Jennifer Doekhie
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. J.V.O.R. Doekhie
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5301
- 0000-0003-4790-1079
Jennifer Doekhie is an Assistant Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology.
Jennifer Doekhie is an assistant professor of criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. She studied Criminology at VU Amsterdam, for her master's thesis she went to South Africa for a year to conduct ethnographic research into drug use in Johannesburg. She interviewed drug users, drug dealers, and the police in Johannesburg, among others.
After her studies she worked for a number of years as a researcher at the Bonger Institute for Criminology of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Here she conducted research into people in prison, young people sentenced to community service, and the drug and nightlife culture in the Netherlands. After working for the Police Academy and conducting research for the Dutch Police, she started her PhD at the PRISON PROJECT at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. For her dissertation, she conducted qualitative, longitudinal research among individuals in prison in the Netherlands and the process of quitting crime ('desistance'). Since 2019 she has been working as an assistant professor at the Criminology department.
Title PhD research: Dimensions of Desistance (stopping crime). A qualitative longitudinal study of the criminal cessation process among long-term detainees in the Netherlands.
Jennifer has started the research 'Van Bajes naar Buiten' since 1 January 2022 (link to this page: ) in which the experience of the reintegration process in the Netherlands is mapped by interviewing different groups of people both in and after prison, but also reintegration professionals (such as parole officers and case managers).
Jennifer mainly teaches in the master's programs of the Criminology programme. In 2022-2023 she will be involved in Research Proposal and the Comparative Criminal Justice Research Methods course in the master Comparative Criminal Justice. She is also coordinator of the Exceptional Violence course in the Forensic Criminology master's degree and she provides transformative education in the elective course Learning Behind Bars (, education that takes place within the walls of the prison. Jennifer is also involved in (post-academic) education for probation and parole officers. Finally, she supervises students in writing their master's thesis.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie
- Criminologie
- Boone M.M., Bosker J. & Doekhie J.V.O.R. (2024), Probation supervision in the Netherlands. In: Durnescu I., Byrne J.M., Mackey B.J. & Taxman F.S. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook on global community corrections. London: Routledge. 195-214.
- Doekhie J., Koenraadt R. & Besten A. den (2024), Van Bajes naar buiten. WODC Rapport no. 3268. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wolf M.J.F. van der, Reef J., Gunnink L., Hertzberger J. & Doekhie J.V.O.R. (2022), Binnen. Beeld. Buiten: Een evaluatie van zorgconferenties bij langverblijvers (15+) in de tbs (. Criminal Law and Criminology, Law, Leiden), WODC Rapport no. 3121. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden-WODC.
- Marchena-Slot A., Doekhie J. & Liefaard T. (2022), Jeugdstrafrecht in Caribisch Nederland: twee jaar na de invoering, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 101(5-6): 282-296.
- Reef J. & Doekhie J. (2022), Fathering in prison: adjustment and aspirations. In: Bartlett T. & Ricciardelli R. (Eds.), Prison Masculinities. International Perspectives and Interpretations. Oxon: Routledge. 181-202.
- Doekhie J.V.O.R. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2020), House, bells and bliss? A longitudinal analysis of conventional aspirations and the process of desistance, European Journal of Criminology 17(6): 744-763.
- Doekhie J.V.O.R., Liefaard T., Bak R. den, Jeltes M., Marchena-Slot A., Nieuw R. & Mooren F. van der (2020), Invoering jeugdstrafrecht in Caribisch Nederland. Een verkenning naar een jeugdstrafrechtmonitor. Meijers-reeks no. 346. Den Haag: Boom Criminologie.
- Doekhie J.V.O.R. (5 September 2019), Dimensions of desistance : a qualitative longitudinal analysis of different dimensions of the desistance process among long-term prisoners in the Netherlands (Dissertatie. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Nieuwbeerta P., Dirkzwager A.J.E.
- Doekhie J., Ginneken E. van, Dirkzwager A.J.E. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2019), Controle of begeleiding? Ervaringen met reclasseringstoezicht tijdens de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling, Justitiële Verkenningen 45(3): 24-42.
- Dirkzwager A.J.E., Nieuwbeerta P., Beijersbergen K.A., Bosma A.Q., Cuyper R. de, Doekhie J., Eichelsheim V., Goede S. de, Laan P.H. van der, Lamet W., Palmen H., Raaijmakers E., Ramakers A., Reef J., Stelt S. van der, Wensveen M. & Wermink H. (2018), Cohort Profile: the Prison Project—a Study of Criminal Behavior and Life Circumstances Before, During, and After Imprisonment in the Netherlands, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 4(1): 120-135.
- Doekhie J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Dirkzwager A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2018), Managing Risk or Supporting Desistance? A Longitudinal Study on the Nature and Perceptions of Parole Supervision in the Netherlands, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 4(4): 491-515.
- Berlo P. van, Cnossen J.P., Dekkers T.J.M., Doekhie J.V.O.R., Noyon L. & Samadi M. (Eds.) (2017), Over de grenzen van de discipline. Interactions between and within criminal law and criminology. Meijers-reeks no. 281. Den Haag: Boom juridisch.
- Doekhie J., Dirkzwager A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2017), Early attempts at desistance from crime: Prisoners’ prerelease expectations and their postrelease criminal behavior, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 56(7): 473-493.
- Doekhie J.V.O.R., Dirkzwager A.J.E. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2017), Het rechte pad: Toekomstverwachtingen van langgestrafte gedetineerden in Nederland, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 96(3): 207-223.
- Schoenmakers Y., Doekhie J.V.O.R. & Knotter J. (2014), Tussen hulp en hype. De inzet van opsporingsberichtgeving in ontvoeringszaken. Politiekunde no. 66. Apeldoorn: Politie & Wetenschap.
- Nabben T., Doekhie J. & Korf D.J. (2011), Buitenstaander en bondgenoot: de werkbeleving van portiers in de Amsterdamse binnenstad. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
- Nabben T., Doekhie J., Korf D.J. & Everartz M. (2011), Beleving van de werkstraf in de buurt door jeugdigen. Bonger reeks no. 16. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.