Universiteit Leiden

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Guilherme Perin


Dr. G. Perin
+31 71 527 2727

Guilherme is an assistant professor at LIACS since 2022. His research areas include hardware security, side-channel attacks, applied cryptography, optimization algorithms, and deep learning.

More information about Guilherme Perin

Guilherme is an assistant professor at LIACS since 2022. He graduated in Electrical Engineering (2008) and has Master in Informatics (2011) by the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil). In 2014, he received his PhD in Microelectronics and Automated Systems from the University of Montpellier. He also has previous experience as a security analyst in hardware security industry and has two postdocs (from TU Delft and Radboud University). His research areas include hardware security, side-channel attacks, applied cryptography, optimization algorithms, and deep learning.


  • Science
  • Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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