Hugo Hogenbirk
- Name
- Dr. H.D. Hogenbirk
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

I'm a philosopher with a background in computer science and digital humanities. My work concerns both contemporary theoretical philosophy (especially in relation to the analysis of the semantics and metaphysics of fiction) and conceptual/intellectual history. Currently, I'm working on the conceptual history of "worldview" in the project "Culture Wars and Modern Worldviews" based at the University of Groningen. Here, I combine close reading and computational modelling of the concept over time in parliamentary, book and newspaper corpora. At Leiden University I work as a lecturer, teaching topics like Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics of Fiction and Philosophical Skills. Some other related interests resulting from the above activities include the history of science, methodological innovations in semantic modelling, the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of Anne Conway.
Fields of interest
- Philosophy of fiction;
- Computational semantics;
- Conceptual history;
- History of worldview;
- Anne Conway
Selected publications
- Hogenbirk. "Each Book its own Babel" (PhD-Thesis, 2023)
- Hogenbirk. "Detection of words versus good old counting: A note on Mizrahi and Dickinson, “The analytic-continental divide in philosophical practice” (Metaphilosophy, 2023)
- Hogenbirk, Mol. Interpreting Measures of Meaning: Introducing Salience Differentiated Stability. (Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2022).
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Oprichter