Jan Pieter Abrahams
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.P. Abrahams
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- abrahams@chem.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-8216-1868

PhD Candidates
Former PhD candidates
Yao-Wang Li
Eric van Genderen
Pablo Ortiz Cabello
Jinghui Luo
Willem-Jan Waterreus
Igor Nederlof
Elisabeth Maria Meulenbroek
Jan de Sonneville
Sandra Zovko
Hanna Elisabet Lindfors
Linhua Jiang
Daniël Cornelis de Geus
Keti Paspaleva
Dilyana Georgieva
Pavol Skubák
Ellen Anna Johannes Thomassen
Anne-Marie van Roon
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Algemeen
- Fatton M., Filippidou S., Junier T., Cailleau G., Berge M., Poppleton D., Blum T.B., Kaminek M., Odriozola A., Blom J., Johnson S.L., Abrahams J.P., Chain P.S., Gribaldo S., Tocheva E.I., Zuber B., Viollier P.H. & Junier P. (2022), Cryptosporulation in Kurthia spp. forces a rethinking of asporogenesis in Firmicutes, Environmental Microbiology 24(12): 6320-6335.
- Xiao X., Willemse J.J., Voskamp P., Li X., Prota A.E., Lamers M., Pannu N.S., Abrahams J.P. & Wezel G.P. van (2021), Ectopic positioning of the cell division plane is associated with single amino acid substitutions in the FtsZ-recruiting SsgB in Streptomyces, Open Biology 11(2): 200409.
- Matz J.M., Drepper B., Blum T.B., Genderen E. van, Burrell A., Martin P., Stach T., Collinson L.M., Abrahams J.P., Matuschewski K. & Blackman M.J. (2020), A lipocalin mediates unidirectional heme biomineralization in malaria parasites, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(28): 16546-16556.
- Schayck J.P. van, Genderen E. van, Maddox E., Roussel L., Boulanger H., Fröjdh E., Abrahams J.P., Peters P.J. & Ravelli R.B.G. (2020), Sub-pixel electron detection using a convolutional neural network, Ultramicroscopy 218: 113091.
- Xiao X., Elsayed S.S.M.A., Wu C., Heul H.U. van der, Metsä-Ketelä M., Du C., Prota A.E., Chen C.C., Liu W., Guo R.T., Abrahams J.P. & Wezel G.P. van (2020), Functional and structural insights into a novel promiscuous ketoreductase of the lugdunomycin biosynthetic pathway, ACS Chemical Biology 15(9): 2529-2538.
- Merg A.D., Touponse G., Genderen E. van, Zuo X.B., Bazrafshan A., Blum T., Hughes S., Salaita K., Abrahams J.P. & Conticello V.P. (2019), 2D Crystal engineering of nanosheets assembled from helical peptide building blocks, Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 58(38): 13507-13512.
- Gemmi M., Mugnaioli E., Gorelik T.E., Kolb U., Palatinus L., Boullay P., Hovmoller S. & Abrahams J.P. (2019), 3D Electron diffraction: the nanocrystallography revolution, ACS Central Science 5(8): 1315-1329.
- Latychevskaia T. & Abrahams J.P. (2019), Inelastic scattering and solvent scattering reduce dynamical diffraction in biological crystals, Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 75: 523-531.
- Clabbers M.T.B., Gruene T., Genderen E. van & Abrahams J.P. (2019), Reducing dynamical electron scattering reveals hydrogen atoms, Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75: 82-93.
- Moradi M., Opara N.L., Tulli L.G., Wackerlin C., Dalgarno S.J., Teat S.J., Baljozovic M., Popova O., Genderen E. van, Kleibert A., Stahlberg H., Abrahams J.P., Padeste C., Corvini P.F.X., Jung T.A. & Shahgaldian P. (2019), Supramolecular architectures of molecularly thin yet robust free-standing layers, Science Advances 5(2): eaav4489.
- Blum T.B., Filippidou S., Fatton M., Junier P. & Abrahams J.P. (2019), The wild-type flagellar filament of the Firmicute Kurthia at 2.8 Å resolution in vivo, Scientific Reports 9: 14948.
- Thomas B., Dubey R.K., Clabbers M.T.B., Gupta K.B.S.S., Genderen E.V., Jager W.F., Abrahams J.P., Sudholter E.J.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2018), A molecular level approach to elucidate the supramolecular packing of light-harvesting antenna systems, Chemistry: a European Journal 24(56): 14989-14993.
- Clabbers M.T.B., Genderen E. van, Wan W., Wiegers E.L., Gruene T. & Abrahams J.P. (2017), Protein structure determination by electron diffraction using a single three-dimensional nanocrystal, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology 73: 738-748.
- Wang R., Boleij M., Qu Y., Galiart N., Lin B., Yuan N., Zhou X., Tan M., Ding J., Liu Z. & Abrahams J.P. (2017), Purification of biotinylated proteins using single walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complexes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17(2): 926-931.
- Genderen E. van, Clabbers M.T.B., Das P.P., Stewart A., Nederlof I., Barentsen K.C., Portillo Q., Pannu N.S., Nicolopoulos S., Gruene T. & Abrahams J.P. (2016), Ab initio structure determination of nanocrystals of organic pharmaceutical compounds by electron diffraction at room temperature using a Timepix quantum area direct electron detector, Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 72: 236-242.
- Genderen E. van, Li Y.W., Nederlof I. & Abrahams J.P. (2016), Lattice filter for processing image data of three-dimensional protein nanocrystals, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology 72: 34-39.
- Luo J., Wärmländer S.K.T.S., Gräslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2016), Reciprocal molecular interactions between the Aβ peptide linked to Alzheimer’s disease and insulin linked to diabetes mellitus Type II, ACS Chemical Neuroscience 7(3): 269-274.
- Afanasyev P., Ravelli R.B.G., Matadeen R., Carlo S. de, Duinen G. van, Alewijnse B., Peters P.J., Abrahams J.P., Portugal R.V., Schatz M. & Heel M.G. van (2015), A posteriori correction of camera characteristics from large image data sets, Scientific Reports 5: 10317.
- Luo J., Wärmländer S.K.T.S., Gräslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2014), Non-chaperone proteins can inhibit aggregation and cytotoxicity of Alzheimer amyloid-β peptide, Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(40): 27766-27775.
- Luo J., Wärmländer S.K.T.S., Gräslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2014), Alzheimer peptides aggregate into transient nanoglobules that nucleate fibrils, Biochemistry 53(40): 6302-6308.
- Luo J.H., Warmlander S.K.T.S., Yu C.H., Kamran M., Graslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2014), The A beta peptide forms non-amyloid fibrils in the presence of carbon nanotubes, Nanoscale 6(12): 6720-6726.
- Luo J., Mohammed I., Wärmländer S.K.T.S., Hiruma Y., Gräslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2014), Endogenous polyamines reduce the toxicity of soluble Aβ peptide aggregates associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Biomacromolecules 15(6): 1985-1991.
- Abelein A., Abrahams J.P., Danielsson J., Gräslund A., Jarvet J., Luo J., Tiiman A. & Wärmländer S.K.T.S. (2014), The hairpin conformation of the Amyloid β peptide is a common structural motif along the aggregation pathway, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 19: 623-624.
- Luo J. & Abrahams J.P. (2014), Cyclic peptides as inhibitors of amyloid fibrillation, Chemistry: a European Journal 20(9): 2410-2419.
- Nederlof I., Li YW., Heel M.G. van & Abrahams J.P. (2013), Imaging protein three-dimensional nanocrystals with cryo-EM, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology 69: 852-859.
- Luo J.H., Warmlander S.K.T.S., Graslund A. & Abrahams J.P. (2013), Human lysozyme inhibits the in vitro aggregation of A beta peptides, which in vivo are associated with Alzheimer's disease, Chemical Communications 49(58): 6507-6509.
- Luo J.H., Yu C.H., Yu H.X., Borstnar R., Kamerlin S.C.L., Graslund A., Abrahams J.P. & Warmlander S.K.T.S. (2013), Cellular Polyamines Promote Amyloid-Beta (A beta) Peptide Fibrillation and Modulate the Aggregation Pathways, ACS Chemical Neuroscience 4(3): 454-462.
- Liu Z.F., Voskamp P., Zhang Y., Chu F.Q. & Abrahams J.P. (2013), Capture of unstable protein complex on the streptavidin-coated single-walled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15: 1582.
- Nederlof I., Genderen E. van, Li Y.W. & Abrahams J.P. (2013), A Medipix quantum area detector allows rotation electron diffraction data collection from submicrometre three-dimensional protein crystals, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 69: 1223-1230.
- Luo J.H., Otero J.M., Yu C.H., Warmlander S.K.T.S., Graslund A., Overhand M. & Abrahams J.P. (2013), Inhibiting and reversing amyloid-beta peptide (1-40) fibril formation with gramicidin S and engineered analogues, Chemistry: a European Journal 19(51): 17338-17348.
- Luo J.H., Zwier R.C.T. & Abrahams J.P. (2013), An efficient nanolitre-volume multi-channel device for highly viscous materials used in membrane protein crystallization, Journal of Applied Crystallography 46: 829-831.
- Bruggencate F. ten, Laroche F., Zhang Y., Song G.Q., Yin S.G., Abrahams J.P. & Liu Z.F. (2013), Visualizing the localization of transfection complexes during graphene nanoparticle-based transfection, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1(46): 6353-6358.
- Meulenbroek E.M., Thomassen E.A.J., Pouvreau L., Abrahams J.P., Gruppen H. & Pannu N.S. (2012), Structure of a post-translationally processed heterodimeric double-headed Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from potato, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 68(7): 794-799.
- Nederlof I., Genderen E. van, Hoedemaeker F., Abrahams J.P. & Georgieva D. (2012), Protein crystal growth. Modern Aspects of Bulk Crystal and Thin Film Preparation: InTech. 463-476.
- Liu Z., Galli F., Waterreus W.J., Meulenbroek E.M., Koning R.I., Lamers G.E.M., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Pannu N.S., Oosterkamp T.H., Koster A.J., Dame R.T. & Abrahams J.P. (2012), Single-walled carbon nanotubes as scaffolds to concentrate DNA for the study of DNA-protein interactions, ChemPhysChem 13(6): 1569-1575.
- Zhou X., Laroche F., Lamers G.E.M., Torraca V., Voskamp P., Lu T., Chu F., Spaink H.P., Abrahams J.P. & Liu Z.F. (2012), Ultra-small graphene oxide functionalized with polyethylenimine (PEI) for very efficient gene delivery in cell and zebrafish embryos, Nano Research 5(10): 703-709.
- Moldovan G., Sikharulidze I., Matheson J., Derbyshire G., Kirkland A.I. & Abrahams J.P. (2012), Characterisation of a counting imaging detector for electron detection in the energy range 10-20 keV, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 681: 21-24.
- Jiang L.H., Georgieva D. & Abrahams J.P. (2011), EDIFF: a program for automated unit-cell determination and indexing of electron diffraction data, Journal of Applied Crystallography 44: 1132-1136.
- Sikharulidze I., Gastel R. van, Schramm S., Abrahams J.P., Poelsema B., Tromp R.M. & Molen S.J. van der (2011), Low energy electron microscopy imaging using Medipix2 detectors, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 633(Supplement 1): S239-S242.
- Pannu N.S., Waterreus W.J., Skubak P., Sikharulidze I., Abrahams J.P. & Graaff R.A.G. de (2011), Recent advances in the CRANK software suite for experimental phasing, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography D67: 331-337.
- Abrahams J.P., Apweiler R., Balling R., Bertero M.G., Bujnicki J.M., Chayen N.E., Chene P., Corthals G.L., Dylag T., Foerster F., Heck A.J.R., Henderson P.J.F., Herwig R., Jehenson P., Kokalj S.J., Laue E., Legrain P., Martens L., Migliorini C., Musacchio A., Podobnik M., Schertler G.F.X., Schreiber G., Sixma T.K., Smit A.B., Stuart D., Svergun D.I. & Taussig M.J. (2011), "4D Biology for health and disease" workshop report, New Biotechnology 28(4): 291-293.
- Georgieva D., Jansen J., Sikharulidze I., Jiang L., Zandbergen H.W. & Abrahams J.P. (2011), Evaluation of Medipix2 detector for recording electron diffraction data in low dose conditions, Journal of Instrumentation 6: C01033.
- Nederlof I., Hosseini R., Georgieva D., Luo J.H., Li D.F. & Abrahams J.P. (2011), A straightforward and robust method for introducing human hair as a nucleant into high throughput crystallization trials, Crystal Growth & Design 11(4): 1170-1176.
- Jiang L.H., Georgieva D., Nederlof I., Liu Z.F. & Abrahams J.P. (2011), Image processing and lattice determination for three-dimensional nanocrystals, Microscopy and Microanalysis 17(6): 879-885.
- Abrahams J.P. (2010), The strong phase object approximation may allow extending crystallographic phases of dynamical electron diffraction patterns of 3D protein nano-crystals, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 225(2-3): 67-76.
- Jiang L.H., Liu Z.F., Georgieva D., Kuil M.E. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), A novel approximation method of CTF amplitude correction for 3D single particle reconstruction, Ultramicroscopy 110(4): 350-358.
- Liu Z., Jiang L., Galli F., Nederlof I., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Lamers G.E.M., Oosterkamp T.H. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), A graphene oxide center dot streptavidin complex for biorecognition - towards affinity purification, Advanced Functional Materials 20(17): 2857-2865.
- Liu Z., Galli F., Janssen K.G.H., Jiang L., Linden H.J. van der, Geus D.C. de, Voskamp P., Kuil M.E., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Oosterkamp T.H., Hankemeier T. & Abrahams J.P. (2010), Stable single-walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complex for biorecognition, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 114(10): 4345-4352.
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- Geus D.C. de, Thomassen E.A.J., Hokke C.H., Deelder A.M., Abrahams J.P. & Roon A.M. van (2009), Characterization of a diagnostic Fab fragment binding trimeric Lewis X, Proteins 76(2): 439-447.
- Meulenbroek E.M., Paspaleva K., Thomassen E.A.J., Abrahams J.P., Goosen N. & Pannu N.S. (2009), Involvement of a carboxylated lysine in UV damage endonuclease, Protein Science 18(3): 549-558.
- Gastel R. van, Sikharulidze I., Schramm S., Abrahams J.P., Poelsema B., Tromp R.M. & Molen S.J. van der (2009), Medipix 2 detector applied to low energy electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy 110(1): 33-35.
- Haren J. van, Draegestein K., Keijzer N., Abrahams J.P., Grosveld F., Peeters P.J., Moechars D. & Galjart N. (2009), Mammalian Navigators are Microtubule Plus-End Tracking Proteins that can Reorganize the Cytoskeleton to Induce Neurite-Like Extensions, Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 66(10): 824-838.
- Pannu N.S., Ravelli R.B.G. & Abrahams J.P. (2009), The Max-Inf2/Lorentz Center workshop on New algorithms in macromolecular crystallography and electron microscopy, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 65(7): 623-624.
- Kallergi A., Bei Y., Kok P., Dijkstra J., Abrahams J.P. & Verbeek F.J. (2009), Cyttron: A Virtualized Microscope supporting image integration and knowledge discovery. In: Noteborn M.H.M., Tavassoli M. & Backendorf C. (Eds.), Proteins Killing Tumour Cells. Kerala, India: ResearchSignPost. 291-315.
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- Geus D.C. de, Hagedoorn P.L., Pannu N.S., Duijn E. van, Abrahams J.P. & Thomassen E.A.J. (2009), Crystal structure of chlorite dismutase, a detoxifying enzyme producing molecular oxygen, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 387(1): 192-206.
- Jiang L., Schaffitzel C., Bingel-Erlenmeyer R., Ban N., Korber K.P., Geus D.C. de, Plaisier J.R. & Abrahams J.P. (2008), Recycling of aborted ribosomal 50S subunit-nascent chain-tRNA complexes by the heat shock protein Hsp15, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 386(5): 1357-1367.
- Geus D.C. de, Thomassen E.A.J., Feltz C.L. van der & Abrahams J.P. (2008), Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of chlorite dismutase: a detoxifying enzyme producing molecular oxygen, Acta Crystallographica Section F 64(8): 730-732.
- Zovko S., Abrahams J.P., Koster A.J., Galjart N. & Mommaas A.M. (2008), Microtubule plus-end conformations and dynamics in the periphery of interphase mouse fibroblasts, Molecular Biology of the Cell 19(7): 3138-3146.
- Georgieva D.G., Kuil M.E., Oosterkamp T.H., Zandbergen H.W. & Abrahams J.P. (2007), Heterogeneous nucleation of three-dimensional protein nanocrystals, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology D63: 564-570.
- Paspaleva K., Thomassen E., Pannu N.S., Iwai S., Moolenaar G.F., Goosen N. & Abrahams J.P. (2007), Crystal structure of the DNA repair enzyme ultraviolet damage endonuclease, Structure 15(10): 1316-1324.
- Abrahams J.P., Plaisier J.R., Ness S.R. & Pannu N.S. (2007), Phase refinement through density modification. In: Sanderson M.R. & Skelly J.V. (Eds.), Macromolecular crystallography: conventional and high-throughput methods: Oxford University Press. 143-154.
- Plaisier J.R., Jiang L. & Abrahams J.P. (2007), Cyclops: new modular software suite for cryo-EM, Journal of Structural Biology 157(1): 19-27.
- Thomassen E.A.J., Dekking E.H.A., Thompson A., Franken C.L.M.C., Sanal Ö, Abrahams J.P., Tol M.J.D. van & Koning F. (2006), The impact of single amino acid substitutions in CD3gamma on the CD3epsilongamma interaction and T-cell receptor-CD3 complex formation, Human Immunology 67(8): 579-588.
- Kuil M.E., Abrahams J.P. & Marijnissen J.C.M. (2006), Nano-dispensing by electrospray for biotechnology, Biotechnology Journal 1(9): 969-975.
- Schaffitzel C., Oswald M., Berger I., Ishikawa T., Abrahams J.P., Koerten H.K., Koning R.I. & Ban N. (2006), Structure of the E.coli signal recognition particle bound to a translating ribosome, Nature 444(7118): 503-506.
- Rohn J.L., Zhang Y.H., Leliveld S.R., Danen- van Oorschot A.A.A.M., Henriquez N.V., Abrahams J.P. & Noteborn M.H.M. (2005), Relevance of apoptin's integrity for its functional behavior, Journal of Virology 79(2): 1337-1338.
- Thomassen E.A.J., Veen H.A. van, Berkel P.H.C. van, Nuijens J.H. & Abrahams J.P. (2005), The protein structure of recombinant human lactoferrin produced in the milk of transgenic cows closely matches the structure of human milk-derived lactoferrin, Transgenic Research 14: 397-405.
- Leliveld S.R., Dame R.T., Rohn J.L., Noteborn M.H.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2004), Apoptin's functional N- and C-termini independently bind DNA, FEBS Letters 557(1-3): 155-158.
- Roon A.M.M. van, Bink H.H.J., Plaisier J.R., Pleij C.W.A., Abrahams J.P. & Pannu N.S. (2004), Crystal structure of an empty capsid of turnip yellow mosaic virus, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 341(5): 1205-1214.
- Thomassen E.A.J., Pouvreau L., Gruppen H. & Abrahams J.P. (2004), Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies on a Kunitz-type potato serine protease inhibitor, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 60: 1464-1466.
- Bos I.G.A., Lubbers Y.T.P., Eldering E., Abrahams J.P. & Hack C.E. (2004), Effect of reactive site loop elongation on the inhibitory activity of C1-inhibitor, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1699(1-2): 139-144.
- Plaisier J.R., Koning R.I., Koerten H.K., Heel W.A. van & Abrahams J.P. (2004), Tyson: robust searching, sorting, and selecting of single particles in electron micrographs, Journal of Structural Biology 145(1-2): 76-83.
- Roon A.M., Pannu N.S., Vrind J.P., Marel G.A. van der, Boom J.H. van, Hokke C.H., Deelder A.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2004), Structure of an anti-Lewis X Fab fragment in complex with its Lewis X antigen, Structure Fold Design 12(7): 1227-1236.
- Hilge M., Siegal G.D., Vuister G.W., Guntert P., Gloor S.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), ATP-induced conformatinal changes of the nucleotide-binding domain of Na,K-ATPase, Nature Structural Biology 10: 468-474.
- Abrahams J.P. & Ban N. (2003), X-ray crystallographic structure determination of large asymmetric macromolecular assemblies, Methods in Enzymology 374: 163-188.
- Schmauder R., Schmidt T., Abrahams J.P. & Kuil M.E. (2003), Screening crystallisation conditions using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology D58: 1536-1541.
- Thomassen E.A.J., Gielen G., Schutz M., Schoehn G., Abrahams J.P., Miller S. & Raaij M.J. van (2003), The structure of the receptor-binding domain of the bacteriophage T4 short tail fibre reveals a knitted trimeric metal-binding fold, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 331(2): 361-373.
- Leliveld S.R., Dame R.T., Mommaas M.A., Koerten H.K., Wyman C., Danen-Van Oorschot A.A.A.M., Rohn J.L., Noteborn M.H.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), Apoptin protein multimers form distinct higher-order nucleoprotein complexes with DNA, Nucleic Acids Research 31(16): 4805-4813.
- Koning R.I., Worm S.H.E. van den, Duin J. van, Abrahams J.P. & Koerten H.K. (2003), Visualization by cryo-electron microscopy of genomic RNA that binds to the protein capsid inside bacteriophage MS2, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 332(2): 415-422.
- Plaisier J.R., Koning R.I., Koerten H.K., Roon A. van, Thomassen E.A.J., Kuil M.E., Hendrix J., Broennimann C., Pannu N.S. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), Area detectors in structural biology, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 509(1-3): 274-282.
- Danen-Van Oorschot A.A.M., Zhang Y.H., Leliveld S.R., Rohn J.L., Seelen M., Bolk M.W., Zon A. van, Erkeland S.J., Abrahams J.P., Mumberg D. & Noteborn M.H.M. (2003), Importance of nuclear localization of apoptin for tumor-specific induction of apoptosis, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(30): 27729-27736.
- Roon A.M., Pannu N.S., Hokke C.H., Deelder A.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of an anti-LewisX Fab fragment with and without its LewisX antigen, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography 59: 1306-1309.
- Abrahams J.P. & Thomassen E.A.J. (2003), Mechanism of thombin's enigmatic sodium switch revealed, Structure 11(4): 363-364.
- Zhang Y.-H., Leliveld S.R., Kooistra K., Molenaar C., Rohn J.L., Tanke H.J., Abrahams J.P. & Noteborn M.H.M. (2003), Recombinant apoptin multimers kill tumor cells but are nontoxic and epitope-shielded in a normal-cell-specific fashion, Experimental Cell Research 289(1): 36-46.
- McCoy A.J., Yuan P.X., Skinner R., Abrahams J.P. & Carrell R.W. (2003), Structure of beta-antithrobin and the effect of glycosylation on antithrobin's heparin affinity and activity, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 326(3): 823-833.
- Leliveld S.R., Zhang Y.-H., Rohn J.L., Noteborn M.H.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), Apoptin Induces Tumor specific Apoptosis as a Globular Multimer, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(11): 9042-9051.
- Leliveld S.R., Noteborn M.H.M. & Abrahams J.P. (2003), Prevalent conformations and subunit exchange in the biologically active apoptin protein multimer, European Journal of Biochemistry 270(17): 3619-3627.
- Bos I.G.A., Lubbers Y.T.P., Roem D., Abrahams J.P., Hack C.E. & Eldering E. (2003), The functional integrity of the serpin domain of C1 inhibito depends on the unique N-terminal domain, as revealed by a pathological mutant, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(32): 29463-29470.
- Bodenstaff E.R., Hoedemaeker P.J., Kuil M.E., Vrind J.P.M. de & Abrahams J.P. (2002), The prospects of protein nanocrystallography, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology D58(11): 1901-1906.
- Kuil M.E., Bodenstaff E.R., Hoedemaeker P.J. & Abrahams J.P. (2002), Protein nano crystallogenesis, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 30(3): 262-265.
- Hoedemaeker P.J., Visschers R.W., Alting A.C., Kruif K.G. de, Kuil M.E. & Abrahams J.P. (2002), A novel pH dependent dimerization motif in beta lactoglobulin from pig (sus scrofa), Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography D58: 480-486.
- Bos I.G.A., Hack C.E. & Abrahams J.P. (2002), Structural and functional aspects of C1-inhibitor, Immunobiology 205(4-5): 518-533.
- Graaff R.A.G. de, Hilge M., Plas J.L. van der & Abrahams J.P. (2001), Matrix methods for solving protein sub-structures of chlorine and sulfur from anomalous data, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography D57(12): 1857-1862.
- Hilge M., Perrakis A., Abrahams J.P., Winterhalter K, Piontek K & Gloor S.M. (2001), Structure elucidation of B-mannanase: from the electron-density map to the DNA sequence, Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography D57: 37-43.
- Abrahams J.P. (2000), Gedachten over de kaliumpomp, Natuur & Techniek 68(10): 32-33.
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- Abrahams J.P. (2000), De Choreografie van Macromoleculen in de Cel, Chemisch Weekblad 96(4): 12-15.
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- Abrahams J.P. & Raaij M.J. van (1999), Een enzym als drietaktmotor, Natuur & Techniek 6: .
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