Huub de Groot
Professor of Biophysical organic chemistry
- Name
- Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4539
- 0000-0002-8796-1212

Huub de Groot aims to understand the fundamentals of direct energy conversion by proteins, complexes, membranes and cells in natural photosynthesis for the chemical design of responsive matrices for direct energy conversion with high yield by artificial photosynthesis.
More information about Huub de Groot
PhD Candidates
Former PhD Candidates
Jan Paul Menzel
Rubin Dasgupta
Yang Shao
Xinmeng Li
Remco van Schadewijk
Kiran Sunku
Zhongwu Sun
Fatemeh Azadi Chegeni
Dieuwertje Augustijn
Jessica de Ruiter
Brijith Thomas
Thomas Eisenmayer
Smitha Thamarath Surendran
Firat Kara
Geertje Jacoba Janssen
José Luis Vallés Pardo
Piotr Wawrzyniak
Khurram Saleem Joya
Karthick Babu Sai Sankar Gupta
Thierry Rohmer
Samira Kabli
Eudenio Daviso
Swapna Ganapathy
Niels Braakman
Geerten Herman Degenhart
Prashant Radheshyam Agrawal
Ariadna Karawajczyk
Esha Roy
Michiel Adriaan Verhoeven
Adrianus Josinus van Gammeren
Arjen van Wijk
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Nationality: Dutch
Date of birth: 19 May 1958
1986 PhD Solid State Physics Leiden University, The Netherlands (cum laude)
Thesis title: ‘Non-Linear Excitations in Magnetic Systems’
1982 MSc in Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Current and previous research positions
1998 – now Professor of Biophysical Organic Chemistry, LIC
2009 – 2018 Scientific director of the Dutch Towards BioSolar Cells Consortium
1996 – 1998 Senior lecturer, LIC
1988 – 1996 Lecturer, LIC
1988 – 1992 Academy-Fellow (Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences)
1986 – 1988 NIH Post-doc fellow and NWO fellow, MIT, Cambridge, USA
1986 Postdoctoral researcher FOM, Leiden
Grants, awards, recognitions since 2016
2022 HORIZON Europe SUNER-C - SUNERGY Community and eco-system for accelerating the development of solar fuels and chemicals (ULEI 205 k€)
2020 EU H2020 SUN2CHEM - Novel photo-assisted systems for direct solar-driven reduction of CO2 to energy rich chemicals (ULEI 234 k€)
2018 H2020-FETFLAG-2018-01_SUNRISE: Solar energy for a circular economy EU H2020_814426 (199.918€)
2018 NWO TOP, The molecular mechanism of long-range exciton transfer in chiral self-assembled supramolecular matrices (k€ 823)
2017 NWO -ENW ROADMAP uNMR National Roadmap for Large Scale Research Facilities (with M. Ubbink; ULEI 2.641.293€)
2016 NWO NMARRS Joint research school granted to 5 NMR institutes in NL and Graduate School programme project with M. Ubbink (k€ 195)
2016 NWO-CW Solar to Products with F. Buda (k€ 259)
Contribution to teaching and supervision (all times)
Supervisor of 46 PhDs; Supervisor of 11 Postdocs; 4CSC; 1 HEC; 1 Marie Curie, 3 Veni, (+2 Vidi) since 2000
- Teaching Energy Transition: Photon Power for LST-Minor Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology (4042METPP)
- Teaching nuclear spin dynamics, solid state NMR, and coherent photochemistry for international master’s in Chemistry in Leiden
- Founding member of the curriculum committees for the Life Science and Technology bachelor’s programme with Delft University, the Liberal Arts and Science bachelor’s of the Leiden University College The Hague and the multidisciplinary honours programme in Leiden
- Lectures in magnetic resonance microscopy and sustainable energy
- Honours classes Artificial photosynthesis, Crises in biology and Metabolic disorder
- Contributing to the minor Science Based Business and Fundamentals of Molecular Biotechnology
- Regular contributions with photosynthesis, artificial photosynthesis, green energy to the educational outreach and SPOC of Leiden University for high school students
- Teaching at international PhD schools, the European summer school in biological solid-state NMR, the EBSA photosynthesis school and courses in materials and energy
- Lecturer for Lapp Top and Pre-University colleges
Other responsibilities since 2016
- Member of several boards, scientific review committees and councils (NERA, Sun-to-X, uNMR, SUNERGY Board, CeNT scientific council, Euromar, Sun to X)
- Jury member and Reviewer for Prizes, Calls and Applications
- Scientific director of the BioSolar Cells PPP and programme leader of the corresponding fundamental research programme with FOM/NWO
- Member of PhD thesis committees in The Netherlands and abroad
- Science Expert for the European Union and the European Science Foundation
- Member of the standing committee for the selection of access to iNEXT European facilities for structural biology
- Member international search committees for (tenure track) professorships
- Member of Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, American Physical and Chemical Societies, Netherlands Physical, Biophysical and Chemical societies, and society of Leiden professors
Publication record including five recent representative publications
Ca. 300 works; 272 papers in Web of Science (44 since 2016), h-index: 48, 8573 citations by 5485 items
Full publication record: Leiden University
- Joya K.S., Groot H.J.M. de, Controlled Surface-Assembly of Nanoscale Leaf-Type Cu-Oxide Electrocatalyst for High Activity Water Oxidation. ACS Catalysis. 2016, 6, 1768–1771. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.5b02950
- Dasgupta R., Gupta K.B.S.S., Elam D., Ubbink M. and de Groot H.J.M., Dipolar dephasing for structure determination in a paramagnetic environment, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 2021, 113. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2021.101728
- Li X., Buda F., De Groot H.J.M. and Sevink G.J.A., Dynamic Disorder Drives Exciton Transfer in Tubular Chlorosomal Assemblies, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020, 124, 4026-4035. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c00441
- Sun Z., Diebolder C.A., Renault L. and de Groot, A Semisynthetic Peptide-Metalloporphyrin Responsive Matrix for Artificial Photosynthesis, CHEMPHOTOCHEM, 2019, 3, 630-635. DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201900063
- Thomas B., Rombouts J., Oostergetel G.T., Gupta K.B.S.S., Buda F., Lammertsma K., Orru R., and de Groot H.J.M., A Hybrid Solid-State NMR and Electron Microscopy Structure-Determination Protocol for Engineering Advanced paraCrystalline Optical Materials, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2017, 23, 3280-3284. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201700324
Presentations including five presentations at international conferences since 2016
- 2022 14 - 15 June: Brussels SUNERGY workshop on the future of solar fuels/ SUNERGY roadmapping workshop Co-organiser and Keynote speaker. Title: ‘Artificial Photosynthesis’
- 2022 30 May- 3 June: E-MRS symposium on "Sustainable approaches for renewable energy conversion to fuels and chemicals" invited speaker. Title: Bioinspired nonadiabatic principles for artificial photosynthesis with high yield.
- 2019 9 December: M2I conference Noordwijkerhout invited speaker (Artificial Photosynthesis: harnessing solar energy for fueling the circular economy)
- 2019 5 November: CO2 Value Day Sunrise / Energy-X roadmap (speaker/presentation)
- 2019 20 June: EU Sustainable Energy Week ‘EUSEW’ Brussel (Energy storage to boost EU decarbonisation and competitiveness) invited
- 2016 9-14 October: AMPERE biological solid-state NMR school Palma de Mallorca 2016 invited opening lecturer: “Where do we head?”
Professor of Biophysical organic chemistry
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- Dsouza L., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Li X., Erić V., Luo Y., Huijser A., Jansen. T.L.C., Buda F., Holzwarth A.R., Bryant D.A., Gurinov A., Sevink G.J.A. & Groot H.J.M. de (2025), Conformational Dynamics of Bacteriochlorophyll c in Chlorosomes from the bchQ Mutant of Chlorobaculum tepidum, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 129(8): 2129-2137.
- GuoT., Fu W.T. & Groot H.J.M. de (2024), Engineering Ba2Bi2O6 double perovskite with La3+ for high current density visible light photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution, Small 20(28): 2308781.
- Calvani D., Kreupeling B.A., Sevink G.J.A., Groot H.J.M. de, Schneider G.F. & Buda F. (2024), Covalent benzenesulfonic functionalization of a graphene nanopore for enhanced and selective proton transport, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128(8): 3514-3524.
- Dsouza L.A., Li X., Erić V., Huijser A., Jansen T.L.C., Holzwarth A.R., Buda F., Bryant D.A., Bahri S., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Sevink G.J.A. & Groot H.J.M. de (2024), An integrated approach towards extracting structural characteristics of chlorosomes from a bchQ mutant of Chlorobaculum tepidum, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26(22): 15856–15867.
- Miloslavina Y., Thomas B., Reus M., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Oostergetel G.T., Andreas L.B., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2024), Contrasting packing modes for tubular assemblies in chlorosomes, Photosynthesis Research 161: 105-115.
- Erić V., Li X., Dsouza L.A., Huijser A., Holzwarth A.R., Buda F., Sevink G.J.A., Groot H.J.M. de & Jansen T.L.C. (2024), Observation of dark states in two-dimensional electronic spectra of chlorosomes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128(15): 3575-3584.
- Singer R., Oganezova I., Hu W., Liu L., Ding Y., Groot H.J.M. de, Spaink H.P. & Alia A. (2024), Ultrahigh field diffusion magnetic resonance imaging uncovers intriguing microstructural changes in the adult zebrafish brain caused by Toll‐like receptor 2 genomic deletion, NMR in Biomedicine 37(10): e5170.
- Guo T., Fu W.T. & Groot H.J.M. de (2024), Highly reversible ambipolar photocurrents by modulating Ta in Ba2Bi2–xTaxO6 double perovskites, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128(31): 13177-13189.
- Singer R., Oganezova I., Hu W., Ding Y., Papaioannou A., Groot H.J.M. de, Spaink H.P. & Alia A. (2024), Unveiling the exquisite microstructural details in Zebrafish brain non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging at 28.2 T, Molecules 29(19): 4637.
- Haas T. de, Calvani D., Zaaruolo A., Jong T. de, Rutgers J., Kreupeling B., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2024), Hybrid-DFT molecular dynamics simulations of photocatalytic water oxidation in a [Ru-bda]–dye complex, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 128(47): 20093-20103.
- Vesna E., Castro J.L., Li X., Dsouza L.A., Frehan S.K., Huijser A., Holzwarth A.R., Buda F., Sevink G.J.A., Groot H.J.M. de & Jansen T.L.C. (2023), Ultrafast anisotropy decay reveals structure and energy transfer in supramolecular aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127(34): 7487-7496.
- Frehan S.K., D'Souza L.A., Li X., Eríc V., Jansen T.L.C., Mul G., Holzwarth A.R., Buda F., Sevink G.J.A., Groot H.J.M. de & Huijser A. (2023), Photon energy-dependent ultrafast exciton transfer in chlorosomes of Chlorobium tepidum and the role of supramolecular dynamics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127(35): 7581-7589.
- Haas T. de, Overeem H. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2023), Strategies to enhance the rate of proton-coupled electron transfer reactions in dye-water oxidation catalyst complexes, ChemPhotoChem 7(3): e202200274.
- Eric V., Li X., D'souza L., Frehan S.K., Huijser A., Holzwarth A.R., Buda F., Sevink G.J.A., Groot H.J.M. de & Jansen T.L.C. (2023), Manifestation of hydrogen bonding and exciton delocalization on the absorption and two-dimensional electronic spectra of chlorosomes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127(5): 1097-1109.
- Eeza M.N.H., Singer R., Ding Y., He J., Zuberi Z., Baelde H.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J., Spaink H.P. & Alia A. (2023), Probing microstructural changes in muscles of leptin-deficient zebrafish by non-invasive ex-vivo magnetic resonance microimaging, PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284215.
- Li X., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Sevink G.J.A. (2022), The role of chirality and plastic crystallinity in the optical and mechanical properties of chlorosomes, iScience 25(1): 103618.
- Menzel J.P., Boeije Y., Bakker T.M.A., Belic J., Reek J.N.H., Groot H.J.M. de, Visscher L. & Buda F. (2022), In silico optimization of charge separating dyes for solar energy conversion, ChemSusChem 15(15): e202200594.
- Schadewijk R. van, Krug J.R., Webb A., As H. van, Velders A.H., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2021), MRM microcoil performance calibration and usage demonstrated on Medicago truncatula roots at 22 T, Journal of visualized experiments 167: e61266.
- Dasgupta R., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Groot H.J.M. de & Ubbink M. (2021), Towards resolving the complex paramagnetic (NMR) spectrum of small laccase: assignments of resonances to residue specific nuclei, Magnetic Resonance 2(1): 15-23.
- Augustijn D., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2021), HR-MAS NMR applications in plant metabolomics, Molecules 26(4): 931.
- Dasgupta R., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Groot H.J.M. de & Ubbink M. (2021), The resting oxidized state of small laccase analyzed with paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy, ChemPlusChem 22(8): 733-740.
- Dasgupta R., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Elam D., Ubbink M. & Groot H.J.M. de (2021), Dipolar dephasing for structure determination in a strongly paramagnetic environment, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 113: 101728.
- Menzel J.P., Kloppenburg M., Belić J., Groot H.J.M. de, Visscher L. & Buda F. (2021), Efficient workflow for the investigation of the catalytic cycle of water oxidation catalysts: combining GFN-xTB and density functional theory, Journal of Computational Chemistry 42(26): 1885–1894.
- Eezaa M.N.H., Singer R., Höfling C., Matysik J., Groot H.J.M. de, Roβner S. & Alia A. (2021), Metabolic profiling of suprachiasmatic nucleus reveals multifaceted effects in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 81(2): 797-808.
- Shao Y., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2021), Two-channel model for electron transfer in a dye-catalyst-dye supramolecular complex for photocatalytic water splitting, ChemSusChem 14(15): 3155-3162.
- Ganapathy S., Opdam L.V., Hontani Y., Frehan S., Chen Q., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Kennis J.T.M. & Grip W.J. de (2020), Membrane matters: The impact of a nanodisc-bilayer or a detergent microenvironment on the properties of eubacterial rhodopsins: the impact of a nanodisc-bilayer or a detergent microenvironment on the properties of two eubacterial rhodopsins, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1862(2): 183113.
- Schadewijk R. van, Krug J.R., Shen D., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Vergeldt F.J., Bisseling T., Webb A., As H. van, Velders A.H., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2020), Magnetic Resonance Microscopy at Cellular Resolution and Localised Spectroscopy of Medicago truncatula at 22.3 Tesla, Scientific Reports 10: 971.
- Liu X., He M., Calvani D., Qi H., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Groot H.J.M. de, Sevink G.J.A., Buda F., Kaiser U. & Schneider G.F. (2020), Power generation by reverse electrodialysis in a single-layer nanoporous membrane made from core–rim polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Nature Nanotechnology 15: 307-312.
- Li X., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Sevink G.J.A. (2020), Dynamic Disorder Drives Exciton Transfer in Tubular Chlorosomal Assemblies, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124(20): 4026-4035.
- Dasgupta R., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Nami F., Groot H.J.M. de, Canters G.W., Groenen E.J.J. & Ubbink M. (2020), Chemical exchange at the tri-nuclear copper centre of small laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor, Biophysical Journal 119(1): 9-14.
- Krug J.R. Schadewijk R. van Vergeldt F.J. Webb A.G. Groot H.J.M. de Alia A. As H. van Velders A.H. (2020), Assessing spatial resolution, acquisition time and signal-to-noise ratio for commercial microimaging systems at 14.1, 17.6 and 22.3 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 316: 106770.
- Shao Y., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2020), Tuning the Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Rate by Ligand Modification in Catalyst-Dye Supramolecular Complexes for Photocatalytic Water Splitting, ChemSusChem 14(1): 479-486.
- Janssen G.J., Eschenbach P., Kurle P., Bode B.E., Neugebauer J., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Alia A. (2020), Analysis of the electronic structure of the primary electron donor of photosystem I of Spirodela oligorrhiza by photo-CIDNP solid-state NMR, Magnetic Resonance 1(2): 261–274.
- Bakhonsky V.V., Pashenko A.A., Becker J., Hausmann H., Groot H.J.M. de, Overkleeft H.S., Fokin A.A. & Schreiner P.R. (2020), Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of hindered, chiral 1,2-diaminodiamantane platinum(II) complexes, Dalton Transactions 49(40): 14009-14016.
- Menzel J.P., Papadopoulos A., Belić J., Groot H.J.M. de, Visscher L. & Buda F. (2020), Photoinduced electron injection in a fully solvated dye sensitized photoanode: a dynamical semi-empirical study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 124(51): 27965−27976.
- Ganapathy S., Kratz S., Chen Q., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Rothschild K.J. & Grip W.J. de (2019), Red-shifted and near-infrared active analog pigments based upon archaerhodopsin-3, Photochemistry and Photobiology 95(4): 959-968.
- Purchase R., Cogdell R., Breitling F., Stadler V., Hulst N. van, Kramer G.J., Ramirez A., Zwijnenberg R., Kallergi A., Baan J.B. de, Rudra I. & Groot H.J.M. de (2019), Semi-Synthetic Responsive Matrices for Artificial Photosynthesis. In: Kadish K.M. & Guilard R. (Eds.), Bioinspired Chemistry no. 5: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. 47-69.
- Sun Z., Diebolder C.A., Renault L.L.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2019), A semisynthetic peptide-metalloporphyrin responsive matrix for artificial photosynthesis, ChemPhotoChem 3(8): 630-635.
- Augustijn D., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2019), A robust circadian rhythm of metabolites in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with enhanced growth characteristics, PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218219.
- Li X., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Sevink G.J.A. (2019), Molecular Insight in the Optical Response of Tubular Chlorosomal Assemblies, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 123(26): 16462−16478.
- Shao Y., Ruiter J.M. de, Groot H.J.M. de, Buda F., Ruiter Jessica M. de, Groot Huub J.M. de, Shao Y., Ruiter J.M. de, Groot J.H.J.N. de & Buda F. (2019), Photocatalytic Water Splitting Cycle in a Dye-Catalyst Supramolecular Complex: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 123(35): 21403-21414.
- Menzel J.P., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2019), Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Complexes: Isotope Effect and Dynamic Symmetry Breaking, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10: 6504-6511.
- Shao Y., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2019), Proton Acceptor near the Active Site Lowers Dramatically the O-O Bond Formation Energy Barrier in Photocatalytic Water Splitting, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10: 7690-7697.
- Debeer S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2019), Session 7: inspiration from biological processes.
- Li X., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Sevink G.J.A. (2018), Contrasting Modes of Self-Assembly and Hydrogen-Bonding Heterogeneity in Chlorosomes of Chlorobaculum tepidum, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 122(26): 14877-14888.
- Ruiter J.M. de, Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2018), Energetic Effects of a Closed System Approach Including Explicit Proton and Electron Acceptors as Demonstrated by a Mononuclear Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalyst, ChemCatChem 10(20): 4594-4601.
- Thomas B., Dubey R.K., Clabbers M.T.B., Gupta K.B.S.S., Genderen E.V., Jager W.F., Abrahams J.P., Sudholter E.J.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2018), A molecular level approach to elucidate the supramolecular packing of light-harvesting antenna systems, Chemistry: a European Journal 24(56): 14989-14993.
- Schadewijk R. van, Berg T.E. van den, Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Ronen I., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2018), Non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging of oils in Botryococcus braunii green algae: Chemical shift selective and diffusion-weighted imaging, 13(8): e0203217.
- Janssen G.J., Bielytskyi P., Artiukhin D.G., Neugebauer J., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Alia A. (2018), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization NMR on photosystem II: donor cofactor observed in entire plant, Scientific Reports 8: 17853.
- Augustijn D., Tol N.V. van, Zaal E.J. van der, Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2018), High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR studies for metabolic characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with enhanced growth characteristics, PLoS ONE 13(12): e0209695.
- Thomas B., Rombouts J.A., Oostergetel G.T., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Buda F., Lammertsma K., Orru R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2017), A Hybrid Solid State NMR and Electron Microscopy Structure Determination Protocol for Engineering Advanced Paracrystalline Optical Materials, Chemistry: a European Journal 23: 3280-3284.
- Ganapathy S., Venselaar H., Chen Q., Groot H.J.M. de, Hellingwerf K.J. & Grip W.J. de (2017), Retinal-Based Proton Pumping in the Near Infrared, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(6): 2338-2344.
- Tol N. van, Rolloos A.M., Augustijn D., Alia A., Groot H.J.M. de, Hooykaas P.J.J. & Zaal E.J. van der (2017), An Arabidopsis mutant with high operating efficiency of Photosystem II and low chlorophyll fluorescence, Scientific Reports 7: 3314.
- Thomas B., Rombouts J., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Orru R.V.A., Lammertsma K. & Groot H.J.M. de (2017), Determination of Controlled Selfassembly of a Paracrystalline Material by Homology Modelling with Hybrid NMR and TEM, Chemistry: a European Journal 23(39): 9346-9351.
- Ruiter J.M. de, Purchase R.L., Monti A., Ham C.J.M. van der, Gullo M.P., Joya K.S., D'Angelantonio M., Barbieri A., Hetterscheid D.G.H., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2016), Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Mononuclear Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysts: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, ACS Catalysis 6(11): 7340-7349.
- Monti A., Ruiter J.M. de, Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2016), A Dynamic View of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Photocatalytic Water Splitting, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 120(40): 23074-23082.
- Joya K.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2016), Controlled Surface-Assembly of Nanoscale Leaf-Type Cu-Oxide Electrocatalyst for High Activity Water Oxidation, ACS Catalysis 6(3): 1768–1771.
- Augustijn D., Roy U., Schadewijk R. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2016), Metabolic Profiling of Intact Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves during Circadian Cycle Using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR, PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163258.
- Joya K., Ahmad Z., Joya Y.F., Garcia-Esparza A.T. & Groot H.J.M. de (2016), Efficient electrochemical water oxidation in neutral and near-neutral systems with a nanoscale silver-oxide catalyst, Nanoscale 8(32): 15033-15040.
- Najdanova M., Janssen G.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Alia A. (2015), Analysis of electron donors in photosystems in oxygenic photosynthesis by photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 152(B): 261–271.
- Purchase R.L., Vriend H. de & Groot H.J.M. de (2015), Artificial Photosynthesis, For the conversion of sunlight into fuel. Serie Groene Grondstoffen no. 19. Den Haag: ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw & innovatie.
- Kara F., Höfling C., Roßner S., Schliebs R., Linden A. van der, Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2015), In vivo longitudinal monitoring of changes in the corpus callosum integrity during disease progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, Current Alzheimer Research 12(10): 941-950.
- Purchase R.L., Vriend H. de & Groot H.J.M. de (2015), Productie natuurlijke brandstof komt binnen bereik, Acta Simulatio (21): 22-24.
- Groot H.J.M. de (2015), The artificial leaf The quest to outsmart nature. In: Kramer G.J. & Vermeer B. (Eds.), The Colours of Energy, Essays on the Future of Energy in Society. Amsterdam: Shell International BV. 177-186.
- Monti A., Negre C.F.A., Batista V.S., Rego L.G.C., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2015), Crucial role of nuclear dynamics for electron injection in a dye-semiconductor Complex, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6(12): 2393-2398.
- Purchase R.L. & Groot H.J.M. de (2015), Biosolar cells: global artificial photosynthesis needs responsive matrices with quantum coherent kinetic control for high yield, Interface Focus 5(3): 20150014.
- Ganapathy S., Becheau O., Venselaar H., Frolich S., Steen J.B. van der, Chen Q., Radwan S., Lugtenburg J., Hellingwerf K.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2015), Modulation of spectral properties and pump activity of proteorhodopsins by retinal analogues, Biochemical Journal 467(2): 333-343.
- Respinis M. de, Joya K.S., Groot H.J.M. de, D'Souza F., Smith W.A., Krol R. van de & Dam B. (2015), Solar water splitting combining a BiVO4 light absorber with a Ru-based molecular cocatalyst, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 119(13): 7275-7281.
- Joya K.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2014), Artificial leaf goes simpler and more efficient for solar fuel generation, ChemSusChem 7(1): 73-76.
- Miloslavina Y. & Groot H.J.M. de (2014), Magic Angle Spinning NMR spectroscopy for resolving structure and mechanisms of function of membrane protein assemblies involved in photosynthetic energy conversion. In: Separovic F. & Naito A. (Eds.), Advances in Biological Solid-State NMR : Proteins and Membrane-Active Peptides: Royal Society of Chemistry. 476-500.
- Monti A., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2014), In-silico design of a donor–antenna–acceptor supramolecular complex for photoinduced charge separation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 118(29): 15600-15609.
- Joya K.S., Takanabe K. & Groot H.J.M. de (2014), Surface generation of a cobalt-derived water oxidation electrocatalyst developed in a neutral HCO 3 − /CO 2 system, Advanced Energy Materials 4(16): 1400252.
- Joya K.S., Joya Y.F. & Groot H.J.M. de (2014), Ni-based electrocatalyst for water oxidation developed in-situ in a HCO3-/CO2 system at near-neutral pH, Advanced Energy Materials 4(9): 1301929.
- Miloslavina Y., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Tank M., Bryant D.A. & Groot H.J.M. de (2014), wPMLG-5 Spectroscopy of self-aggregated BChl e in natural chlorosomes of Chlorobaculum limnaeum, Israel Journal of Chemistry 54(1-2): 147-153.
- Amerongen Y.F van, Roy U., Spaink H.P., Groot H.J.M. de, Huster D., Schiller J. & Alia A. (2014), Zebrafish brain lipid characterization and quantification by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, Zebrafish 11(3): 240-247.
- Alia A., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Matysik J. (2013), Solid-state NMR of nanomachines involved in photosynthetic energy conversion, Annual Review of Biophysics 42: 675-699.
- Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Alia A., Buda F., Groot H.J.M. de & Matysik J. (2013), Bacteriopheophytin a in the active branch of the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is not disturbed by the protein matrix as shown by C-13 photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117(12): 3287-3297.
- Joya K.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2013), Electrochemical in situ surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic characterization of a trinuclear ruthenium complex, Ru-red, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(8): 1195-1199.
- Sunku K., Groot H.J.M. de & Pandit A. (2013), Insights into the Photoprotective Switch of the Major Light-harvesting Complex II (LHCII), A preserved core of arginine-glutamate interlocked helices complemented by adjustable loops, Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(27): 19796-19804.
- Joya K.S., Valles-Pardo J.L., Joya Y.F., Eisenmayer T.J., Thomas B., Buda F. & Groot H.J.M. de (2013), Molecular catalytic assemblies for electrodriven water splitting, ChemPlusChem 78(1): 35-47.
- Sai Sankar, Gupta K.B., Alia A., Groot H.J.M. de & Matysik J. (2013), Symmetry break of special pair: photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization NMR confirms control by nonaromatic substituents, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135(28): 10382-10387.
- Eisenmayer T.J., Lasave J.A., Monti A., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2013), Proton displacements coupled to primary electron transfer in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117(38): 11162-11168.
- Thapper A., Styring S., Saracco G., Rutherford A.W., Robert B., Magnuson A., Lubitz W., Llobet A., Kurz P., Holzwarth A.R., Fiechter S., Groot H.J.M. de, Campagna S., Braun A., Bercegol H. & Artero V. (2013), Artificial photosynthesis for solar fuels: an evolving research field within AMPEA, a joint programme of the European Energy Research Alliance, Green 3(1): 43-57.
- Faunce T., Styring S., Wasielewski M.R., Brudvig G.W., Rutherford A.W., Messinger J., Lee A.F., Hill C.L., Groot H.J.M. de, Fontecave M., MacFarlane D.R., Hankamer B., Nocera D.G., Tiede D.M., Dau H., Hillier W., Wang L. & Amal R. (2013), Artificial photosynthesis as a frontier technology for energy sustainability, Energy & Environmental Science 6(4): 1074-1076.
- Pandit A., Reus M., Morosinotto T., Bassi R., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2013), An NMR comparison of the light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) in active and photoprotective states reveals subtle changes in the chlorophyll a ground-state electronic structures, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1827(6): 738-744.
- Pandit A., Ocakoglu K., Buda F., Marle T. van, Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2013), Structure determination of a bio-inspired self-assembled light-harvesting antenna by solid-state NMR and molecular modeling, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117(38): 11292-11298.
- Kara F., Chen F., Ronen I., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Alia A. (2013), In vivo measurement of transverse relaxation time in the mouse brain at 17.6 T, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 70(4): 985-993.
- Valles-Pardo J.L., Guijt M.C., Iannuzzi M., Joya K.S., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2012), Ab initio molecular dynamics study of water oxidation reaction pathways in mono-ru catalysts, ChemPhysChem 13(1): 140-146.
- Joya K.S., Subbaiyan N.K., D'Souza F. & Groot H.J.M. de (2012), Surface-immobilized single-site iridium complexes for electrocatalytic water splitting, Angewandte Chemie 51(38): 9601-9605.
- Eisenmayer T.J., Groot H.J.M. de, Wetering E. van de, Neugebauer J. & Buda F. (2012), Mechanism and reaction coordinate of directional charge separation in bacterial reaction centers, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3(6): 694-697.
- Valles-Pardo J.L., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2012), Structural rearrangements and reaction intermediates in a di-Mn water oxidation catalyst, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14(44): 15502-15508.
- Ganapathy S., Oostergetel G.T., Reus M., Tsukatani Y., Chew A.G.M., Buda F., Bryant D.A., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2012), Structural variability in wild-type and bchQ bchR mutant chlorosomes of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum, Biochemistry 51(22): 4488-4498.
- Kara F., Dongen E.S. van, Schliebs R., Buchem M.A. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2012), Monitoring blood flow alterations in the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease by in vivo magnetic resonance angiography at 17.6 T, NeuroImage 60(2): 958-966.
- Joya K.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2012), Biomimetic molecular water splitting catalysts for hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(10): 8787-8799.
- Pandit A. & Groot H.J.M. de (2012), Solid-state NMR applied to photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes, Photosynthesis Research 111(1-2): 219-226.
- Haverkate L.A., Zbiri M., Johnson M.R., Deme B., Groot H.J.M. de, Lefeber A.W.M., Kotlewski A., Picken S.J., Mulder F.M. & Kearley G.J. (2012), On the morphology of a discotic liquid crystalline charge transfer complex, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(43): 13098-13105.
- Joya K.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2011), Efficient Water Splitting by Single Site Ruthenium Catalyst, 4th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences. 4th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences 4ECCLS 31 August 2011 - 3 September 2011: EuChemS . 51-54.
- Bagowski C.P., Bertola L.D., Schoonheere E., Wilms I., Kabli S., Alia A. & Groot H.J.M. de (2011), Effects of hypoxia on buoyancy control and the development of lordosis in physostomous and physoclistous fish species, Research & Reviews in BioSciences 5(1): 1-7.
- Groot H.J.M. de (2011), Engineering natural photosynthesis. In: Ginley D. & Cahen D. (Eds.), Fundamentals of materials for energy and environmental sustainability: Cambridge University Press. 365-378.
- Wawrzyniak P.K., Beerepoot M.T.P., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2011), Acetyl group orientation modulates the electronic ground-state asymmetry of the special pair in purple bacterial reaction centers, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13(21): 10270-10279.
- Kara F., Braakman N., Buchem M.A. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2011), Prospects of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 7(1): 80-87.
- Pandit A., Morosinotto T., Reus M., Holzwarth A.R., Bassi R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2011), First solid-state NMR analysis of uniformly (1)(3)C-enriched major light-harvesting complexes from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and identification of protein and cofactor spin clusters, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1807(4): 437-443.
- Kara F., Braakman N., Buchem M.A. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Schliebs R. & Alia A. (2010), In vivo longitudinal monitoring of blood flow alterations in TG2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease, 2010 ISMRM Meeting proceedings. Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM 1 May 2010 - 7 May 2010. Proc.Intl.Soc.Mag.Reson.Med. 4273.
- Pandit A., Buda F., Gammeren A.J. van, Ganapathy S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2010), Selective chemical shift assignment of bacteriochlorophyll a in uniformly [C-13-N-15]-labeled light-harvesting 1 complexes by solid-state NMR in ultrahigh magnetic field, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(18): 6207-6215.
- Janssen G.J., Daviso E., Van Son M., Groot H.J.M. de, Alia A. & Matysik J. (2010), Observation of the solid-state photo-CIDNP effect in entire cells of cyanobacteria Synechocystis, Photosynthesis Research 104(2-3): 275-282.
- Pandit A., Wawrzyniak P.K., Gammeren A.J. van, Buda F., Ganapathy S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2010), Nuclear magnetic resonance secondary shifts of a light-harvesting 2 complex reveal local backbone perturbations induced by its higher-order interactions, Biochemistry 49(3): 478-486.
- Agrawal P., Kiihne S., Hollander J.G., Hofmann M., Langosch D. & Groot H.J.M. de (2010), A solid-state NMR study of changes in lipid phase induced by membrane-fusogenic LV-peptides, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1798(2): 202-209.
- Groot H.J.M. de (2010), Integration of Catalysis with Storage for the Design of Multi-Electron Photochemistry Devices for Solar Fuel, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 497.
- Kabli S., He S.N., Spaink H.P., Hurlstone A., Snaar-Jagalska B.E., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2010), In vivo magnetic resonance imaging to detect malignant melanoma in adult zebrafish, Zebrafish 7(2): 143-148.
- Ganapathy S., Sengupta S., Wawrzyniak P.K., Huber V., Buda F., Baumeister U., Wurthner F. & Groot H.J.M. de (2009), Zinc chlorins for artificial light-harvesting self-assemble into antiparallel stacks forming a microcrystalline solid-state material, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(28): 11472-11477.
- Braakman N., Kara F., Buchem M.A. van, Schliebs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2009), In vivo localized two dimensional MR spectroscopy to compare the neurochemical profile in wild-type and transgenic mouse of Alzheimer’s disease, Proceedings of the 17th Annual ISMRM Scientific Meeting and Exhibition 2009. 17th Annual ISMRM Scientific Meeting and Exhibition 2009 18 April 2009 - 24 April 2009. Berkeley, California: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1671-1671.
- Kara F., Ravensbergen J., Braakman N., Buchem M.A. van, Schliebs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2009), MRI assessment of blood flow artifacts in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 17th Annual ISMRM Scientific Meeting and Exhibition 2009 18 April 2009 - 24 April 2009: ISMRM. 1331.
- Braakman N., Buchem M.A. van, Schliebs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2009), Recent Advances in Visualizing Alzheimer's Plaques by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 5(1): 2-9.
- Alia A., Ganapathy S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2009), Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR: a new tool to study the spatial and electronic structure of photosynthetic complexes, Photosynthesis Research 102(2): 415-425.
- Kabli S., Spaink H.P., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2009), In Vivo metabolite profile of adult zebrafish brain obtained by high-resolution localized magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29(2): 275-281.
- Ganapathy S., Oostergetel G.T., Wawrzyniak P.K., Reus M., Chew A.G.M., Buda F., Boekema E.J., Bryant D., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2009), Alternating syn-anti bacteriochlorophylls form concentric helical nanotubes in chlorosomes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(21): 8525-8530.
- Muskulus M., Scheenstra A.E.H., Braakman N., Dijkstra J., Verduyn Lunel S.M., Alia A., Groot H.J.M. de & Reiber J.H. (2009), Prospects for early detection of Alzheimer's disease from serial MR images in transgenic mouse models, Current Alzheimer Research 6(6): 503-518.
- Alia A., Wawrzyniak P.K., Janssen G.J., Buda F., Matysik J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2009), Differential charge polarization of axial histidines in bacterial reaction centers balances the asymmetry of the special pair, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(28): 9626-9627.
- Braakman N., Oerther T., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2008), High resolution localized two-dimensional MR spectroscopy in mouse brain in vivo, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60(2): 449-456.
- Groot H.J.M. de (2008), Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR for structure determination in photosynthesis. In: Aartsma T.J. & Matysik J. (Eds.), Biophysical techniques in photosynthesis II. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration no. 26. Dordrecht: Springer. 361-383.
- Cherepanov A.V., Doroshenko E.V., Matysik J., Vries S. de & Groot H.J.M. de (2008), The associative nature of adenylyl transfer catalyzed by T4 DNA ligase, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(25): 8563-8568.
- Cherepanov A.V., Doroshenko E.V., Matysik S.C., Vries S. de & Groot H.J.M. de (2008), A view on phosphate ester photochemistry by time-resolved solid state NMR: intramolecular redox reaction of caged ATP, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(45): 6820-6828.
- Ganapathy S., Reus M., Chew A.G.M., Bryant D.A., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2008), Structural assessment of the bacteriochlorophyll d stacking in chlorosomes from a C. tepidum mutant with MAS NMR spectroscopy. In: Allen J.F., Gantt E., Golbeck J.H. & Osmond B. (Eds.), Photosynthesis: energy from the sun. Dordrecht: Springer. 247-251.
- Wawrzyniak P.K., Alia A., Schaap R.G., Heemskerk M.M., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2008), Protein-induced geometric constraints and charge transfer in bacteriochlorophyll-histidine complexes in LH2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(46): 6971-6978.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Rossum B.J. van, Erkelens C. & Groot H.J.M. de (2008), Characterisation of uniformly C-13, N-15 labelled bacteriochlorophyll a and bacteriopheophytin a in solution and in solid state: complete assignment of the C-13, H-1 and N-15 chemical shifts, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 46(11): 1074-1083.
- Diller A., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Glaubitz C., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2008), 13C Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR studies on oriented reaction centers. In: Allen J.F., Gantt E., Golbeck J.H. & Osmond B. (Eds.), Photosynthesis. energy of sun: 14th international congress on photosynthesis research 2007. Dordrecht: Springer. 97-100.
- Ven R.C.G. van de, Hogers B., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Groot H.J.M. de, Ferrari M.D., Frants R.R., Poelmann R.E., Weerd L. van der & Kiihne S.R. (2007), T(1) relaxation in in vivo mouse brain at ultra-high field, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58(2): 390-395.
- Diller A., Roy E., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Glaubitz C., Jeschke G., Matysik J. & Alia A. (2007), 15N-photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization magic-angle spinning NMR analysis of the electron donor of photosystem II, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(31): 12767-12771.
- Roy E., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization observed in the reaction center of the green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium tepidum by 13C MAS NMR, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1767(6): 610-615.
- Ganapathy S., Reus M., Chew A.G.M., Bryant D.A., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), A comparative MAS NMR study of BChl d and BChl c producing mutants of C. tepidum. In: Allan J.F., Gantt E., Golbeck J.H. & Osmond B. (Eds.), Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun. Dordrecht: Springer. 257-260.
- Hogers B., Gross D., Lehman V., Groot H.J.M. de, Erkelens K., Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. & Poelmann R.E. (2007), Imaging of heart development in embryos with magnetic resonance microscopy. In: Artman M., Woodrow Benson D., Srivastava D. & Nakazawa M. (Eds.), Cardiovascular development and congenital malformations. Molecular & Genetic Mechanisms: Blackwell Publishing. 163-165.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), 13C chemical shift map of the active cofactors in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides revealed by photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Biochemistry 46(31): 8953-8960.
- Roy E., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G., Gorkom H.J. van & Matysik J. (2007), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization studies on photosynthetic reaction centers from diverse organisms, Photosynthesis Research 91: 151-151.
- Agrawal P.R., Hofmann M.W., Meeuwenoord N.J., Fillipov D.V., Stalz H., Hulsbergen F.B., Langosch D., Overkleeft H.S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), Solid-phase synthesis and purification of a set of uniformly 13C, 15N labelled de novo designed membrane fusogenic peptides, Journal of Peptide Science 13(2): 75-80.
- Ganapathy S., Reus M., Maqueo A.G., Bryant D., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), Self-organization of BChl d in chlorosomes from 2D and 3D MAS NMR correlation spectroscopy, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 165.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Kiihne S.R., Buda F., Leurs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2007), Solid-state NMR Evidence for a protonation switch in the binding pocket of the H1 receptor upon binding of the agonist histamine, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(4): 867-872.
- Rossum B.J. van, Liemt W.B.S. van, Gast P., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), 13C-1H Heteronuclear dipolar correlation studies of the hydrogen bonding of the quinones in Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 RCs, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 145-158 (145).
- Agrawal P.R., Kiinhe S.R., Hulsbergen F.B., Hofmann M., Langosh D., Groot H.J.M. de & Hollander J. (2007), Solid state NMR investigation of the interaction between biomimetic lipid bilayers and a de novo designed fusogenic peptide, ChemBioChem 8(5): 493-496.
- Alia A., Wawrzyniak P.K., Buda F., Matysik J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), Electronic structure of axial histidines in photosynthetic reaction centres of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 146-147.
- Diller A., Alia A., Roy E., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Gorkom H.J. van, Jeschke G., Glaubitz C. & Matysik J. (2007), The origin of the high redox force of photosystem II, a photo-CIDNP MAS NMR analysis, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 150.
- Ganapathy S., Gammeren A.J. van, Hulsbergen F.B. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), Probing secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure along with protein-cofactor interactions for a helical transmembrane protein complex through 1H spin diffusion with MAS NMR spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(6): 1504-1505.
- Agrawal P.R., Kiihne S.R., Hollander J.G., Langosch D. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), 13C and 15N NMR evidence for peripheral intercalation of uniformly labeled fusogenic peptides incorporated in a biomimetic membrane, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1768(12): 3020-3028.
- Groot H.J.M. de, Aro E., Bassani D., Cogdell R., Grondelle R. van, Hammarstrom L., Holzwarth A., Kruse O. & Sundstrom V. (2007), The European solar to fuel initiative, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 137.
- Ganapathy S., Boer I. de, Reus M., Chew A.G.M., Bryant D., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), Validation of chlorosome structure models by NMR and shift analyses, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 168.
- Lai W.C., McLean N., Gansmüller A., Verhoeven M.A., Antonioli G.C., Carravetta M., Duma L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Johannessen O.G., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J., Emsley L., Brown S.P., Brown R.C.D., Grip W.J. de & Levitt M.H. (2006), Accurate measurements of 13C-13C J-couplings in the rhodopsin chromophore by double quantum solid state NMR spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(12): 3878-3879.
- Verhoeven M.A., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J. & Grip W.J. de (2006), Methyl substituents at the 11 or 12 position of retinal profoundly and differentially affect photochemistry and signalling activity of rhodopsin, Journal of Molecular Biology/JMB Online 363(1): 98-113.
- Roy E., Diller A., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2006), Magnetic field dependence of 13C photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in plant photosystems I and II, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 193.
- Braakman N., Matysik J., Duinen S.G. van, Verbeek F.J., Schlebs R., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2006), Longitudinal assessment of Alzheimer's beta-amyloid plaquedevelopment in transgenic mice monitored by in vivo magnetic resonance microimaging, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 24(3): 530-536.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Jeschke G. (2006), Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in intact cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26: molecular and atomic resolution at nanomolar concentration?, Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(39): 12794-12799.
- Boer I. de & Groot H.J.M. de (2006), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the chlorosomes. In: Grimm B., Porra R.J., Rüdiger W. & Scheer H. (Eds.), Chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls: biochemistry, biophysics, functions and applications. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration no. 25. Dordrecht: Springer. 297-307.
- Rohmer T.M.A., Strauss H.W., Hughes J., Groot H.J.M. de, Gartner J., Schmieder P. & Matysik J. (2006), 15N MAS NMR studies of Cph1 phytochrome:chromophore dynamics and intramolecular signal transduction, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(41): 20580-20585.
- Kabli S., Alia A., Spaink H.P., Verbeek F.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2006), Magnetic resonance microscopy of the adult zebrafish, Zebrafish 3(4): 431-439.
- Wijk A.A.C. van, Spaans A.P., Uzunbajakava N., Otto C., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J. & Buda F. (2005), Spectroscopy and quantum chemical modelling reveal a predominant contribution of excitonic interactions to the bathochromatic shift in alpha-crustacyanin, the blue carotenoprotein in the carapace of the lobster Homarus gammarus, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(5): 1438-1445.
- Kiihne S.R., Creemers A.F.L., Grip W.J. de, Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2005), Selective interface detection: mapping binding site contact in membrane proteins by NMR-spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(16): 5734-5735.
- Kiihne S.R., Creemers A.F.L., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2005), Accurate CSA measurements from uniformly isotopically labeled biomolecules at high magnetic field, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 172(1): 1-8.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2005), Magnetic field dependence of photo-CIDNP MAS NMR on photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides WT, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(41): 14290-14298.
- Gammeren A.J. van, Hulsbergen F.B., Hollander J.G. & Groot H.J.M. de (2005), Residual backbone and side-chain 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the intrinsic transmembrane light-harvesting 2 protein complex by solid-state Magic Angle Spinning NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 31(4): 279-293.
- Diller A., Alia A., Roy E., Gorkom H.J. van, Zaanen J., Groot H.J.M. de, Glaubitz C., Matysik J. & Gast P. (2005), Photo-CIDNP solid-state NMR on photosystems I and II: what makes P680 special?, Photosynthesis Research 84(1-3): 303-308.
- Gammeren A.J. van, Buda F., Hulsbergen F.B., Kiihne S., Hollander J.G., Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Fraser N.J., Cogdell R.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2005), Selective chemical shift assignment of B800 and B850 bacteriochlorophylls in uniformly [C-13,N-15]-labeled light-harvesting complexes by solid-state NMR spectroscopy at ultra-high magnetic field, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(9): 3213-3219.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Swarts H.G.P., Oostrum J. van, Leurs R., Groot H.J.M. de, Bakker R.A. & Grip W.J. de (2004), Large-scale overproduction, functional purification and ligand affinities of the His-tagged human histamine H1 receptor, European Journal of Biochemistry 271(13): 2636-2646.
- Creemers A.F.L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Solid-state NMR analysis of ligand-receptor interactions reveals an induced misfit in the binding site of isorhodopsin, Biochemistry 43(51): 16011-16018.
- Gammeren A.J. van, Hulsbergen F.B., Hollander J.G. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Biosynthetic site-specific 13 C labeling of the light-harvesting 2 protein complex: a model for solid state NMR structure determination of transmembrane proteins, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 30(3): 267-274.
- Hofmann M.W., Weise K., Ollesch J., Agrawal P., Stalz H., Stelzer W., Hulsbergen F., Groot H.J.M. de, Gerwert K., Reed J. & Langosch D. (2004), De novo design of conformationally flexible transmembrane peptides driving membrane fusion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(41): 14776-14781.
- Umetsu M., Hollander J.G., Matysik J., Wang Z.Y., Adschiri T., Nozawa T. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance under ultrahigh field reveals two forms of intermolecular interaction within CH2C2-treated (3R)-type bacteriochlorophyll c solid aggregate, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(8): 2726-2734.
- Boder I. de, Matysik J., Erkelens C., Sasaki S., Miyatake T., Yagai S., Tamiaki H., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), MAS NMR Structures of aggregated cadmium chlorins reveal molecular control of self-assembly of chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(42): 16556-16566.
- Gammeren A.J. van, Hulsbergen F.B., Erkelens C. & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Synthetic analogues of the histidine-chlorophyll complex: a NMR study to mimic structural features of the photosynthetic reaction center and the light-harvesting complex, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 9(1): 109-117.
- Carravetta M., Zhao .X, Johannessen O.G., Lai W.C., Verhoeven M.A., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Verdegem P.J.E., Kiihne S., Luthman H., Groot H.J.M. de, Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Levitt M.H. (2004), Protein-induced bonding perturbation of the rhodopsin chromophore detected by double-quantum solid-state NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(12): 3948-3953.
- Alia A., Roy E., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2004), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in Photosystem I of plants observed by 13C magic-angle spinning NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(40): 12819-12826.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Boer I. de, Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Heteronuclear 2D (1H-13C) MAS NMR resolves the electronic structure of coordinated histidines in light-harvesting complex II: assessment of charge transfer and electronic delocatlization effect, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 28(2): 157-164.
- Touw S.I.E., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2004), DFT calculations of the H-1 chemical shifts and C-13 chemical shift tensors of retinal isomers, Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem 711(1-3): 141-147.
- Touw S.I.E., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (2004), Ab initio modeling of the spatial, electronic, and vibrational structure of Schiff base models for visual photoreceptors, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(35): 13560-13572.
- Boer I. de, Matysik J., Amakawa M., Yagai S., Tamiaki H., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2003), MAS NMR structure of a microcrystalline Cd-bacteriochlorophyll d analogue, Journal of the American Chemical Society 125(44): 13374-13375.
- Alia A., Hulsebosch B., Gorkom H.J. van, Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Matysik J., Groot H.J.M. de & Gast P. (2003), Probing the electronic structure of tyrosine radial Y-D (center dot) in photosystem II by EPR spectroscopy using site specific isotope labelling in Spirodela oligorrhiza, Chemical Physics 294(3): 459-469.
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- Rossum B.J. van, Castellani F., Pauli J., Rehbein K., Hollander J.G., Groot H.J.M. de & Oschkinat H. (2003), Assignment of amide proton signals by combined evalution of HN, NN and HNCA MAS-NMR correlation spectra, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 25: 217-223.
- Ladizhansky V., Vinogradov S., Rossum B.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Vega S. (2003), Multiple-spin effects in fast magic angle spinning Lee-Goldburg cross-polarization experiments in uniformly labeled compounds, The Journal of Chemical Physics 118(12): 5547-5557.
- Werkhoven T.M., Mulder F.M., Zune C., Jerome R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2003), Determination of polysoprenen-block-poly (methyl methacrylate) domain sizes using 1H spin diffusion, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 204(1): 46-51.
- Ratnala V.R.P., Hulsbergen F.B., Groot H.J.M. de & Grip W.J. de (2003), Analysis of histamine and modeling of ligand-receptor interactions in the histamine H-1 receptor for Magic Angle Spinning NMR studies, Inflammation Research 52: 417-423.
- Winters R., Heinen W., Verbruggen M.A.L., Lugtenburg J., Duin M. van & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), Solid-state 13C NMR study of accelerated-sulfur-vulcanized 13C labeled ENB-EPDM, Macromolecules 35(5): 1958-1966.
- Creemers A.F.L., Kiihne S.R., Bovee-Geurts P., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), 1H and 13C MAS NMR Evidence for Pronounced Ligand-Protein Interactions Involving the Ionone Ring of the Retinylidene Chromophore in Rhodopsin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(14): 9101-9106.
- Boer I. de, Bosman L., Raap J., Oschkinat H. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), 2D13C-13C MAS NMR Correlation spectroscopy with mixing by true 1H spin diffusion reveals long-range intermolecular distance restraints in ultra high magnetic field, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 157(2): 286-291.
- Rossum B.J. van, Schulten E.A.M., Raap J., Oschkinat H. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), A 3-D structural model of solid self-assembled chlorophyll a/H2O from multispin labeling and MAS NMR 2-D dipolar correllation spectroscopy in high magnetic field, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 155(1): 1-14.
- Schulten E.A.M., Matysik J., Alia A., Kiihne S.R., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), 13C MAS NMR and photo-CIDNP reveal a pronounced assymetry in the electron ground state of the special pair of Rhodobacter spearoides reaction centers, Biochemistry 41(27): 8708-8717.
- Boers R.B., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (2002), Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of 5-13C and 6-13C-ubiquinone-10 for studies of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2002(1): 189-202.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Soede-Huijbregts C., Baldus M., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Ultrahigh field MAS NMR dipolar correlation spectroscopy of the histidine residues in light-harvesting complex II from photosynthetic bacteria levels partial internal charge transfer in the B850/his complex, Journal of the American Chemical Society 123(20): 4803-4809.
- Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology no. 1. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Buda F., Touw S.I.E. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), An ab-initio molecular dynamics modeling of the primary photochemical event in vision. In: Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. (Eds.), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology no. 1. Dordrecht: Springer. 111-122.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Hollander J.G., Fraser N., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Cogdell R., Groot H.J.M. de & Baldus M. (2001), MAS NMR on a uniformly 13C,15N labeled LH2 light-harvesting complex from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila 10050 at ultra-high field magnetic fields. In: Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (Eds.), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology no. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 171-183.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Gast P., Lugtenburg J., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Observed by 13C Solid State NMR. In: Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (Eds.), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology no. 1. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 215-225.
- Poelmann R.E., Hogers B., Groot H.J.M. de, Erkelens C., Gross D. & Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. (2001), Magnetic resonance microscopy for studying the development of chicken and mouse embryos. In: Kiihne S. & Groot H.J.M. de (Eds.), Perspectives on solid state NMR in biology. Focus on Structural Biology no. 1. Dordrecht: Springer. 161-168.
- Umetsu M., Hollander J.G., Wang Z-Y, Nozawa T & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Two sets of nuclear magnetic resonances in the CH2Cl2-treated (3 1R)-type bacteriochlorophyll c solid aggregates under ultra high magnetic field, Photosynthesis Research 69(1): 18.
- Pauli J., Baldus M., Rossum A.B. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Oschkinat H. (2001), Backbone and side-chain C-13 and N-15 signal assignments of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain by magic angle spinning solid-state NMR at 17.6 Tesla, ChemBioChem 2(4): 272-281.
- Egorova T., Hollander J.G., Fraser N., Gast P., Cogdell R., Groot H.J.M. de, Baldus M. & Hoff A.J. (2001), Heteronuclear 2D-correlations in a uniformly [C-13,N-15] labeled membrane-protein complex at ultra-high magnetic fields, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 19(3): 243-253.
- Rossum B.J. van, Steensgaard D., Mulder F.M., Boender G.J., Schaffner K., Holzwarth A.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), A refined model of chlorosomal antennae of the Green Bacterium Chlorobium tepidum from proton chemical shift constrains obtained with high field 2-D and 3-D MAS NMR dipolar correlation spectroscopy, Biochemistry 40(6): 1587-1595.
- Matysik J., Schulten E., Alia A., Gast P., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Photo-CIDNP 13C magic angle spinning NMR on bacterial reaction centres: exploring the electronic structure of the special pair and its surroundings, Biological Chemistry 382(8): 1271-1276.
- Luca S.M., Filippov D.V., Boom J.H. van, Oschkinat H., Groot H.J.M. de & Baldus M. (2001), Secondary chemical shifts in immobilized peptides and proteins: a qualitative basis for structure refinement under Magic Angle Spinning, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 20(4): 325-331.
- Verhoeven M.A., Creemers A.F.L., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Ultra-high-field MAS NMR assay of a multispin labeled ligand bound to its G-protein receptor target in the natural membrane environment: electronic structure of the retinylidene chromophore in rhodopsin, Biochemistry 40(11): 3282-3288.
- Hogers B., Gross D., Lehmann V., Groot H.J.M. de, Roos A. de, Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. & Poelmann R.E. (2001), Magnetic resonance microscopy at 17.6-Tesla on chicken embryos in vitro, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14(1): 83-86.
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- Matysik J., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Hoff A.J. (2000), Photochemically induced nuclear spin polarization in reaction centers of photosystem II observed by 13C-solid-state NMR reveals a strongly asymmetric electronic structure of the P680.+ primary donor chlorophyll, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(18): 9865-9870.
- Pauli J., Rossum B. van, Forster H., Groot H.J.M. de & Oschkinat H. (2000), Sample optimization and identification of signal patterns of amino acid side chains in 2D RFDR spectra of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 143(2): 411-416.
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- Feng X., Verdegem P.J.E., Edén M., Sandstrom D., Lee Y.K., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Levitt M.H. (2000), Determination of a molecular torsional angle in the metarhodopsin-I photointermediate of rhodopsin by double-quantum solid-state NMR, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 16(1): 1-8.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Erkelens C., Hulsbergen F.B., Gast P., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Bacteriochlorophyll/imidazole and chlorophyll/imidazole complexes are negatively charged in an apolar environment, Chemical Physics Letters 330(3-4): 325-330.
- Boender G.-J., Vega S. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Quantizied field description of rotor frequency-driven dipolar recoupling, The Journal of Chemical Physics 112(3): 1096-1106.
- Mulder F.M., Jansen B.J.P., Lemstra P.J., Meijer H.E.H. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Pronounced poly(methyl methacrylate) dynamics induced by blending morphology, Macromolecules 33(2): 457-460.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Hollander J.G., Egorova T., Gast P. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), A set-up to study photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in photosynthetic reaction centres by solid-state NMR, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 37(5): 418-423.
- Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Solid-state NMR applied to membrane proteins, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 10(5): 593-600.
- Rossum B.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Ladizhansky V., Vega S. & Groot C.P. de (2000), A method for measuring heteronuclear (1H-13C) distances in high speed MAS NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 122(14): 3465-3472.
- Mulder F.M., Heinen W., Duin M. van, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Cross-linking induced phase separation in SAN/SMA semi-interpenetrating polymer networks observed by solid state NMR and site specific isotope enrichment, Macromolecules 33(15): 5544-5548.
- Matysik J., Nachtegaal G., Gorkom H.J. van, Hoff A.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Alia A. (2000), Exploring the Calcium-binding site in photosystem II membranes by solid state 113 Cd-NMR, Biochemistry 39(23): 6751-6755.
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- Weesie R.J., Merlin J.C., Groot H.J.M. de, Britton G., Lugtenburg J., Jansen F.J.H.M. & Cornard J.P. (1999), Quantum chemical modelling and spectroscopic studies of the protein-astaxanthin interactions in alpha-crustacyanin. In: Greve J., Puppels G.J. & Otto C. (Eds.), Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. Dordrecht, The Netherlans: Springer. 141-142.
- Rossum B.J. van, Steensgaard D., Holzwarth A.R., Soede-Huijbregts C., Schaffner K., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Magic angle spinning NMR of Photosynthetic components. Greve J., Puppels G.J. & Otto C. (Eds.), Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. 8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules 29 August 1999 - 2 September 1999. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. Dordrecht: Springer. 201-204.
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- Creemers A.F.L., Klaassen C.H.W., Bovee-Geurts P., Kelle R., Kragl U., Raap J., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Solid state N-15 NMR evidence for a complex Schiff base counterion in the visual G-protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin, Biochemistry 38(22): 7195-7199.
- Helmle M., Lee Y.K., Verdegem P.J.E., Feng X., Karlsson T., Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Levitt M.H. (1999), Anomalous rotational resonance spectra in magic-angle spinning NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 140(2): 379-403.
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- Grip W.J. de, Lange F. de, Klaassen C.H.W., Verdegem P.J.E., Wallace-Williams S., Creemers A.F.L., Bergo V., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Raap J., Rothschild K.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (1999), Photoactivation of rhodopsin: Interplay between protein and chromophore Rhodopsins and Phototransduction. In: Takeuchi I., Bock G. & Goode J.A. (Eds.), Rhodospins and Phototransduction: Rhodospins and Phototransduction: Novartis Symposium 224. Novartis Foundation Symposia no. 224: Wiley. 102-123.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Remy A., Shkuropatov A.Y., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Gerwert K. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Efficient conditions for the photoaccumulation of H-A(-) in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 with uniformly labelled bacteriopheophytin monitored by Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy 19(2): 347-352.
- Verdegem P.J.E., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Retinylidene ligand structure in bovine rhodopsin, metarhodopsin-I and 10 methylrhodopsin from internuclear distance measurements using 13C labelling and 1-D rotational resonance MAS NMR, Biochemistry 38(35): 11316-11324.
- Mulder F.M., Heinen W., Duin M. van, Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Spin diffusion with 13C selection and detection for the characterization of morphology in labeled polymer blends with MAS NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 120(49): 12891-12894.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Soede-Huijbregts C., Gast P., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Gorkom H.J. van (1998), Selective 15N-isotope labelling of histidines in PSII reaction centers of Spirodela oligorrhiza. In: Garab G. (Ed.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects no. II. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1009-1012.
- Soede-Huijbregts C., Cappon J.J., Boender G.-J, Raap J., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), 15N MAS NMR spectroscopy of [n-25N] and [t-15N] histidine labelled bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers. In: Garab G. (Ed.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 759-762.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Gorkom H.J. van & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Substitution of calcium by cadmium in Photosystem II complex. In: Garab G. (Ed.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, Vol. II. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1423-1426.
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- Boers R.B., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (1998), Synthesis and NMR spectroscopy of labeled ubiquinones in photosynthesis studies. In: Garab G. (Ed.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects no. II. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 881-884.
- Rossum B.J. van, Prytulla S., Oschkinat H. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Biological MAS NMR in High Magnetic Fields, Proceedings of the Joint 29th AMPERE 13th ISMAR International Conference, Berlin 1: 38-39.
- Schulten E.A.M., Rossum B.J. van, Ashurst J., Oschkinat H., Raap J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), MAS NMR Dipolar Correlation Spectroscopy of partially deuterated 13C-labelled Chlorophyll a, Proceedings of the XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis : .
- Heinen W., Wenzel C.B., Rosenmöller C.H., Mulder F.M., Boender G.J, Lugtenburg J., Duin M. van, Klumperman B. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Solid-state NMR study of miscibility and phase separation in blends and semi-interpenetrating networks of 13C labeled poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) and poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride), Macromolecules 31(21): 7404-7412.
- Rossum B.-J. van, Boender G.-J, Mulder F.M., Raap J., Balaban T.S., Holzwarth A.R., Schaffner K., Prytulla S., Oschkinat H & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Multidimensional CP-MAS 13C NMR of uniformly enriched chlorophyll, Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 54(9): 1167-1176.
- Rossum B.J. van, Duyl B.Y. van, Steensgaard D.B., Balaban T.S., Holzwarth A.R., Schaffner K. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), Evidence from Solid State NMR Correlation Spectroscopy for two Interstack arrangements in the Chlorosome Antenna system, Proceedings of the XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis : .
- Heinen W., Duin M. van, Rosenmuller C.H., Wenzel C.B., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (1998), 13C NMR study of the grafting of 13C labeled maleic anhydride onto PE, PP and EPM, Macromolecular Symposia 129(1): 119-125.
- Boender G.-J., Vega S. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), A physical interpretation of the Floquet description of magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Molecular Physics 95(5): 921-934.
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- Kolbert A.C., Verel R., Groot H.J.M. de & Almeida M. (1997), Determination of the spin density distribution in the organic conductor DMTM(TCNQ)2 with 13C magic angle spinning NMR, Molecular Physics 91(4): 725-730.
- Bifone A., Groot H.J.M. de & Buda F. (1997), Energy storage in the primary photoproduct of vision, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101(15): 2954-2958.
- Rossum B.J. van, Wachtveitl J., Raap J., Hoef K. van der, Gast P., Lugtenburg J., Oesterhelt D. & Groot H.J.M. de (1997), 13C MAS NMR evidence for structural similarity of L162YL mutant and Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 RC, despite widely different cytochrome c(2)-mediated re-reduction kinetics of the oxidized primary donor, Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 53(12): 2201-2208.
- Verdegem P.J.E., Helmle M., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1997), Internuclear distance measurements up to 0.44 nm for retinals in the solid state with 1-D rotational resonance C-13 MAS NMR spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 119(1): 169-174.
- Weesie R.J., Verel R., Jansen F.J.H.M., Britton G., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1997), The mechanism of the colour shift of astaxanthin in alpha-crustacyanin as investigated by C-13 MAS NMR and specific isotope enrichment, Pure and Applied Chemistry 69(10): 2085-2090.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk A., Rossum B. van, Boender G.J., Franken E., Ashurst J., Raap J., Gast P., Hoff A.J. Oschkinat H. & Groot H.J.M. de (1997), Characterization of pheophytin ground states in Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 photosynthetic reaction centers from multispin pheophytin enrichment and 2-D 13C MAS NMR dipolar correlation spectroscopy, Biochemistry 36(24): 7513-7519.
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- Britton G., Weesie R.J., Askin D., Warburton J.D., Gallardo-Guerrero L., Jansen F.J.H.M., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J., Cornard J.P. & Merlin J.C. (1997), Carotenoid blues: Structural studies on carotenoproteins, Pure and Applied Chemistry 69(10): 2075-2084.
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- Feng X., Verdegem P.J.E., Lee Y.K., Sandström D., Edén M., Bovee-Geurts P., Grip W.J. de, Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Levitt M.H. (1997), Direct determination of a molecular torsional angle in the membrane protein rhodopsin by solid-state NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 119(29): 6853-6857.
- Heinen W., Rosenmöller C.H., Wenzel C.B., Groot H.J.M. de, Lugtenburg J. & Duin M. van (1996), 13C NMR study of the grafting of maleic anhydride onto polyethene, polypropene, and ethene-propene copolymers, Macromolecules 29(4): 1151-1157.
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