Universiteit Leiden

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Henk Hoekstra

Professor Observational cosmology

Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
+31 71 527 5594

His main area of research is observational cosmology, with a particular focus on the study of dark matter and dark energy using weak gravitational lensing.

More information about Henk Hoekstra


Since 2011 he is a cosmology coordinator for Euclid, the ESA mission to study the nature of dark energy and many other aspects of our current cosmological paradigm.

After completing his PhD (cum laude) at the University of Groningen in 2000, he moved to Canada, initially as a postdoctoral fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Toronto. In 2004 he moved to the University of Victoria as an assistant professor and a scholar of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. In 2007 Henk Hoekstra was awarded a prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. He returned to his native country in 2008 to join the faculty of Leiden Observatory. In this year he was awarded a Vidi grant by the Dutch funding agency NWO and a Marie Curie international reintegration grant from the European Union. His current research is funded by a starting grant from the European Research Council, which was awarded in 2011.

Personal website

Henk Hoekstra | Space Team Europe for Euclid

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Professor Observational cosmology

  • Science
  • Sterrewacht
  • Sterrewacht

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BW3.50


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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