Universiteit Leiden

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Joanne Stolk

University lecturer

Dr. J.V. Stolk
+31 71 527 2906

Joanne Stolk is a Lecturer in Greek papyrology and Coptic connected to the Leiden Centre for the Arts in Society and the Leiden Papyrological Institute.

More information about Joanne Stolk


Joanne Stolk is a Lecturer in Greek papyrology and Coptic connected to the Leiden Centre for the Arts in Society and the Leiden Papyrological Institute. She is a Greek and Coptic papyrologist and works on new editions of Greek and Coptic documentary papyri from various collections. Her research focusses on language variation and text production of Greek papyri from Egypt, with a particular interest in literacy, orthography and morphology, scribal education and training, palaeography and materiality, language contact and multilingualism in ancient society.

Grants and awards

Research projects
“What’s wrong? Ancient corrections in Greek papyri from Egypt (AnCor)”, PI, ERC Starting Grant
“In the mind of the scribe: an integrated sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic approach to orthographic variation and change in the Greek language of the papyri”, Senior postdoctoral fellowship, The Research Foundation – Flanders
“Language norms from below: the Greek language in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, Postdoctoral fellowship, Research Council of Norway and the Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes (COFUND) – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions under the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
“Scribal corrections, language variation and language change in Greek documentary papyri from Egypt (300 BCE – 800 CE)”, Junior postdoctoral fellowship, The Research Foundation – Flanders
“Strengthening research capacity in the papyrus collection of the Oslo University Library”, Subproject: “Papyri and Greek Linguistic History”, PhD fellowship, The Research Council of Norway

Curriculum Vitae

2022- University Lecturer in Greek Papyrology, Leiden University
2022-2023 Senior postdoctoral researcher FWO, Ghent University
2019-2020 University Lecturer in Papyrology, Leiden University
2017-2020 Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow, University of Oslo
2016-2022 Junior postdoctoral research FWO, Ghent University
2016 Senior research librarian, papyrus collection of the Oslo University Library
2012-2016 Doctoral researcher, University of Oslo
2010-2012 Freelancer Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden
2007-2009 Student-assistant Leiden Papyrological Institute

2015: Doctoral degree, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas, University of Oslo
2012: ResMA Linguistics: Structure and Variation of the Languages of the World, Leiden University
2011: MA Ancient History, KU Leuven
2009: BA Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, Leiden University
2009: BA Greek and Latin Language and Culture, Leiden University


Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA)
Classics (BA)
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA)
Classics (MA)
Egyptology (MA)

Selected publications

“A slip of the pen, the eye or the mind? Accidental scribal mistakes in Greek documentary papyri”, BASP 61 (2024)
with Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 40). Leiden: Brill (2023).
“A cognitive approach to spelling production in historical sources: explaining the variation between <e, ai> and <o, ō> in Greek documentary papyri”, Transactions of the Philological Society 119:3 (2021) 289-314.
“Orthographic variation and register in the corpus of Greek documentary papyri (300 BCE – 800 CE)”, in Klaas Bentein and Mark Janse (eds), Varieties of Post-Classical and Byzantine Greek. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 331). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton (2020) 299-326.

University lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Griekse T&C

Work address

University Library
Witte Singel 27
2311 BG Leiden
Room number PAPYR.


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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