Henning Lahmann
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. H.C. Lahmann
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8838
- h.c.lahmann@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9890-0300

Dr. Henning Lahmann is Assistant Professor at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies.
More information about Henning Lahmann
Dr. Henning Lahmann is Assistant Professor at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University Law School. His research focuses on the intersection of digital technologies and international law, with a particular interest in the use of digital open-source information by civil society actors and its impact on international legal processes, disinformation and information operations, the legal, political, and ethical implications of the use of AI in military and security applications, transnational cybersecurity, and civil and human rights after the digital transformation.
From September 2021 to May 2022, Henning was a Hauser Post-Doctoral Global Fellow at NYU School of Law, pursuing research on the use of open-source intelligence in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with support from a research grant by the German Academic Exchange Service. Prior to joining Leiden University, he worked as a senior researcher and Program Leader International Cyber Law at the Digital Society Institute at the ESMT Berlin. Between May 2020 and June 2022, he also served as an associate research fellow at the projects “Protection of the Global Information Space” and “Disruptive Military Technologies” (in collaboration with the ICRC) at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. In 2019, Henning pursued a research fellowship focusing on disinformation campaigns under international and public law at the Israel Public Policy Institute and the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.
Henning holds a doctoral degree in international law from the University of Potsdam, Germany. A book based on his dissertation, “Unilateral Remedies to Cyber Operations”, was published by Cambridge University Press in April 2020. Before his time at the Digital Society Institute, he worked as senior policy advisor at the Berlin-based think tank iRights.Lab, which deals with questions concerning the digital transformation of society. During that time, he acted as the German correspondent for Freedom House’s annual “Freedom on the Net” report. Henning studied law and philosophy in Hamburg and Prague and held research fellow positions at the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel, the University of Potsdam, and FU Berlin.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Custers B.H.M., Lahmann H.C. & Scott B.I. (2025), From Liability Gaps to Liability Overlaps: Shared Responsibilities and Fiduciary Duties in AI and Other Complex Technologies, AI and Society : 1-16.
- Lahmann H.C. (3 February 2025), Should States Use Social Media to Warn Civilians in Armed Conflict?. Ethics & International Affairs: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. [web article].
- Lahmann H.C. (2025), Self-Determination in the Age of Algorithmic Warfare, European Journal of Legal Studies 16(Special Issue on Law and Technology): 161-214.
- Lahmann H.C. & Skierka I. (2024), Thematic Cooperation on Cybersecurity. In: Kübek G., Tams C.J. & Terhechte J.P. (Eds.), EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A Handbook. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Beck-Hart. 495-512.
- Lahmann H.C. (2024), AI in the age of distrust, Ethics and Armed Forces = Ethik und Militär 2024(1): 76-83.
- Belic J., Canfield M.C., Griffin R., Lahmann H.C. & Sander B.J. (18 June 2024), The promise and perils of human rights for governing digital platforms: symposium introduction. Tech Policy Press: Tech Policy Press. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (2024), KI im Zeitalter des Misstrauens, Ethics and Armed Forces = Ethik und Militär 2024(1): 76-84.
- Geiß R. & Lahmann H.C. (Eds.) (2024), Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Geiß R. & Lahmann H.C. (2024), Introduction to Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence. In: Geiß R. & Lahmann H.C. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 1-8.
- Scott B.I., Custers B.H.M. & Lahmann H.C. (2024), Drone regulation and AI Law: assessing the intersection of the EU Legal Frameworks for unmanned aircraft and artificial intelligence, Air and Space Law 49(6): 565-584.
- Lahmann H.C. (2024), Die völkerrechtliche Dimension der IT-Sicherheit [The international legal dimension of IT security]. In: Hornung G. & Schallbruch M. (Eds.), IT-Sicherheitsrecht: Praxishandbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 133-159.
- Lahmann H.C. (3 November 2024), European security and the threat of ‘Cognitive Warfare’: beware of the algorithmic ministry of truth. Europe’s Geopolitical Coming of Age: Adapting Law and Governance to Harsh International Realities: Verfassungsblog. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C., Custers B.H.M., Scott B.I., Santoni de Sio F., Heijnen M. & Akrum I. (2024), Design methodologies for addressing Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of military AI applications: [Deliverable 2.1, Version 2.0]. The Hague: ELSA Lab Defence.
- Scott B.I., Lahmann H.C. & Custers B.H.M. (2023), Adopting AI in defence organisations requires further focus on ethical, legal and societal aspects, ICUAS magazine 1(2): 3-5.
- Lahmann H. (2023), The plea of necessity in cyber emergencies: unresolved doctrinal questions, Nordic Journal of International Law 92(3): 422-445.
- Lahmann H.C., Custers B.H.M. & Scott B.I. (2023), Design methodologies for addressing Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of military AI applications: [Version 1.0; Deliverable 2.1]. Research memo series / ELSA Lab Defence no. 2. The Hague: ELSA Lab Defence.
- Lahmann H.C. (2023), State behaviour in cyberspace: normative development and points of contention, Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 16(1): 31-41.
- Lahmann H.C. (2022), Infecting the mind: establishing responsibility for transboundary disinformation, European journal of international law 33(2): 411-440.
- Lahmann H.C. (2022), Remarks by Henning Lahmann: Winning Likes and Minds: Creative Responses to the International Struggle over Information, Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 115(2021): 310-312.
- Lahmann H.C. & Skierka I. (2022), Die thematische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Cybersicherheit. In: Kübek G., Tams C.J. & Terhechte J.P. (Eds.), Handels- und Zusammenarbeitsabkommen EU/VK: Handbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 619-638.
- Lahmann H.C. (22 March 2022), Ukraine and the New Politics of Faux Transparency. Just Security. New York: New York University School of Law. [blog entry].
- Benthem T. van & Lahmann H.C. (2022), Scenario 27: Contesting and redirecting ongoing attacks (Cyber Law Toolkit). [other].
- Lahmann H.C. (2022), Ukraine, open-source investigations, and the future of international legal discourse, American Journal of International Law 116(4): 810-820.
- Kreutzer T. & Lahmann H.C. (2021), Rechtsfragen bei Open Science: Ein Leitfaden [2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage]. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
- Lahmann H.C. (2021), On the Politics and Ideologies of the Sovereignty Discourse in Cyberspace, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 32(1): 61-107.
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (2021), The Use of AI in Military Contexts: Opportunities and Regulatory Challenges, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 59(2): 165-195.
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (2021), Protection of Data in Armed Conflict, International Law Studies 97: 556-572.
- Lahmann H.C. (2021), Zur operativen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft in der Cybersicherheit in Deutschland, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 45(4): 239-243.
- Lahmann H.C. (2021), Die völkerrechtliche Dimension der IT-Sicherheit. In: Hornung G. & Schallbruch M. (Eds.), IT-Sicherheitsrecht: Praxishandbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 109-132.
- Lahmann H.C. (19 November 2021), Desperate Migrants as "Armed Bands"?: A Response to Sari and Hudson. Just Security. New York: New York University School of Law. [blog entry].
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (3 March 2021), Protecting the Information Space in Times of Armed Conflict. Just Security. New York: New York University School of Law. [blog entry].
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (23 February 2021), Protecting Societies – Anchoring a New Protection Dimension in International Law During Armed Conflict: An Agenda for Discussion. EJIL: Talk!. [blog entry].
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (15 February 2021), Data Protection in Armed Conflict. Verfassungsblog. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (8 January 2021), Does Foreign Electoral Interference Violate International Law?. Cambridge Core Blog. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (2020), Unilateral Remedies to Cyber Operations: Self-Defence, Countermeasures, Necessity, and the Question of Attribution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lahmann H.C. (2020), Protecting the global information space in times of armed conflict, International Review of the Red Cross 102(915): 1227-1248.
- Lahmann H.C. (2020), Information Operations and the Question of Illegitimate Interference under International Law, Israel Law Review 53(2): 189-224.
- Lahmann H.C. (2020), "Hacking Back" by States and the Uneasy Place of Necessity within the Rule of Law, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 80(2): 453-477.
- Geiss R., Krieger H. & Lahmann H.C. (2020), Introduction: The History of Multinational Military Operations and Contemporary Legal Challenges. In: Geiss R. & Krieger H. (Eds.), The ‘Legal Pluriverse’ Surrounding Multinational Military Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-24.
- Lahmann H.C. (19 November 2020), Two Steps Back? Germany’s Revised Foreign Intelligence Service Law Is Still Hurting Press Freedoms. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (16 July 2020), Hacking Back and International Law: An Irreconcilable Pair?. Verfassungsblog. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (27 May 2020), Millionen aus Peking für die deutsche Bundesliga?. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
- Lahmann H.C. (7 May 2020), Does China Really Owe the World Trillions of Dollars?. Lawfare. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (20 April 2020), Cyberattacks against Hospitals during a Pandemic and the Case for an Emergency Regime for Cyberspace. FifteenEightyFour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (17 January 2020), Mistake of Fact in Putative Self-Defence Against Cyber Attacks. EJIL: Talk!. [blog entry].
- Lahmann H.C. (22 September 2019), Alleged Voter Fraud: The Most Dangerous Lie. Heinrich Böll Foundation. Tel Aviv. [blog entry].
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (2017), Autonomous Weapons Systems: A Paradigm Shift for the Law of Armed Conflict?. In: Ohlin J.D. (Ed.), Research Handbook on Remote Warfare. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 371-404.
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (2013), Freedom and Security in Cyberspace: Shifting the Focus Away from Military Responses Towards Non-Forcible Countermeasures and Collective Threat-Prevention. In: Ziolkowski K. (Ed.), Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace. International Law, International Relations and Diplomacy. Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications. 621-657.
- Geiss R. & Lahmann H.C. (2012), Cyber Warfare: Applying the Principle of Distinction in an Interconnected Space, Israel Law Review 45(3): 381-399.
- Lahmann H.C. (2012), Biafra Conflict. In: Peters A. & Wolfrum R. (Eds.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Stahlberg T. & Lahmann H.C. (2011), A Paradigm of Prevention: Humpty Dumpty, the War on Terror, and the Power of Preventive Detention in the United States, Israel, and Europe, The American Journal of Comparative Law 59(4): 1051-1087.
- Lahmann H.C. (2009), The Israeli Approach to Detain Terrorist Suspects and International Humanitarian Law: The Decision Anonymous v. State of Israel, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 69: 347-364.