Universiteit Leiden

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Hans de Vries

External PhD candidate

Mr. H.R. de Vries
070 8009506

Hans de Vries is an external PhD candidate at the Graduate School of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. The working title 'De paradoxale relatie tussen politie en burgers'.

More information about Hans de Vries

Hans de Vries is a police commissioner and he works as deputy national portfolio holder community policing at the National Police and he is involved in developing the area-based police in the Netherlands.

Hans is a lawyer and criminologist and an external PhD candidate at Leiden University. His research focuses on the relationship between police and civilians and, in particular, on the question to what extent the relationship between police and civilians contributes to the functioning of the police in the neighborhood, based on the perceptions of police officers.

External PhD candidate

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs
  • Intelligence

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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