Jenneke van der Wal
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. G.J. van der Wal
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3658
- 0000-0003-1136-5884

Jenneke van der Wal is a researcher and teacher with a passion for African languages and linguistics. She wants to understand what our human language ability is in the broadest sense, focusing on morphosyntax and information structure. She believes this is best done through collaborative research. In her teaching and outreach she aims to spark enthusiasm for (African) languages and linguistics, interactively challenging students to think critically and analytically.
More information about Jenneke van der Wal
See also
PhD students
Fields of interest
- Bantu languages
- Agreement
- Focus
- Information structure
- Syntax
- Morphology
- Fieldwork
- Methodology
With the ultimate goal of contributing to our understanding of what it means to be human, I aspire in my research to find out what determines how we express ourselves, and what that tells us about human cognition and interaction. How we convey information is in part determined by fixed grammar rules, but also shaped by our interaction with others. I investigate which aspects of interaction and meaning can become part of the grammar of particular languages, and of language in general. This question on the interface between morphosyntax and pragmatics keeps fascinating me.
Curriculum vitae
2020-current | Senior University Lecturer at Leiden University |
2017-2020 | University Lecturer at Leiden University |
2016-2017 | Lecturer on Linguistics at Harvard University |
2011-2016 | Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, on the ERC-funded project ‘Rethinking Comparative Syntax’ (PI Prof. Ian Roberts) |
2012-2016 | Research Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge |
2009-2011 | Post-doctoral researcher at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren (Belgium), on the Interuniversity Attraction Pole ‘Grammaticalization and (Inter)Subjectification’ |
2004-2009 | Ph.D. at Leiden University, Ph.D. thesis ‘Word order and information structure in Makhuwa-Enahara’ (supervisors Prof. Lisa Cheng and Prof. Thilo Schadeberg) |
2000-2004 | M.A. in African Linguistics at Leiden University, M.A. thesis ‘Lusoga phonology’ |
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL T&C van Afrika
- Verdonschot R.G., Wal G.J. van der, Ashley L., Knudsen B., Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn S. von, Schiller N.O. & Hagoort P. (2024), Information structure in Makhuwa: electrophysiological evidence for a universal processing account, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(30): .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Wal G.J. van der, Berruti C., Doorn V.T. van, Morozova I., Raesfeld Meyer J.M.M. von & Vorisek T.J. (2024), Using virtual reality for linguistic fieldwork, Semantic Fieldwork Methods 6(1): .
- Kerr E.J., Asiimwe A., Kanampiu P., Li Z., Nshemezimana E. & Wal J. van der (2023), Bantu word order between discourse and syntactic relations, Linguistique et Langues Africaines 9(1): .
- Asiimwe A., Kouneli M. & Wal G.J. van der (2023), Determiner spreading in Rukiga, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 61(5): 1285-1339.
- Kujath E. & Wal G.J. van der (2023), Copular constructions in Makhuwa‑Enahara, Linguistics in the Netherlands 40(1): 155-177.
- Msovela S., Wal G.J. van der & Lusekelo A. (2023), Subject inversion in Kinyakyusa, Africana Linguistica 29: 157-178.
- Kerr E.J. & Wal G.J. van der (2023), Indirect truth marking via backgrounding: evidence from Bantu, Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42(3): 443-492.
- Wal G.J. van der & Lusekelo A. (2022), The V and CV augment and exhaustivity in Kinyakyusa, Studies in African Linguistics 51(2): 324-346.
- Bárány A. & Wal G.J. van der (2022), We don’t agree (only) upward, Linguistic Inquiry 53(3): 501-521.
- Wal G.J. van der (2022), A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Van der Wal G.J. & Simango A. (2022), Subject inversion in Changana. In: Chambal Nhampoca E. & Cao Ponso L. (Eds.), Pesquisa e ensino em línguas moçambicanas: um tributo a Bento Sitoe. Maputo: Gala-Gala Edições. 229-247.
- Kruijsdijk I., Vlugt N. van der & Wal G.J. van der (2022), The insubordinated infinitive in Makhuwa-Enahara and the expression of feelings, Linguistics in the Netherlands 39(1): 122-142.
- Wal G.J. van der (2021), The BaSIS basics of information structure. [other].
- Asiimwe A. & Wal J. van der (2021), The multifunctionality of ‑o in Rukiga: pronoun, contrastive topic, and mirative marker, Nordic Journal of African Studies 30(1): 1-26.
- Fuchs Z. & Wal G.J. van der (2021), The locus of parametric variation in Bantu gender and nominal derivation, Linguistic Variation 22(2): 268-324.
- Wal G.J. van der (2021), On the use of idioms for testing focus, Semantic Fieldwork Methods 3(2): .
- Wal G.J. van der (2020), The AWSOM correlation in comparative Bantu object marking. In: Hartmann K., Mursell J. & Smith P.W. (Eds.), Agree to agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Program. Berlin: Language Science Press. 199-234.
- Wal G.J. van der & Asiimwe A. (2020), The tonal residue of the conjoint/disjoint alternation in Rukiga, Studies in African Linguistics 49(1): 43-59.
- Wal G.J. van der, Smits H.J., Petrollino S., Nyst V.A.S. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2020), Essays on African languages and linguistics : in honour of Maarten Mous. ASC occasional publication no. 41. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Wal G.J. van der (2020), Review of: Van de Velde Mark, Bostoen Koen, Nurse Derek & Philippson Gérard , The Bantu Languages, second edition. London : Routledge 24(2): 399-412.
- Wal G.J. van der (2020), From macroparameters to nanoparameters - a comparative Bantu case study. In: Bárány A., Biberauer Th., Douglas J. & Vikner S. (Eds.), Syntactic architecture and its consequences I: Syntax inside the grammar. Open Generative Syntax no. 9. Berlin: Language Science Press. 25-60.
- Wal G.J. van der (2020), Review of: Velde M. van de, Bostoen K., Nurse D. & Philippson G. (2019), The Bantu languages [second edition]. Routledge Language Family Series. London: Routledge. Linguistic Typology 24(2): 399-412.
- Holmberg A., Sheehan M. & Wal G.J. van der (2019), Movement from the double object construction is not fully symmetrical, Linguistic Inquiry 50(4): 677-722.
- Ahn D. & Wal G.J. van der (2019), What does that Lugwere demonstrative refer to?: A semantic analysis of proximity and exteriority, Studies in African Linguistics 48(1): 1-24.
- Sheehan M. & Wal G.J. van der (2018), Evidence for nominal licensing in caseless languages, Journal of Linguistics 54(3): 527-589.
- Wal G.J. van der & Hyman L.M. (2017), Introduction. In: Wal G.J. van der & Hyman L.M. (Eds.), The Conjoint/Disjoint Alternation in Bantu no. 301. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1-13.
- Wal G.J. van der (2017), What is the conjoint/disjoint alternation? Parameters of crosslinguistic variation. In: Wal G.J. van der & Hyman L.M. (Eds.), The Conjoint/Disjoint Alternation in Bantu no. 301. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Gibson H., Koumbarou A., Marten L. & Wal G.J. van der (2017), Locating the Bantu conjoint/disjoint alternation in a typology of focus marking. In: Wal G.J. van der & Hyman L.M. (Eds.), The Conjoint/Disjoint Alternation in Bantu no. 301. Berlin: De Gruyter. 61-99.
- Wal G.J. van der & Hyman Larry M. (Eds.) (2017), The Conjoint/Disjoint Alternation in Bantu no. 301. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Wal G.J. van der (2017), Flexibility in symmetry: An implicational relation in Bantu double object constructions. In: Sheehan M. & Bailey L.R. (Eds.), Order and structure in syntax II: Subjecthood and argument structure. Berlin: Language Science Press. 115–152.
- Wal & G.J. van der (2016), Diagnosing focus, Studies in Language 40(2): 259-301.
- Sheehan M. & Wal G.J. van der (2016), Do we need abstract Case?. In: Kim Kyeong-min, Umbal Pocholo, Block Trevor, Chan Queenie, Cheng Tanie, Finney Kelli, Katz Mara, Nickel-Thompson Sophie & Shorten Lisa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- Wal G.J. van der & Namyalo S. (2016), The interaction of two focus marking strategies in Luganda. In: Payne Doris L., Pacchiarotti Sara & Bosire Mokaya (Eds.), Diversity in African languages. Berlin: Language Science Press. 355–377.
- Wal G.J. van der (2015), A note on the (non-existing) passive in Matengo, Linguistique et Langues Africaines 1: 81-98.
- Wal G.J. van der (2015), Bantu object clitics as defective goals, Revue Roumaine de linguistique LX(2-3): 277-296.
- Wal G.J. van der (2015), Bantu Syntax. In: , Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wal & G.J. van der (2015), Evidence for abstract Case in Bantu, Lingua 165: 109-132.
- Wal G.J. van der & Maniacky J. (2015), How 'person' got into focus: Grammaticalization of clefts in Lingala and Kikongo areas, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 53(1): 1-52.
- Wal & G.J. van der (2015), Information structure, (inter)subjectivity and objectification, Journal of Linguistics 14(2): 425-464.
- Wal G.J. van der & Veenstra T. (2015), The long and short of verb alternations in Mauritian Creole and Bantu languages, Folia Linguistica 49(1): 85-116.
- Devos M. & Wal G.J. van der (Eds.) (2014), 'COME' and 'GO' off the Beaten Grammaticalization Path. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs no. 272. Berlin: DE GRUYTER.
- Marten L. & Wal G.J. van der (2014), A typology of Bantu subject inversion, Linguistic Variation 14(2): 318-367.
- Devos M. & Wal G.J. van der (2014), How far have we come and where do we go from here? Discussion and directions for further research. In: , 'COME' and 'GO' off the Beaten Grammaticalization Path. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Devos M. & Wal G.J. van der (2014), Introduction. In: Devos M. & Wal G.J. van der (Eds.), 'COME' and 'GO' off the Beaten Grammaticalization Path. Berling: De Gruyter. 1-18.
- Wal G.J. van der (2014), Subordinate clauses and exclusive focus in Makhuwa. In: Gijn E. van, Hammond J., Matić D., Putten S. van & Vilacy Galucio A. (Eds.), Information Structure and Reference Tracking in Complex Sentences no. 105. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 45--70.
- Wal G.J. van der (2013), (Inter)subjectification in Makhuwa. From demonstrative to pragmatic particle, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 14(1): 1-44.
- Wal G.J. van der (2012), Location, time, condition: grammaticalisation of a demonstrative in Makhuwa, Africana Linguistica XVIII: 235-259.
- Wal G.J. van der (2012), Subject agreement and the EPP in Bantu Agreeing Inversion, Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics 6: 201-236.
- Kavari J.U., Marten L. & Wal G.J. van der (2012), Tone cases in Otjiherero: head-complement relations, linear order, and information structure, Africana Linguistica XVIII: 315-353.
- Wal & G.J. van der (2011), Focus excluding alternatives: Conjoint/disjoint marking in Makhuwa, Lingua 121(11): 1734-1750.
- Buell L.C., Riedel K. & Wal G.J. van der (2011), What the Bantu languages can tell us about word order and movement, Lingua 121(5): 689-701.
- Wal G.J. van der (2010), Functions of demonstratives in Makhuwa narratives, Africana Linguistica XVI: 183-213.
- Wal G.J. van der (2010), The Makhuwa non-subject relative as a participial modifier, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31(2): 205-231.
- Devos M. & Wal G.J. van der (2010), ‘Go’ on a rare grammaticalisation path to focus. In: Nouwen R. & Kampen J. van (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands. Linguistics in the Netherlands no. 27. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 45-58.
- Wal G.J. van der (2010), Review of: Schwabe K. & Winkler S. (2007), On information structure, meaning and form. Generalizations across languages. Linguistik Aktuell no. 100. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Linguistische Berichte 222: 253-256.
- Wal G.J. van der (16 June 2009), Word order and information structure in Makhuwa-Enahara (Dissertatie, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University) LOT dissertation series no. 215. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Cheng L.L.S & Schadeberg T.C., Buell L.C.
- Wal G.J. van der (2008), Agreement in thetic sentences in Bantu and Romance. In: De Cat C. & Demuth K. (Eds.), The Bantu-Romance Connection. A comparative investigation of verbal agreement, DPs and information structure. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today no. 131. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 323-350.
- Wal G.J. van der (2006), Predicative tone lowering in Makhuwa. In: Weijer J. van de & Los B. (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands. Linguistics in the Netherlands no. 23. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 224-236.
- Wal G.J. van der (2006), The disjoint verb form and an empty Immediate After Verb position in Makhuwa. In: Downing L., Marten L. & Zerbian S. (Eds.), Papers in Bantu grammar and description. ZAS Papers in Linguistics no. 43 233-256.