Hannah De Mulder
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. H.N.M. De Mulder
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7563
- h.n.m.de.mulder@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3582-7457

Hannah De Mulder is a University Lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics.
She also has a workspace in The Hague:
Wijnhaven Building
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP Den Haag
Room number 5.14
+31 70 800 9443
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Mulder H. de, Poiares Baptista P. & Rutten G. (2024), Multilingualism in Leiden: Linguistic repertoires in a diverse Dutch city. Mercator International Conference, Leeuwarden. 7 November 2024 - 8 November 2024. [conference poster].
- Kurz P. & De Mulder H.N.M. (2023), A star is born? : The German gender star and its effects on mental representation, Psychology of Language and Communication 27(1): 384-404.
- Kurz P.I., Gonner C., Bartnicka Monika M. & De Mulder H.N.M. (2022), A table named James or a table named Maya?: The influence of grammatical gender on the perception of objects in German and Polish, Linguistics in the Netherlands 39: 143-157.
- Struiksma M.E., De Mulder H.N.M. & Van Berkum J.J.A. (2022), Do people get used to insulting language?, Frontiers in Communication 7: .
- Frey V., De Mulder H.N.M., Bekke M. ter, Struiksma M.E., Berkum J. J. A. van & Buskens V. (2022), Do self-talk phrases affect behavior in ultimatum games?, Mind & Society 21: 89-119.
- De Mulder N.H.M., Hakemulder F., Klaassen F., Junge C.M.M., Hoijtink H. van & Berkum J.J.A. (2022), Figuring out what they feel: exposure to eudaimonic narrative fiction is related to mentalizing ability, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 16(2): 242-258.
- Gathercole V.C.M., Stadthagen-González H., Parafita Couto M.C., Mulder H.N.M. de, Pérez-Tattam R.S., Bosma E., Borisova B.Z. & Romaneli M.G. (2022), Moveable Figures and Grounds: Making the case for the dual nature of motion events as events of motion AND change of state. In: Levie R. (Ed.), Developing language and literacy: Studies in honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Leeuwen M. van, Mulder H.N.M. de & Hollander A. den (2022), Valt de lezer om te turnen? Effecten van formuleringskeuzes in de zaak ‘Van Gelder', Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing 44(3): 156-175.
- Mulder H.N.M. de, Wijnen F. & Coopmans P.H.A. (2019), Interrelationships between theory of mind and language development: a longitudinal study of Dutch-speaking kindergartners, Cognitive Development 51: 67-82.
- Bergstra M., Mulder H.N.M. de & Coopmans P. (2018), Do children go for the nice guys? The influence of speaker benevolence and certainty on selective word learning, Journal of Child Language 45(4): 900-916.
- De Mulder H.N.M. & Gautero-Watzema A. (2018), Acquiring epistemic modal auxiliaries: The role of Theory of Mind, Research in Language 16(1): 99-112.
- Mulder H.N.M. de, Hakemulder F., Berghe M.A.J. van den & Berkum J.J.A. van (2017), Effects of exposure to literary narrative fiction: From book smart to street smart?, Scientific Study of Literature 7(1): 129-169.
- Mulder H.N.M. de (2017), Taalontwikkeling en Theory of Mind: Hoe taal helpt om de ander te begrijpen, De Filosoof (Periodieke uitgave van de Faculteitsvereniging Utrechtse Filosofie studenten voor het departement Filosofie en Religiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht) 75: 7-10.
- Mulder H.N.M. de (2015), Developing communicative competence: A longitudinal study of the acquisition of mental state terms and indirect requests, Journal of Child Language 42(5): 969-1005.
- Koring L. & De Mulder H.N.M. (2015), Understanding different sources of information: the acquisition of evidentiality, Journal of Child Language 42(5): 947-968.
- Bergstra M., Mulder Hannah N.M. de & Coopmans P. (2013), Children’s ability to use speaker certainty in learning novel words. In: Aalberse S. & Auer A. (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands. Linguistics in the Netherlands no. 30. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-12.
- Mulder H.N.M. de (2012), Taal en Theory of Mind: De rol van taal bij het begrijpen van anderen, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 51(11): 546-556.
- Mulder H.N.M. de (2012), Taal en inlevingsvermogen, De Wereld van het Jonge Kind 39(5): 4-6.
- Mulder H.N.M. de (2011), Putting the pieces together: The development of Theory of Mind and (mental) language. LOT dissertation series no. 272. Utrecht: LOT.
- Everaert M., Lentz T., Mulder H.N.M. de, Nilsen Ø. & Zondervan A. (2010), The linguistics enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics. In: Everaert M., Lentz T., Mulder H.N.M. De, Nilsen Ø. & Zondervan A. (Eds.), The Linguistics Enterprise: From Knowledge of Language to Knowledge in Linguistics. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today no. 150. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-10.
- Everaert M., Lentz T., Mulder H.N.M. de, Nilsen Ø. & Zondervan A. (2010), The Linguistics Enterprise: From Knowledge of Language to Knowledge in Linguistics. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today no. 150. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.