Jan Jansen
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. J.A.M.M. Jansen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3996
- jansenj@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-2277-0586

Jan Jansen is Assistant professor at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. He studied Anthropology and Medieval History at Utrecht University. He obtained his PhD from Leiden University in 1995 with a critical analysis of the oral sources for the Mali Empire. A French edition of his thesis was published in 2001 as Épopée-Histoire-Société – Le cas de Soundjata (Mali-Guinée).
Short CV
From 1996 to 1998 he was a Postdoc at Leiden University, and from 1999 to 2004 a Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), based at Leiden. As of 2004 he is a Lecturer.
Between 2010 and 2020 he was the Editor of History in Africa – A Journal of Debates, Methods, and Source Analysis. Since 2018 he has offered editorial assistance to the Damara Camara family (Guinée) to publish the enhanced version of Djiguiba Camara's manuscript.
CV J. Jansen (2025)
I have conducted all my fieldwork in the Mande area (Mali) which is historically the heartland of the medieval Mali Empire, which is famous of its riches of gold and which is a source of inspiration for several present-day West African nation-states. My fieldwork resulted in numerous critical source editions of oral traditions and archival documents as well as on ethnographic studies of local heritage management, divination, and mining practices. Using anthropological methods and mobilizing new historical evidence I revised the post-1500 history of the Mali Empire.
PhD candidates
Lianne Holten, 2013, 'Mothers Medicine and Morality in Rural Mali – An Ethnographic Study of Therapy Management of Pregnancy and Children’s Illness Episodes', University of Amsterdam.
Amber Gemmeke, 2008, 'Marabout Women in Dakar – Creating Trust in a Rural Urban Space', Leiden University.
Simon Toulou Abah, 2008, 'Devenir griot professionnel: education formelle ou informelle? Analyse des enseignements langagiers dans la perspective de la transposition didactique', Université de Genève.
Marloes Janson, 2002, 'The Best Hand is the Hand that Always Gives – Griottes and their Profession in Eastern Gambia', Leiden University.
Recent publications
Assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Jansen J. (2023), Griots. In: Singaravélou P. (Ed.), Colonisations, notre histoire: Éditions du Seuil, Parijs. 884-886.
- Jansen J. & Fairhead J.R. (2023), Teaming up with termites: Appraising termotes' contributions to earth technologies in West Africa, Afriques 14: .
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2022), Senegal's politics of stamp issuing : from French colonial office to home country for the African diaspora. African Postal Heritage (APH) papers no. 45. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2022), "Non!" visible: how Guinée stamped its political leadership on Africa's decolonization, 1958-1962. In: Brunn S.D. (Ed.), Stamps, nationalism and political transition. London/New York: Routledge. 126-138.
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Diarra M. & Duintjer E. (Eds.) (2021), L'histoire des Bandjougousi d'après Djèmory Kouyaté de Nyagassola (Guinée). African sources for African history no. 18. Leiden: Brill.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2021), Diplomate, historien, artisan: le griot Djèmory Kouyaté et son récit sur les Bandjougousi. In: Jansen J.A.M.M., Diarra M & Duintjer E. (Eds.), L'histoire des Bandjougousi d'après Djèmory Kouyaté de Nyagassola (Guinée). African sources for African history no. 18. Leiden: Brill. 1-50.
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H. & Bersselaar D. van den (2020), Enduring methods – editors’ introduction, History in Africa 47: 1-4.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2020) Subversive traditions: reinventing the West African epic. Review of: Jonathon Repinecz (2019), Subversive Traditions: Reinventing the West African Epic.. East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences .
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H. & Bersselaar D. van den (Eds.) (2020), History in Africa- – A Journal of Debates, Methods, and Source Analysis. History in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Doortmont M.R. & Bersselaar D. van den (2020), Editors’ Introduction,. In: Bertho E. & Rodet M. (Eds.), Essai d’histoire locale by Djiguiba Camara; L’œuvre d’un historien guinéen à l’ époque coloniale /The Work of a Guinean Historian during the Colonial Period. African sources for African history no. 17. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. & Fairhead J.R. (2020), The Mande Creation Myth, by Germaine Dieterlen, as a historical source for the Mali Empire, Journal of West African History 6(2): 93-114.
- Van den Bersselaar D., Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H. & Jansen J. (2019), Re-Mapping,Re-Spacing and Re-Connecting Africa - Editors' Introduction, History in Africa 46: 1-4.
- Jansen J. (2018) Architecture, Islam, and Identity in West Africa: Lessons from Larabanga. Book review. Review of: Apotsos M. (2018). Religious Studies Review 44(3): 346-346.
- Jansen J. (2018) Richard Werbner, Divination’s Grasp: African Encounters with the Almost Said. Review of: Werbner Richard (2015), Divination’s Grasp: African Encounters with the Almost Said. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Journal of Religion in Africa 47(2): 292-294.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018), Stamp emissions as a sociological and cultural force: the case of Mali. African Postal Heritage (APH) papers no. 30. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Counsel G. & Camara B. (2018), Sex, Drugs, and Female Agency: Why Siramori Diabaté’s Song “Nanyuman” Was Such a Success in Mali and Guinea, Journal of West African History 4(1): 57-74.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018), Beyond the Mali Empire – A New Paradigm for the Sunjata Epic, International Journal of African Historical Studies 51(2): 317-340.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018), Catering, Credit, and Compassion: Culture Countering Sustainable Change. In: Breedveld A. & Jansen J.A.M.M (Eds.), Education for Life in Africa. Leiden: African Studies Center. 51-63.
- Doortmont M.R., Jansen J.A.M.M., Hanson J.H., Van den Bersselaar D., Doortmont M.R. & Hanson J.H. (2018), Editors’ introduction, History in Africa 45: 1-4.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018) Book review Malinke Historiography: Sundiata Keita to Almamy Samori Toure. Review of: Kuma Kai. History of Humanities 3(1): 212-214.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018), The Next Generation: Young Griots'Quest for Authority. In: Green T. & Rossi B. (Eds.), Landscapes, Sources and Intellectual Projects of the West African Past. Essays in Honour of Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias. African history no. 6. Leiden / Boston: Brill. 296-311.
- Breedveld A. & Jansen J. (Eds.) (2018), Education for Life in Africa. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Breedveld A. & Jansen J.A.M.M. (Eds.) (2018), Education for life in Africa. ASCL occasional publications no. 34. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Breedveld A. & Jansen J.A.M.M. (2018), Editors' Introduction - Towards Quality Education for All. In: Breedveld A. & Jansen J. (Eds.), Education for Lifie in Africa. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden. xi-xx.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J. & Van den Bersselaar D. (Eds.) (2018), History in Africa. A Journal of Debates, Methods, and Source Analysis.
- Jansen J. (2017), The Audience's Decision: Is Sunjata an Epic or a (Trickster) Tale?. In: Kuehndel D. & Offerman U. (Eds.), Hörendes Lesen und Sehen von Märchen - Synenergien von Mundlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit. Heidelberg: Synchron Publishers. 47-62.
- Camara B., Counsel G. & Jansen J. (2017), YouTube in Academic Teaching: A Multimedia Documentation of Siramori Diabaté's Song "Nanyuman". In: Camara B., Counsel G. & Jansen J. (Eds.), Searching for Sharing - Heritage and Multimedia in Africa no. 7. Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers. 81-107.
- Jansen J., Doortmont M. van den & Bersselaar D. (2017), Editors' Introduction. In: Jansen J., Doortmont M. & Bersselaar D. van den (Eds.), Les mémoires de Maalang Galisa sur le royaume confédéré du Kaabu. African sources for African history no. 14. Leiden: Brill. vii-xii.
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Doortmont M. & Van den Bersselaar D. (2017), Editors' Introduction. In: Jansen J., Doortmont M. & Bersselaar D. van den (Eds.), The Epic of Sumanguru Kante. African sources for African history no. 15. Leiden: Brill. vii-xii.
- Jansen J., Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H. & Van den Bersselaar D. (2017), A Journal of Debates, Methods, and Source Analysis - Editors' Introduction, History in Africa 44: 1-4.
- Jansen J. (2017) Book Review: Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic. Review of: Richards P. (2016), Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic. African Arguments. London: Zed Books. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines 51(3): 460-461.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2017) Book Review "Sunjata: A New Prose Version". Review of: Conrad D.C. (2016), Sunjata: A New Prose Version: Hackett Publishing Company Inc.. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines 51(2): 329-331.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2017), Twaalf vragen over Sunjata. In: Jansen J. (Ed.), Sunjata - Roem duurt langer dan een leven. ASCL occasional publications no. 29. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden. 12 - 34.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (Ed.) (2017), Sunjata - Roem duurt langer dan een leven - Het verhaal over koning Sunjata zoals verteld door de familie Diabate uit Kela (Mali). ASCL occasional publications no. 29. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. & Duintjer E. (2017), Sunjata : roem duurt langer dan een leven : het verhaal over koning Sunjata zoals verteld door de familie Diabate uit Kela (Mali). ASCL occasional publications no. 29. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J. & Bersselaar D. van den (Eds.) (2017), History in Africa. A Journal of Debates, Methods, and Source Analysis.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J.A.M.M. & Bersselaar D. van den (2016), The politics of the production and reception of sources–editors’ introduction, History in Africa 43: 1-5.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2016), When Marrying a Muslim: The Social Code of Political Elites in the Western Sudan, c. 1600-c.1850, Journal of African History 57(1): 25-45.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2016), Griot [Griot] (translation: Jansen J.A.M.M.). In: Ray S., Schwarz H., Villacanas Berlanga J.L., Moreiras A. & Shemak A. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies: Blackwell Publishing.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2016), A la recherché d'autochtonie - Pourquoi les Maliens acceptant la Charte du Manding et la Charte de Kouroukanfougan, Mande Studies 18: 57-73.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen, J. & Van den Bersselaar D. (Eds.) (2016), History in Africa. A Journal of Method. History in Africa.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2015), L'Administration Coloniale et la "Mise en Valeur" de L'Or dans le Canton de Naréna. In: Keïta D.N. (Ed.), La Lutte pour la Chefferie de Naréna - la vie de Massadan Balla Keïta (1895-1969). Bamako: Bibliothèque Nationale Bamako. 46-75.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J.A.M.M. & Van den Bersselaar D. (Eds.) (2015), History in Africa: A Journal of Method. History in Africa.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J.A.M.M. & Van den Bersselaar D. (2015), Archives and Material Culture: Critiques and Reviews - Editors Introduction, History in Africa 42: 1-6.
- Jansen J. (2015), In defense of Mali's gold: The political and military organization of the Northern Upper Niger, c. 1650 - c. 1850, Journal of West African History 1(1): 1-36.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2015) Remembering Nayeche and the Gray Bull Engiro: African storytellers of the Karamoja Plateau and the Plains of Turkana. Review of: Mirzeler M.K. (2014), Remembering Nayeche and the Gray Bull Engiro: African Storytellers of the Karamoja Plateau and the Plains of Turkana. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. American Anthropologist 117(4): 856-857.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J. & Van den Bersselaar D. (Eds.) (2014), History in Africa. A Journal of Method. History in Africa.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2014), Mamby Sidibé's report on the 1961 Kamabolon ceremony an historiographical analysis, Mande Studies 15: 63-79.
- Luning S., Jansen J.A.M.M. & Panella C. (2014), The Mise en Valeur of the gold mines in the Haut-Niger, 1918-1939, French Colonial History 15: 67-87.
- Camara B. & Jansen J. (2014), A Heroic Performance by Siramori Diabaté in Mali. In: Hale T.A. & Sidikou A.G. (Eds.), Women's Songs from West Africa. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 136-151.
- Jansen J.A.M.M. (2014) Book review Le fil de l'ecrit: Une anthropologie de l'alphabétisation au Mali. Mbodj-Pouye A. (2013). Review of: Mbodj-Pouye A. (2013), le fil de l'ecrit: Une anthropologie de l'alphabétisation au Mali. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 84(4): 671-672.
- Jansen J.A.M.M., Hanson J.H., Doortmont M.R., Van den Bersselaar & D.W.J.J. (2014), An Invitation to Work - Editors' Introduction, History in Africa 41: 1-4.
- Jansen J., Hanson J.H., Doortmont M.R. & Van den Bersselaar D. (2013), In search of Africans 'histories - editors' introduction, History in Africa 40(1): 1-3.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J.A.M.M. & Bersselaar D. van den (Eds.) (2013), History in Africa. A Journal of Method. History in Africa.
- Jansen J. (2012), When Style Matters: Literacy in an "Illegible" Place in Rural Mali. In: Egmond W.S. van & Soldt W.H. van (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Knowledge Transfer-Studies in School Education in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. 59-68.
- Jansen J. (2012), Mangomania? The Significance of Mangoes in the Manding (Mali). In: Panella C. (Ed.), Lives in Motion, Indeed. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Change in Honour of Danielle de Lame.. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa. 341-349.
- Jansen J. (2012), Récitation ou Spectacle de Droits d'Auteur? Le Silence est-il une Autorisation?. In: Merolla D., Jansen J., Merolla D., Jansen J. & Naït-Zerrad K. (Eds.), Multimedia Research and Documentation of Oral Genres in Africa-The Step Forward. Münster: LIT Verlag. 67-74.
- Merolla D., Jansen J. & Naït-Zerrad K. (Eds.) (2012), Multimedia Research and Documentation of Oral Genres in Africa - The Step Forward. Münster: Lit Verlag.
- Jansen J. (2012) Oral tradition, masculinity, and statecraft in Kankan (Guinea). Review of: Osborn Emily Lynn, Our New Husbands Are Here: Households, Gender, and Politics in a West African State from the Slave Trade to Colonial Rule. no. 02. Ohio: Ohio University Press. Journal of African History 53: 272-273.
- Jansen J. (2012), Ongoing Transitions - Editors' Introduction, History in Africa 39: 1-7.
- Jansen J. (2012), Comments on Zeitlyn's Divinatory Logics, Current Anthropology 53(5): 537-538.
- Jansen J. (2012), “Copy Debts”?—Towards a cultural model for researchers’ accountability in an age of web democracy, Oral Tradition 27(2): 351-362.
- Jansen J. (2011), Éducation arithmétique sous forme d'apprentissage. La géomancie dans les Monts Mandingues, Cahiers d'Études Africaines 51(1): 9-49.
- Jansen J. (2011), The Sosobala in Guinea ‐ Transnational Management of Intangible Heritage at a (Too) Far Away Location. In: , World heritage and tourism: managing for the global and the local. Laval, Canada: Presses de l’Université Laval. 657-667.
- Jansen J. (2011), Hunter and civil society in present-day Mali, Mande Studies 10: 49-58.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J. & Bersselaar D.D.W. (2011), Literacy's Feedback on Historical Analysis Revisited: Papers in Honor of David Henige, History in Africa 38: 1-6.
- Jansen J. (2011), The Intimacy of Belonging: Literacy and the Experience of Sunjata in Mali, History in Africa 38: 103-122.
- Jansen J. (2011) An unsatisfying edition of an African epic. Review of: Sirifo Camara (2010), The epic of Kelaa Saane no. 3. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University press. Journal of African History 51: 414-415.
- Doortmont M.R., Hanson J.H., Jansen J. & Bersselaar D.D.W. (2010), The next step for a Journal of Method, History in Africa 37: 1-5.
- Jansen J. & Kanté N. (2010), La géomancie des Monts Mandinques: L'art de lire l'avenir dans le sable. Bamako, Mali: Editions Yeelen.
- Jansen J., Belcher S., Dumestre G., Bulman S., Diabaté B., Duintjer E., Toulou S. & Merolla D. (2010), Mali: L'Epopée de Soundjata. In: Jansen J. (Ed.), Verba Africana series - Video documentation and Digital Materials, Dir. D. Merolla. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Jansen J. (2010), What gold mining means for the Malinke, and how it was misunderstood by the French Colonial Administration. In: Panella Cristiana (Ed.), Worlds of debts; Interdisciplinary perspectives on gold mining in West Africa. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 95-110.
- Jansen J. (Ed.) (2010), Verba Africana 3 Mali: L'Epopee de Soundjata. Leiden: Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities.
- Jansen J. & Goldstein-Sabbah S. (2009), Local preservation, national demolition, international publication: The Ta'rikh Mandinka from Bijini, ca. 1800-2007, History in Africa 36: 438-443.
- Jansen J. (2009), The Bijini experience - A journey to the end of the editor's universe as we know it. In: Jansen J.A.M.M., Luning S.W.J. & Maaker E. de (Eds.), Traditions on the Move - essays in Honor of Jarich Oosten. Amsterdam: Rozenberg. 137-146.
- Jansen J., Luning S.W.J. & Maaker E. de (Eds.) (2009), Traditions on the move. Essays in honour of Jarich Oosten. Amsterdam: Rozenberg.
- Jansen J. (2009), Framing Divination: A Mande Divination Expert and the Occult Economy, Africa 79(1): 110-127.
- Jansen J. (2008), Reizen en 'culture shock'. In: Hoornweg J., Meer C.E. van der & Visser L.G. (Eds.), Importziekten en reizigersadvisering voor de huisarts. Leiden: LUMC/Boerhaave Commissie voor Postacademisch onderwijs. 79-80.
- Jansen J. (2008), Three contesting agendas tot canonize the Sunjata Epic in Mali and beyond. In: Linn S., Mous M. & Vogel M. (Eds.), Transculturation and interculturality: Africa and the West. Schriften zur Afrikanistik / Research in African Studies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 47-58.
- Jansen J. (2008), Mali by stamps - An inquiry into a country's image. In: Belcher S., Jansen J. & N'Daou M. (Eds.), Mande Mansa - Essays in honor of David C. Conrad (Mande Worlds, Vol. 2)). Onbekend. Münster: Lit Verlag. 100-112.
- Jansen J. (2008), The exclusive Sunjata - Towards an anthropology of hearing. Giezen T. (Ed.), Libellus Amicorum Mineke Schipper. . Leiden: eigen beheer. 43-54.
- Jansen J. (2008), Solid as a rock?! - Origin and authochtony in Mande Oral traditions on landscapes. [other].
- Jansen J., Belcher S. & N'Daou M. (2008), Mande Mansa - Essays in Honor of David C. Conrad (Mande Worlds, vol. 2). Münster Lit Verlag. [other].
- Jansen J. (2008), From Guild to Rotary: Hunter's association and Mali' s search for a civil society, International Review of Social History 53(16): 249-270.
- Jansen J. (2008), Une histoire sans archives est-elle possible? (Et qui la veut quand?), Ultramarines: Bulletin des amis des archives d'outre-mer 26: 18-25.
- Jansen J. & Schmidt A. (2007), Introduction: Divination research as a field of Mande studies, Mande Studies 7: 1-8.
- Jansen J. (2007), De lessen van Namagan Kanté - zanddivinatie in de Mandé-bergen (Mali-Guinée). Amsterdam: Aksant.
- Jansen J., Bersselaar D.D.W. & Doortmont M.R. (2007), Editors introduction. In: Giesing C. & Vydrine V. (Eds.), Ta:rikh Mandinka de Bijini (Guinée-Bissau)- La mémoire des Mandinka et des Sòoninkee du Kaabu.. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. XIII-XVII.
- Jansen J. (2007), Formalized education in sand divination: A report from the Mande mountains, Mande Studies 7: 147-172.
- Jansen J. (2006), Les archives nationals du Mali en transition, Afrique & Histoire 5: 185-188.
- Jansen J. & Mountaga Diarra (2006), Entretiens avec Bala Kanté - une chronique du Manding du XXème siècle. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Jansen J. (2006), de Mission van Beek in Mandé. In: Mommersteeg G. & Robben T. (Eds.), Een handvol kolanoten - Antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek. Maastricht: Shaker. 1-12.
- Jansen J. (2006), Loon naar werken - Ciwara-dansen in Sobara (Mali). In: Jansen J. (Ed.), Sub-Sahara Afrika - perspectieven en plaatsbepalingen. Amsterdam: Aksant. 73-96.
- Jansen J. (2006), The healer. In: Jones A. (Ed.), Men of the Global South - A Reader. London/New York: Zed Books. 129-131.
- Jansen J. (Ed.) (2006), Sub-Sahara Afrika - perspectieven en plaatsbepalingen. Amsterdam: Aksant.
- Jansen J. (2005), Touré, Samori (c. 1830-1900) and His Empire. In: Shillington K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of African History. New York/London: Fitzroy Dearborn. 1573-1575.
- Jansen J. (2005), Inleiding. In: Jansen J.A.M.M. (Ed.), Het Sunjata-epos, zoals verteld in Kela (Mali) [bezorgd en van een inleiding voorzien door Jan Jansen]. Amsterdam: Aksant. 7-27.
- Jansen J. (2005), Mamadi Bitiki / Mohammed's Shop - A Mande Narrative on Money and Sexuality. In: Wooten S. (Ed.), Wari Matters: Ethnographic Explorations of Money in the Mande World. Münster: LIT Verlag. 80-92.
- Jansen J. (2005), Mali (Republic of): Economy and society, Nineteenth Century. In: Shillington K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of African History. New York/London: Fitzroy Dearborn. 922-924.
- Jansen J. (2005), Habitation and warfare strategies in 19th century Mande-a view from the Kafu. In: Howard A.M. & Shain R.M. (Eds.), The Spatial Factor in African History - The Relationship of the Social, Material and Perceptual. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. 261-290.
- Hoven E. van, Jansen J., Luning S.W.J. & Timmer B. (2005), Autochthony and strangerhood in the Mande - Volta area. Kwaak A. van der, Spronk R. & Willemse K. (Eds.), From modern myths to global encounters. Belonging and the dynamics of change in postcolonial Africa. . Leiden: CNWS publications. 127-145.
- Jansen J. (2005), Review of: Johnson J. (2005), Son-Jara: The Mande Epic no. 200. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Research in African Literatures 36-1: 120-121.
- Jansen J. (2005), Hunting Griots? Three "German" Studies in Mande Oral Tradition (Review Essay), International Journal of African Historical Studies 38-2(38): 329-336.
- Jansen J. & Maier H.M.J. (2004), Hear! Hear! Epics are a booming business!. In: Jansen J.A.M.M. & Maier H.M.J. (Eds.), Epic Adventures - Heroic Narrative in the Oral Performance Traditions of Four Continents. Münster: LIT Verlag. 7-10.
- Jansen J. (2004), The adventures of the 'Epic of Samori' in the 20th-century Mande oral tradition. In: Jansen J.A.M.M. & Maier H. (Eds.), Epic Adventures - Heroic Narrative in the Oral Performance Traditions of Four Continents. Münster: LIT Verlag. 71-80.
- Jansen J. (Ed.) (2004), MANDE-MANDING: Background Reading for Ethnographic Research in the Region South of Bamako. Leiden: Departement Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologi.
- Jansen J. & Maier H.M.J. (Eds.) (2004), Epic Adventures - Heroic Narrative in the Oral Performance Traditions of Four Continents. Münster: LIT Verlag.
- Jansen J. (2004), Les griots de Kéla - des paroles qu' on devrait entendre, Africultures 61: 23-36.
- Jansen J. (2003), Zanddivinatie in de Mande-heuvels (Mali): Esoterische kennis of intensieve zorg?. In: Jansen J., Janson M. & Polak R. (Eds.), Experts in Mande; Training - Strategieën - Performances. Leiden: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Afrika Studies. 45-67.
- Jansen J. (2003), Narratives on pilgrimages to Mecca: Beauty versus history in Mande Oral tradition. In: Falola T. & Jennings C. (Eds.), Sources and Methods in African History: Spoken, Written, Unearthed. Rochester NY/Woodbridge, Suffolk: University of Rochester Press. 249-267.
- Jansen J. (2003), Machtige woorden, krachtige vrouwen - Griots en griottes in West-Afrika, MensenStreken 2(5): 7-11.
- Jansen J. (2003), De Sosobala uit Guinee: UNESCO's immaterieel erfgoed onder de loep, Facta 3(11): 16-19.
- Jansen J. (2002), Review of: Kaag M. (2002), Usage foncier et dynamique rural au Sénégal - L'histoire d'un bas-fonds et de ses défricheurs no. 5. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publisher. NVAS Nieuwsbrief 4: 2-2.
- Jansen J. (2002), Les secrets du Manding - Les récits du sanctuaire Kamabolon de Kangaba (Mali). Leiden: Research School CNWS.
- Jansen J. & Zobel C. (2002), The Guest is a Hot Meal - Questioning Researchers' Identities in Mande Studies. In: Falola T. & Jennings C. (Eds.), Africanizing Knowledge - African Studies Across the Disciplines. New Brunswick-London: Transaction Publishers. 375-386.
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