Universiteit Leiden

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Jim Been

Associate professor

Dr. J. Been
+31 71 527 8569

Jim Been is Associate professor at the Department of Economics.


  • 2010-2015: Ph.D. Economics, Department of Economics, Leiden University.Thesis: Pensions, Retirement, and the Financial Position of the Elderly. Thesis supervisors: Kees Goudswaard and Koen Caminada
  • 2014: RAND Summer Institute (elected participant)
  • 2013: IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics (elected participant)
  • 2010-2012: M.Phil. Economics courses focused on Labor Economics and Microeconometrics (29 ECTS), Tinbergen Institute
  • 2009-2010: M.Sc. Economics (cum laude), VU University Amsterdam
  • 2006-2009: B.Sc. Economics (cum laude), VU University Amsterdam 


Essays in the Empirical Analysis of Income and Retirement.

Previous appointments

  • 2014: Visiting researcher, RAND Center for the Study of Aging. RAND Corp., Santa Monica, CA, (Michael Hurd en Susann Rohwedder)
  • 2010: Internship, Department of ‘Social security’, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), The Hague (supervisor: Daniel van Vuuren)
  • 2009-2010: Research assistant, Department of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam (assistant to Henri de Groot, Piet Rietveld and Peter Mulder)
  • 2009: Internship, Directorate-General Economic Policy, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (supervisor: Sjef Ederveen)

Professional activities

  • Netspar Junior Research Fellow
  • 2013: External advisory current and future pension income, Netherlands Socio-Economic Council (SER) (with Marike Knoef)
  • 2013: Model building current and future pension income, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Special Interdepartmental Policy Council to evaluate future pension income (“IBO 65+”) with Marike Knoef, Mathijn Wilkens, Daniel van Vuuren)
  • 2013: Alumni committee for educational improvement at the Faculty of Economics and Business, VU University Amsterdam
  • 2012-present: Retirement Savings Adequacy (RSA) project, Private Pensions Unit, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (with Marike Knoef, Rob Alessie, Stéphanie Payet, Pablo Antolín)
  • 2011-2012: Organizational and evaluation committee Instituut Gak Researchers Day
  • 2011-2012: Co-organizer Ph.D. seminars and social drinks at the Leiden University Law School (with Wouter den Hollander, Dirk Broekhuijsen, Tess de Jong, Iryna Ievdokymova and Andrea Varga)  

Curriculum vitae


Associate professor

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
  • Economie

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number A2.53


  • Nederlands Instituut voor Sociale Zekerheid Bestuur/Penningmeester
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