Universiteit Leiden

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Hans-Martien ten Napel

Associate Professor

Mr.dr. H.M.T.D. ten Napel
+31 71 527 7710

Hans-Martien ten Napel, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University. Before transferring to the law school, he taught at the Institute for Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Leiden University. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA).

More information about Hans-Martien ten Napel

During the 2014-2015 academic year, he served as a ‘Research Fellow in Legal Studies’ at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ. He participated in an interdisciplinary research project entitled ‘Law and Religious Freedom.’ As a fruit of the fellowship, he published the monograph Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human published by Routledge (2017; paperback edition, 2019).

In addition, he recently co-edited and co-authored the volumes Een nieuwe politieke formule. Ideeën voor staat en samenleving geïnspireerd door Alexis de Tocqueville (A New Political Formula. Ideas for State and Society Inspired by Alexis de Tocqueville) (2021) and Het radicale midden overzee. Verkenningen van het postliberalisme (The Radical Middle Overseas. Explorations of Postliberalism) (2021).

In preparation are two international follow-up volumes on these same topics and a new monograph on ‘Re-connecting constitutional law and natural law’ (working title). Since 2015 he has been a member of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid (Journal of Religion, Law and Policy) (Boom Juridische uitgevers). Since 2021, he has also been a Senior Fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy in Plano, TX.


Associate Professor

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Staats- en Bestuursrecht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number C1.11



  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (14 April 2000), From Principled Pluralism to Strict Separation: The Changing Relationship. Joint Sessions of Workshops, European Consortium for Political Research. Kopenhagen, Denemarken. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (20 August 1999), Overheidsfacilitering voor Godsdienstige Denominaties. Clusterbijeenkomst Sociale Cohesie. Meijersinstituut. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (2 September 1999), From Establishment to Strict Separation. Annual Meeting American Political Science Association. Atlanta. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Labuschagne B.C. & Napel Hans-Martien ten (16 December 1999), Overheidsfacilitering voor godsdienstige denominaties. Conferentie Sociale Cohesie en Multiculturalisme. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (16 December 1999), Overheidsfacilitering voor Godsdienstige Denominaties. Conferentie Sociale Cohesie en Multiculturalisme. Universiteit Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (5 March 1999), De Rol van de Rechter bij de Uitleg van de Vrijheid van Godsdienst in een Pluriforme Samenleving. Clusterbijeenkomst Sociale Cohesie. Meijersinstituut. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Napel Hans-Martien ten (17 June 1999), The Fall of Christian Democracy in Europe. Second National Conference, Christians in Political Science. Calvin College, Grand Rapids. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy Senior Fellow
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