Isaac Scarborough
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. I.M. Scarborough
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2655

Isaac Scarborough is Assistant Professor of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Institute for History.
More information about Isaac Scarborough
I am a historian of the post-war USSR and post-Soviet space with interests in social and economic history, centre-periphery relations, and questions of human development, broadly understood.
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
- Scarborough I.M. (2024), Chains of white gold: Tajikistan’s cotton monoculture across the soviet divide, Saeculum 73(2): 263-286.
- Scarborough I.M. (2024), Capitalism by Any Other Name(s): Engaging with Markets before the Soviet Collapse. In: Gevorkyan A.V. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economies. Oxford Handbooks: Oxford University Press.
- Scarborough I.M. (2023), Moscow's heavy shadow: the violent collapse of the USSR. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
- Scarborough I.M. (2023), Like Cooking Plov with Hoja Nasreddin: recalculating Financial Transfers to Tajikistan, 1971–1989, Europe-Asia Studies 75(6): 1014-1040.
- Grant S. & Scarborough I.M. (2023), Geriatrics and ageing in the Soviet Union: medical, political, and social contexts. London: Bloomsbury.
- Scarborough I.M. (2023), "Aftershocks of Perestroika: Tajikistan's Flattened Modernity". In: Croix J.F. de la & Reeves M. (Eds.), The Central Asian World. London: Routledge. 55-67.
- Scarborough I.M. (2022), A New Science for an Old(er) Population: Soviet Gerontology and Geriatrics in International Comparative Perspective, Social History of Medicine : hkac001.
- Scarborough I.M. (2022), War: Disordering and Ordering. In: Duyvesteyn I. & Wal A.M. van der (Eds.) World History for International Studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 154-173.
- Scarborough I.M. (19 April 2022), Perestroika in the Periphery: Tajikistan Interviewed by Guillory S. for SRB Podcast [interview].
- Scarborough I.M. (17 October 2022), White gold, reaped and sown: Tajikistan’s cotton monoculture across the Soviet divide (Lecture). All Souls College: Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre Monday Seminar.
- Zubok V., Cox M., Pechatnov V.O., Braithwaite R., Spohr K., Radchenko S., Zhuravlev S., Scarborough I.M., Savranskaya S. & Sarotte M.E. (2021), A Cold War endgame or an opportunity missed? Analysing the Soviet collapse thirty years later, Cold War History 21(4): 541-599.
- Kalinovsky A.M. & Scarborough I.M. (2021), The Oil Lamp and the Electric Light Progress, Time, and Nation in Central Asian Memoirs of the Soviet Era, Kritika (Bloomington) 22(1): 107-136.
- Scarborough I.M. (2021), The USSR is Dead: Long Live the USSR? Tajikistan's Inconclusive Transition to Security (In)dependence, 1991-1992, Europe-Asia Studies 74(2): 219-236.
- Scarborough I.M. (2020), Review of: Foltz R. (2019), A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East. London: I.B. Tauris. Nations and Nationalism 26(2): 498-499.
- Scarborough I.M. (2020), Review of: Raab N.A., All Shook Up: The Shifting Soviet Response to Catastrophes, 1917-1991. Journal of Contemporary History 55(2): 441-443.
- Scarborough I.M. (2018), Review of: Miller C. (2016), The Struggle to Save the Soviet Economy: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR. Durham: University of North Carolina Press. Journal of Contemporary History 53(2): 483-484.
- Scarborough I.M. (2017), An unwanted dependence: Chechen and Ingush deportees and the development of state-citizen relations in late-Stalinist Kazakhstan (1944-1953), Central Asian Survey 36(1): 93-112.
- Scarborough I.M. (2016), (Over)determining social disorder: Tajikistan and the economic collapse of perestroika, Central Asian Survey 35(3): 439-463.