Hendrik Lenstra
Professor emeritus of fundamental and applied mathematics
- Name
- Prof.dr. H.W. Lenstra
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7127
- hwl@math.leidenuniv.nl

Personal webpage
Professor emeritus of fundamental and applied mathematics
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (2015) Solving the Pell equation. Review of: Jacobson M.J. & Williams H.C. (2009), Solving the Pell equation. New York: Springer. Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society 52(2): 345--351.
- Lenstra H.W., Stevenhagen P. & Moree P. (2014), Character sums for primitive root densities, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 157(3): 489--511.
- Smit B. & Lenstra H.W. (2013), Standard models of finite fields. In: Mullen G.L. & Panario D. (Eds.), Handbook of finite fields. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 401-404.
- Lenstra H.W. (2010), Irreducible cubics modulo five, American Mathematical Monthly 117: 817-821.
- Lenstra H.W. (2010), Ode aan het getal 43, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5(10): 240-244.
- Smeets I., Lenstra A., Lenstra H.W., Lovász L. & Emde Boas P. van (2009), The history of the LLL algorithm. Nguyen P.Q. & Vallée B. (Eds.). . The LLL algorithm survey and applications. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1-17.
- Lenstra H.W. (2008), Solving the Pell equation, 1-25, Lattices, 127-183. In: , Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography: Cambridge University Press.
- Bernstein D.J. & Lenstra H.W. (2007), Detecting perfect powers by factoring into coprimes, Math. Comp. 76: 385-388.
- Lenstra H.W. (2007), Commentary on H: Divisibility and congruences, Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society II: 901-902.
- Lenstra H.W. (2006), Profinite Fibonacci numbers, Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society 61: 15-19.
- Lenstra H.W. (2005), Escher en het Droste-effect. In: , Het raadsel van informatie. Amsterdam: Boom. 131-144.
- Lenstra H.W. (2005), Over de fabricage van priemgetallen, Verslag van de gewone vergadering van de Afdeling Natuurkunde. no. 1.
- Lenstra H.W. (2005), Profinite Fibonacii numbers, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5(6): 297-300.
- Lenstra H.W. & Smit B. de (2003), The mathematical structure of Escher's Print Galary, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 50(11): 446-451.
- Smit B., Lenstra H.W., Dunham D. & Sarhangi R. (2003), Artful mathematics: the heritage of M.C. Escher, Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 50(4): 446-457.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (2000), Artin reciprocity and Mersenne primes, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 1(1): 44-54.
- Lenstra H.W. (1998), Het wijnmengersprobleem van Diophantus. In: Koning R., Lenstra H.W., Lenstra J.K. & Wansbeek T. (Eds.), In: Andries en zijn kameraden. Amsterdam 36-41.
- Lenstra H.W. & Smit B. de (1998), Linearly equivalent actions of solvable groups. onbekend: MI Getaltheorie.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (1997), Class field theory and the first case of Fermat's last theorem. In: Cornell G., Silverman J.H. & Stevens G. (Eds.), Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem. New Yorik: Springer. 499-503.
- Stevenhagen P. & Lenstra H.W. (1996), Chebotarev and his density theorem, Mathematical Intelligencer 18(2): 26-37.
- Lenstra HW. & Stevenhagen P. (1989), Über das Fortsetzen von Bewertungen in vollständigen Körpern, Archiv der Mathematik 53(6): 547-552.
- Lenstra H.W. (1977), Euclidische getallenlichamen. Amsterdam: Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.
- Lenstra H.W. (1975), Euclid's Algorithm in Cyclotomic Fields, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2-10(4): 457-465.