Universiteit Leiden

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Huib van Langevelde

Professor Galactic Radio Astronomy

Prof.dr. H.J. van Langevelde
+31 71 527 2727

Huib Jan van Langevelde is employed by JIVE, the European centre for VLBI in Dwingeloo. To Leiden he brings expertise on VLBI and other radio techniques and his research focuses on molecular astrophysics including masers.

More information about Huib van Langevelde

Astrophysical masers are an important tool for the research of Huib Jan van Langevelde. These bright radio beacons can be used for VLBI astrometry in order to map out the size and rotation of the Galaxy. This has important synergies with Gaia, especially when it comes to studying stellar populations. In addition, the masers can be used to study the dynamics of star formation and in some cases even the magnetic fields. In evolved stars, the same techniques are applied to mass loss and the formation of Planetary Nebulae. As former director of JIVE, Huib Jan van Langevelde is involved in many international projects and collaborations; he contributes to the definition of the SKA and the use of VLBI, also for ALMA. In addition, he is an expert on data processing software for radio astronomy.

STRW page

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Professor Galactic Radio Astronomy

  • Science
  • Sterrewacht
  • Sterrewacht

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BW2.43


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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