Ivo van Wijk
PhD candidate / self funded
- Name
- Drs. I.M. van Wijk
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- i.m.van.wijk@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- null

Ivo van Wijk (MA) is a self-funded PhD student. He currently works at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden.
As an archaeologist he has been leading large-scale settlement and burial excavations in especially the Southern Netherlands. He was involved in numerous excavations in the province of Limburg and also advised local and regional authorities on heritage policy, amongst other things by producing predictive archaeological maps. His main focus is aimed at Early Neolithic farming communities in Limburg as well as the eastern riverine area.
In 2023 the “Onder ons” project started at the National Museum of Antiquities. A project aimed at showcasing the national archaeology collection at other regional museums. At the museum, he is focusing on presenting Dutch archaeology in various exhibitions in and outside the museum.
Office days
Curriculum vitae
Scientific projects:
- 2019 NWO-grant Erfgoed Telt. „Elsloo-Koolweg revisited. Het Bandkeramisch grafveld Elsloo-Koolweg opnieuw onderzocht”. Reference 224404:1 RCE-EO-KJ-IUCN19100192
- 2018 Kleine Data Projecten 'In de Sporen van Modderman'. Reference 2018_010
- 2010 NWO-Odyssee programma "Terug naar de Bandkeramiek, vergeten onderzoek ". Reference 315-60-115
Relevant positions:
- 2023 Moderator Nationaal Archeologie congres Reuvensdagen, Hoorn
- 2023 Moderator Archon symposium 'Strengthening specialist expertise in archaeology in the Netherlands’.
- 2017 Moderator annual meeting European Association of Archaeologists, Maastricht
- 2016 Editor Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- 2016 Moderator Nationaal Archeologie congres Reuvensdagen, Heerlen
- 2014 Scientific advisor Euregionale Archeologische Conferentie Sittard
- 2013 Moderator Nationaal Archeologie congres Reuvensdagen, Groningen
- 2013 Moderator Annual meeting European Association of Archaeologists, Pilzen (Tsjechië)
- 2009 Guest teacher (Faculteit der Archeologie, Universiteit Leiden), Prospective Field Archaeology
Relevant books:
- Amkreutz, L.W.S.W., F. Haack, D. Hofmann & I.M. van Wijk, 2016: Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Wijk, I.M. van, 2016: Settlement dynamics on the Cannerberg. Archaeological Research of Bandkeramik and Iron Age settlements, Sidestone Press, Leiden.
- Wijk, I.M. van, L.W.S.W. Amkreutz & P. van de Velde, 2014: Vergeten Bandkeramiek. Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland, Sidestone Press, Leiden.
- Wijk, I.M. van & L.W.S.W. Amkreutz, 2022: Elsloo-Koolweg Revisited. Science-based perspectives on the burials and grave goods of the Linear Bandkeramik burial ground of Elsloo-Koolweg. Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 76.
Relevant articles:
- Amkreutz, L.W.S.W., C.C. Bakels, F.T.S. Brounen, W. Dijkman, A.L. van Gijn, M.E.Th. de Grooth, W.P.A.M. Hendrix, T. de Reus, H. Schmitz, P. van de Velde, A.M. Verbaas, H. Vromen, J.-P. de Warrimont & I.M. van Wijk, 2012: An Odyssey along the river Meuse, 2012. An Odyssey Along The River Meuse. New Perspectives On Old Dutch LBK Research (1925-2001). Notae Praehistorica 30.
- Amkreutz, L.W.S.W. & I.M. van Wijk, 2015: ‘A Day in the Life’ – Cannerberg (the Netherlands), August 2nd 5045 calBC. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45.
- Amkreutz, L.W.S.W. & I.M. van Wijk, 2019: Odds and end(ing)s. Aspects of deposition and ritual behaviour in the Linearbandkeramik of the Low Countries. In: D. Hofmann: Structured Depositions.
- Casanova, E., T. Knowles, A. Bayliss, J. Dunne, M. Baranski, A. Denaire, P. Lefranc, S. di Lernia, M. Roffet-Salque, J. Smyth, T. Gillard, E. Claβen, M. Ilett, C. Jeunesse, A. Marcinak, S. Minnitt, I. van Wijk & R. Evershed, 2020: Accurate compound-specific radiocarbon dating of archaeological pottery vessels. Nature 580, 506–510.
- Casanova, E., T. Knowles, A. Bayliss, M. Roffet-Salque, V. Heyd, J. Pyzel, E. Claβen, L. Domboróczki, M. Ilett, P. Lefranc, C. Jeunesse, A. Marcinak, I. van Wijk & R. Evershed, 2022: Dating the emergence of dairying by the first farmers of Central Europe Directly 14C-dated Through Fat Residues Preserved in Pottery Vessels. PNAS 119, 43.
- Gillis, R., I. P. Kendall, M. Roffet-Salque, M. Zanon, A. Anders, R.-M. Arbogast, P. Bogucki, V. Brychova, E. Casanova, E. Classen, P. Csengeri, L. Czerniak, L. Domboróczki, D. Fiorillo, D. Gronenborn, L. Hachem, J. Jakucs, M. Ilett, K. Lyublyanovics, E.Lenneis, A. Marciniak, T. Marton, K. Oross, J. Pavúk, J. Pechtl, J. Pyzel, P. Stadler, H. Stäuble, I. Vostrovská, I. van Wijk, J.-D. Vigne, M. Balasse & R.P. Evershed, 2022: Forest Ecosystems and Evolution of Cattle Husbandry Practices of the Earliest Central European Farming Societies. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Fokkens, H., S.A. van der Vaart, D.R. Fontijn, S.A.M. Lemmers, R. Jansen, I.M. van Wijk & P.J.C. Valentijn, 2012: Hallstatt burials of Oss in context. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43/44.
- Huisman, D.J., F. Braadbaart, I.M. van Wijk & B.J.H. van Os, 2012: Ashes to ashes, charcoal to dust: micromorphological evidence for ash-induced disintegration of charcoal in Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in Elsloo (The Netherlands). Journal of Archaeological Science 39.
- Huisman, D.J., F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink & I.M. van Wijk, 2013: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands. Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries.
- Wijk, I.M. van & P. van de Velde, 2020: So much for houses and Houses. Bandkeramik kinship and settlement structure in a Dutch nutshell. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 50.
- Wijk, I.M. van, 2016: This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: A Dutch View on LBK Settlement Patterning. In: Amkreutz, L.W.S.W., F. Haack, D. Hofmann & I.M. van Wijk: Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
PhD candidate / self funded
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Europese Prehistorie