Hilde van Meegdenburg
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. H. van Meegdenburg
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5093
- h.van.meegdenburg@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0011-588X

Hilde van Meegdenburg is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science.
Hilde van Meegdenburg is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science of Leiden University. Her research focusses on state foreign policy making with a particular focus on state ‘collective narratives’—the stories states tell about themselves, others, and (historical) events—and the ways in which such narratives lay at the basis of both collective meaning making and foreign policy. A central question in her research is how states ‘talk’ about themselves and others and, through a multitude of storied interventions, bring (narrate) into being particular interstate relations—both peaceful and conflictual.
Besides her substantive work Hilde actively works on further developing qualitative research methods and methodologies, in particular process tracing methods. In relation to this she taught, and will continue to teach, many courses on process tracing throughout Europe. More information about her process tracing activities, publications, and workshops can be found here.
Hilde currently also holds a Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowship (SoDiIR) to research ‘social distance’ in international relations and world politics. This project foregrounds the socio-emotional dimension of state foreign policy making.
Before coming to Leiden University in 2018, she held positions at the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich and the Technical University (TU) Munich. She obtained her doctor’s degree at the Free University Berlin in 2016. During her Ph.D. candidacy she was based at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin as a research fellow.
More information on her research, teaching and person can be found on her personal website hildevanmeegdenburg.com. You can find her on twitter as @HildeMeeg.
PhD supervision
Hilde van Meegdenburg is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- Security studies (especially private actors in security governance)
- Foreign policy
- Emotions in International Relations
See for more information on PhD positions:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
Secondment DPC
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Dual PhD Centre
- Daßler B., Zangl B. & Meegdenburg H. van (2024), Is there a religious bias?: Attitudes towards military humanitarian intervention in Germany, European Journal of International Security 9(3): 434-448.
- Meegdenburg H. van (2023) How to judge? : Qualitative literacy and process tracing studies. Review of: Small M.L. & Calarco J.M. (2022), Qualitative literacy: a guide to evaluating ethnographic and interview research. Oakland: University of California Press 21(1): 12-14.
- Meegdenburg H. van (2023), Process tracing: an analyticist approach. In: Mello P.A. & Ostermann F. (Eds.), Routledge handbook of foreign policy analysis methods. London and New York: Routledge. 405-420.
- Eckhard S., Patz R., Schönfeld M & Meegdenburg H. van (2021), International bureaucrats in the UN Security Council debates: A speaker-topic network analysis, Journal of European Public Policy : 1-20.
- Daßler B., Zangl B. & Meegdenburg H. van (2021), Mitleids- und hilfsmüdigkeit bei humanitären krisen: Zum effekt übermäßigen medienkonsums, Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 28(2): 64-82.
- Meegdenburg van H., Zangl B. & Daßler B. (2020), Humanitarian Interventions: Saving Close and Distant Strangers.
- Schönfeld M., Eckhard S., Patz R., van Meegdenburg H. & Pires A. (2019), The UN Security Council Debates, 1995-2020: Havard Dataverse. [database].
- Meegdenburg H. van (2019), ‘We don’t do that’: A constructivist perspective on the use and non-use of private military contractors by Denmark, Cooperation and Conflict 54(1): 25-43.
- Meegdenburg H. van (2017), Nachfrage aus dem »Westen« trifft Arbeit aus dem »Süden«: PMSCs und der Einsatz von internationalen labour supply chains in der westlichen Kriegsführung, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 6(2): 289-308.
- Van Meegdenburg H. (2015), What the Research on PMSCs Discovered and Neglected: An Appraisal of the Literature, Contemporary Security Policy 36(2): 321-345.