Universiteit Leiden

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Gunnar Weimann

Research Fellow / Guest

Dr. G.J. Weimann
+31 70 800 9965

Dr. Gunnar Weimann is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University.

More information about Gunnar Weimann

Dr. Gunnar J. Weimann holds a PhD in Islamic Studies from Amsterdam University for a thesis on the application of Islamic criminal law in northern Nigeria. After completing his studies in Arabic and French at Leipzig University, he has worked extensively on Muslim discourses regarding law and violence in Africa and the Middle East.


Doctoral thesis

Islamic Criminal Law in Northern Nigeria: Politics, Religion, Judicial Practice , Amsterdam (Amsterdam University Press), 2010

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

'Competition and Innovation in a Hostile Environment: How Jabhat Al-Nusra and Islamic State Moved to Twitter in 2013–2014', Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (2018).

'Islamic Law and Muslim Governance in Northern Nigeria: crimes against life, limb and property in sharīʿa judicial practice', Islamic Law and Society, 17:3 (2010), p. 375-419

'An Alternative Vision of Sharia Application in Northern Nigeria: Ibrahim Salih’s Hadd Offences in the Sharia', Journal for Religion in Africa, 40:2 (2010), p. 192-221

'Divine Law and Local Custom in Northern Nigerian zina Trials', Die Welt des Islams, 49:3-4 (2009), p. 429-465

'Judicial Practice in Islamic Criminal Law in Nigeria-A tentative overview', Islamic Law and Society, 14:2 (2007), p. 240-286

Book chapters

'States, terrorists and bandits: ḥirāba in jihadist ideology', in Beate Backe, Thoralf Hanstein and Kristina Stock (eds.), Arabische Sprache im Kontext: Festschrift zu Ehren von Eckehard Schulz (Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2018), p. 187-212.

'Between the Arab Revolutions and the Islamic State’s Caliphate: al-Qaeda Leaders’ Online Propaganda 2012 – 2014', in Terrorists’ Use of the Internet: Assessment and Response, ed. Maura Conway, Lee Jarvis, Orla Lehane, Stuart Macdonald, Lella Nouri, Amsterdam (iOS Press), 2017.

'Openness to Dialogue and the Limits of Intercultural Dialogue', in Conflict: What has Religion got to do with it? An African-European Dialogue, ed. Petra Raymond and Harruna Attah, Accra (Goethe-Institut Accra), 2004, p. 15-24

Encyclopaedia entry

'Nigeria', Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Law, ed. Jonathan Brown, Oxford University Press, online.

Research Fellow / Guest

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.33



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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