Jeannette de Graaf
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. J.M. de Graaf
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7051

Besides assistant professor Jeannette is also the study advisor for the Bachelor Computer Science
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Graaf E.H. de, Graaf J.M. de & Kosters W.A. (2006), Using Consecutive Support for Genomic Profiling. Hilarion M. & Nédellec C. (Eds.), Data and Text Mining for Integrative Biology. ECML/PKDD-2006 Workshop 16-27.
- Graaf J.M. de, Menezes R.X. de, Boer J.M. & Kosters W.A. (2005), Frequent Itemsets for Genomic Profiling, Computational Life Sciences. Berthold M.R., Glen R., Diederichs K., Kohlbacher O. & Fischer I. (Eds.), Computational Life Sciences, Proceedings of the First International Symposium (CompLife 2005). 104-116.
- Graaf J.M. de, Kosters W.A., Pijls W.A.M. & Popova V. (2002), A Theoretical and Practical Comparison of Depth First and FP-growth Implementations of Apriori. Blockeel H. & Denecker M. (Eds.), Proc. of the Fourteenth Belgium-Nethlands Artificial Intelligence Conference. 115-122.
- Vorstenbosch E.L.H., Potapov A.P., Graaf J.M. de & Kraal B. (2000), The effect of mutations in EF-Tu on its affinity for tRNA as measured by two novel and independent methods of general applicability, Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 42: 1-14.
- Zuurmond A., Graaf J.M. de, Olsthoorn-Tieleman L.N., Duyl B.Y. van, Moehrle V.G., Jurnak F., Mesters J.R., Hilgenfeld R. & Kraal B. (2000), GE2270A-resistant mutations in elongation factor Tu allow productive aminoacyl-tRNA binding to EF-Tu.GTP.GE2270A complexes, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 304(5): 995-1005.
- Zuurmond A.M., Olsthoorn-Tieleman L.N., Graaf J.M. de, Parmeggiani A. & Kraal B. (1999), Mutant EF-Tu species reveal novel features of the enacyloxin IIa inhibition on the ribosome, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 294: 627-637.
- Bäck T.H.W., Eiben A.E., Graaf J.M. de, Preuss M., Schippers C.A. & Taale H. (1998), Optimizing traffic light controllers with evolutionary algorithms. In: Zimmerman H.-J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Aken, Duitsland: Verlag Mainz. 1730-1734.
- Bäck T.H.W., Graaf J.M. de, Kok J.N. & Kosters W.A. (1998), Theory of Genetic Algorithms, Nieuwsbrief van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica 2: 27-35.