Irene O'Daly
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. I. O'Daly
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2155

Irene O'Daly is an assistant professor at the Centre for the Arts in Society specialising in manuscript studies, the history of ideas, and classical reception.
Fields of Interest
I am a specialist in the intellectual history of the Middle Ages with a particular interests in medieval classical reception, manuscript studies and the history of political thought. I teach a number of courses on Leiden's Book and Digital Media Studies MA programme, using resources from Leiden's world-leading manuscript and book collection.
I am currently writing a book about the use of diagrams in the study of medieval rhetoric and am interested in how visual devices were used to mediate information in the medieval period, particularly ideas from antiquity.
Curriculum vitae
I am a graduate of Trinity College Dublin (BA, 2004) and of the University of Cambridge (MPhil, 2005; PhD, 2010). I have previously been employed at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Manchester and from 2011-14 I was a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University on the Turning Over a New Leaf: Manuscript Innovation in the Twelfth Century Renaissance project.
Key publications
John of Salisbury and the medieval Roman renaissance (Manchester University Press, 2018)
‘Reading the Historia Scholastica at the close of the twelfth century: Cambridge, Trinity College, MS B.15.5’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 71/2, 2020, 270-92
'The Classical Revival', in Erik Kwakkel and Rodney Thomson (eds) The European Book in the Twelfth Century (Book chapter, Cambridge University Press, 2018. 240-58)
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Boekwetenschap
- O’Daly I. (2024), Review of: Cinato F., Lahaussois A. & Whitman J.B. (2024), Glossing practice: Comparative perspectives. Lanham: Lexington Books. Historiographia Linguistica : 105-117.
- O'Daly I. (6 September 2024), A world in back of a book: Leiden, UBL, BPL 68. Leiden Medievalists Blog (Universiteit Leiden). [blog entry].
- O’Daly I. (2024), Parchment: Archaeology. In: Furey C.M., Gemeinhardt P., LeMon J.M., Römer T.C., Schröter J., Walfish B. & Ziolkowski E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception: Parable, Parables – Peshaṭ no. 23. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 182-189.
- O'Daly I. (2023), Logische concepten onthouden in de middeleeuwen: (Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, BPL 84). In: Clements M., Mooiman H. & Smalen I. de (Eds.), De kracht der herinnering: 85 jaar Nederlands Klassiek Verbond. Enschede/Utrecht: Boekengilde Enschede voor het Nederlands Klassiek Verbond Utrecht. 36-46.
- O'Daly I. (2023), Ducks and Diagrams: insights into the medieval readership of Priscian's Institutiones grammaticae preserved in Leiden University Libraries, BPL 91 and BPL 186. In: Dijken E. van (Ed.), Centuries of TeXT: TXT magazine: tenth anniversary edition. TXT no. 10. Leiden: Academic Press Leiden.
- O'Daly I. (2023), Review of: Monagle C. (2021), Intellectual dynamism of the High Middle Ages. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. The Catholic Historical Review 109(3): 601-603.
- O'Daly I. (7 July 2022), The maze of meaning: interpreting Job through imagery in Leiden, UB, BPL 100 A. Leiden Medievalists Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- O'Daly I. (25 November 2022), Ademar of Chabannes's notebooks: a glimpse into the working methods of a medieval scholar. Leiden Medievalists Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- O'Daly I. (Producer) (2022), Exploring the medieval manuscript book (In eight parts: 'Script'; 'Structuring the medieval page'; 'Discontinuous reading'; 'Traces of scribes'; 'Traces of users'; 'Bindings'; 'Composite volumes'; 'Dimensions and forms') documentary. [film].
- O'Daly I. (2021), From Paris to Pixels: Publicising Medieval Manuscripts During the Coronavirus Pandemic, TXT (8): 25-30.
- O'Daly I. (9 December 2021), ”Red Riding Hood” and the wolf: marginal drawings in a collection of Cicero’s works. Leiden Medievalists Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- O'Daly I. (2020), Reading the Historia Scholastica at the close of the twelfth century: Nigel of Canterbury and Trinity College, Cambridge, MS B.15.5, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71(2): 270-292.
- O'Daly I. (2020), Review of: Vorholt H. (2017), Shaping knowledge: the transmission of the "Liber Floridus". London: The Warburg Institute. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 95(2): 625-627.
- O'Daly I., Teeuwen M. & Renswoude I. van, The art of reasoning in medieval manuscripts (Huygens ING-KNAW). [web article].
- O'Daly I. (2018), John of Salisbury and the medieval Roman renaissance. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- O'Daly I. (2018), Appropriation and allusion: John of Salisbury's use of Horace. In: Grellard C. & Lachaud F. (Eds.) Jean de Salisbury: Nouvelles lectures, nouvelles enjeux.: SISMEL. 109-132.
- O'Daly I. (2018), The classical revival. In: Kwakkel E. & Thomson R. (Eds.), The European book in the twelfth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 240-258.
- O'Daly I. (2018), Review of: Weijers O. (2015), A scholar’s paradise: teaching and debating in medieval Paris. Turnhout: Brepols. History of Humanities 3(2): 414-416.
- O'Daly I. (2017), A newly discovered roll copy of Peter of Poitier's compendium historiae in genealogia Christi (JRL Gaster MS 2037) and Alexander Nequam on the immaculate conception, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 93(2): 91-114.
- O'Daly I. (2016), Revisiting the evidence for the study of rhetoric and dialectic at the school of chartres in the time of Fulbert, Viator 47(1): 23-44.
- O'Daly I. (2016), Managing knowledge: diagrammatic glosses to medieval copies of the rhetorica ad herennium, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 23(1): 1-28.
- O'Daly I. (2015), Diagrams of knowledge and rhetoric in manuscripts of Cicero’s De inventione. In: Kwakkel E. (Ed.), Manuscripts of the Latin Classics 800-1200: Leiden University Press. 77-105.
- O'Daly I. (2011), 'An Assessment of the Political Symbolism of the City of Rome in the Writings of John of Salisbury', Medieval Encounters. Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue 17: 512-513.