological difference?. Ohala J.J., Hasegawa Y., Ohala M., Granville D. & Bailey A.C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. . Berkeley: University of California. 945-948.
- Caspers J. (1999), An experimental investigation of meaning differences between the 'early' and the 'late' accent-lending fall in Dutch, Linguistics in the Netherlands (16): 27-39.
- Caspers J., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Zwol N. (1998), Experiments on the semantic contrast between the 'pointed hat' contour and the accent-lending fall in Dutch, Linguistics in the Netherlands (15): 65-79.
- Kirsner R.S., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Caspers J. (1998), From request to command: an experimental study of grammatical form, intonation and pragmatic particle in Dutch imperative, Linguistics in the Netherlands (15): 135-148.
- Caspers J. (1998), Experiments on the meaning of two pitch accent types: the 'pointed hat' versus the accent-leading fall in Dutch. NN NN (Ed.), Proceedings International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 1998. . Sydney: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association. 1291-1294.
- Caspers J. (1998) recensie. Review of: Ladd D. (1998), Intonational Phonology no. 3/4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lingua 104: 269-274.
- Caspers J. (1998), Who's next? The melodic marking of question versus continuation in Dutch, Language and Speech 41(3/4): 375-398.
- Caspers J. (1997), Testing the meaning of four Dutch pitch accent types. Fakotakis N., Kokkinakis G. & Dermatas E. (Eds.), Proceedings 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. . Patras: European Speech Communication Association. 863-866.
- Caspers J. (1996), Testing the semantics of single-accent intonation patterns. In: Arregui A. & Cremers C. (Eds.), Meaning on the HIL, HIL Occasional Papers. Leiden: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics. 14-32.
- Caspers J. & Heuven V.J. van (1995), Effects of time pressure on the choice of accent-lending and boundery-marking pitch configurations in Dutch. Pardo J.M., Enríquez E., Ortega J., Ferreiros J., Macías J. & Valverde F.J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. . Madrid: European Speech Communication Association. 1001-1004.