Hans Hilgenkamp
Professor of Experimental physics
- Name
- Prof.dr.ir. J.W.M. Hilgenkamp
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5568
- hilgenkamp@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl

Former PhD candidates
Professor of Experimental physics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Atesci H., Gelling W., Coneri F., Hilgenkamp J.W.M. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2018), On the nature of ionic liquid gating of La2-xSrxCuO4, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(2): 566.
- Atesci H., Coneri F., Leeuwenhoek M., Bommer J., Seddon J.R.T., Hilgenkamp J.W.M. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2018), On the formation of a conducting surface channel by ionic-liquid gating of an insulator, Annalen der Physik 530(10): 1700449.
- Atesci H., Coneri F., Leeuwenhoek M., Hilgenkamp H. & Ruitenbeek J.M. van (2017), On the nature of ionic liquid gating of Nd2−xCexCuO4 thin films, Low Temperature Physics 43(2): 290.
- Rademaker L., Brink J. van den, Zaanen J. & Hilgenkamp J.W.M. (2013), Exciton condensation in strongly correlated electron bilayers, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 88(23): 235127.
- Rademaker L., Brink J. van den, Hilgenkamp J.W.M. & Zaanen J. (2013), Enhancement of spin propagation due to interlayer exciton condensation, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 88(12): 121101.
- Rademaker L., Zaanen J. & Hilgenkamp J.W.M. (2011), Prediction of quantization of magnetic flux in double-layer exciton superfluids, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83(1): 012504.
- Brück T., Beaudry C., Hilgenkamp H., Karoonuthaisiri N., Mohamed H.S. & Weiss G.A. (2010), Empowering Young Scientists, Science 328(17): .
- Brück T., Beaudry C., Hilgenkamp H., Kassen R., Karoonuthaisiri N., Mohamed H.S. & Weiss G.A. (2010), The Time of Young Scientists Response, Science 329: 626-627.
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