Joanne Mouthaan
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. J. Mouthaan
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6781
- 0000-0003-2491-7457

Joanne Mouthaan is an assistant professor and educational coordinator at the Clinical Psychology Department. She studies the psychological effects of trauma.
Joanne Mouthaan is an assistant professor and educational coordinator at the Clinical Psychology Department. She studies the psychological effects of trauma.
Research on trauma
Mouthaans research focuses on prevention and prediction of psychological responses to trauma. She also investigates suicide prevention, student wellbeing and technological innovations in mental health care and mental health professional training, i.e., via e-health and e-learning.
In 2015, she was awarded the Jan van Dijk Victimology and Victims' Rights Award for her dissertation “Injured Bodies, Injured Souls?” on the prediction and prevention of trauma-related psychological symptoms after injury.
She is part of the International Consortium on Prediction of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (ICPP) and the CONNECT Research Group under the ADJUST Study Consortium on psychosocial responses of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Projects and grants
Joanne Mouthaan is project leader of the project E-learning Suicide Prevention Skills for Psychologists in Training as part of the Third National Agenda Suicide Prevention 2021-2025. Together with dr. Vivian Kraaij, Mouthaan received a grant for the development of an e-learning for online treatment skills (FSW Grass Shoots, 2018).
As the department’s educational coordinator, she oversees the coordination of the clinical psychology department’s teaching in the Bachelor, Master and Post-Master curriculum. She teaches theoretical, methodological and clinical skills courses, supervises Bachelor and Master theses, and coordinates the Master elective courses E-health Interventions in Mental Health Care and Trauma and Mental Health.
Joanne Mouthaan is Chair of the Dutch Association for Psychotrauma (NtVP), current President of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), and Editorial Board Member at the European Journal for Psychotraumatology.
Grants and prizes
- FSW Casimir prize for educational innovation for the implementation of an e-learning for suicide prevention skills for bachelor and master Psychology (2023)
- National Agenda Suicide Prevention 2021-2025 project subsidy for Development of E-learning for Suicide Prevention Skills for Mental Health Care Personnel in Training (2020)
- Leiden University Faculty for Social Sciences Grass Shoots grant for e-learning module development for online treatment skills (2018)
- Nominee for Institute of Psychology teaching award of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (2018; 2021; 2022)
- Jan van Dijk Victimology and Victims' Rights Award for PhD thesis “Injured Body, Injured Soul? Predicting and Preventing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Injury” (2015)
- Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) Efficiency grant (2005)
- Achmea Foundation for Victims and Society (Stichting Achmea Slachtoffer en Samenleving) (2005)
Associate professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Hoeboer C.M., Kullberg M.L.J., Oprel D.A.C., Schoorl S.M.D, Minnen A. van, Antypa N., Mouthaan J., Kleine R.A. de & Does A.J.W. van der (2024), Impact of three variants of prolonged exposure therapy on comorbid diagnoses in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 53(4): 377-393.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2024), Student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: are international students more affected?, Journal of American College Health 72(2): 414-422.
- Krause-Utz A.D., Černáková R., Hoogenboom A.W.J., Büttner S., Demirelli Z., Mouthaan J., Schie C.C. van, Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2023), Psychological factors linked to intimate partner violence and childhood maltreatment: on dissociation as a possible bridge symptom, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(21-22): 11337-11789.
- Kazlauskas E., Gelezelyte O., Kvedaraite M., Ajdukovic D., Johannesson K.B., Böttche M., Bondjers K., Dragan M., Figueiredo-Braga M., Grajewski P., Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous X., Javakhishvili J.D., Lioupi C., Lueger-Schuster B., Mouthaan J., Bagaric I.R., Sales L., Schäfer I., Soydas S., Tsiskarishvili L. & Lotzin A. (2023), Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in 9230 adults across seven European countries: findings from the ESTSS ADJUST study, Journal of Affective Disorders 335: 18-23.
- Mouthaan J., Kullberg M.L.J., Huss J., Eichenberg C. & Schoorl S.M.D. (2023), Gebruik van serious games in de GGZ: de attitude en bereidheid van cliënten en behandelaren, Gedragstherapie 56(3): 302-325.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Mouthaan J., Van der Does A.J.W. & Antypa N. (2022), Student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: are international students more affected?, Journal of American College Health : 1-9.
- Ten Holt J., Van Emmerik A.A.P., Blanken P., Borgdorff J.E., Ten Holt P.P.C., Kok R.M., Mouthaan J., Pieterse B. & Van den Berg J.F. (2022), Direct and indirect exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and poor subjective sleep quality in patients with substance use disorder, Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 32(3): 188-195.
- Zuiden M. van, Engel S.,Karchoud J.F., Wise T.J., Sijbrandij M., Mouthaan J., Olff M. & Schoot R. van de (2022), Sex-differential PTSD symptom trajectories across one year following suspected serious injury, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 13(1): 1-17 (2031593).
- Lenferink L., Mouthaan J., Fritz A.M., Soydas S., Eidhof M., Hoof M.-J. van, Groen S. & Mooren T. (2022), Predicting transitions between longitudinal classes of post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: protocol of a latent transition model in a general Dutch sample, BMJ Open 12(1): 1-6 (e055696).
- Hoeboer C.M., Kleine R.A. de, Molendijk M.L., Schoorl S.M.D., Oprel D.A.C., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2022), De invloed van dissociatieve symptomen op de effectiviteit van psychotherapie voor posttraumatische-stressklachten: Een meta-analyse, Gedragstherapie 55: 86-106.
- Schultebraucks K., Sijbrandij M., Galatzer-Levy I., Mouthaan J., Olff M. & Zuiden M. van (2021), Forecasting individual risk for long-term Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in emergency medical settings using biomedical data: a machine learning multicenter cohort study, Neurobiology of Stress 14: 100297.
- Mouthaan J., Linger R. & Stap S. van der (2021), Juiste zorg begint bij de basis: structurele aandacht voor suïcidepreventie in de opleidingen tot hulpverlener in de ggz, Impact Magazine 5 (3): 41-43.
- de Haart R., Mouthaan J., Vervliet B. & Lommen M.J.J. (2021), Avoidance learning as predictor of posttraumatic stress in firefighters, Behavioural Brain Research (402): 1-8 (113064).
- Krause-Utz A., Mertens L.J., Renn J.B., Lucke P., Wöhlke A.Z., Van Schie C.C. & Mouthaan J. (2021), Childhood maltreatment, borderline personality features, and coping as predictors of intimate partner violence, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(13-14): 6693-6721.
- Mei W.F. van der, Barbano A.C., Ratanatharathorn A., Bryant R.A., Delahanty D.L., DeRoon-Cassini T.A., Lai B.S., Lowe S.R., Matsuoka Y.J., Olff M., Qi W., Schnyder U., Seedat S., Kessler R.C., Koenen K.C., Shalev A.Y., Mouthaan J. & International Consortium to Predict PTSD (2020), Evaluating a screener to quantify PTSD risk using emergency care information: a proof of concept study, BMC Emergency Medicine 20(1): 1-11 (16).
- Mei W.F. van der, Barbano A.C., Ratanatharathorn A., Bryant R.A., Delahanty D.L., DeRoon-Cassini T.A., Lai B.S., Lowe S.R., Matsuoka Y.J., Olff M., Qi W., Schnyder U., Seedat S., Kessler R.C., Koenen K.C., Shalev A.Y., Mouthaan J. & International Consortium to Predict PTSD (2020), Correction to: Evaluating a screener to quantify PTSD risk using emergency care information: a proof of concept study, BMC Emergency Medicine 20: 53.
- Lowe S., Ratanatharathorn A., Lai B.S., Mei W. van der, Barbano A.C., Bryant R.A., Kessler R.C., Delahanty D.L., Matsuoka Y.J., Olff M., Schnyder U., Laska. E., Koenen K.C. & Shalev A.Y. (2020), Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories within the first year following emergency department admissions: pooled results from the International Consortium to predict PTSD, Psychological Medicine 51(7): 1129-1139.
- Böge K., Mouthaan J. & Krause-Utz A. (2020), Effects of dialogical mindfulness on psychopathology: a pilot study’s results from a seven-day psychosynthesis course about the inner child, The Humanistic Psychologist 48(1): 84-99.
- Kullberg M.L.J., Mouthaan J., Schoorl S.M.D., Beurs D. de, Kenter R.M.F. & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (2020), E-Learning to improve suicide prevention practice skills among undergraduate psychology students: randomized controlled trial, JMIR Mental Health 7(1): e14623.
- Sijbrandij M. & Mouthaan J. (2020), Intervention: Psychological Approaches. In: Vermetten E., Frankova I., Carmi L., Chaban O. & Zohar J. (Eds.), Risk Management of Terrorism Induced Stress. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics no. 148: IOS Press. 58-65.
- Hoeboer C.M., Kleine R.A. de, Molendijk M.L., Schoorl S.M.D., Oprel D.A.C., Mouthaan J., Does A.J.W. van der & Minnen A. van (2020), Impact of dissociation on the effectiveness of psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: meta-analysis, BJ Psych Open 6(3): e53.
- Kivelä L., Krause-Utz A., Mouthaan J., Schoorl M., Kleine R. de, Elzinga B., Eikelenboom M., Penninx B.W.J.H., Does W. van der & Antypa N. (2019), Longitudinal course of suicidal ideation and predictors of its persistence – A NESDA study, Journal of Affective Disorders 257: 365-375.
- Shalev A.Y., Gevonden M., Ratanatharathorn A., Laska E., Mei W.F. van der, Qi W., Lowe S., Lai B.S., Bryant R.A., Delahanty D., Matsuoka Y.J., Olff M., Schnyder U., Seedat S., DeRoon-Cassini T. A., Kessler R.C., Koenen K.C. & Mouthaan J. (2019), Estimating the risk of PTSD in recent trauma survivors: results of the International Consortium to Predict PTSD (ICPP), World Psychiatry 18(1): 77-87.
- Qi W., Ratanatharathorn A., Gevonden M., Bryant R., Delahanty D., Matsuoka Y., Olff M., DeRoon-Cassini T., Schnyder U., Seedat S., Laska E., Kessler R.C., Koenen K., Shalev A., Mouthaan J. & ICPP (2018), Application of data pooling to longitudinal studies of early post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): the International Consortium to Predict PTSD (ICPP) project, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9(1): 1476442.
- Stam K. & Mouthaan J. (2018), Verslag van het NtVP 2018 Jaarcongres: Oog voor meer dan PTS, Impact Magazine 2018(2): .
- Schäfer I., Hopchet M., Vandamme N., Ajdukovic D., El-Hage W., Egreteau L., Javakhishvili J.D., Makhashvili N., Lampe A., Ardino V., Kazlauskas E., Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Dragan M., Lis-Turlejska M., Figueiredo-Braga M., Sales L., Arnberg F., Nazarenko T., Nalyvaiko N., Armour C., Murphy D., Mouthaan J. & et al (2018), Trauma and trauma care in Europe, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9(1): e1556553.
- Mouthaan J. & Langemeyer M. (2018), Maatschappelijke verandering voor kwetsbare groepen. Verslag van het ISTSS congres in Washington D.C., 8-10 november 2018. ISTSS congres 8 November 2018 - 10 November 2018. Impact Magazine.
- Mouthaan J. (2017), Mentale veerkracht bij de brandweer, Impact Magazine (4): .
- Mouthaan J. (2017), Sexting bij jongeren: van spannend tot schadelijk, Impact Magazine (3): .
- Mouthaan J. (2017), Vlaggen voor seksuele overtredingen in de sport, Impact Magazine (3): .
- Mouthaan J. (2017), Psychische zorg voor 6 miljoen Syriërs, Impact Magazine (1): .
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Reitsma J.B., Luitse J.S., Goslings J.C., Gersons B.P. & Olff M. (2015), The role of early pharmacotherapy in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after traumatic injury: An observational cohort study in consecutive patients, General Hospital Psychiatry 37(3): 230-235.
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Luitse J.S., Goslings J.C., Gersons B.P. & Olff M. (2014), The role of acute cortisol and DHEAS in predicting acute and chronic PTSD symptoms, Psychoneuroendocrinology 45: 179-186.
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Reitsma J.B., Gersons B.P. & Olff M. (2014), Comparing screening instruments to predict posttraumatic stress disorder, PLoS ONE 9(5): e97183.
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., De Vries G.J., Reitsma J.B., Van de Schoot R. & Goslings J.C. (2013), Internet-based early intervention to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder in injury patients: randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 15(8): e165.
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Reitsma J.B., Luitse J.S.K., Goslings J.C. & Olff M. (2011), Trauma TIPS: An internet-based intervention to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder in injured trauma patients, Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation 4(3): 331-340.
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M., Reitsma J.B., Gersons B.P. & Olff M. (2011), Internet-based prevention of posttraumatic stress symptoms in injured trauma patients: Design of a randomized controlled trial, European Journal of Psychotraumatology Supplement 2: .
- Mouthaan J., Sijbrandij M. & Olff M. (2009), Développement d’une intervention web pour prévenir le TSPT, Journal Internationale de Victimologie 7(2): 113-118.
- Mouthaan J. & Olff M. (2007), Posttraumatische stressstoornis: Overzicht van recente wetenschappelijke inzichten [Posttraumatic stress disorder: Overview of recent scientific insights], Nederlands Tijdschrift voor traumatologie 15(4): 124-131.
- Hawthorne G., Mouthaan J., Forbes D. & Novaco R. (2006), Response categories and anger measurement: do fewer categories result in poorer measurement?, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 41(2): 164-172.
- Mouthaan J., Euwema M.C. & Weerts J.M.P. (2005), Band of Brothers in UN peacekeeping: Social bonding among Dutch peacekeeping veterans, Military Psychology 17(2): 101-114.
- Schok M.L., Mouthaan J. & Weerts J.M.P. (2003), Posttraumatische stressklachten en symptomen bij Nederlandse militairen en veteranen [Posttraumatic stress reactions and symptoms in Dutch militaries and veterans], Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift 56(6): 199-204.
- Mouthaan J., Meeuwisse M., Meerstra A.S. & Sandfort T.G.M. (2003), Als het nieuwe eraf is: Een verkenning van de seksualiteit in duurzame relaties van jongvolwassenen [When it’s no longer new: An exploration of sexuality in long lasting relationships of young adults], Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie 26(1): 14-20.
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