Universiteit Leiden

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Hester Ruigendijk

Assistant Professor

Dr. H.A.H. Ruigendijk
+31 71 527 1361

Hester Ruigendijk studies the effects of financial scarcity for the Knowledge Centre for Psychology and Economic Behaviour. Next to that, she has multiple teaching and coordinating roles within the department of Social, Economic, and Organisational Psychology.

More information about Hester Ruigendijk

Hester Ruigendijk studies the effects of financial scarcity for the Knowledge Centre for Psychology and Economic Behaviour. Next to that, she has multiple teaching and coordinating roles within the department of Social, Economic, and Organisational Psychology.


Ruigendijk coordinates the master Social and Organisational Psychology and teaches several courses of this master. She also teaches several courses in Social and Organisational Psychology within the bachelor of Psychology. Next to that, she supervises thesis students, coordinates internships, trains professionals, and is manager of the team of teachers within the Department of Bachelor's Education (ABO). 

Short CV

Ruigendijk graduated from the master Social Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (2006). She completed her PhD on individual differences in performance under pressure at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2012. After that, she thaught courses in topics as statstics, work, and health at University College Utrecht (2012-2014) and the Nederlands Commercieel Opleidingsinstituut (NCOI; 2014-2017). Currently, she is working as an assistant professor at the department of Social, Economic, and Organisational Psychology at Leiden University. 

Grants and Awards

  • Comenius grant (2022): grant for innovating and improving higher education. 

Assistant Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2A37


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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