Jenny Audring
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. J. Audring
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2070
- 0000-0002-1254-1192

Jenny Audring is a University Lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics.
Fields of interest
Morphology, typology, mental lexicon, gender, Germanic
I am a linguist with a special interest in morphology and typology. My recent research, for which I received a Veni grant from NWO, focusses on the complexity and learnability of grammatical gender. Currently, I'm thinking and writing about morphology and the theory of the mental lexicon.
Teaching activities
I am a University Lecturer in the BA program German language and culture and the MA Linguistics. Before, I've taught General Linguistics, Typology, Morphology, Psycholinguistics, Contrastive Linguistics and German at various universities throughout the Netherlands.
CV (short)
Since 2015 University Lecturer & Researcher, Leiden University
2013 PostDoc, University of Amsterdam
2011 PostDoc & Lecturer, Leiden University
2009 PhD in General Linguistics, VU University Amsterdam
2003 MA in English Philology and General & German Linguistics, Free University Berlin
Key publications
Jackendoff, R. & Audring, J. The Texture of the Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Masini, F. & Audring, J. (eds.) (2019) The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fedden, S., Audring, J. & Corbett, G.G. (eds.) (2018) Non-Canonical Gender Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jackendoff, Ray & Jenny Audring. 2018. Morphology and Memory: Toward an Integrated Theory. Topics in Cognitive Science. 2017 Rumelhart Prize Issue Honoring Lila Gleitman. 1-27. DOI: 10.1111/tops.12334.
Audring, J. (2017). Calibrating complexity: How complex is a gender system? Language Sciences 60, 53–68. DOI:10.1016/j.langsci.2016.09.003.
Culicover, P., Jackendoff, R. & Audring, J. (2017) Multiword constructions in the grammar. Topics in Cognitive Science. 1-17. DOI: 10.1111/tops.12255
Jackendoff, R. & Audring, J. (2016) Morphological schemas: theoretical and psycholinguistic issues. The Mental Lexicon 11(4), 467–493. DOI: 10.1075/ml.11.3.06jac
Audring, J. & Booij, G. (2016) Cooperation and Coercion. Linguistics 54(4), 17-637. DOI: 10.1515/ling-2016-0012
Audring, J. (2016) Gender. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Linguistics. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.43
Booij, Geert & Jenny Audring. 2017. Construction Morphology and the Parallel Architecture of Grammar. Cognitive Science 41(S2). 2014 Rumelhart Prize Issue Honoring Ray Jackendoff. 277–302. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12323.
Audring, J. (2014) Gender as a complex feature, Language Sciences. special issue “Exploring grammatical gender” 43, 5-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2012.10.001
Audring, J. (2013) A Pronominal View of Gender Agreement. Language Sciences 35. 32-46.
Audring, J. (2011) Gender. In: Oxford Bibliographies Online: Linguistics. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199772810-0066
Audring, J. (2009) Reinventing Pronoun Gender. Utrecht: LOT Dissertation Series.
Audring, J. (2009) Gender Assignment and Gender Agreement. Morphology 18, 93-116. DOI: 10.1007/s11525-009-9124-y
Audring, J. (2006a) Pronominal Gender in Spoken Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 18.2, 85-116. DOI: 10.1017/S1470542706000043
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Duits
- Audring J. (2023), Zweifelhafte Morphologie in Konstruktionen, Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation 7(2): 34-56.
- Audring J. (2023), Gender systems in Germanic, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics : .
- Jackendoff R.J. & Audring J. (2023), Blends and overlaps in relational morphology. In: Weijer J. van de (Ed.), Segmental structure and representations. Phonology and Phonetics no. 32. Berlin: De Gruyter. 347-358.
- Azimdokht Z., Rafiei A. & Audring J. (2022), Modelling polysemy and categorial ambiguity in a constructional family: the case of agentive compounds in Persian, Constructions and Frames 14(2): 262-300.
- Huettig F., Audring J. & Jackendoff R. (2022), A parallel architecture perspective on pre-activation and prediction in language processing, Cognition 224: 105050.
- Audring J. (2021), Advances in morphological theory: construction morphology and relational morphology, Annual Review of Linguistics 8: 39-58.
- Audring J., Leufkens S. & Lier E. van (2021), Small events: verbal diminutives in the languages of the world, Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads 1(1): 223-256.
- Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2020), The texture of the lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2020), Relational morphology: a cousin of construction grammar, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 2241.
- Audring J. (2019), Canonical, complex, complicated?. In: Di Garbo F., Wälchli B. & Olsson B. (Eds.), Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity. Berlin: Language Sciences Press. 15-52.
- Audring J. (2019), Mothers or sisters? The encoding of morphological knowledge, Word Structure 12(3): 274-296.
- Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2019), The parallel architecture. In: Moravcsik E., Kertész A. & Rákosi C. (Eds.), Current approaches to syntax: a comparative handbook. Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics no. 3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 215-239.
- Audring J. & Masini F. (2018), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fedden S., Audring J. & Corbett G.G. (2018), Non-canonical gender systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2018), Relational Morphology in the Parallel Architecture. In: Audring J. & Masini F. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Masini F. & Audring J. (2018), Construction Morphology. In: Audring J. & Masini F. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Booij G. & Audring J. (2018), Category change in construction morphology. In: Coussé E., Goethem K. van, Norde M. & Vanderbauwhede G. (Eds.), Category change from a constructional perspective. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 209-228.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2018), Partial motivation, multiple motivation: the role of output schemas in morphology. In: Booij G.E. (Ed.), Advances in construction morphology. Studies in Morphology no. 4. Berlin: Springer. 59-80.
- Wouden T. van der, Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2018), Repliek: de Nederlandse morfologie in het Taalportaal, Nederlandse Taalkunde 23(2): 185-189.
- Jackendoff R.J. & Audring J. (2018), Morphology and memory: Toward an integrated theory, Topics in Cognitive Science : 1-27.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2018), Category change in construction morphology. In: Coussé E., Goethem K. van, Norde M. & Vanderbauwhede G. (Eds.), Category change from a constructional perspective. Constructional Approaches to Language no. 20. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 209-228.
- Culicover P., Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2017), Multiword constructions in the grammar, Topics in Cognitive Science : 1-17.
- Audring J., Booij G.E. & Jackendoff R. (2017), Menscheln, kibbelen, sparkle: Verbal diminutives between grammar and lexicon, Linguistics in the Netherlands 34: 1-15.
- Audring J., Booij G.E. & Jackendoff R.S. (2017), Menscheln, kibbelen, sparkle. Verbal diminutives between grammar and lexicon, Linguistics in the Netherlands 34: 1-15.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2017), Construction Morphology and the Parallel Architecture of Grammar, Cognitive Science 41(S2): 277-302.
- Jackendoff R. & Audring J. (2016), Morphological schemas: theoretical and psycholinguistic issues, Mental Lexicon 11(3): 467-493.
- Audring J. & Lestrade S. (2016), Linguistics in the Netherlands 33. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Audring J., Masini F. & Sandler W. (2016), Quo vadis Morphology? On-line Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Haifa, Israel, September 7-10, 2015.
- Audring J. & Booij G.E. (2016), Cooperation and coercion, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 54(4): 617-637.
- Wouden T. van der & Audring J. (2016), Het Taalportaal: Een nieuwe wetenschappelijke grammatica voor het Nederlands en het Fries, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taalkunde 21(1): 157--167.
- Audring J. (2016), Calibrating complexity: How complex is a gender system?, Language Sciences 60: 53-68.
- Audring J., Koutsoukos N., Masini F. & Raffaelli I. (2015), Morphology and Semantics, On-line Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 15-18, 2013.
- Köhnlein B. & Audring J. (2015), Linguistics in the Netherlands 32. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Audring J. (2014), Gender as a complex feature, Language Sciences 43: 5--17.
- Audring J. (2013), A pronominal view of gender agreement, Language Sciences 35: 32--46.
- Audring J. (2013), Review of: Ellert M. (2011), Ambiguous pronoun resolution in L1 and L2 German and Dutch. Internationale Neerlandistiek 51(1): 85-89.
- Audring J. (2010), Deflexion und pronominales Genus. In: Nübling D., Dammel A. & Kürschner S. (Eds.), Kontrastive germanistische {Linguistik} no. II. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. 693--717.
- Audring J. (2009), Reinventing Pronoun Gender. Utrecht: LOT.
- Audring J. (2009), Gender assignment and gender agreement: Evidence from pronominal gender languages, Morphology 18(2): 93--116.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2007), Uitgezwaaid en aangezwaaid. Morfologische en syntactische participiumconstructies, Nederlandse Taalkunde 12: 52-62.
- Audring J. (2006), Genusverlies en de betekenis van voornaamwoorden. In: Hüning M., Verhagen A., Vogl U. & Wouden T. vd (Eds.), Nederlands tussen Duits en Engels. Leiden: Stichting Neerlandistiek Leiden. 71--88.
- Audring J. (2006), Pronominal Gender in Spoken Dutch, Journal of Germanic Linguistics 18(2): 85--116.
- Audring J. & Booij G. (2005), Constructional licensing in morphology and syntax. In: Booij G., Ducceschi L., Fradin B., Guevara E., Ralli A. & Scalise S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM 5), Fréjus, France, 15-18 September 2005 141--156.